Okay first, you like Fallout. Second, what if the character/companion in TFS sounds like (KIND OF) Gabe? But his actually kind of a badass (who knows how to deal with sh**) and is older than Clem....?
F*** this doesn't make sense. I don't know anymore.
Ah romance. I do like me a ship. Let me think, I’m pretty good at this…hmmm.
For a concept, it could be an old school friend or somebody … moreClementine knew from when she was little before the ZA. That could definitely add an instant connection there if they happened to recognize each other when they're older, and leave open room to talk about stuff from before which would help with getting along, especially with the limited time left for a Final Season to develop a romance. I know there can be time skips, but a repeat of Gabe with rushing things too fast would not be wise. So this person, they and Clementine can't click immediately, you'd need to be able to see that development over time through scenarios, and believe it.
If the game ended just heavily implying things were developing, and giving the player the choice to pursue it would be a smart move, or [I can’t believe I’m going to say it] allow the option for the player to skip on back… [view original content]
I had an idea a while ago that some of the people Clem meets in The Final Season could act almost like bad future versions of her where she … morefailed to save AJ. Such as:
* A suicidal teenager who has given up after losing the last of their group.
* A lone wolf like Jane except without the sense of detachment. An aimless wanderer yearning for connections yet is too afraid of the inevitable tragedies that come with them.
* Someone who had snapped under the pressure of the ZA and decided that they'll follow their own selfish impulses.
* A tyrant like Carver who rules with an iron fist yet unlike Carver is secretly ashamed of what they've done and what they've become.
True but we have seen on screen child deaths and suicides already happen in this series. As long as they they aren't too young, maybe around 16-17 then I don't think it's going too far, considering what has been shown in the games up to now, but I'd get if you feel like it's treading on thin ice.
True but we have seen on screen child deaths and suicides already happen in this series. As long as they they aren't too young, maybe around… more 16-17 then I don't think it's going too far, considering what has been shown in the games up to now, but I'd get if you feel like it's treading on thin ice.
True but we have seen on screen child deaths and suicides already happen in this series. As long as they they aren't too young, maybe around… more 16-17 then I don't think it's going too far, considering what has been shown in the games up to now, but I'd get if you feel like it's treading on thin ice.
Yeah, I do too and both the unnecessariness of it, the zigzaggy tone and/or distracted focus, plus the Janiac scenario and of course further reflection of it has not helped.
Okay, and before I begin don't misconstrue me as hoping to see something like this. My original post was expressing an implication, that Clementine would lose the will to live had she lost AJ in The Final Season. I am not in favor of a kid commiting suicide for the novelty and amusement of it. I will not tolerate accusations that I am.
You bring up Gabe's suicide as an example. I chose to hand him the gun. Not because I disliked him, not because I wanted him to kill himself, but because I wanted to grant him the control of his own fate that he wanted since the beginning. I play The Walking Dead to have my emotions be torn apart, not to enjoy people dying in horrible ways.
When I came up with that example I was thinking of a scenario where what Clementine said to them beforehand would affect what course of action they's take. It'd be reminiscent of what happened to Sarah, except Clem actually has a chance to save them and keep them alive this time around. If Telltale were to incorporate something like that into their game I would do everything to make sure the teen lives. It's entirely understandable that you would have objections to something like that, but know that I don't want something like that in TFS just for the sake of it.
Okay, and before I begin don't misconstrue me as hoping to see something like this. My original post was expressing an implication, that Cle… morementine would lose the will to live had she lost AJ in The Final Season. I am not in favor of a kid commiting suicide for the novelty and amusement of it. I will not tolerate accusations that I am.
You bring up Gabe's suicide as an example. I chose to hand him the gun. Not because I disliked him, not because I wanted him to kill himself, but because I wanted to grant him the control of his own fate that he wanted since the beginning. I play The Walking Dead to have my emotions be torn apart, not to enjoy people dying in horrible ways.
When I came up with that example I was thinking of a scenario where what Clementine said to them beforehand would affect what course of action they's take. It'd be reminiscent of what happened to Sarah, except Clem actually has a chance to save them and keep them alive… [view original content]
Alright, I just felt I needed to clarify. I'm not upset I just didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. You're opinion is completely valid I don't have a problem with it.
