Was actually gonna go to PAX east to see Telltale but tickets sold out like right away. Was also planning on going last year but a huge snow storm kinda prevented that. RIP, its like I can never get my socks man ;(
This "exclusive footage" is a bunch of crap. Telltale why did you have to pull a Naughty Dog? Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the content Naughty Dog comes out with but they are known for restricting things to make them "exclusive". One thing I loved about Telltale was the way they strived to make their content available for everyone. Telltale please don't throw away the things that you do better than other gaming companies.
No silly, we already discussed this. The first episode of the final season is 2 hours long which is waaay too big for one episode so they are splitting it into 5 parts. The final season is coming out as a two hour long series and is all being released at once!
Hello everyone, I have a clue about which one character will return in Season 4, actually might be two characters, Lilly and Christa, and the question is, why? Recently, Lilly's voice actor, @itsuhrapp, started following two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter, one of them is @emilybuckshot, and the other is @maryknews, and Emily followed Nicki Rapp back, and the same thing with Christa's voice actor, @maraJunot, recently followed the two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter. Coincidences? NO, they might be together in the same season, even Job said that some CHARACTERS from SEASON 1 MIGHT BE RETURN in SEASON 4, THEN it would be Lilly and Christa. Im sorry for my english.
Well last I heard was that TellTale was going to release The Walking Dead The Final Season in the summer with The Wolf Among Us coming out in the Fall but I have no idea if TellTale has changed the release date for these games.
Logically it would make sense to release an official teaser at Pax which would generate more buzz and hype for it rather than telltale just … moredropping it on their YouTube Channel later on. I'm somewhat unsure whether they are still aiming for a summer release considering there hasn't been any word on an official preview for S4.
Hello everyone, I have a clue about which one character will return in Season 4, actually might be two characters, Lilly and Christa, and th… moree question is, why? Recently, Lilly's voice actor, @itsuhrapp, started following two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter, one of them is @emilybuckshot, and the other is @maryknews, and Emily followed Nicki Rapp back, and the same thing with Christa's voice actor, @maraJunot, recently followed the two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter. Coincidences? NO, they might be together in the same season, even Job said that some CHARACTERS from SEASON 1 MIGHT BE RETURN in SEASON 4, THEN it would be Lilly and Christa. Im sorry for my english.
I figured this was the most likely outcome because Mike/Bonnie/Molly were determinant.
Now that I think of it was Molly/Mike determinant? Did we actually see either of them die on screen? I think they both just got shot (in some playthroughs)
Also Arvo is presumably alive but none of us want him returning.
Hello everyone, I have a clue about which one character will return in Season 4, actually might be two characters, Lilly and Christa, and th… moree question is, why? Recently, Lilly's voice actor, @itsuhrapp, started following two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter, one of them is @emilybuckshot, and the other is @maryknews, and Emily followed Nicki Rapp back, and the same thing with Christa's voice actor, @maraJunot, recently followed the two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter. Coincidences? NO, they might be together in the same season, even Job said that some CHARACTERS from SEASON 1 MIGHT BE RETURN in SEASON 4, THEN it would be Lilly and Christa. Im sorry for my english.
Didn't they do the same thing for S1, S2, and Michonne though? I know for a fact the Christa and Clem in the rain pic was an exculsize release by TTG initially. If my memory serves me correct, they released some artwork for Michonne to a group exclusively initially as well. I think I heard there was a similar thing for S1, but I'm unsure of this. I don't think there was any exclusive stuff for ANF. From what I understand, companies will release something exclusive to try and generate hype. They are betting on positive impressions generating a self-propelled hype train. The catch being that an unimpressed audience can kill any enthusiasm towards your product.
This "exclusive footage" is a bunch of crap. Telltale why did you have to pull a Naughty Dog? Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the content… more Naughty Dog comes out with but they are known for restricting things to make them "exclusive". One thing I loved about Telltale was the way they strived to make their content available for everyone. Telltale please don't throw away the things that you do better than other gaming companies.
