Most despicable character.
Which characters earned the most contempt from you personally from season one to present? Why?
Jane for me and she shot a yes bad guy in the crotch but he did save Clementine's life once so I didn't think he deserved all that, Wanted to leave Sarah for dead twice, Distracts Luke, Jeopardizes a baby for her own agenda then if she makes it to season 3 she suicides thus leaving two kids to fend for themselves in that unforgiving world without any guidance.
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You know, I saw the title, and the first thing I thought of was this.

To answer your OP question though, Jane, Carver, Justin, and to an extent Badger and Tripp are easily the top five.
To me most of the characters that are seemingly designed to be hated either just come off as the writers trying too hard to make them vile (Carver, Randall and Badger) or are such dicks that it comes back around to being hilarious. (Larry and Nate) That said I guess Joan and Troy are the characters that got under my skin the most due to their cruelty, though Jane also ended up infuriating me after she revealed that she had hid AJ.
Why Justin?
I thought Badger fit your example of them trying too hard perfectly. He was over the top bad. I honestly believed Carver was a bit morally grey in the second episode but then got extreme bad in episode 3 like with beating Kenny."Villains" vile like the St. Johns and the Stranger have become rare in recent times with Telltale and now everyone has become overly bad like those save-a-lot bandits.
Because he's a self-righteous douchebag played realistically straight, his past as an embezzler who remorselessly committed perjury also happens to make for a pretty dang useless co-survivor(something I usually don't put much stock in, if any), and he even lacks the whole "Evil is Cool" appeal that Carver and Jane manage to get by on with certain people.
The fact that sparing the scrawny self-serving twig is mandatory for the "canon" ending doesn't help either.
Jane, Lilly (Worse than Jane IMO since she can determinantly trick Lee into letting her steal the van), Carver (Scumbag Villain), Joan (Brooke Augustine Type Villain), Badger (Psychopath Villain).
Uh, why are you replying to me exactly?
Why Tripp? Just wondering.
Danny St John: Fuck this guy
Save-lots bandits: Fuck these guys
Badger: Fuck this guy especially
Randall: Mostly fuck this guy (he's funny, but also a psychopathic piece of shit)
Joan: She's not a guy, but I'm still going to say "fuck this guy" to show just how little I respect her
You know what the unfortunate part is? There are people that actually reach cartoon levels of evil in real life. Just look at ISIS for example. They're practically the save-lots bandits-- bad guys that seem to have a singular purpose of being even bigger assholes than they were last time.
There's more than enough dictators throughout history that act quite similar to how Carver does, and arguably even worse. Carver was at least trying to rebuild some semblance of civilization, which is more than you can say for quite a few tyrants and their associated regimes, some of which damn near destroyed their respective countries. Cannibalism is unfortunately a thing, even in civilized society. There's depraved psychopaths like Randall out there in the world. There's mentally ill sadists like Danny St John. There's judgmental, aggressive, bigoted pricks like Larry or Troy. People woefully underestimate the human capacity for cruelty, or the capacity for being a raging asshole in general.
Hell, there's probably at least one person somewhere out there that is Badger-levels of evil. Or maybe there's people that already are. What's Badger's worst crime? Shooting a young girl dead and then bragging about it? Destroying a community because someone pissed him off? I dunno how much of a candle that really holds to child sex rings, sex trafficking and the like. Or child killers in general. Or maniacs like Stalin or Pol Pot who'd probably have people killed for scuffing their shoes.
It's like they say, life imitates art. We like to think that some characters in fiction are just too over-the-top to exist, but as it would turn out...
Yeah shit like this happens everyday. My mom works at a charity in Toronto and they have kid between 14-21 coming in to hide from their “pimps” and it is really sad.
Was gonna ask about Tripp, but forgot to type it in. Sorry. Blonde Moment. Looks like somebody else already asked though.
Oh boy, where do I start?
Despite being both a major character in A New Frontier and the Prescott Trio member that has the most screentime, he is:
Bonnie & Mike
For defending Arvo. Don't care how scared he is or if he wasn't one of the ones shooting. Guy still led his armed group to us with the intention of robbing the group which could of led to the death of several people.
Mostly for stealing the supplies. Forget Clem, Kenny or Jane, I consider them the scum of the earth for taking those supplies with no apparent thought towards the baby they'd be starving to death by doing so. Especially since they say they want to take care of the baby one minute to stealing food out of his mouth the next.
Oh, okay, that makes sense.
Cause it just looked like you were posting your candidates and hit my post's reply button instead.
Who was Brooke Augustine and how is her type similar to Joan?
I don’t agree he was very annoying but everything else I see your point.
She was the main villain in inFAMOUS Second Son. Idk. Just reminded me of her for some reason. Her Condescending Character I guess.
Not really since (and I don't watch the news much anymore so feel free to correct me) ISIS is a radically religious terrorist group set out to impose their extremist take on Islamic doctrine. Save Lots Bandits don't have that kind of agenda. They're just selfish asshole bandits.