Well neither has any of her human companions. Lee, Kenny, Jane, Luke, Gabe and duck are all gone at this point half of them Clementine can kill herself.
Well, Kirkman DID say that there would be an Animal-Human Duo of sorts in the TFS, but then of course the Sam thing in Season 2 didn't exact… morely work out either because Clementine wound up having to KILL it within just a few minutes of meeting them so...
Well neither has any of her human companions. Lee, Kenny, Jane, Luke, Gabe and duck are all gone at this point half of them Clementine can kill herself.
I'll have to track down a similar thread to see if I posted any ideas there, because I honestly have little to no expectation, especially along this line.
Found it! I'll include dates to have separate my points, btw
See, I'm of a mixed mindset when it comes to this topic.
On one hand, she does need someone to interact with at points during this "Final Season" or else it runs the risk of being inherently boring and empty for the sake of bragging it's all about her. A character that's actually the same age as her could work since they technically never really had that before(or in Gabe's case, seemingly retconed it for the sake of "tradition"). Or even better, either a [younger] boy(because we had an overflow of girls long before this point) or a new mother figure would be interesting changes of pace from what we've previously had in bulk. Personally, I've been wanting a character that actually conflicts with her on a personal level to deal with, but that's probably another matter entirely.
On the other hand, they've blown through so many different perfectly good supporting and conflicting characters that I honestly struggle to believe this new character wouldn't just be an uncomfortable rehash at some point. And going back to the same age thing, having them be there for a romance subplot(straight or bi-curious) like I've seen a select few people talking about would be really trite--especially given the "development" in ANF that was totally not an easy cover for a lack of anything of note for her to do in the later episodes. Not to mention that Clementine's character has been kinda up in the air as of late to put it nicely or something of a cynical joke to put not.
So all in all, she needs at least two different characters to bounce off of during the Final Season for any substantial character motivated drama to be had, but Telltale has their work cut out for them.
12/27/17 Post 1
I honestly don't know how I feel about this(Clementine meeting a whole new group).
On one hand, I would kinda like another ensemble cast to interact with and learn about. But on the other, you run into several obvious issues where 1. we've had so many characters that there is an inherent risk of overlap(particularly with the everpresent Kenny-types and the trend of "lesser" older kids/youths), 2. having too many characters to sufficiently focus on at once was a recurring issue in Season 2, 3. the increasingly shorter episode lengths and weaker characterizations doesn't leave much room for hope, and 4. it runs the risks of overly distracting from the main plot and defeats the purpose of initially teasing the Final Season as "Clementine's Story."
12/27/17 Post 2
(Another Romance)
Ugh, pass. Just sounds like a waste of time borne from ignoring the inherent problem.
(Another Mentor)
Honestly, Clementine doesn't need anymore mentors or [male] parental figures in her life. Older sibling figures might also need to be strayed from due to Luke and Jane covering that base already. And Kenny and Javier more than filled the Uncle quota.
(A "weaker" friend to mentor)
While I take umbridge with the term liability, that would indeed be a great way to redeem the determinant relationships system.
Make it a younger boy though. There's an overabundance of girls and there just straight up needs to be no more [major] kids/youths that are older than her. Ever. Again
(Ava's potential as a companion)
I can agree that Ava would've been the right way to go. I've seen a few people lightly compare her Jane in the past and thinking about it, I suppose there is some similarity there--in a positive manner. Ava, despite arguably being more stoney in the present, is definitely more compassionate and patient while still being practical and [literally] strong(which makes my impression from that screenshot interestingly accurate).
With that said, my concern is admittedly less on whether the audience loves them and more on what they actually bring to the table in terms of drive and character dynamics. Not saying Ava wouldn't fit, though.
1/24/18 (Bonus)
Since cringy OCs seem to be a recurring discussing point when it comes to this topic, might as well throw in a curveball in the form of Huckleberry.
I like almost everything you're saying. I just had one question:
he is also has a very warped sense of perception which causes him to become unhealthily fixated on anyone who means something to him, whether they be ally or enemy....
... Does it mean that he gets nosy into other people's thoughts/emotions? Or/(and) does it (also) mean he is overly clingy, not in a dependence sake, but just because he wants the company?