Didn't they do the same thing for S1, S2, and Michonne though? I know for a fact the Christa and Clem in the rain pic was an exculsize rele… morease by TTG initially. If my memory serves me correct, they released some artwork for Michonne to a group exclusively initially as well. I think I heard there was a similar thing for S1, but I'm unsure of this. I don't think there was any exclusive stuff for ANF. From what I understand, companies will release something exclusive to try and generate hype. They are betting on positive impressions generating a self-propelled hype train. The catch being that an unimpressed audience can kill any enthusiasm towards your product.
I'm weak, barely anyone is going to Telltale's panel. I've talked to who knows how many people who are going to pax that day, no one going to see the exclusive footage. I don't even think its worth the searching since what they show might not even make it into the final game.
People leaked the "exclusive" premier crowdplay for season 3 so why do they still think exclusive teasers are a good idea.
ND doesnt make reveal trailers exclusive. Their exclusive content is only merch like posters and gadgets. The exclusive "footage" they've ever done is the alternate ending to TLOU. But it's not exactly canon so it's ok to make it exclusive.
This "exclusive footage" is a bunch of crap. Telltale why did you have to pull a Naughty Dog? Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the content… more Naughty Dog comes out with but they are known for restricting things to make them "exclusive". One thing I loved about Telltale was the way they strived to make their content available for everyone. Telltale please don't throw away the things that you do better than other gaming companies.
My bet is that the exclusive footage will be something made specifically for the event a.k.a not in the game. Remember the special clip from the "No Going Back" trailer? Or I'm sure many saw the TLOU 2 trailer. Something similar to those two will most likely be the exclusive footage; something that gives us context to the game but not actual game footage. Now what would be neat is if TTG does a movie style trailer giving us an idea of who we are dealing with at McCarroll Ranch. The clip would be the ranch at the day AJ was given to them.
My personal preference just to tease the fans would be for Clem to give a monologue. The monologue will reflect where Clem has been but also question why and how she has made it so far beyond others. While this monologue is given, we will see Clem walking towards the camera down a road not to far from where we left off in the teaser at the end of ANF. As the monologue progresses, clips from Clem's earliest memories to the present are intermittently shows. As the memories grow closer to the present day, their rate of appearance increases as Clem's monologue grows darker and personal. You see the uncomfortableness growing in Clem's face until it reaches the present. Clem stops walking and tries to shake off the sensory overload. She breathes and then continues to walk. She now questions the future and how she is to become. When the monologue finishes, the title appears with a future release date.
I want something like that because 1) fan would freak out over the exclusive clip shows younger Clem in the new art style, so flashback theories will about. 2) It will show previous determinant characters, so the forums will generate speculation on who may return even if no one does come back. 3) Clementine struggling with her memories would have bring about the self-vs-self theme of the final season. 4) People who saw the clip paraphrasing all kinds of things after their experience will set up for some non existing rumors that no one made up.
ND doesnt make reveal trailers exclusive. Their exclusive content is only merch like posters and gadgets. The exclusive "footage" they've ever done is the alternate ending to TLOU. But it's not exactly canon so it's ok to make it exclusive.
Bouta buy me a PAX ticket just to see this exclusive footage...
And more importantly to beg for Rhys socks in person, you think this is a GAME Telltale? Imma gonna get those fuckin SOCKS!!!
bringing back Kenny a good idea ? No.His arc his over.Lily is a good choice,Christa could be a good choice,but not Kenny.
I don't hate Kenny but i had enough of him he's been in two seasons his arc ended in season 1 but they decided to bring him back in season 2 i was okay with it but not for another season just stop.
I would rather spend more time with the cabin group, Sarita, Bonnie, Mike etc, than seeing Kenny again in Season 2. He had took the spotlight again and a lot of Season 2 characters were not developed because of Kenny having so much screen time.
bringing back Kenny a good idea ? No.His arc his over.Lily is a good choice,Christa could be a good choice,but not Kenny.
I don't hate Kenn… morey but i had enough of him he's been in two seasons his arc ended in season 1 but they decided to bring him back in season 2 i was okay with it but not for another season just stop.
I think it would have been better if they had left Kenny as the original leader of Howe's.
1. Now it impacts your previous choices in an indirect way. Instead on your past decisions affecting the physical game, it affects what you, the player, processes. We'll start to consider things like Lee's interactions with him, whether or not he helped look for you, etc. That will end up channeling through Clementine which would be an interesting take on Clem on her character now that I think about it.
