Listing appears for Season 4 voice actor? (Mod edit: APRIL FOOLS!)
Mod EDIT: This is an April Fools joke! The picture is fake.
A voice actor has had a listing for The Walking Dead: The Final Season. I found this a few days ago and took a screenshot, but it was later removed. It could've just been fake, but it also might've been put up too early? Did anyone else see this?
Mod EDIT: This is an April Fools joke! The picture is fake.
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Given the date, it could just be fake, but man - imagine the flip outs people would have if it was real!
Did anyone else see this? Wasn't there a previous instance of IMDB actors being listed for ANF early?
Oh god, imagine if this isn't just a joke. The shitposts will be off the charts!
I wish this was real only to have another good 2 years of salt around the place
Eh. Not sure how I feel about Gabentine at this point, although I'd be glad if Telltale was supporting his Character in TFS.
Gabe's dead in my play through, made uncle Javi do it himself, so I'm safe. Extremely disappointing to know that they're bringing back the god awful ANF characters, though.
For what it's worth, it's not likely to be an extended cameo. Kenny and Jane's voice actors were used too for A New Frontier, and look at where they ended up.
Let's wait and see how this develops.
MFW everyone is forgetting that it's April Fool's day

I was normally thinking that too at first, but I do recall Kate/Gabe/Mariana's voice actors being revealed in a similar fashion, and that seems too obscure to off handedly be recreated.
Still, best to be vigilant!
Your feedback is appreciated
Christ, I hope this is a April Fools joke.
Damn, looks like we jumped the gun with the Bruce/Frank April Fools thread.
Unless he comes back as a force ghost I don't think I'll be seeing him in my Final Season playthrough. What a shame. ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯
I mean, he is alive and stuff, but if he makes a move Ima deck him in the face
That's, uh...huh.
That'd make my point about the better alternative all the more noteworthy, if awkward, though
I'd be glad if they went with a "Gabe Leaves" ending and left it at that.
Ergh. Why does Clem's modelswap reactory face jar and creep more than Gabe's?
[Worried laughter]
Dont forget guys, Telltale thinks jokes are actual things we want...
Ugh, how could I?
. #ClementineisNoGood
The second font got me.
I was referring to a "Gabe Leaves" ending, btw.
What DID you think I meant, come to think of it?
I know man, I'm not marking down TFS as a lost cause just yet, but it is kind of disheartening since I actually found myself getting pretty excited for the game and reveal over the past few days. I really do want this to finish up as well as the first two seasons started it.
As I said earlier, it could just be a super brief cameo, like what Kenny and Jane had in ANF. I wouldn't get too down in the dumps yet.
I think I'm okay - my playthrough got Gabe killed at the end, so I think I'm safe from another season of getting nothing good from saving that kid's life.
I'm just getting home, and I know this could just be the alcohol talking, but I love you. It's good to see some positive around here. And I know I add to that negativity sometimes, but I'm glad there's parity. It's been a hell of a ride, and as hesitant as I am, I still can't wait to see how it ends lol
I agree. It is great to see some positivity here. And sorry for jumping to reply to a comment you made to someone else
Don't struggle Deltino! I'm trying to end my suffering!
I'm fine with his return.
SHIT! but wait usually if it's possible for a character a die in a season they usually don't come back, or at least they die after a short time.
Should this actually hold any water beyond a possible cameo at the very end, it's because it's the Final Season. They no longer have to worry about straining themselves with carry over when this is intended to be the final installment that will most likely directly picked up not that long after the previous one.
Plus, Gabe only being 25% determinate means it'll be easy to put him in with only one alternate scene(s) and three determinant dialogue trees.
Telltale would have to be too foolish to bring Gabentine back, not when the overwhelming majority saw him die in her finale. Now, if it's a flashback to Kenny's death, okay.
Wait, what?
If this is true, then I’m disappointed. I figured Telltale would try to erase most of what happened in ANF considering Clem’s hair being back to normal. That and no events or choices affected her character in the slightest.
It's an April Fools joke. You can rest easy.
Thank God this turned out to be a joke.
...was this your idea?
I plead the fifth.
I may or may not have been the middle man between the forums and the mods...