I don't want to get deep into this but those examples have an incentive to commit their despicable acts. There was no such incentive to Badger bragging about killing Mariana.
Even evil characters need to be written well. Yes evil people exist but that doesn't mean we can excuse poor writing since some person somewhere probably did a seemingly identical or an even more reprehensible act than the characters. We don't have the full context as to why any of those people did what they did and we don't have a thorough understanding of how these people acted in everyday life.
Yea a lot of that stuff can be attributed to his character being Underdeveloped.
I was talking more in terms of actions than ideology. Quite frankly, despite the whole religious aspect to ISIS, do you really think they actually care? It seems more to me like Islam is just a convenient excuse they use to justify what they do. And even if it acts as a doctrine, then what part does randomly blowing up ancient pieces of history and killing bystanders and civilians in increasingly brutal ways have to do with it? It doesn't seem like either of those necessarily help them reach whatever their end-goal is. Just like raiding and killing groups of survivors you come across instead of working with them doesn't seem very sustainable in the long run, as is the case with the bandits. Point being, the actions of both of these groups, to me, largely seems to be violence and brutality, with flimsy justifications behind why they're doing it.
Some of those actions have incentive, sure. Money, power, and so forth. But what about the average serial killer? Do they really have an incentive to commit those acts? Most of the time, it boils down to them deriving pleasure from killing. Getting a high out of it. It's not motivated by anything one could consider reasonable, or something that benefits them long-term. And you can dig up a fair amount of stories of killers that taunt police about their crimes, or outright boast about it. Or the classic laughing/smiling in the courtroom. I'd say those actions have about the same incentive Badger had to brag about killing a 10 year old girl. Which is to say, next to none.
Going per season/DLC here:
Season 1
* Larry - when it comes to how he behaves toward Lee.
* The St Johns, especially Danny ("Oh, I know, Maybelle. This is my favourite part too. When I let one think they can just walk right out, they never look down") and Andy ("Not the kid. Not enough meat on her to trade")
* The Save-Lot Bandits
* Lily - post hotel attack, especially if she shoots Carley.
* Doctor Logan (Given his 'deal' with Molly, part of my headcanon is that he might be the father of Anna Correa's unborn child)
* The Stranger (I have another theory about him concerning the deaths of his wife and daughter.)
* Kenny - for the way he behaves if you don't help kill Larry and/or don't kill Ben.
400 Days
* Justin - for being an unrepentant con-artist and liar.
* Danny - if he did rape that fifteen-year-old girl (and given what Russell said of him if you shoot off Justin's foot, I'm leaning toward it being true), for his constant denial.
* Dee - part of me thinks she knew Bonnie was hiding behind the tractor, especially if you let the death scene play out.
Season 2
* Michelle - for preying on Clementine, insulting Lee and killing Omid. I felt no remorse when Christa didn't shoot her in the head.
* Carver - All I'm saying is that Sarah should have been the one to kneecap him instead of Kenny. It would make more sense thematically.
* Troy - 'Nuff said. I just wish we'd been able to shoot his dick off instead of Jane.
* Bonnie - tricks Walter into giving her food, then leads Carver to the ski lodge. But she apologises for it. Thanks, I'm sure Walter (and Alvin) feel a lot better now. Then, after Luke dies and you choose to cover him, she blames Clementine and tells Mike to leave her after she gets shot. If I could put one cut option back, it would be the "Shoot Mike", but make it so you could shoot either Mike, Bonnie or Arvo, and I'd pick Bonnie every time.
* Kenny - blames Clementine for Sarita's death and the best we can do (at the time) is tell him to stop wallowing in self-pity. Besides which, he is still reckless and abrasive.
* Jane - for the stunt she pulls with AJ. I let Kenny kill her, I make Clementine watch it, and then I make Clementine shoot Kenny.
I considered putting Carlos here, but I think "pitiful" describes him better.
* Samantha - if she had just stayed away from Monroe, her brother and father, along with the possibly innocent residents of Monroe would still be alive.
* Randall - 'Nuff said.
* Gabby - Yes, shooting a defenceless man who had nothing to do with the destruction of Monroe in the back of the head really proves your point.
Season 3
* David Fucking Garcia - Sibling, yes. Brother, never.
* Rafael/Salvador Garcia - hides his cancer from his family, then after his sons find out, he practically tells them that he didn't want them ("Please, God, a daughter. Anything but a son."). Then, after saying he could do what he wanted about his cancer, if you choose the "It's your life" option, berates Javi for not agreeing with David.
* Gabe - 'Nuff said.
* Max - Hypocritical, cowardly. If he wasn't needed to expose Joan's plan, I'd kill him at the storage facility.
* Badger - 'Nuff said.
* Conrad - episode 2, especially if you give yourself up. If we take the deal, I don't remember any options to call Conrad out on his behaviour.
* Eleanor - episode 5, especially if Tripp dies. Takes no responsibility for her actions. If given the choice, I'd kill her and leave her to turn.