2. It gives more interest in his character, especially on how Kenny ended up being at the end of S1. A man who lost his family to the apocalypse builds a community to fill that void. He rules it with an iron fist because he will not let the world take away what he has built again. Imagine playing S2 like that. You still have Carver looking for Rebecca, but you learn that is due to his boss's influence on keeping your family at all cost. When you get to Howe's, that's when you meet Kenny. Only during our private conversation in his office will we see the raw Kenny: a battlefield between a broken man who misses his family and a hardened leader that want to be the savior of mankind.
3. You can think of a million ways to make simple, binary decisions play a role in the season. If Kenny didn't help Lee find you, he sees you as a ghost of his past wrongs coming to destroy what he has built. If he helped Lee, he sees you as a light coming to help him make his community the beacon of hope. His harshness or kindness to you when you disagree with his decisions or ways will be determined by events like Duck at the drug store, Larry and the meat locker, dropping Ben at the tower or not, and shooting Duck and the boy in the attic.
4. The cabin group gets a stronger voice. These guys know have known Kenny for either as long of longer than Clementine. This will create a dynamic as the two perspective have to potential to collide on identifying who Kenny really is. Clem will have to decide whether she still believes the he is the old Kenny her more innocent eyes saw almost 2 years prior or the new Kenny the cabin group has dealt with for over a year. Believe a dysfunctional group you just met or a broken man you haven't seen in 2 years
That's just a few ideas I can think of right now when I should be doing what my job pays me to do... ...uhh, yeah. But I think Kenny could have worked in S2 if left as the antagonist. It would have been a nice way to continue off of where S1 left off, and probably would have made S2 surpass S1 in my opinion.
I would rather spend more time with the cabin group, Sarita, Bonnie, Mike etc, than seeing Kenny again in Season 2. He had took the spotlight again and a lot of Season 2 characters were not developed because of Kenny having so much screen time.
I think it would have been better if they had left Kenny as the original leader of Howe's.
1. Now it impacts your previous choices in an in… moredirect way. Instead on your past decisions affecting the physical game, it affects what you, the player, processes. We'll start to consider things like Lee's interactions with him, whether or not he helped look for you, etc. That will end up channeling through Clementine which would be an interesting take on Clem on her character now that I think about it.
2. It gives more interest in his character, especially on how Kenny ended up being at the end of S1. A man who lost his family to the apocalypse builds a community to fill that void. He rules it with an iron fist because he will not let the world take away what he has built again. Imagine playing S2 like that. You still have Carver looking for Rebecca, but you learn that is due to his boss's influence on keeping your family at all cost. When yo… [view original content]
I know smh, was gonna bring a big sign just hold it up the whole panel, go up to the mic for questions and just "can i please get me some of them rhys socks homie. thank"
If you guys think back to the previous instances of "exclusive" footage shown, the spoilers really weren't that big.
For Batman Season 1, they did a similar thing for a PAX Panel with exclusive footage where they just showed like a ~15 second excerpt from the Episode 102 trailer where Bruce and Selina are talking in a bar.
Similarly, for Michonne and A New Frontier, they also had (public/online) events where they showed an early clip, but both clips were spoiler free and relatively tame. The Michonne clip was just Michonne cutting up walkers in the first episode's intro, and the New Frontier clip was just a shortened version of the Javier flashback from Episode 301.
What I'm getting at is, if past instances are any indication, I would not get bent out of shape about the "early access" footage as they don't tend to be anything super notable/spoilery/eventful/etc. Unless, of course, you just wanna see what the game looks like in motion.
If you guys think back to the previous instances of "exclusive" footage shown, the spoilers really weren't that big.
For Batman Season 1,… more they did a similar thing for a PAX Panel with exclusive footage where they just showed like a ~15 second excerpt from the Episode 102 trailer where Bruce and Selina are talking in a bar.
Similarly, for Michonne and A New Frontier, they also had (public/online) events where they showed an early clip, but both clips were spoiler free and relatively tame. The Michonne clip was just Michonne cutting up walkers in the first episode's intro, and the New Frontier clip was just a shortened version of the Javier flashback from Episode 301.