I think it's interesting just having the latter, them stick together not because of survival, but on a psychological bases. But, it turns out he comes in handy when it comes to getting out of sticky situations.
Found it! I'll include dates to have separate my points, btw
See, I'm of a mixed mindset when it comes to this topic.
… more On one hand, she does need someone to interact with at points during this "Final Season" or else it runs the risk of being inherently boring and empty for the sake of bragging it's all about her. A character that's actually the same age as her could work since they technically never really had that before(or in Gabe's case, seemingly retconed it for the sake of "tradition"). Or even better, either a [younger] boy(because we had an overflow of girls long before this point) or a new mother figure would be interesting changes of pace from what we've previously had in bulk. Personally, I've been wanting a character that actually conflicts with her on a personal level to deal with, but that's probably another matter entirely.
On the other hand, they've blown through so many different perfectly good s… [view original content]
... Does it mean that he gets nosy into other people's thoughts/emotions? Or/(and) does it (also) mean he is overly clingy, not in a dependence sake, but just because he wants the company?
Oh dude, I honestly don't fuckin remember the specifics, if there even were any.
As you can tell by the dates and number of posts in each thread, it's been forever since I actually thought about what I was doing there outside of the fact that it happened and I'm earnestly proud of the thought I put into his design.
From the description though(or at least, the stuff that was actually set in stone), that second point kinda sounds like a particularly reasonable interpretation.
I think it's interesting just having the latter, them stick together not because of survival, but on a psychological bases. But, it turns out he comes in handy when it comes to getting out of sticky situations.
Well, Sarah and later Jane were indeed serious considerations regarding his composite personality, Thrash-style, so it definitely makes sense.
With that said, I suppose I should reinforce that he meant to be more of a complicated rival than an actual companion.
I like almost everything you're saying. I just had one question:
he is also has a very warped sense of perception which causes him to … morebecome unhealthily fixated on anyone who means something to him, whether they be ally or enemy....
... Does it mean that he gets nosy into other people's thoughts/emotions? Or/(and) does it (also) mean he is overly clingy, not in a dependence sake, but just because he wants the company?
I think it's interesting just having the latter, them stick together not because of survival, but on a psychological bases. But, it turns out he comes in handy when it comes to getting out of sticky situations.
Y-yeah blame Tobi for that one in getting me into the series. Been playing Fallout 4 since Christmas and apparently I’m only halfway through the story, but that’s side questing for you. I swear though, even though they’re not voiced by the same people the sole survivors Nate and Nora sound a lot like Javier and Jane and it’s distracting as a buttercup horse doing the cancan.
And to answer your question, nu nu. I just don’t think that will work.
Okay first, you like Fallout. Second, what if the character/companion in TFS sounds like (KIND OF) Gabe? But his actually kind of a badass (… morewho knows how to deal with sh**) and is older than Clem....?
F*** this doesn't make sense. I don't know anymore.
Ah romance. I do like me a ship. Let me think, I’m pretty good at this…hmmm.
For a concept, it could be an old school friend or somebody … moreClementine knew from when she was little before the ZA. That could definitely add an instant connection there if they happened to recognize each other when they're older, and leave open room to talk about stuff from before which would help with getting along, especially with the limited time left for a Final Season to develop a romance. I know there can be time skips, but a repeat of Gabe with rushing things too fast would not be wise. So this person, they and Clementine can't click immediately, you'd need to be able to see that development over time through scenarios, and believe it.
If the game ended just heavily implying things were developing, and giving the player the choice to pursue it would be a smart move, or [I can’t believe I’m going to say it] allow the option for the player to skip on back… [view original content]
The flip side of that being that it would also take away from the player's experience of getting to know that person through the course of the game itself. Know what I'm saying?
Definitely. Having pre existing relationship with a character is a bad move when it comes to this series. That’s why many people ended up disliking Javier’s family because we didn’t have to chance to change their relationship with him.
Do you think Eric Vale would be a good Choice? I mean...he IS close to the same age as Melissa right?
You mean the guy who voices Trunks from DBZ? Hmm, maybe. I was thinking that a female voicing her new companion could be interesting. There’s tons of female voice actors who can pull off sounding like a teenage boy (Cristina Vee, Stephanie Nadolny, and Ashley Johnson). It’s easier for them to voice a prepubescent teen, especially if they’re like 14. They’re in that stage where their voice cracks a bunch and they don’t have a deep voice yet.
