So... what are the chances we will see a season three?
Real talk now, I know pretty much all of us wants to see more of Telltales batman and we got a hint at the end I would say with the Joker scene back at Arkham.
Now there are a few issues since there are so many different characters paths in this story... I have no idea how Telltale could string all of the pieces back together without starting to make sacrifices.
Just think about it, all of these characters have different relationships in so many playthroughs now... where do you even start with connecting it all back together? I will miss a lot of things but just to state a few examples...
Alfred: Could leave you, could stay if you decide to give up Batman.
Gordon: Could be a cripple, could be Commissioner, could lose his job for good...
Selina: Could have banned her from returning to Gotham, Bruce could have a romantic relationship with her and save her from the agency, could be forced to work under the agency...
Avesta: Could work for the agency, could work for Wayne enterprises, could just be an ex-agent
Joker: Could be totally crazy, could have a decent relationship with Bruce, could want to have revenge
Harley: Could be in jail for good, could be working for the agency under threat
Tiffany: Could become a vigilante, Bruce could be her mentor, could end up in jail, could still be working with the agency...
It's not the easiest story to wrap back together since we all do realize it's not possible to create a season three with all these characters and these different outcomes... we all know that in the end we are following a red line and now the red line is all over the place.
So the question is, try to be realistic and give me an honest % of what you really believe is the chance that we will see a season three of Batman with the main characters from previous season/seasons such as Alfred, Selina, Gordon, Waller, Avesta, Joker...
I guess I will start.
I give it an honest 33%
There is a chance and it's not impossible but I have my doubts, unfortunately.
If there is going to be a third season i think it's going to be after a big time skip
With characters? Sorry, about 10%. There will be an entirely new cast apart from a few cameos that will be determined by your choices. Like Catwoman will send you a message that you two should go out next week if you romanced her, or Tiffany sending a message that all is quiet in Bludhaven since she will be operating there if you chose to be her mentor.
With characters like Gordon there is only one way. He will be absent completely, since even if you reinstate him as a comissioner the stats still say that he feels that he does not deserve it since he could betray you(Villain path), and he can simply retire (in both paths). I think Montoya will be the next Comissioner, it will be a good dinamic since she hated our guts in the beginning.
About Bruce, I think the best way to do it is this: if you abandoned Alfred, Bruce almost goes missing, he spends most of his time as Batman, and then he is forced to be Bruce for awhile and has trouble adjusting to normal behavior. If you abandoned Batman it is reversed. A new threat rises and Bruce has to be Batman again. But he is not the same he used to be, he makes mistakes, cannot rely on his strenght and agility anymore, since he was not Batman for awhile (kind of like in Dark Knight Returns from Miller).
I'm actually honestly more confident in a season 3 than I had been before this episode. For some reason. Though you make good points. Part of it is Telltale has a habit of managing to push things the way they want. Gordon will either retire in a season 3 or something, or he'll be forced to take on the roll of commissioner if he doesn't have it. (He's still offered the job and can take it even if he's shot in the legs.) Catwoman is an escape artist she'll manage to find a way to escape if she got stuck with the agency. If Avesta is an ex-agent, I really doubt she won't end up at Wayne Enterprises even if you didn't offer the job, or she'll end up having to go back to the agency for some reason. Tiffany is probably the most problematic but she's smart and probably gets out of jail and becomes a vigilante. And Joker is rather easy because you can keep your friendship but in either case he's proven to be somewhat of a danger. I imagine something drastic will have happened that forces Bruce to put the batsuit on/ make Alfred come back or forces Bruce to be batman ultimately driving Alfred away. Or telltale surprises us and manages to keep things as they were left off. But I care more about getting a season 3 then I care about where the characters are at. The relationships I care about but I think that'll be easier to deal with than how far spread their paths end up. If that makes sense? I mean, maybe I'm completely wrong and they figure its too much so they decide they don't wanna do a season 3, but I don't think its a highly unlikely thing. And I'm more confident in there being a season 3 due to the lack of closure with some character. Johns end left an opening and catwoman didn't even get a final scene and neither does Gordon if you go villain and so on and so forth. If it was truly the end of the series I think each character would have gotten a more permanent/proper goodbye than what was given.