What I'm getting at is, if past instances are any indication, I would not get bent out of shape about the "early access" footage as they don't tend to be anything super notable/spoilery/eventful/etc. Unless, of course, you just wanna see what the game looks like in motion.
The whole panel will be streamed via the PAX twitch account except for the exclusive footage which will be censored like they did for the Batman season 1 episode 2 clip.
The whole panel will be streamed via the PAX twitch account except for the exclusive footage which will be censored like they did for the Batman season 1 episode 2 clip.
The stream will be on the PAX 2 feed https://twitch.tv/pax2
Since the event is tomorrow, we are creating a new Event Discussion thread, and we merged the older thread into this one. We'll try to update the Original Post with a summary after the event, and everyone is also free to post their own summaries/etc as the event is live.
Check the original post for links and times to see when/where to watch the PAX Livestream!
The new comments after the thread merge start with AChicken's comment two posts right above, for those wanting to stick to recent comments.
The Moderators and I have talked things over, and in the event of a leak, we've decided that leak discussion will be allowed here in this thread - but, we ask that you use spoiler tags to discuss any potential leaks.
I didn't know there were so many Kenny haters in this community. I'm actually bewildered. I'd like him to be in TFS somehow to get proper closure to his character, I don't care about how "much" he's been in the game. To me he is as important as Lee and Clem and just the thought of not seeing him again makes me lose interest in the final season. But that's just me, I guess.
Nice to hear that there will be news about The Walking Dead, I haven't been following the news threads or twitter for Telltale's games recently, I just found myself too busy with university. I really want to be part of the "waiting community" just like I have been since 2013/2014. I miss the feeling.
bringing back Kenny a good idea ? No.His arc his over.Lily is a good choice,Christa could be a good choice,but not Kenny.
I don't hate Kenn… morey but i had enough of him he's been in two seasons his arc ended in season 1 but they decided to bring him back in season 2 i was okay with it but not for another season just stop.
This is an outrage I tell you T.T an outrage!
Was actually gonna go to PAX east to see Telltale but tickets sold out like right away. Was also planning on going last year but a huge snow storm kinda prevented that. RIP, its like I can never get my socks man ;(
This "exclusive footage" is a bunch of crap. Telltale why did you have to pull a Naughty Dog? Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the content Naughty Dog comes out with but they are known for restricting things to make them "exclusive". One thing I loved about Telltale was the way they strived to make their content available for everyone. Telltale please don't throw away the things that you do better than other gaming companies.
No silly, we already discussed this. The first episode of the final season is 2 hours long which is waaay too big for one episode so they are splitting it into 5 parts. The final season is coming out as a two hour long series and is all being released at once!
Hello everyone, I have a clue about which one character will return in Season 4, actually might be two characters, Lilly and Christa, and the question is, why? Recently, Lilly's voice actor, @itsuhrapp, started following two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter, one of them is @emilybuckshot, and the other is @maryknews, and Emily followed Nicki Rapp back, and the same thing with Christa's voice actor, @maraJunot, recently followed the two lead designe (S4 EP 2) on twitter. Coincidences? NO, they might be together in the same season, even Job said that some CHARACTERS from SEASON 1 MIGHT BE RETURN in SEASON 4, THEN it would be Lilly and Christa. Im sorry for my english.
Well last I heard was that TellTale was going to release The Walking Dead The Final Season in the summer with The Wolf Among Us coming out in the Fall but I have no idea if TellTale has changed the release date for these games.
I probably shouldn't entertain this, but I'd have a chance of being happy if this pays off.
I would be more then fine with this.
I figured this was the most likely outcome because Mike/Bonnie/Molly were determinant.
Now that I think of it was Molly/Mike determinant? Did we actually see either of them die on screen? I think they both just got shot (in some playthroughs)
Also Arvo is presumably alive but none of us want him returning.
