I like Season 3
Season 3 is a great season for The Walking Dead as characters such as Javier and David have a lot of personality and backstory. The fact that your choices impact the outcome of Clementine, in the end, is great also.
But the most important part is that Javier has a baseball bat.
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boom fuck outta here
it wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as season 1 or 2. It would of been better if we were playing as Clem and if the season 2 flashbacks, were done better.
Season 3 IS
To be honest, I enjoyed it more than season two, though I just didn’t like season two.
It's definitely in the top four Walking Dead games TT has made.
That is total bs, it only affects a screen which tells you what "your Clementine has become" which doesn't impact the game.
I like playing the game but I have to forget that S1 and S2 exist to fully enjoy it, it just doesn't serve as a continuation.
Honestly I share that opinion. I think A New Frontier was ok. Although I notice the flaws it has and why people dislike it but I enjoyed it. I think that despite not reaching the success of Season One and Season Two I still think it was a good Season
Eh, I'm honestly not sure what I can ultimately say regarding it.
I mean, for what it's worth, I think I technically liked more characters on the first playthrough here than in Season 2. And I really did like where it was going in Above the Law before the change in direction.
But ultimately, it is objective not as strong as Season 1 or even Season 2 and in fact represents a downward trend as far as the Main Story goes.
Yeah and our choices done by Javier didn't matter so I guess it makes sense that my Clementine didn't want to come with me save Richmond after all the things I've done for her. Didn't even sell her out to Conrad.
Come on bruh, there's no way deciding not to take her hostage to trade off to a hostile group at the suggestion of a nut with a gun could POSSIBLY influence how loyal she is to you, clearly that time she decided to hang out with Ava was what really showed her if she could trust Xavier because (ERROR. NOT FOUND.)
Unpopular opinion, but I completely agree with the sentiments here. I loved S1, fell off for S2 as it got incredibly unrealistic and Mary Sue-ish, then enjoyed the 3rd quite a bit. I'm not as big of a Clem fan as most though and am only picking up the next season because it's the 'Final season' for her and they are supposedly bringing back S1 characters to fill some plot holes. I was actually hoping that we would get a chance to run our own town as Javier and make the tough choices to keep us safe. But alas, let's go after the baby. Because babies, amirite?
Yeah, the deciding determinant factors involved with Little Miss Red Ring are clearly assbackwards.
They just should have kept the cabin group alive instead of adding bunch of cliche characters.
People have been saying everything about A New Frontier sucks,well NO ! I can prove them wrong,the best thing about A New Frontier is Jesus (that Garrus Vakarian Voice hmm..).
Too bad they explain nothing about him, he has little to no effect on the plot, and what non-jackshit he does couldn't have been done by another character, even Tripp.
Read the comics.
But yeah i can understand why some people didn't like him.
And it's in the fourth spot. I mean, the WORST!!!
I would rank it third on the list. I would put Season One in first place, Season Two in Second place and so forth.
Did Telltale bribe you to post this thread?
... That hurt
EDIT: Oh, look what finally decided to render, lol
I'm a simple man. I see Clem, the game gets GOTY
Seeing the comments in this thread really helps remind me why I hate this part of the Forums. Nobody can say anything positive about ANF without being bombarded with memes and being told that they're wrong.
...what were we supposed to discuss tho?
I'm not saying pretend that you like it. Just don't be so shitty to people that do like it. Sharing your opinion is fine. But when you say it in such a way that makes it seem like people are wrong for having a different opinion from yours is just plain shitty.
ANF actually kept me invested in The Walking Dead. I had no intention in continuing until I saw that they were branching down a new path and getting away from Clem. I had learned a lesson in S2. But they drug me back in, so for me personally, it was a good move and I enjoyed it far more then S2. It would easily be my 2nd favorite TWD venture by Telltale after the first season (which I don't think will ever be surpassed for nostalgia sake alone).
Will I get this final season? Yeah, because of the inclusion of other S1 characters (allegedly) and this being the end of the arc. Plus I still hold out hope that Javier will be included and maybe they'll venture another season with him and running a city with no resources and how we'd do it sort of thing.
That's my secret goal since they did mention that it wasn't the end of "The Walking Dead" in a story sense, just the end of Clementine's story. Which I am very happy is ending and they can go back to trying to create a new story.
You guys fighting? Just gonna chill down here and enjoy the show.
Huh, sounds kinda like State of Decay, without any actual gameplay. I do find it odd that you dislike season 2 and see Clem as a Mary Sue compared to Xavier, since he very matches that trope. But we can agree that we're happy Clems story is ending though, won't have to worry about getting further installments only to find out it's just a spinoff instead of a real entry.
I'm thinking it would be something along the lines of:
Running out of food .... Neighboring settlement has some food but not enough guns. Do you make a fair trade, potentially setting yourself up for being attacked soon by arming them or do you take them by force, knowing they clearly don't have the means to defend themselves. The Walkers are going to get them soon anyway.
Just a quick example, but it would be interesting (to me) to see the spread over the community and how they would potentially deal with an apocalypse. Although I would also be completely fine with a complete change of scenery like Fear The Walking Dead gave us. Let's go Urban! Chicago plz.
It's an interesting premise, and reminded me of what State of Decay was pitched as. It just sounds like a heavy deviation from TT forte, since they do more personal stories with slightly altering but generally very structured narratives.
Does he though?
He doesn't.
Random guy who appears out of nowhere having seemingly survived unscathed for the entirety of what's been going on, only to be suddenly inserted in the story as our protagonists greatest ally, who single handedly helps bring down a corrupt group of people and their experienced goons while winning the populations hearts and minds enough to step in and be become their new protector after being accepted by everyone's he's met previously as their leader nearly immediately, while also becoming the series protagonists best and most trusted friend by helping her love and trust again no matter what, in the span of days? Also, badass sharpshooter super bat fighter(like most former baseball players) lol.
Sorry @Fangirl101 , he does.
I'm okay if you liked Season 3. I personally hate it and I will never forgive Telltale for all the things related to it. I'm glad you had a good time with it, I would have felt bad if you despised it and thought wasn't worth your money.