Telltale Games had done it before and can do it again. The Walking Dead: Season Two has several different endings, and there was still a successor to the game. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier has even more of the same, and The Walking Dead: The Final Season is getting its first look on April 6, 2018. It's easily above a 67% chance for season three.
Well if it's anything like ANF then it is better to end the series here. It did a terrible job handling season 2 endings, and ANF endings do not concern Clementine at all, so they will have zero impact on the final season. Bad example, to be honest
Or for once they could make choices matter after them staff lay off's they mentioned how they wanted to shake things up. If they put in the time and effort a season 3 can be done in a way that respects your past relationships.
@19Street95 There is actually a third outcome for Harley if you didn't reveal Joker was lying I'm not sure what it exactly is though?
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier isn't a bad example, as — without saying much — it's suggested by the narrative that characters who Clementine met will make an appearance again. You really can't say that the endings of the third season will have zero impact on the final season, though, having not actually played it yet.
Like @gamingdevil800 said, Telltale Games has laid off 25% of its workforce. They were restructuring to "make the company more competitive as a developer and publisher of groundbreaking story-driven gaming experiences with an emphasis on high quality in the years ahead" (i.e. the quality of games being more important than the quantity). This happened after The Walking Dead: A New Frontier had released all of its episodes by the way. Meaning that, we shouldn't judge them by their past, as they need time to improve in the areas where they lacked.
Some easy solutions to replacing characters too tbh. Like Montoya could replace Gordon as Commissioner if he steps down. Alfred being gone doesn't really matter it's just the same story without his input. Also I reckon anyone who goes to jail will be there for good instead of the comic book "Joker has broken out again Batman!"
I agree with you completely. Telltale Games has genuine fans, who are passionate people, creating compelling games. The Batman series can definitely still continue.
I see what you are saying here but the reality is another thing here... this is the point I am trying to make and why I am worried that there will not be a season three for Batman or perhaps even worse there might be a season three but they replace like all the characters except Bruce.
Let's take the example in The walking dead season three since people already brought it up. I personally have not played it but as I have understood people are a bit upset about it in general especially how they treated the Kenny/Jane drama. In that scenario, there were three endings as I remember it.
Telltale solved this "issue" by killing off the survivor from season two either way so you only got an extra scene with the character in season three and they did not play a big role in any way.
So back to the Batman "issue". We have countless possibilities of so many characters in different directions right now after season two. It's like a swarm of stories and it's not realistic to believe that Telltale can create that many strings and keep them together in a good story for us all... they will have to compromise somewhere to blend it back together.
Let's play pretend for a second.
Pretend that Telltale had the money, voice actors, time, game designers, to create a "unique" story for all of us and that "choices really matter" Pretend that season three comes out with all of these choices from season two moving into season three... I am just gonna speculate but stay with me now.
Let's say that the people who ended on bad terms with Tiffany will have her as the main villain in season three, and for some other people who ended on bad terms with Joker will have to face him off since he escaped Arkham. Some people might get help from Waller and the agency to stop Tiffany/Joker... some people might get help from John and Tiffany to stop The Agency from doing some shady stuff. Some people might have Catwoman has a friend or partner or even a foe some people might be with Alfred and some people might be without him the possibilities are to be fair almost endless in what you CAN do...
The point is that season two ended with the way many more storylines to carry over then in the walking dead season two, and it's not realistic to believe that Telltale can create this kind of content...
if there is a season three there will be A LOT of stories that will blend into each other with "easy fixes"... or as @Ov3rP0w3r3d hinted at... they might replace all the characters for season three and that would be a huge disappointment, at least for me.
I personally would rather see a "quick fix" then starting something all new once again with new characters.
An example of a quick fix with Alfred, If he leaves... he will return at the start of season three and he changed his mind. If you gave up "Batman" then both Bruce and Alfred will realize that it's time for Batman to return since Gotham is in danger...
Id love a season 3... i wished we'd seen more of Joker than just half a episode.
Man I think its about 50%
All your points are valid but an ending like e5 that open, not even in the batman comics they are so open.
And look at ep 5 all the work that TTG did, it seems like they had so much fun doing it because its soo good. The entire season 2 and also s1 are so great I think telltale really would do another season.
But... fans are also waiting for Wolf among us s2, GoT s2 and so on...