Didn't they do the same thing for S1, S2, and Michonne though? I know for a fact the Christa and Clem in the rain pic was an exculsize release by TTG initially. If my memory serves me correct, they released some artwork for Michonne to a group exclusively initially as well. I think I heard there was a similar thing for S1, but I'm unsure of this. I don't think there was any exclusive stuff for ANF. From what I understand, companies will release something exclusive to try and generate hype. They are betting on positive impressions generating a self-propelled hype train. The catch being that an unimpressed audience can kill any enthusiasm towards your product.
If i recall correctly they did do an "exclusive" preview for an episode of ANF at an event that they uploaded on their channel later that day.
With Batman out the way now. All the focus is on The Final Season!
Not anymore. I might thank myself later...
I'm weak, barely anyone is going to Telltale's panel. I've talked to who knows how many people who are going to pax that day, no one going to see the exclusive footage. I don't even think its worth the searching since what they show might not even make it into the final game.
People leaked the "exclusive" premier crowdplay for season 3 so why do they still think exclusive teasers are a good idea.
ND doesnt make reveal trailers exclusive. Their exclusive content is only merch like posters and gadgets. The exclusive "footage" they've ever done is the alternate ending to TLOU. But it's not exactly canon so it's ok to make it exclusive.
Whenever people think bringing old characters back is either A) gonna happen. or B ) a good idea, these are all I think about:
My bet is that the exclusive footage will be something made specifically for the event a.k.a not in the game. Remember the special clip from the "No Going Back" trailer? Or I'm sure many saw the TLOU 2 trailer. Something similar to those two will most likely be the exclusive footage; something that gives us context to the game but not actual game footage. Now what would be neat is if TTG does a movie style trailer giving us an idea of who we are dealing with at McCarroll Ranch. The clip would be the ranch at the day AJ was given to them.
My personal preference just to tease the fans would be for Clem to give a monologue. The monologue will reflect where Clem has been but also question why and how she has made it so far beyond others. While this monologue is given, we will see Clem walking towards the camera down a road not to far from where we left off in the teaser at the end of ANF. As the monologue progresses, clips from Clem's earliest memories to the present are intermittently shows. As the memories grow closer to the present day, their rate of appearance increases as Clem's monologue grows darker and personal. You see the uncomfortableness growing in Clem's face until it reaches the present. Clem stops walking and tries to shake off the sensory overload. She breathes and then continues to walk. She now questions the future and how she is to become. When the monologue finishes, the title appears with a future release date.
I want something like that because 1) fan would freak out over the exclusive clip shows younger Clem in the new art style, so flashback theories will about. 2) It will show previous determinant characters, so the forums will generate speculation on who may return even if no one does come back. 3) Clementine struggling with her memories would have bring about the self-vs-self theme of the final season. 4) People who saw the clip paraphrasing all kinds of things after their experience will set up for some non existing rumors that no one made up.
But that is just me...
Okay I must be getting them confused with some other company.
I genuinely would like to see you attend the next big event telltale is hosting, walk right up on stage in front of the camera and beg for Rhys socks
bringing back Kenny a good idea ? No.His arc his over.Lily is a good choice,Christa could be a good choice,but not Kenny.
I don't hate Kenny but i had enough of him he's been in two seasons his arc ended in season 1 but they decided to bring him back in season 2 i was okay with it but not for another season just stop.
I would rather spend more time with the cabin group, Sarita, Bonnie, Mike etc, than seeing Kenny again in Season 2. He had took the spotlight again and a lot of Season 2 characters were not developed because of Kenny having so much screen time.
I think it would have been better if they had left Kenny as the original leader of Howe's.
1. Now it impacts your previous choices in an indirect way. Instead on your past decisions affecting the physical game, it affects what you, the player, processes. We'll start to consider things like Lee's interactions with him, whether or not he helped look for you, etc. That will end up channeling through Clementine which would be an interesting take on Clem on her character now that I think about it.
2. It gives more interest in his character, especially on how Kenny ended up being at the end of S1. A man who lost his family to the apocalypse builds a community to fill that void. He rules it with an iron fist because he will not let the world take away what he has built again. Imagine playing S2 like that. You still have Carver looking for Rebecca, but you learn that is due to his boss's influence on keeping your family at all cost. When you get to Howe's, that's when you meet Kenny. Only during our private conversation in his office will we see the raw Kenny: a battlefield between a broken man who misses his family and a hardened leader that want to be the savior of mankind.
