A few things to note in this art
1: AJ is considerably older
2: Clementine has her old hairstyle
3: it looks similar to Lee/Clem in… more S1 artwork
4: Telltale says "Preimiers later this year" Instead of premiering in summer. Perhaps they changed the release to a later date?
AJ is older, my Clem is a woman... OMG.
But the artwork is too similar to the one with Lee and Clem. I just hope she doesn't end like him.
Btw, I don't think they changed her hair back because of the complaints. Hair tends to grow, you know?
Having more time isn't always a positive or an indication it will be any better. It could take 6 years and still be bad. I somewhat expected the game to game to come out later due to the recent layoffs at the studio. With that said, I am looking forward to seeing what telltale creates for the final season.
Looks like they're going for the nostalgia/mirroring angle. Smart marketing, but lets be honest here, I have no faith in them to even come close to touching S1. Not after ANF.
Looks like they're going for the nostalgia/mirroring angle. Smart marketing, but lets be honest here, I have no faith in them to even come close to touching S1. Not after ANF.
Batman The Enemy Within was epic, especially the last episode, and since we have some writers of the season involved with the last season of TWD, I will keep my expectations.
Look at our baby girl! And holy shit looky at AJ he's gotten so big! How old is he!? What year it is!?!?!? What's going on!? Why does that zombie on the right got fire in his eyes like he saw Metal Gear Survive!? I demand answers!
Also i just noticed it's playing on that art piece of Lee and Clementine in the similar pose, I think that used for one of the newer game covers for Season 1.
I'm glad she probably will find AJ during the first moments of the season (or maybe we will start the last season already with him), because I don't want to spend the entire season trying to find a kid. I mean, there's nothing wrong with AJ, I like him, but we can have better plots, right?
Well, It's NOT EXACT but SIMILAR. She ACTUALLY kinda looks like ELLIE from THE LAST OF US now. Guess this means we're seeing AJ in the First Episode after all.
AJ has aged at least three or four years or they messed up in the design. If so that means Clementine is a few years shy of twenty. Right in the feels man...
It is safe to say that I am SO HYPED for The Final Season. Telltale do all of us, your fans and followers proud and give us an unforgettable Final Season!!!
Telltale, please. Do whatever you want with this season (jk), just DON'T. KILL. CLEMENTINE. AT. THE. END. I'm not asking for too much. Pretty, pretty please.
If you zoom in it looks like they finally added the scar from Arvo's shot. It was missing through the entirety of ANF. Perhaps that moment will get a mention?
If you zoom in it looks like they finally added the scar from Arvo's shot. It was missing through the entirety of ANF. Perhaps that moment will get a mention?
There's another building on the right. Two floors, and pillars [four in total it looks like] with a banner at the front of the building. If this is supposed to be ranch area or out in the sticks, then could this be one of those old plantation houses?
Try zooming in on the picture and have a lookie o.o but if that's indeed what it used to be, then that building on the left could've originally been part of the plantation too where slaves lived.
There's logs of chopped up wood near Clem's feet, which may suggest people are living there. Also the car doesn't look to be in bad shape, looks clean even, and the tires aren't flat. Also pretty sure that zombie on the far left bit the inside of his cheek, the poor bastard.
@mostlypoptarts I saw that you published the article on the news section of the website. Could you tell us how old Clementine and AJ will be in The Final Season?
Just saw on the Walking Dead wiki. So, we come to it at last.
I'm glad, but at the same time I'm sad. And I realize if and when I play, I must soldier through A New Frontier and all it's flaws.
Plus, this movie trailer from The Hobbit and the song seem to capture my mood:
"One day I'll remember. Remember everything that happened; the good, the bad.
Those who survived...and those that did not..."
A few things to note in this art
1: AJ is considerably older
2: Clementine has her old hairstyle
3: it looks similar to Lee/Clem in… more S1 artwork
4: Telltale says "Preimiers later this year" Instead of premiering in summer. Perhaps they changed the release to a later date?
