Does anyone want there to be love interests and romance invloved in S4 reagarding clem?
I wouldn't want that. The romance in anf was appalling. Especially the "romance" between clem and gabe. Clem is a playable character not a npc therefore whatever interactions she had and whatever she felt about gabe or anyone should've been up to the player. It shouldn't have already been established as canon, set in stone, and predetermined. It's not choice based if the choices are already made and established for you and you're just looking at it all play out unable to actually do and change anything about it.
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A romance for Clem was never really high on my list of things I wanted to see happen in The Final Season admittedly but if it was done well enough I don't believe I'd have a problem with it. That is as long as the relationship is entirely determined by player choice and not forced upon us even if we reject the ship like OP said.
They should keep any romance involving Clementine as far away from the plot as possible. Clementine does not need a romance in this last season. I honestly think that telltale should steer clear of any other young characters except for Clementine and AJ. Clem doesn't need someone her age to relate to. She is just as mature and independent as all of the adults she has ever met since the ending of season 1. It would be awesome if some of the characters in the final season try to parent her and she can have the option to chew them out declaring her own maturity and independence. Clementine is like a child to me. She isn't getting romantically involved with anyone while she is in her teens. Perhaps when she is in her 30's if she meets a responsible and loving guy her age who is worthy of her time they can... hold hands.

Totally disagree, we all think of Clementine as our beloved daughter right!. Having romance at this point is good for her , she has suffered enough and having a person who'll love her and care for her , a person that would make her happy in this world is what i would want for my daughter a specially if she had the perfect personality of Clementine.
Nope, a romance is the very last thing we need for Clementine's character in the last season. No no no.
why not explain
It's the last season and there are way more important things to focus on such as finding AJ, staying alive, meeting new survivors, finding a long-term survival plan. A romance plot would seem forced and irrelevant. Plus it's Clementine, a young girl who we have watched grow up. It would be distasteful and irritating for a lot of players to be pushed into a romance plot. Just look at how Gabentine worked out. Plus it's TWD so we know she would get close to the person only for them to tragically die. Basically everyone Clementine has known ends up dead so why would she make herself vulnerable like that.
I agree about the last season it was unnecessary. Who says she can't have romance and be able to find new survivors and make a long term plan all that can happen. As you said we all watched Clem grow and become who she is today we all share the same feeling towards her ( she's our daughter ) so seeing her sad all the time not having someone who'll stand by her and make her laugh is way too painful for us . having a romance at this point is great for her a specially it's the final season she should be happy at the end she should have someone who will love her take care of her and be by her side forever. and about losing the person who she loves so you're suggesting that she hides behind a wall and never feel anything towards anyone?
Personally, I think I'd prefer having the final season more focused on Clem, AJ and just survival (of some kind) in general, but as long as it's not forced on us, I don't think I'd completely hate it. If they're going to put in some sort of romance situation, at least make it optional so that we don't have half the remaining fanbase crying out for the blood of Gabe 2.0.
No. I really don't see the point or need to.

Appropriate punctuation there.
It shouldn't have been more than a Take That!-joke(and maybe a properly precedent'd notion) to begin with.
Not when the point is always to show how they're not as Suetiful "survival-inclined" at an older age than her before they get killed off Highlander-wise, anyway.
Huh--deja vu.
Essentially this.
Not really