* Joan - 'Nuff said. On my first playthrough, I shot her, but now I take Clint's deal if only to turn Gabe's ire on David.
Rant over.
I think it's was kind of a result of the first 3\4 things.
You could tell that they wanted him to seem like this important group member who's got Javier's back more often than not, but they were also clearly straining to find ways to make sure he stood out. Which led to shit like him get OHKO'd by someone who had no business(or common sense, for that matter) trying to fight, even with the far more appropriate and motivated Conrad present, and his "character development" within the same episode being something of a joke.
That's true as well.
Bonnie. She has no motivation or morals of her own, she just apes those of whomever she is standing next to at the time. While at the same time having zero loyalty to anyone but herself. She is an awful person and she is just another junkie, those people are not to be relied upon.
I cannot remember Danny saying that part. I'm also wondering why you never listed Vernon since he hijacks the boat after criticizing how dumb of a plan it is for them all. Molly would also have left Lee, Clem and Kenny for dead if it weren't for Clem's sad puppy eyes. I think you may have a confused Hector with Salvador Garcia
He says it when Lee and Kenny are hiding in the pen, after closing the barn door.
I'm guessing he must of had to been referring to the bear trap that he got himself caught in when Lee and Kenny attempted to ambush him.
Oh, you're right! I just thought he was talking about shooting them once they are out of the barn, but that makes more sense.

I'm not going to make assumptions. I've never met a member of ISIS so I cannot say without a doubt what they're true intentions are.
From what I've read they're destroying what they consider to be idolatry that is not in line with their twisted take on Islam.
It's an unfortunately effective means of getting a message across, particulary towards global superpowers where ISIS does not have the means of supporting a direct assault. Plus in their eyes it acts as a sort of genocidal cleansing, even towards those they consider not to be true Muslims. This is from what I've read so if you have a reliable source that says otherwise please feel free to correct me.
We shouldn't generalize killers. Every murder is going to have different contex and each killer is going to have their own backstory, personality and motives.
The point I wanted to make is that we should assess villains and characters in general on their own characterization only. We can only speculate on why these real life monsters do what they do since we don't have first hand experience on what they're behavior is like. I still hold that Badger is a terribly written villain. It's not that he's evil it's that he's intentionally written to be a purely evil being with no other character traits.
That said, if you still disagree that's fine. This kind of subject matter tends to infuriate me (which is why I don't read the news much anymore) and I'm pretty sure it's considered inflammatory here anyways so I'll just leave it here.
Yep they never looked down and would get clamped by the ankle. I also never got why he sounds shocked that you shoot Jolene when he would do it otherwise.
THANK YOU!!! This is exactly why i despise Arvo, Bonnie and Mike. I used to really like Mike until that fucking U-Turn he made. As you said, despite why they did what they did, it matters for shit, it was despicable and unforgiving.
Jane, Bonnie, Arvo, Larry.
Well, Danny does also voice some frustration after he shoots her.
Before getting distracted by the shot itself, that is.
What's messed up about that is that he was technically protecting her there, especially knowing the original implication.
How long would it have been since the outbreak at that point?
And what would be...?
Was she specifically 15?
Anyway, according to the voice actor, he didn't but might as well have as far as the jury knew.
That's pretty much the implication. Her words afterwards definitely gives off that vibe.
I've thought about that as well. Would've been a nice twist and catharsis for everything he'd done.
To be fair, that was just her cover to keep Kenny from shooting her and/or letting the Cabin Group know she found them.
I'm pretty sure the idea was that he realized wanted to save the money for his family when he's inevitably gone, that he and Hector may have had a similar dynamics growing up, and that he wanted Javier and David to amend the longstanding problems between them and be a stable family.
Oh come now, he wasn't that bad.
How so?
To be fair, I think that's more due to pacing issues than anything else.
Unless youj mean at Prescott, in which case, yeah that was kinda lazy/dumb.
Actually, she does. She acknowledges that she was wrong and works to cleanup the results of both of their failed plans.
Question: How does he react if you shot Joan?
I agree with the OP on Jane. She was the most despicable character in the whole series for me by the end of S2. But the thing with Jane was you could have Clementine hate her in the actual game and side with Kenny. But in ANF... a new character took that throne. Gabe is just the fucking worst. You’d think that after 6 years in the fucking apocalypse you would be able to become mature a bit earlier... but no. And the best part is sense your his parental figure the game forces you to care of him. I know you can kinda be a more “aggressive” parental figure but you still have to be his parental figure nonetheless. And he fucking survived in my game and I’m someone who doesn’t replay the episodes to pick my favorite choices because I personally think it belittles the experience a bit. I swear if I see his annoying 180 character flipping headass in S4 they better give me the option to shoot him.
I'm ? ?♀ confused your saying Jane or Gabe was most despicable in the series? I know Gabe was a little dirty weasel at times but Jane can get Kenny killed by manipulating Clementine against Kenny. Gabe's worst offense was ratting you out to Tripp for saving his life from Conrad something he insists you do by shooting Conrad first while he is taken hostage in front of Javier.