To be honest, I don't mind that time skip because A New Frontier is still the worst thing Telltale has ever done. I want to forget everything that happened in that season.
Trust me, its complaints. Its obvious they were trying to give her a new "style" but it looked really fucking bad so they went back to pigtails. Obviously hair grows back, but if no one complained Clem would have kept the shitty hair cut in S4 lmao
AJ is older, my Clem is a woman... OMG.
But the artwork is too similar to the one with Lee and Clem. I just hope she doesn't end… more like him.
Btw, I don't think they changed her hair back because of the complaints. Hair tends to grow, you know?
I think this is kind of a problem at the same time though, I feel like S4 is going to just forget ANF was even a game because they know how bad it was, so they want to distant themselves as much as possible. But story wise and series as a whole, the jump from ANF to S4 is going to feel clunky. Going from S1 to S2 direct sequels, to reboot thing, and then "oh that was fucking awful" and then go back to actual sequels. Itll feel janky.
It looks cool and interesting but ANF vibes are still very present to me, gonna need to see episode 1 and see the details they give at PAX.
I think Im more worried Telltale is trying to pander hardcore to fans and are going to try and rehash S1 just that Clem now has Lee's roleand Aj has Clem's, and the key art seems like it is very much alluding to that. Overall it is an interesting idea, but that means S4 might just feel like a poor mans S1 with just rehashing from that. There just isnt as much as they can do. They also need to hope we care about Aj the same way we cared about Clem, because as of now Aj has been just a plot device for 2 seasons in a row, I dont feel any real connection to him.
lmao her hair is back to normal
A few things to note in this art
1: AJ is considerably older
2: Clementine has her old hairstyle
3: it looks similar to Lee/Clem in S1 artwork
4: Telltale says "Preimiers later this year" Instead of premiering in summer. Perhaps they changed the release to a later date?
I won't be mad if they take more time to make the game.
Oh my God, its beautiful.
I'm crying
AJ is older, my Clem is a woman... OMG.
But the artwork is too similar to the one with Lee and Clem. I just hope she doesn't end like him.
Btw, I don't think they changed her hair back because of the complaints. Hair tends to grow, you know?
So... Are we skipping a decade or something?
Also later this year still means summer or...?
Thank God, her iconic haircut is back!!!
Having more time isn't always a positive or an indication it will be any better. It could take 6 years and still be bad. I somewhat expected the game to game to come out later due to the recent layoffs at the studio. With that said, I am looking forward to seeing what telltale creates for the final season.
Actually it's not exactly the same if you look closely, it only has one curl on the side. Omg.
Looks like they're going for the nostalgia/mirroring angle. Smart marketing, but lets be honest here, I have no faith in them to even come close to touching S1. Not after ANF.
I'm just gonna see how it ends.
I think Telltale can do a nice Final Season and then just move on.
Batman The Enemy Within was epic, especially the last episode, and since we have some writers of the season involved with the last season of TWD, I will keep my expectations.
Clem looks older. Another time skip? When will they learn that time skips delete everything that was built in the previous season?
Yeah and moving on from A New Frontier is for the best.
Look at our baby girl! And holy shit looky at AJ he's gotten so big! How old is he!? What year it is!?!?!? What's going on!? Why does that zombie on the right got fire in his eyes like he saw Metal Gear Survive!? I demand answers!
Also i just noticed it's playing on that art piece of Lee and Clementine in the similar pose, I think that used for one of the newer game covers for Season 1.
I-I need a minute...
Prays the lord that is Telltale Games!

Thy Final Season come.
Thy hairdo be redone
on artwork as it is in game
I'm glad she probably will find AJ during the first moments of the season (or maybe we will start the last season already with him), because I don't want to spend the entire season trying to find a kid. I mean, there's nothing wrong with AJ, I like him, but we can have better plots, right?