3. You can think of a million ways to make simple, binary decisions play a role in the season. If Kenny didn't help Lee find you, he sees you as a ghost of his past wrongs coming to destroy what he has built. If he helped Lee, he sees you as a light coming to help him make his community the beacon of hope. His harshness or kindness to you when you disagree with his decisions or ways will be determined by events like Duck at the drug store, Larry and the meat locker, dropping Ben at the tower or not, and shooting Duck and the boy in the attic.
4. The cabin group gets a stronger voice. These guys know have known Kenny for either as long of longer than Clementine. This will create a dynamic as the two perspective have to potential to collide on identifying who Kenny really is. Clem will have to decide whether she still believes the he is the old Kenny her more innocent eyes saw almost 2 years prior or the new Kenny the cabin group has dealt with for over a year. Believe a dysfunctional group you just met or a broken man you haven't seen in 2 years
That's just a few ideas I can think of right now when I should be doing what my job pays me to do...
...uhh, yeah. But I think Kenny could have worked in S2 if left as the antagonist. It would have been a nice way to continue off of where S1 left off, and probably would have made S2 surpass S1 in my opinion.
I agree with you,that's why i'm kinda hoping Lilly is the antagonist this season.(If she return)
I know smh, was gonna bring a big sign just hold it up the whole panel, go up to the mic for questions and just "can i please get me some of them rhys socks homie. thank"
If you guys think back to the previous instances of "exclusive" footage shown, the spoilers really weren't that big.
For Batman Season 1, they did a similar thing for a PAX Panel with exclusive footage where they just showed like a ~15 second excerpt from the Episode 102 trailer where Bruce and Selina are talking in a bar.
Similarly, for Michonne and A New Frontier, they also had (public/online) events where they showed an early clip, but both clips were spoiler free and relatively tame. The Michonne clip was just Michonne cutting up walkers in the first episode's intro, and the New Frontier clip was just a shortened version of the Javier flashback from Episode 301.
What I'm getting at is, if past instances are any indication, I would not get bent out of shape about the "early access" footage as they don't tend to be anything super notable/spoilery/eventful/etc. Unless, of course, you just wanna see what the game looks like in motion.
I'm just surprised telltale didn't use PAX as an opportunity to unveil an official teaser. Even if it was only a brief preview.
I got this response from Skybound so we'll probably still see some footage

Does that mean we may get another juicy Stream like the one antipating ANF?
The whole panel will be streamed via the PAX twitch account except for the exclusive footage which will be censored like they did for the Batman season 1 episode 2 clip.
The stream will be on the PAX 2 feed https://twitch.tv/pax2
Dear God what is that profile picture? ?
Something from a site I'm lucky the college database can't filter for shit trying to get it. I think.
Also, something that should happen to the future incarnation instead.
Well thats nice
Mod Edit:
More recent Event Discussion starts at this point!
Got to remember to come back here tomorrow! Bookmarked!
Since the event is tomorrow, we are creating a new Event Discussion thread, and we merged the older thread into this one. We'll try to update the Original Post with a summary after the event, and everyone is also free to post their own summaries/etc as the event is live.
Check the original post for links and times to see when/where to watch the PAX Livestream!
The new comments after the thread merge start with AChicken's comment two posts right above, for those wanting to stick to recent comments.

Spoiler Courtesy
The Moderators and I have talked things over, and in the event of a leak, we've decided that leak discussion will be allowed here in this thread - but, we ask that you use spoiler tags to discuss any potential leaks.
I didn't know there were so many Kenny haters in this community. I'm actually bewildered. I'd like him to be in TFS somehow to get proper closure to his character, I don't care about how "much" he's been in the game. To me he is as important as Lee and Clem and just the thought of not seeing him again makes me lose interest in the final season. But that's just me, I guess.
Nice to hear that there will be news about The Walking Dead, I haven't been following the news threads or twitter for Telltale's games recently, I just found myself too busy with university. I really want to be part of the "waiting community" just like I have been since 2013/2014. I miss the feeling.
Good thing this thread is here. I'll be at work through pretty much the whole livestream
I hope it blows you guy's socks off!
You can never have too much Kenny!