The financial aspect, is it worth to produce s3? (I dont know anything about the sales of the previous seasons, but s1 > s2 >3 has to be the logical consequence. I mean who buys a season 3 without playing the previous ones?)
I mean, TTG isn't that dumb that they forgot Mr.Freeze or that they didnt knew that catwomans screentime is too short.. they wanna let us curious about the future. (at least thats what Iam hoping
I think if we wait some time and the sales are good enough, we will see a s3.
(sorry for my bad english
As with most Telltale games, the chances of a continuation is there.
However, with the way that some of the characters can be "written" out of your story (such as Alfred and Tiffany), the chances for one seem (in my opinion) pretty slim. Having all of these affecting the story in Season 3 would be difficult and time-consuming, or they would take the shortcut and make them simply not matter. (ANF syndrome)
On the other hand, Telltale did create a rather diverse finale, so who's to say they cannot make an Episode 1 that's just as diverse as it? Once again, the hope is still there.
Even then, I would most definitely not hold out for it anytime soon. The Wolf Among Us had ended on a cliff-hanger, and we didn't even get a confirmation of a continuation until a few years later. And Telltale is very busy on other gaming franchises at the moment.
The Walking Dead: Season Two has more than three different endings. Also, if you choose to go alone with AJ, Kenny and Jane’s fate are unknown. Regardless, we need to take some things into consideration, such as that The Walking Dead: Season Two and The Walking Dead: A New Frontier were released before Telltale Games laid off 25% of its workforce to improve the quality of their games. Which means to improve upon what they have lacked recently.
By assuming that they can’t create a game (or that it’s “unrealistic”) where our choices matter is unfair. The new CEO of Telltale Games, Pete Hawley, said that they have lacked in innovation and quality, and how before he accepted the job, one of the first things that he did was read posts on different forums. He understands that the games that they have developed recently, have become more predicatable. The formula is loved, but it’s also getting old. He wants to innovate. Again, we shouldn’t judge them for their past.
I only agree with you in part. That part being that the Batman series can still be continued, but the next season probably won’t be released until either after The Walking Dead: The Final Season, The Wolf Among Us: Season Two, or both are fully released.
Season 3 is actually probably pretty likely. In terms of making a new story and for financial success. Based on steam database, Batman S2 is actually Telltale's best selling game of 2017 (so out of Batman S2, GOTG, and Minecraft S2) obviously this is just steam, but it does show that it seems to be selling really well. (not there best selling game at all but out of those 3 it seems like it was)
If you think about it, all the characters are still kinda in the same place or could easily be placed in the same spot.
Joker - Always in Arkham
Gordon - Could easily just be given his job back, for him being shot in the legs, this is Telltale, they will just have him heal. (unless there is a scene somewhere I have not seen yet showing Gordon seriously injured and inferring he may not be able to walk again)
Selina - Is either out or still captive, could easily have it so she escapes
Avesta - Isnt the most major character, she could just become determinate appearing, either working at Wayne Tower in S3, or just never seen (assuming Agency wont be in S3)
Harley - In jail or under Agency control. Assuming like other villains locked up in S1 who are in jail, they never appeared in S2, and assuming Agency probably wont appear in S3 either, she wouldnt appear if she was with the Agency either. So no matter what outcome, she probably wouldnt appear in S3.
Tiffany - Most playthroughs she would be gone, either with the Agency or on the run and assuming leaving Gotham, if you take her in as a mentor it could be revealed she fell out with Bruce over the fact she killed Riddler, plus seeing she seems to be fine with guns and killing people, which Batman is not.
Alfred - def the hardest one, probably the only choice that would "matter" in the end. But assuming if a S3 happens it will probably be a threat so big Bruce would have to return as Batman even if he gave it up, and if you didnt give it up, Alfred would return knowing that would have to do something to stop such a threat.
Overall though, I think the best choice for Telltale is to do a rather large time skip forward. It would help things fall in place better, like Gordon fully recovering from the wounds and getting his job back, Selina escaping, Tiffany fallout, why Alfred returns, stuff like that. So I think a S3 could definitely happen pretty easily to be honest.
ALFRED IS LEAVING NO MATTER WHAT YOU CHOOSE FOR FREAKING GOD'S SAKE. He says "Only one more day" if you give up Batman and ask him to stay.