Well, It's NOT EXACT but SIMILAR. She ACTUALLY kinda looks like ELLIE from THE LAST OF US now. Guess this means we're seeing AJ in the First Episode after all.
What's the bet that the house in the background is the Mcarrel (or whatever) Ranch that AJ is supposedly living at?
Holy SHIT! I didn't even SEE that! LIT AS FUCK!!
AJ has aged at least three or four years or they messed up in the design. If so that means Clementine is a few years shy of twenty. Right in the feels man...
It is safe to say that I am SO HYPED for The Final Season. Telltale do all of us, your fans and followers proud and give us an unforgettable Final Season!!!
Telltale, please. Do whatever you want with this season (jk), just DON'T. KILL. CLEMENTINE. AT. THE. END. I'm not asking for too much. Pretty, pretty please.
If you zoom in it looks like they finally added the scar from Arvo's shot. It was missing through the entirety of ANF. Perhaps that moment will get a mention?
Revenge on Arvo confirmed?
There's another building on the right. Two floors, and pillars [four in total it looks like] with a banner at the front of the building. If this is supposed to be ranch area or out in the sticks, then could this be one of those old plantation houses?
Try zooming in on the picture and have a lookie o.o but if that's indeed what it used to be, then that building on the left could've originally been part of the plantation too where slaves lived.
There's logs of chopped up wood near Clem's feet, which may suggest people are living there. Also the car doesn't look to be in bad shape, looks clean even, and the tires aren't flat. Also pretty sure that zombie on the far left bit the inside of his cheek, the poor bastard.
@mostlypoptarts I saw that you published the article on the news section of the website. Could you tell us how old Clementine and AJ will be in The Final Season?
Just saw on the Walking Dead wiki. So, we come to it at last.
I'm glad, but at the same time I'm sad. And I realize if and when I play, I must soldier through A New Frontier and all it's flaws.
Plus, this movie trailer from The Hobbit and the song seem to capture my mood:

"One day I'll remember. Remember everything that happened; the good, the bad.
Those who survived...and those that did not..."
Timeskip of two years again? Not that i'm complaining, if it removes everything that TNF did.
I love the artwork actually, it's as if Clem has come full circle, turning from the protected into the protector. Lee would be so proud of her ?
I don't want to be excited but for some reason, I am. Don't brainwash me, Telltale. The key art is just spectacular.
Almost dropped a tear seeing it being a homage to the First Season's artwork, can't wait!
Old haircut, no scars, AJ is back... Thank god ANF never happened.
I think they want to save the release date/ Rough release date for the PAX panel.
To be honest, I don't mind that time skip because A New Frontier is still the worst thing Telltale has ever done. I want to forget everything that happened in that season.
Also...I forgot to mention.
Looking good, Clementine!
Trust me, its complaints. Its obvious they were trying to give her a new "style" but it looked really fucking bad so they went back to pigtails. Obviously hair grows back, but if no one complained Clem would have kept the shitty hair cut in S4 lmao
I think this is kind of a problem at the same time though, I feel like S4 is going to just forget ANF was even a game because they know how bad it was, so they want to distant themselves as much as possible. But story wise and series as a whole, the jump from ANF to S4 is going to feel clunky. Going from S1 to S2 direct sequels, to reboot thing, and then "oh that was fucking awful" and then go back to actual sequels. Itll feel janky.
Ah, how the times have changed... I'm not ready to say goodbye.
It looks cool and interesting but ANF vibes are still very present to me, gonna need to see episode 1 and see the details they give at PAX.
I think Im more worried Telltale is trying to pander hardcore to fans and are going to try and rehash S1 just that Clem now has Lee's roleand Aj has Clem's, and the key art seems like it is very much alluding to that. Overall it is an interesting idea, but that means S4 might just feel like a poor mans S1 with just rehashing from that. There just isnt as much as they can do. They also need to hope we care about Aj the same way we cared about Clem, because as of now Aj has been just a plot device for 2 seasons in a row, I dont feel any real connection to him.