First of all, I wasn't "dismissing" those who have criticisms, especially if they are legitimate. I'll talk more about this later.
Second, I never said you or anyone were "close minded" or "stubborn." However, even you can't deny that there a group of people out there who will always find fault in everything Telltale does. I never nor will I ever specify anyone by name, especially since I'm not saying those people are here on the forums, but I have seen people who shit on everything they do, say, release, etc.
Thirdly, yes it has, and I don't get triggered or pissed off when someone voices those opinions. They are fully entitled to them, and based off of previous decisions, especially in regard to this series, I understand their concerns.
Fourthly, emo designs? @MRSHYGUY45 pretty much addressed this already, and I agree. They're in the apocalypse, these are outfits I would expect them to be wearing.
Fifthly, I don't see how these characters are necessarily trope-ish. I'm not saying they're 100% original, but as I said before, they already pretty much have more depth than some of the characters from ANF. And I think these early impressions and descriptions leave room open for further development, which may be seen in the final product. We will see when the game comes out.
Sixthly, how am I biased? Have you missed all of my posts where I have completely shat on ANF? Where I have criticized many aspects of it, such as the characters, the story, and the inclusion of Clem. Hell, I was saying earlier how ANF has fully been made useless because of the fact that we'll be starting this season with AJ. Much like with all of their games, I have both criticized, and praised, aspects of it, no game is without fault nor is any game without it's praise. Not to mention I have been very open about my distaste for Telltale's business decisions and management style, especially under Kevin Bruner. When the Verge article came out, almost everything that was stated in that article was all stuff I have said in the past.
Seventhly, how dare you insist my perspective doesn't matter? Talk about someone being close minded and stubborn. You're saying I'm insulting people who disagree with me (which I'm not), well look at what you just said to me, you're actively telling me to shut up. I don't think anyone should shut up nor do I think anyone's perspective doesn't matter, everyone has a voice and their voice should be heard and discussed. Even with my claim that Telltale could find the cure for cancer, I was never saying those people who would complain about it should shut up. While I may disagree with their opinions or views, they have the right to say it.
No they cannot. They could find the cure for cancer at this point, and people will still complain about it.
Sure, just dismiss every… moreone who disagrees with you as close minded and stubborn!
Has it occurred to you this might actually not look appealing to some people? That teenagers with extremely emo and edgy designs, and incredibly trope-ish descriptions were not what people were expecting at all as Clem's closing chapter? But what do I know right, either shill, or you're just bias and your perspective doesn't matter!
You clearly misinterpreted the last phrase, it was a sarcastic remark on how quick you are to paint people who dare criticize and be skeptical about this new cast as part of some mob mentality group who doesn't function within their own reason, not me calling you bias and telling you that your perspective doesn't matter.
I'm not sure how you can look at Marlon and not see an emo design. Combine that with the description of "abrasive guy with a softer side if you look deep enough"... are you going to tell me this doesn't sound right out of some teen TV show or a dating sim. Hell, the most recent dating sim I remember is Dream Daddy, and I can unironically think of character which fit these designs and descriptions perfectly.
I am not saying the final Season will 100% suck. I don't read the future. But I can say, that what I'm seeing, honestly looks horrible and that perhaps you should get over yourself and realize that just because one thing hyped you up and some people don't feel the same, it doesn't mean that they are forcefully trying to hate it.
No, I never did, especially when the cure cancer comment was meant to be a fucking joke, not something to be taken seriously nor something to get offended over. I was never criticizing people for having a differing opinion than me regarding TFS's story and characters, and I even acknowledged that, based on previous decisions made the company, they have legitimate worries and concerns. I have one of the most divisive opinions on this forum, that being S2 is just as good as S1, and I don't get all upset when someone comes on here and rationally explains why S2 sucks ass. In fact, I welcome it, it challenges my viewpoints and beliefs and can either reinforce them or persuade me to see a different perspective. So why would that aspect of me change in regards to this? And again, I didn't say everything was 100% original, but the door is open for potential and I, personally, don't really have a problem with the early insights we were given regarding these characters. You do, that's fine, but I was never calling out you or anyone specifically for feeling different than I do, you jumped to that conclusion on your own. I make no apologies for anything I said, if you have a problem with a comment that was never meant to be taken literally and has been used a million times in other regards, then that's on you.
You clearly misinterpreted the last phrase, it was a sarcastic remark on how quick you are to paint people who dare criticize and be skeptic… moreal about this new cast as part of some mob mentality group who doesn't function within their own reason, not me calling you bias and telling you that your perspective doesn't matter.
I'm not sure how you can look at Marlon and not see an emo design. Combine that with the description of "abrasive guy with a softer side if you look deep enough"... are you going to tell me this doesn't sound right out of some teen TV show or a dating sim. Hell, the most recent dating sim I remember is Dream Daddy, and I can unironically think of character which fit these designs and descriptions perfectly.
I am not saying the final Season will 100% suck. I don't read the future. But I can say, that what I'm seeing, honestly looks horrible and that perhaps you should get over yourself and realize that just because one t… [view original content]
...yeah, let's all get focused back on topic, please. It helps to focus on the argument itself instead of personally attacking people for their opinions - and that applies on both sides.