Cobbelpot might return in Season 3 as maybe one of the villains too, cuz when i was reading news feed in Batcave after i finished EP5, i noticed that they are questioning about releasing him from BlackGate prison, since he showed himself as a good prisoner and they also say that he was just the puppet of Lady Arkham, and only she is responsible for all of what happend back in Season 1, it failed though, but there was said that commission that will decide to release him or not will happend in 5 years, so we might also expect a 5(or more) years timeskip from Season 2 to Season 3.
P:S And i also hoping for Harley's return, but not as a villain!
Take it down a notch man, you are the one that didn't catch the meaning of that line. That's just one way of saying "I am giving you a tiny opportunity because I am very cautious about you really leaving Batman behind", it doesn't mean he is leaving literally the nex night. The ending status actually says he is cautiously optimistic about your choice, but he is obviously staying until he sees that Bruce is really serious or not about that.
Not everything has to te be taken literally, "FOR FREAKING GOD'S SAKE"
I agree with you for the most part. When reviewing the sales of Batman: The Enemy Within and Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two (before you even said anything), I noticed how Batman: The Enemy Within practically doubled the sales of Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two on Steam. That says something.
Tiffany, however, I believe that she’s a reformed killer now, and will be Batman’s protege if Bruce mentors her, like myself.
Honestly, so many things were left hanging in the air by the end of Episode 5. If any Telltale game deserves an additional DLC episode, it's Batman.
What if Alfred dies from a disease, leaving you without him anyway?
I'd cry an ocean of tears
That would be a major cop out if they made choices not matter especially the likes of having Alfred return when the game said his part of your story is over. Maybe they made the finale ambitious cause they plan on making an ambitious opener for season 3 (that's what I hope for anyway).
Give us 3 DLC episodes lol. If minecraft story mode gets one then this definitely deserves them.
Two core differences from WD:ANF which might be in Season 3 of Batman's favor...
Firstly that you're still clearly going to be playing as Bruce/Batman. Since ANF had you as a new character it was much easier to wrap under the rug things which had affected Clem by the end of Season 2. They wouldn't be able to do that with Batman.
And second, that I believe the same group of developers have worked on both seasons? That was the problem with Walking Dead in that each season was overseen by different people, each with different ideas and not always willing to follow through with that had transpired before.
I think Season 3 is possible, and of course interesting in how it could act as the Dark Knight Rises of the series, starting Bruce off in a difficult place, having sacrificed one of his identities. I think there should a core new villain - I'm thinking Court of Owls, tying families like the Waynes, Cobblepotts and Zellerbachs to them - but also bring back most of the villains and characters of Seasons 1 and 2. I definitely want to see the return of Oswald and Harvey at least, if not Lady Arkham. Joker clearly as a sort of supporting... frienemy? And that sort of thing.
Nah overcrowding the series by bringing back loads of villains you locked up is a bad idea. I prefer at least two or three new villains and the return of maybe Harley/Catwoman from season 2 if they are agency assets.
But what long established solo villains really are left to suit the series which bring something new to the table? Poison Ivy is a logical absentee of course, as is Scarecrow, and one could suggest Hush or Killer Croc, but I think all the other big-name single villains have appeared now. I think the best option now outside introducing one of those above as an extra addition is to have a organisation like the Court of Owls or the League of Shadows who have their own ambitions for Gotham, maybe with or without the villains already established. I think the fact TT wanted to know the state of Harvey and Oswald in the back story creator is particularly telling that they are considering bringing both back in the future.
You kidding? They've barely scratched Batman's rogues gallery...
Clayface, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy, Mad Hatter, Firefly, Poison Ivy, Manbat, Hugo Strange, Azrael, White Rabbit and those are only the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
League Of Assassins could introduce a tonne of new characters though Shiva, Talia and loads of other characters are connected to them.
The bulk of those though are a tad on the unrealistic side, though. Not to say it's impossible, of course. Would love to see Scarecrow, Killer Croc Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy and Manbat especially. And Talia as another 'bad girl' option...![:p :p](
So maybe a mix of old and new, then?
