The Final Season tech demo (gameplay)

edited April 2018 in The Walking Dead



  • Looks ok, but Clementine could use a little work. Glad that "exlusive" footage went so well too.

  • That's awesome!

  • I feel skeptical because it feels like a life is strange game...but I'll be optimistic about it...for now.

  • edited April 2018

    lmao love how that "exclusive content" gets leaked mere minutes after the stream

    Also am I the only one getting The Last Of Us vibes from this tech demo?

  • I love we can move the camera now, and the animations are so much more fluid too. Clementine picking up the brick and readying to use it against the walker had so much human motion in it.

    Now, where's the son of a bitch dog that stole our daughter's hat, and where may I find a can of beans to throw at it?

  • It looks really good I think TellTale has learned from games like Life is Strange, The Council, and other narrative driven games with 3D environments. I hope this season has a lot of HUBs because that will be great to explore The Walking Dead's environments! :smiley:

  • Yo I was just about to say that in the other thread but refrained in case people said I didn’t know what LIS is and I probably don’t.

    I feel skeptical because it feels like a life is strange game...but I'll be optimistic about it...for now.

  • edited April 2018

    3rd person cam is adventurous for something like the telltale tool and its a great tech demo for what they plan to do with Unity. (I can see Wolf S2 using the exact same method) and for an alpha its looking goooood. Looks like we'll be exploring more with this angle, especially with as big as a setting as a boarding school. I'm curious.

  • I'm going to kick Javier's ass for that haircut.

  • To be honest, I find it better than the one from ANF

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm going to kick Javier's ass for that haircut.

  • That's why Telltale [probably] ain't show much--they're smart enough to know it was gonn get leaked anyway.

    Eh, I reminded of something like Batman Arkham in terms of the animation, but yes, Clementine does remind me even more of Ellie.(Though I never played The Last of Us myself.)

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    lmao love how that "exclusive content" gets leaked mere minutes after the stream Also am I the only one getting The Last Of Us vibes from this tech demo?

  • Yeah I was thinking the same about how this will change Wolf s2, assuming it will play like S4 (new camera and all that) Kinda excited to see how that works, hopefully we can walk on new york streets or something with the new camera, that would be fun.

    However, I really hope Wolf S2 doesnt change the overall style. I dont want Bigby to be looking like a different person like ANF did with a few other fellas...

    3rd person cam is adventurous for something like the telltale tool and its a great tech demo for what they plan to do with Unity. (I can see

  • edited April 2018

    Oh, this is definitely better, it's getting back on track.
    It's just that, considering how short it is on one side, I'm pretty sure she's unable to tie her hair properly because of the haircut Javi gave her. Which makes me think that if this is final, this is before the timeskip.

    AronDracula posted: »

    To be honest, I find it better than the one from ANF

  • edited April 2018

    Yeah, while I make the joke of comparing it to something like the Arkham series, that's technically a compliment. Too bad it's Clementine, who also has seriously lacked a Joker or Strange to go up against.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I love we can move the camera now, and the animations are so much more fluid too. Clementine picking up the brick and readying to use it aga

  • edited April 2018

    Well... At least she got one pigtail back. That's a good sign...
    Also, I know this is just a bad quality recording, but damn... This looks real good. I'm still gonna remain sceptical though. I'm not gonna get myself that hyped like I was before ANF...
    And Is it just me, or Clem's face seems to be... beaten up?

  • edited April 2018

    The Image, genius

    Eat more peaches&beans next time.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm going to kick Javier's ass for that haircut.

  • And Is it just me, or Clem's face seems to be... beaten up?

    I believe they said it’s still in development. So they can definitely improve it over time. It’s also a new engine so we might have to get used to it.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Well... At least she got one pigtail back. That's a good sign... Also, I know this is just a bad quality recording, but damn... This looks

  • edited April 2018

    Clem's face looks exactly like she's supposed to look in an apocalypse imo
    Not sure if you know what i'm saying but yeah..

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Well... At least she got one pigtail back. That's a good sign... Also, I know this is just a bad quality recording, but damn... This looks

  • implying

    I can just replay ANF and let him get beat up at every opportunity.
    Checkmate, Javier.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The Image, genius Eat more peaches&beans next time.

