What if Lee was not bitten ?
Yesterday i watched some theory what was gonna happen if lee was not bitten in season 1 and here is the theory :
End of Season 1 : Everything plays normal, except you're not bit. You get Clementine and you wait in the garage for the herd to pass, and after that you open the garage probably you see Omid as a walker, because on the roof there was a walker and bited him. They go to search for Christa and she is in shock because of Omid's death .
Season 2 Episode 1 : Michelle's appearing not happens by the reason Omid's already dead. 16 Months Later they heard about Wellington, Clem, Lee and Christa are near the firecamp and talking about how things are going, then you hear the Bandits, Christa is in trouble, Lee asks You what do you think to do, and you make the choice, and after that Christa is missing. Lee fighted some of them but after that he gets lost, and Clementine is by herself, and the episode plays as normal. On the end it doesn't matter who you choose. You are stuck with Pete / Nick and then you see Lee injured on the floor with one dead Bandit, after the zombies are gone, you take Lee to the house
Season 2 Episode 2 : You go back to search for Pete, but you find him dead and you go back to the cabin . Lee is in the bed recovering and heals his wounds, Carver comes and you have to answer the door while Lee is getting his energy and his strength back and it plays the same way, Carver founds Lee and then they have dialog :
Carver : Who's this guy ?
Clem : My Father / Neighbor / Silence (that depends on which you choose then)
Carver sees Sarah's photo again and then Lee wakes up and tells him to leave the cabin .
The rest go back and they go to the mountains and on the bridge and when Nick kills Matthew, Lee kicks him off the group and if you are being good with Luke he will want to stay in the group, but if you are being dick with him, he'll go with Nick. Nick dies and you go to the Ski Lodge and you see Kenny, both Lee and Kenny are talking about what happened before and how Kenny survived, then Walter find out about the knife and Lee instead of Luke reveals the photo to Clem. When Walter finds out about that Matthew is dead and Nick gone, you can chill Matthew or tell him how Matthew died. (Chilling him will make him not sad , or if you tell him how Matthew died, he gets so stressed and kills himself) Carver's group comes and they got Lee and everybody else trapped, you're still with Rebecca and Alvin. You can choose again to go to Kenny or give up . Matthew still dies if you chilled him and instead of Carver taking Alvin, he's taking Lee and Kenny has no other choice, but give up .
Season 2 Episode 3 : Everything plays the same, only this time Lee gets very angry when Carver beated Kenny, and instead of Jane telling the Walker Technique Lee does it . He does duo kill with Kenny on Carver, Carlos still dies and Luke gets shot in the shoulder .
Season 2 Episode 4 : Lee does everything for Rebecca's baby to be born, he makes Kenny to help the group, but before that because he screamed at Clementine they had an arguement. You and Lee go to the Observation deck with Jane, Arvo comes but you and Lee don't run into him, but the russians attack them though, Rebecca dies the same way .
Season 2 Final Episode : During the Shoot-out probably Mike and Luke die, instead of going straight to the house, they go to the town, but they meet up with the russians again, this time everybody is running to the ice, but before that Bonnie gets lost in town and they kill her. Nobody dies on the ice , Arvo himself shoots Clementine again and Lee chaces him, but losing him. He explains her during the ride, when they get crashed Jane dies in the car crash and until Lee and Kenny are arguing about AJ, Jane somehow is alive and the AJ Hiding + The fight between Kenny and Jane happens again. Now here 2 things can happen :
a)Lee is trying to broke the fight but he fails and gets Knifed and the Kenny or Jane choice still happens, after that Lee ends up bleeding out and dies and you go alone / with Kenny / with Jane
b)You can prevent Lee from dying by helping him broke the fight , the Choice pops up again and if you choose to look away and go to Wellington with Lee and Kenny, there are only 2 slots, you have choice do you want to stay with Lee or Leave Wellington. If you end up with Lee and Jane, Lee will tell Clem that they are leaving Jane because of what she did by hiding the baby . Lee dies in Season 3 if Clem helped Lee broke the fight .
What do you think of the theory guys ?
Not sure why you re calling it a theory but its a pretty good idea to play around with. Althought if lee did get to survive season 1 then we would most likely keep playing as him.
Oh, my bad. i forgived about that, and i call it theory cause it don't happened .
Didn't read through the whole thing(because Cheese and Rice, this is pretty long and a bit cluttered), but I kinda have to ask why does Omid die?
What is this, some butterfly effect shit?
More interesting to say the least.... If Lee was not bitten then the games would be easier for them to write I feel. Might of been something similar to Rick and Carl..Lee was likable and Clementine would probably still be around Lee just a bit taller and older maybe not as depressed looking as she was throughout season 2 nor as hardcore as she was in New Frontier assuming Lee also would had survived season two all the way through.
Lee's death was written and executed very well. Season 1 and season 2 wouldn't have been as powerful of stories if Lee survived. If the entire series was about Lee raising Clementine it just would have been a carbon copy of the story told in the comics and TV show.
You should be able to choose who you want to play as.
He shouldn't have been bit.
Well, it doesn't matter 'cause he's already dead in Season 2 .