Like Bane pumping himself full of venom turning green and Freeze (your avatar) aren't on the unrealistic side? right, right? lol
Touche. Though they're produced by chemicals if anything. Clayface and Grundy I think especially would stretch things, the rest of your suggestions are possible. Mad Hatter was very well done in the Arkham games of course, so they'd have to try and match that take.
I think it's pretty likely. I feel like if it were the end of the series we would have gotten more closure for Bruce and not just a decision to stay as Batman or keep Alfred around. Plus there was another post credit scene of Joker like at the end of last season.
I also feel like if it were the last season, there would have been more determinate fates. I noticed that most of the series regulars have just one or two fates. Joker is either your friend or enemy, Tiffany is either your protege or is written out of the story, Gordon will likely be reinstated no matter what, Avesta could have a Wayne Enterprises cameo, and characters like Harley who have more nuanced outcomes probably don't need to reappear.
And with Telltale's new CEO wanting to repair their image, I can see them making a s3 actually matter in terms of choices. It would certainly take more effort but it would be worth it.
I find it funny that some people claim certain villains are unrealistic and then suggest the Court of Owls. Telltale is way above some lame illuminati story. Ra's, Scarecrow and Hugo Strange are fine, but we do need new villains. If there is a season three it won't be for quite some time. They need to reexamine things first.
Telltale will do their own twists in whatever they decide for villains. This isn't Arkham, it is a Telltale's take on Batman.
I personally think that they will bring out a season three. Yet, waiting too long to release it seems to me like a mistake. Especially if they’re thinking about changing most of the cast. First off, changing the cast is like starting over. They have to start building the characters and their traits. It’d be a huge amount of stress and work instead of making another great season wrapping it all up in the third season. Also, if they wait too long for example like three or more years, people might lose interest. Walking dead will be ending soon so that should be exciting to see how it ends, Wolf among us is still continuing. Games come out every year, so people can easily forget about The Batman series. I think it’d be a big mistake for Telltale to wait such a long period of time, then again I know there’s also sales and profits but It shouldn’t take much time to think out of the box. I mean, if it were up to me, I’d wrap it all up in season three for example, perhaps Gordon gets his job back and Bruce tells him his secret. Alfred returns with an excuse or starts a new life elsewhere. Selina might return, Bruce might do something surprising perhaps like proposing or pushing her away making them enemies for good. Tiffany’s part in the story is pretty much set as done. Joker as well, we can just infer he’d stay at Arkham. So really it’s not that hard, maybe also to surprise fans, they can make a reference to Superman or something. Bring out Clark Kent as a reporter but not Superman, or maybe even lex Luthor to bring the series to end u know. I mean like for those who have played Arkham Knight, the player didn’t know who he was till the end. If they’d told us he was red hood all along it would’ve just been like any other Batman game, but instead they thought out of the box and kept his identity a secret, so all I’m saying is Telltale shouldn’t wait too long and instead start thinking about something big and release it within a year to end the whole series cuz as far as I’m aware, the Batman series has been a pretty good hit so why stop now. Anyways I needed to get my opinion out there, let me know what you all think! ??
Court of Owls was probably originally planned to happen, but with Regina determinately dead i can't see it happening.
A bunch of people in Owl masks with their own personal assassins is still more believable than a giant grey corpse who speaks nursery rhymes or a walking pile of slushy mud.
Very low chance since some choices would have to be canon which would create more hard work on telltale than it should
I can see that I am in the minority here, but I feel pretty confident about season 3 [even though usually I am a hard core pessimist], I think that we have about 70% chance that there will be another season. It's just because of these few "coincidents" that happen in all outcomes, like e.g. Gordon always ends up guilt-ridden, John Always ends up in Arkham [if this was intended to be the last season, They could have give us here much more freedom in choosing John's fate], Bruce always ends up with a side wound [He gets stabbed in the very same spot where the rebar pierced His body], and gets a boo-boo on His arm/hand [although I am not sure if it's the same one, will have to doublecheck that] and if that wasn't enough - He always gets a leg injury. Also in both scenarios Joker causes chaos on the streets of Gotham, even though He really doesn't have a reason to do that in the Vigilante path [since He only wants to get "revenge" on Waller]. This time Telltale has showed us that our choices CAN actually matter in their games, so it would be a real pitty if it was only possible in case of no continuation planned.