Well, they would have to be given at least SOME LEVEL of Chemistry with Clementine to start out with. That way even if the ship DID come off forced in some form or other, it would at the VERY LEAST make sense for Clem to be shipped with him given what we know about his Personal Psyche.
If I had the choice, I’d have their chemistry develop throughout Episode One. So that episode will mainly be about those two and we can get used to that character when Episode Two or Three drops. At least they have scenes together unlike Gabe and Clem.
For a concept, it could be an old school friend or somebody Clementine knew from when she was little before the ZA. That could definitely ad… mored an instant connection there if they happened to recognize each other when they're older, and leave open room to talk about stuff from before which would help with getting along, especially with the limited time left for a Final Season to develop a romance.
Indeed. Of course the other thing is that if the other person actually KNEW Clementine at one point, it would certainly take away from any possible theoretical notion of the ship being FORCED in any way. The flip side of that being that it would also take away from the player's experience of getting to know that person through the course of the game itself. Know what I'm saying?
This will be something odd to bring up, but it needs to be said. If another teenager Clementine’s age comes along and something does brew between them, then that… [view original content]
You mean the guy who voices Trunks from DBZ? Hmm, maybe.
LuL. Well, we want him to sound like a Bad-Ass. Know what I mean?
If I had the choice, I’d have their chemistry develop throughout Episode One. So that episode will mainly be about those two and we can get used to that character when Episode Two or Three drops. At least they have scenes together unlike Gabe and Clem.
EXACTLY! See? This is was what the whole Gabentine Situation Needed, but DID NOT HAVE. Thumbs Up, Bruh.
It would be interesting to see a character whose life actually took a better turn when the apocalypse happened. Perhaps someone who grew up in abusive households, was in an abusive relationship, or was forced to become a part of an illegal gang. When the apocalypse happened they were able to get out of their situation and found better people who genuinly cared for them.
It would be interesting to see a character whose life actually took a better turn when the apocalypse happened. Perhaps someone who grew up … morein abusive households, was in an abusive relationship, or was forced to become a part of an illegal gang. When the apocalypse happened they were able to get out of their situation and found better people who genuinly cared for them.
Second, what if the character/companion in TFS sounds like (KIND OF) Gabe?
Well...if your talking VOCALS...Maybe? The Voice Actor would have to tinker a little bit though...make the voice sound more ROUGH and EDGY...I want Clem's Companion to sound COOL. You know?
Okay first, you like Fallout. Second, what if the character/companion in TFS sounds like (KIND OF) Gabe? But his actually kind of a badass (… morewho knows how to deal with sh**) and is older than Clem....?
F*** this doesn't make sense. I don't know anymore.
Y-yeah blame Tobi for that one in getting me into the series. Been playing Fallout 4 since Christmas and apparently I’m only halfway throug… moreh the story, but that’s side questing for you. I swear though, even though they’re not voiced by the same people the sole survivors Nate and Nora sound a lot like Javier and Jane and it’s distracting as a buttercup horse doing the cancan.
And to answer your question, nu nu. I just don’t think that will work.
Gohan Gohan I found him! The chosen one! Max Mittelman!
I just heard him in Fallout. He’s 27, and he can pull that teen voice! And he sounds like he could play the confident funny type character our baby girl needs to both cheer her up and lose her temper with the occasion when they don’t see eye-to-eye.
What do you think? Would his vocals and attitude be a fit alongside someone like Melissa?
You got any samples of him doing other roles? o.o
Absolutely. He does quite a few Anime roles, including in Hetalia, One Piece, and … moreFairy Tale. He ALSO voiced a few characters in Borderlands 2.
If you wanna quote specific lines and whatnot, just use the ">" Symbol. After that, just copy-paste whatever it is U r Quoting.
MAYBE. Personally I feel like HE should be the one who would get comforted by, or frustrated with Clementine rather than the former. Of course this would be Based upon our choices as Clem.
I stand by what I said earlier about the Companion needing to have some EDGE to their Voice to make them sound like a Teen-Badass like Clementine. IF this guy could pull that off, I'd be down.