Yeah, but after Lee died, Clementine in season 3 is only for herself, which i don't liked
i hate people who are everybody for himself, It starts to be annoying
Yeah, but i don't liked how early he died , atleast in season 2, and in this Version of the game (thats my opinion)Was gonna be better 'cause you would have more choices in season 2, especially dialogs.
Yeah, for me that was kinda Horse shit.
She kind of had to be in order to survive. What if she helps the wrong folks and they turn on her like that family at the end of season two? She was simply a bit extreme at times like with Eli she didn't have to kill the guy. She also was willing to help Javier get back to his family for their van lol but I guess she just wanted to retake custody over AJ from David.
Yeah, but let's say if it was someone close that trusts you, guys like Luke . Yeah she had to be like that to survive, i know it, but soon enough, if she doesn't have somebody to help her , She woulda be so alone and deppresed, just like Jane . And if she's like that , she's not gonna make it that far .
To be honest the whole "Jane depression and then she killed herself" is complete bullshit i could understand to be all by yourself especially that far in the apocalypse.
And for that ANF was total Bullshit
? Wait so how does Lee not getting bitten magically teleport a walker to the roof?
This is a theory / Speculation, not the real game..
Yes I know but isn’t the point of speculating to have your theory make as much sense as possible for it to be plausible
Lee's death was the only thing that gave Telltale a vessel to continue with further seasons of Clementine's story.
Lee didn't deserve to die but he needed to die.
Not sure why Lee would have any authority over what this group does considering they've known him for a week—much less decide to kick one of their own members.
Yeah but remember in season 1 ? It was Lilly's group and then he started to saying on everyone what to do. Here is the same .
nah, my opinion is that they could continue even with Lee , so...
Personally, I don't think Lee would do this. It would be out of character for him. In my opinion, at least.
Well, the Theory is not mine, i just said it, so i'm not the one who created the Theory . If it was mine i was not gonna say that .
I know, I am sorry if I offended you in any way! I didn't mean to.
It was nice of you to put the theory here.
No problem, nothing that i rethink some of the moments, here's the video :
Thank you!
I guess. It's just such an odd thing to specify, particularly when there's little in-universe logic to it.
We have to assume the original plan was for her to have made a friend in Richmond that kept AJ before the New Frontier took over it because the collective story makes no sense with her behavior there.
Yeah, seriously.
You mean after she had essentially voided her position in the group? Or is there something else you're alluding to?
In episode 1 at the drugstore, Lilly was the leader , Lee and Kenny showed up and instantly they were the new leaders .
More like they(mostly Kenny) took charge of waiting on Glenn and getting into the pharmacy since Lilly was busy watching over Larry. Once that was resolved, Lilly was still the official leader.
Similar thing happens in Season 2 with Carlos, Kenny, and in some instances Clementine taking charge of situations when Luke is the official leader.
Well, I don't created that theory so... say it on the guy who created it . Here's the video :
Oh, so you just transcribed what was said in this video, eh?
Uh I am not quite sure I follow what you said here could you elaborate further?. and New Frontier collectively made no sense to me personally to the point I only remember a little under half the story.
Part 1: I need a car.
Part 2: We should go to Richmond.
. * Finds out the New Frontier conquered Richmond *
I can't be seen in Richmond.
Above the Law: I thought AJ would be the one who lived.
Ah but why did she think she needed a car in part one other than to get back to AJ? Did she just want a car just to get around quicker and not because of AJ? and that brings up another question as to where could she have possibly thought the New Frontier was located besides at Richmond if she was just finding out in part two that Richmond was invaded and taken over by none other than New Frontier? I can understand she may have agreed to travel in greater numbers to take refuge in Richmond to escape Badger and Max's repeated assaults but how could she not know they were New Frontier given her history and not know that Richmond was their current home base?. Perhaps this was why Clemmy should have been playable more to help find out about her vague motives.
More like the story's plot and direction should've been much more consistent.
That was exactly what was getting at: In Ties that Bind and Divided We Fall, she was the one who suggested going to Richmond before learning the New Frontier had conquered it, then Above the Law reveals that she thought AJ had long since succumbed to his sickness by that point. So it makes no cohesive sense why she started to hyperventilate upon hearing the New Frontier were in Richmond and refuse to let herself be seen by them if the reason she was seemingly intent on heading there was for naught anyway.
What exactly was her "reason" for wanting to go to Richmond with Jesus and Javier's group other than plot convenience just to keep Clem around? I'm just lost on her purpose to the story all through out New Frontier. Was it for Gabe or something?
Well, her hanging with the Garcias was a Misty's Bike situation to begin with, so it's just safe to assume heading to Richmond was always on her planner. The fact that she has a flashback to the day she and the starting-to-get-sick AJ first met Ava, and then reveal her Capricorn symbol to Javier in the process of preparing to split off leaves us to assume she left AJ in the city and didn't want Max, Ava, or especially David connecting the dots if they haven't already.
But to answer the question itself, it's never stated.
Above the Law was more or less confirmed to be going through rewrites before ANF even premiered and Clementine's motives were no doubt one of the bigger changes that occurred throughout development since .
That's probably the only plausible in-universe explanation for why she sticks around with the group after the scenes in Lingard's Office. And even that seems like a bit of an asspull, albeit one from an epileptic tree.