  • .

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Well... At least she got one pigtail back. That's a good sign... Also, I know this is just a bad quality recording, but damn... This looks

  • You mean dirty and tired? Then yeah, I know what you're saying :smile:

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clem's face looks exactly like she's supposed to look in an apocalypse imo Not sure if you know what i'm saying but yeah..

  • edited April 2018

    What does that got to do with what I said and was reacting to?



    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    implying I can just replay ANF and let him get beat up at every opportunity. Checkmate, Javier.

  • edited April 2018

    You replied to me, senpai.

    EDIT: fug

    DabigRG posted: »

    What does that got to do with what I said and was reacting to? (Spoiler)

  • Was that fug because you realized the [easy to make] mistake or because you called me senpai? :lol:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You replied to me, senpai. EDIT: fug

  • The mistake.

    The senpai stays. ?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was that fug because you realized the [easy to make] mistake or because you called me senpai?

  • I like it, definitely a nice change of pace and a step in the right direction.

  • edited April 2018

    Am i the only one who think they've been taking lessons from Life Is Strange ? I don't know it's strange,the way the camera move,the animations and all of that.
    Maybe it's just me..

  • Hopefully it's only in terms of camera movement, and not dialogue, characters, facial animation, story, choices, and so on and so forth.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Am i the only one who think they've been taking lessons from Life Is Strange ? I don't know it's strange,the way the camera move,the animations and all of that. Maybe it's just me..

  • Definitely. I think they been taking lessons from The Last Of Us as well.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Am i the only one who think they've been taking lessons from Life Is Strange ? I don't know it's strange,the way the camera move,the animations and all of that. Maybe it's just me..

  • edited April 2018

    Lis point of view+ Walking dead = ...Last of us?

    Anyway this looks good and I hope they use this camera angle in the new wolf among us, it would give it a more detective feel.

  • Oh, please Telltale. Give us one dangerous zombie.

  • I was thinking the same thing.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Am i the only one who think they've been taking lessons from Life Is Strange ? I don't know it's strange,the way the camera move,the animations and all of that. Maybe it's just me..

  • Looks good and I'm excited for the new change, sadly the change came too late and in the final season :/
    I hope they continue to work on Clem's face, it looks too young and it doesn't really look like her from ANF which I liked her design back then, it seems like they listened to the fans and changed her haircut though. The new characters look interesting and I can't wait to see what they're gonna be like.
    I hope this season leaves TWDG with a good reputation and a good final game.

  • edited April 2018

    Boss Walker for Season 4!
    enter image description here

    Oh, please Telltale. Give us one dangerous zombie.

  • edited April 2018

    With responsive controls, naturalistic animations, and the variety of movement options, it's promising. The excellent visuals and fluid animations will have Telltale Games setting an unprecedented mark for their future games. Because from my observation, they have implemented features into The Walking Dead: The Final Season that were previously seen in other successful episodic graphic adventure video games like Life Is Strange.

  • I really hope that this footage made it into the game and this is the game we'll really have.
    It would be a huge improvement for Telltale.

    With responsive controls, naturalistic animations, and the variety of movement options, it's promising. The excellent visuals and fluid anim

  • edited April 2018

    Here's what happened after the gunshot :
    "She went into a house,found a knife and a guy who had shot himself in the head.Gun had no bullets so she left it before going back outside and killing some walkers with the knife.The Walker fight were QTE's but are now triggered free form by walking around in the explorable space".

    Someone on discord found this,his friend told him this (he was at Pax and saw the footage) it's on Reddit.
    (I hope it's okay if i post this).

  • There's always a possibility. However, the actual scene may have changes made to it, but the gameplay mechanics should remain the same for the most part. This is just a pre-alpha build of the game after all, and it doesn't represent actual gameplay.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I really hope that this footage made it into the game and this is the game we'll really have. It would be a huge improvement for Telltale.

  • edited April 2018

    Please tell me the camera is only moving because it's a demo.

  • Jesus, give it chance will ya? This toxic energy towards a teaser will ultimately force you to hate something you haven't even pressed start to yet. ffs guys. But so far it seems pretty amazing to me, I already like the transition from action to cutscene. Major step forward from ANF :)

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