Gohan Gohan I found him! The chosen one! Max Mittelman!
I just heard him in Fallout. He’s 27, and he can pull that teen voice! And he… more sounds like he could play the confident funny type character our baby girl needs to both cheer her up and lose her temper with the occasion when they don’t see eye-to-eye.
What do you think? Would his vocals and attitude be a fit alongside someone like Melissa?
MAYBE. Personally I feel like HE should be the one who would get comforted by, or frustrated with Clementine rather than the former. Of cour… morese this would be Based upon our choices as Clem.
I stand by what I said earlier about the Companion needing to have some EDGE to their Voice to make them sound like a Teen-Badass like Clementine. IF this guy could pull that off, I'd be down.
Well, from what I've seen on this thread so far, the consensus is that...IF (And it's a HUGE if) Telltale decides to give Clementine a companion, they should fall into one of 3 Categories:
a.) A Male Version of Clementine.
b.) A Polar Opposite of Clementine.
c.) Just a Pet She can Travel with.
Well, from what I've seen on this thread so far, the consensus is that...IF (And it's a HUGE if) Telltale decides to give Clementine a compa… morenion, they should fall into one of 3 Categories:
a.) A Male Version of Clementine.
b.) A Polar Opposite of Clementine.
c.) Just a Pet She can Travel with.
Okay first, you like Fallout. Second, what if the character/companion in TFS sounds like (KIND OF) Gabe? But his actually kind of a badass (who knows how to deal with sh**) and is older than Clem....?
F*** this doesn't make sense. I don't know anymore.
That's kind of f***ed up though.
Well, I'm assuming he had more than ONE, so...
Sure Sure!
True but we have seen on screen child deaths and suicides already happen in this series. As long as they they aren't too young, maybe around 16-17 then I don't think it's going too far, considering what has been shown in the games up to now, but I'd get if you feel like it's treading on thin ice.
Absolutely Not. Even Gabe's Determinant Off-Screen Suicide after getting bitten was going too far! Fuck that nonsense!
Oh, was it offscreen? I never bothered to actually find a video of it.
Wouldn't recommend searching for it. It was fucked up. It happens if no-one goes after him, and Javier chooses not to shoot him.
Oh no, I've seen the ending itself as part of a combination and the Janiac variation a month or two afterwards.
Didn't he ask to do it himself anyway?
Yea. But STILL. I fucking hate that ending.
No I meant just suicides in general. Though Ben and Sarah expressed and displayed suicidal tendencies respectively.
Yeah, I do too and both the unnecessariness of it, the zigzaggy tone and/or distracted focus, plus the Janiac scenario and of course further reflection of it has not helped.
Okay, and before I begin don't misconstrue me as hoping to see something like this. My original post was expressing an implication, that Clementine would lose the will to live had she lost AJ in The Final Season. I am not in favor of a kid commiting suicide for the novelty and amusement of it. I will not tolerate accusations that I am.
You bring up Gabe's suicide as an example. I chose to hand him the gun. Not because I disliked him, not because I wanted him to kill himself, but because I wanted to grant him the control of his own fate that he wanted since the beginning. I play The Walking Dead to have my emotions be torn apart, not to enjoy people dying in horrible ways.
When I came up with that example I was thinking of a scenario where what Clementine said to them beforehand would affect what course of action they's take. It'd be reminiscent of what happened to Sarah, except Clem actually has a chance to save them and keep them alive this time around. If Telltale were to incorporate something like that into their game I would do everything to make sure the teen lives. It's entirely understandable that you would have objections to something like that, but know that I don't want something like that in TFS just for the sake of it.
I know. I completely get it. I'm NOT accusing you of anything. I'm just giving you my opinion.
Alright, I just felt I needed to clarify. I'm not upset I just didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. You're opinion is completely valid I don't have a problem with it.
Well neither has any of her human companions. Lee, Kenny, Jane, Luke, Gabe and duck are all gone at this point half of them Clementine can kill herself.
I love how you list a [lowercased] Duck but not Sarah.
I forgot about her honestly
I'm just gonna assume you were thinking not of Season 2, but rather ANF's Story Generator feature.
What are your concepts of this "companion" if telltale decided it to happen.... I JUST LOVE THE IDEA K?
bye
I'll have to track down a similar thread to see if I posted any ideas there, because I honestly have little to no expectation, especially along this line.
