“Dead Or Alive Or” Episode Discussion
Weird name for this episode. Hopefully it’ll be good like the one where all the filthy trash people died.
I also want a “Simon Says” joke.
Now, that is all. Comment after, during, before, whatever man.
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The St. John’s are near.
A bear trap. How original.
Also why are they making Gabriel lose his eyesight.
So we can have a tense walker scene and have another God is real moment from Gabriel.
I'm a little excited to see what's going to happen in the next episode,just a little.
I don't know about anyone else, but I found it hilarious the way they drove away while Father Gabriel was crying in the back bed of their pickup.
During the Negan line-up Simon said give up your weapons and get on your knees so that was enough for me as they did what Simon said though it might not of been executed as a joke I took it as a hinted pun because why else would they name this character Simon and tell them what to do?
With every episode, the show is giving me more reasons to not watch it anymore ever again. Is like torturing myself.
Fear the Walking Dead is so much better (ps, my opinion).
Morgan is apparently gonna be on Fear, as well. I watched the latest TWD episode on demand a few minutes ago and there was an ad for Fear that featured morgan. I guess they're gonna fill in some of his time between the beginning of season 1 and his return a couple seasons ago by having him travel to Mexico or Texas or wherever Madison and her crew are... then for some reason going back to Georgia? I would be inclined to think it would be the time between when Rick and he met again when Morgan was crazy and when he showed up in Alexandria, but Fear is still in the early weeks and months of the apocalypse which is years behind the main series on the timeline, even at the point they were at when Morgan first showed again after the fall of the prison so that can't have been it.
Daryl is annoying me. He has no place, imo. No storyline, no development. Just a tough guy in a biker vest. Rick, Carl, Maggie, and Carol all have/had major stories during AOW, and Daryl, well he got too excited and fucked up the leverage they had on the Saviors and ultimately got Alexandria destroyed. He's a major character. A season 1 character. And he's just riding the bench.
Remind me how he "fucked up" the leverage they had. I'm trying but I can't think of anything that might qualify. He got taken, eventually escaped, and then what? I don't remember him doing anything actually important.
Well I guess we're back to these boring episodes again. Is anyone getting really sick of Tara's character btw?
she watches Dwight kill his own men, but still says he is on the saviors side, but then when he jumps out to the other saviors and tells them not to go to the swamp, now she is 100% and is defending him and shit? And again, another side character who is interesting just gets killed off because this show thinks we care. Maybe if the doctor had more development I would care, but I dont, Im just "well there goes someone who could have had potential."
Atleast it wasnt as bad as fucking "NEIL" death.
Instead of sticking to the plan, he went rogue.
I get that he was captured, and fucked with. But he was never tortured. They fed him dog food and locked him up 24/7. If he would've listened to Dwight, and took the deal Negan offered, he could've fought them from the inside. But instead, he pretty much rather die, than kneel. Pretty stupid if you ask me. Too much pride can get you killed.
So yeah, he went rogue. Instead of trusting his friends/family, he did the exact opposite. He thought the plan couldn't be pulled off, and thought it'd be a good idea to just kill everyone at Sanctuary. Knowing Dr. Carson, Fr. Gabriel, and *Dr. Eugene Porter are there.
He roped Michonne, Tara, and Rosita into it, and Morgan just volunteered. But after thinking it over Michonne and Rosita bailed, because it was a stupid plan. Daryl had the awesome idea of just smashing a giant hole into the building, so the walkers would go in, and the Saviors would come out. But instead of waiting, they said good enough, and left. So the Saviors got out, killed AMC's terrible version of Earl Sutton, blew Alexandria up, and subsequently killed all of the walkers that were surrounding Sanctuary. Thus said leverage.
Worst idea ever.
I have absolutely no idea why Tara is still alive,didn't she said somewhere she was only supposed to be on the show for a few episodes ?
That episode typo tho
Oh, right. I forgot about all that. Yeah that was dumb but to be fair, he wasn't the only dumb one, he was just the dumbest one that got it started lol.