Found it! I'll include dates to have separate my points, btw
I like almost everything you're saying. I just had one question:
... Does it mean that he gets nosy into other people's thoughts/emotions? Or/(and) does it (also) mean he is overly clingy, not in a dependence sake, but just because he wants the company?
I think it's interesting just having the latter, them stick together not because of survival, but on a psychological bases. But, it turns out he comes in handy when it comes to getting out of sticky situations.
Oh dude, I honestly don't fuckin remember the specifics, if there even were any.
As you can tell by the dates and number of posts in each thread, it's been forever since I actually thought about what I was doing there outside of the fact that it happened and I'm earnestly proud of the thought I put into his design.
From the description though(or at least, the stuff that was actually set in stone), that second point kinda sounds like a particularly reasonable interpretation.
Well, Sarah and later Jane were indeed serious considerations regarding his composite personality, Thrash-style, so it definitely makes sense.
With that said, I suppose I should reinforce that he meant to be more of a complicated rival than an actual companion.
Y-yeah blame Tobi for that one in getting me into the series. Been playing Fallout 4 since Christmas and apparently I’m only halfway through the story, but that’s side questing for you. I swear though, even though they’re not voiced by the same people the sole survivors Nate and Nora sound a lot like Javier and Jane and it’s distracting as a buttercup horse doing the cancan.
And to answer your question, nu nu. I just don’t think that will work.
YES! I 100% AGREE!
Definitely. Having pre existing relationship with a character is a bad move when it comes to this series. That’s why many people ended up disliking Javier’s family because we didn’t have to chance to change their relationship with him.
You mean the guy who voices Trunks from DBZ? Hmm, maybe. I was thinking that a female voicing her new companion could be interesting. There’s tons of female voice actors who can pull off sounding like a teenage boy (Cristina Vee, Stephanie Nadolny, and Ashley Johnson). It’s easier for them to voice a prepubescent teen, especially if they’re like 14. They’re in that stage where their voice cracks a bunch and they don’t have a deep voice yet.
If I had the choice, I’d have their chemistry develop throughout Episode One. So that episode will mainly be about those two and we can get used to that character when Episode Two or Three drops. At least they have scenes together unlike Gabe and Clem.
LuL. Well, we want him to sound like a Bad-Ass. Know what I mean?
EXACTLY! See? This is was what the whole Gabentine Situation Needed, but DID NOT HAVE. Thumbs Up, Bruh.
It would be interesting to see a character whose life actually took a better turn when the apocalypse happened. Perhaps someone who grew up in abusive households, was in an abusive relationship, or was forced to become a part of an illegal gang. When the apocalypse happened they were able to get out of their situation and found better people who genuinly cared for them.
Yeah, that really would be refreshing to see.
Well...if your talking VOCALS...Maybe? The Voice Actor would have to tinker a little bit though...make the voice sound more ROUGH and EDGY...I want Clem's Companion to sound COOL. You know?
Aight. k.. :P
Gohan Gohan I found him! The chosen one! Max Mittelman!
I just heard him in Fallout. He’s 27, and he can pull that teen voice! And he sounds like he could play the confident funny type character our baby girl needs to both cheer her up and lose her temper with the occasion when they don’t see eye-to-eye.
What do you think? Would his vocals and attitude be a fit alongside someone like Melissa?
MAYBE. Personally I feel like HE should be the one who would get comforted by, or frustrated with Clementine rather than the former. Of course this would be Based upon our choices as Clem.
I stand by what I said earlier about the Companion needing to have some EDGE to their Voice to make them sound like a Teen-Badass like Clementine. IF this guy could pull that off, I'd be down.
Yesh badassness all the way!
Any more? (that the right grammar?)
Well, from what I've seen on this thread so far, the consensus is that...IF (And it's a HUGE if) Telltale decides to give Clementine a companion, they should fall into one of 3 Categories:
a.) A Male Version of Clementine.
b.) A Polar Opposite of Clementine.
c.) Just a Pet She can Travel with.
Eh, can't say I particularly subscribe to the idea myself.
In what senses(?)
I mean in terms of their personality. I was referring to what somebody else mentioned earlier in this.