Focus on the logic of why you find someone's post disagreeable instead of attacking people for how or why they think something.
No they cannot. They could find the cure for cancer at this point, and people will still complain about it.
I agree with what you said. I honestly feel that no matter what Telltale do there will always be people that criticise them. I somewhat understand it as they are skeptical but Jesus Christ come on..... And honestly I was underwhelmed but the characters look promising. The information we have right now is only a brief description of the personality each character has. Their motives, beliefs and other parts may be explored in The Final Season. I do like the idea of a bit more focus on children as I myself am a child and I acknowledge that practically all Zombie Games focus on adults as honestly adults are far more physically capable of survival. But with the story that Telltale are producing..... it levels the playing field for the characters involved
It's amazing how these characters already have more depth to them than the characters from ANF, and the game isn't even out yet.
Tellt… moreale just can't catch a break here lol
No they cannot. They could find the cure for cancer at this point, and people will still complain about it.
Well guys,it's The Walking Dead Community what were you expecting lmao
i'm sure people will calm down after The first episode of the Final Season came out.
No they cannot. They could find the cure for cancer at this point, and people will still complain about it.
I agree with what you sa… moreid. I honestly feel that no matter what Telltale do there will always be people that criticise them. I somewhat understand it as they are skeptical but Jesus Christ come on..... And honestly I was underwhelmed but the characters look promising. The information we have right now is only a brief description of the personality each character has. Their motives, beliefs and other parts may be explored in The Final Season. I do like the idea of a bit more focus on children as I myself am a child and I acknowledge that practically all Zombie Games focus on adults as honestly adults are far more physically capable of survival. But with the story that Telltale are producing..... it levels the playing field for the characters involved
Honestly I wonder if I’m the only one pretty hype for TFS and the new characters. Although, It is a situation where if Telltale does this right, it’ll be decent, if they mess it up they’re screwed. A cast full of kids in an apocalypse is hard to write correctly without it being bad.
It is unnecessary. They received enough crap after A New Frontier (which I liked, it wasn't my favourite but I really enjoyed it) which they have learned from. People need to give them a chance.
Well guys,it's The Walking Dead Community what were you expecting lmao
i'm sure people will calm down after The first episode of the Final Season came out.
I'm pretty hype too,in fact i'm hype everytime Telltale announce something,i'm the type of guy that's not afraid to be hype even if the game isn't really good.
Honestly I wonder if I’m the only one pretty hype for TFS and the new characters. Although, It is a situation where if Telltale does this ri… moreght, it’ll be decent, if they mess it up they’re screwed. A cast full of kids in an apocalypse is hard to write correctly without it being bad.
Oh, don't you worry. I didn't by all means intend on making you say "sorry". I have been wanting to call out this very idiotic misconception that has been growing on the forums and elsewhere that people that are skeptical that Telltale has the ability to pull of a good final chapter to Clem are somehow bitter people who just want and need to be angry and that have no basis to believe in what they do. Your comment really felt like it had this sentiment all over it, but, of course, it must be me imagining things. Your comment obviously did not imply that no matter what Telltale did people would still bitch about it in a chain that led to my comment. Silly me.
No, I never did, especially when the cure cancer comment was meant to be a fucking joke, not something to be taken seriously nor something t… moreo get offended over. I was never criticizing people for having a differing opinion than me regarding TFS's story and characters, and I even acknowledged that, based on previous decisions made the company, they have legitimate worries and concerns. I have one of the most divisive opinions on this forum, that being S2 is just as good as S1, and I don't get all upset when someone comes on here and rationally explains why S2 sucks ass. In fact, I welcome it, it challenges my viewpoints and beliefs and can either reinforce them or persuade me to see a different perspective. So why would that aspect of me change in regards to this? And again, I didn't say everything was 100% original, but the door is open for potential and I, personally, don't really have a problem with the early insights we were given regardin… [view original content]
Aside from everyone else, I'm most concerned about Marlon. Seems to be a crossbreed of David, Badger and Kevin from Toy Story. Other than that I'm pretty excited to see more! Had a pretty crappy day today and this new news made my week can't wait.
These characters are not only unique but they are kids who will no doubt have a storied past.
As I've been saying for a while now, kid/youth characters are inherently more interesting than some of the adults. Something Telltale clearly realized a little too late and are capitalizing on.
Compare them to ANF character bios.
You forgot Eleanor, David, and Joan, btw
Big man with a beard who does whatever the protagonist wants because plot
I'm surprised you managed to make Tripp's longer than most of the others, even with generalizing
Short baldheaded soldier who is tougher than she looks
Kinda neglecting her characterization there, but I love how she sticks out so much more with just her appearance.
Slutty stepmom who wants to go to run away with you
Evil guys friends #1 and #2
Incomplete arcs or not, you're really shortselling them there. Not to mention playing up an attribute the former didn't actually have.
Lonnie is fair, though.
Not to mention most of the ANF character backstories were given by Alyssa via the forums, instead of the actual game.
That's what I'm trying to tell everyone!! These characters are not only unique but they are kids who will no doubt have a storied past.
C… moreompare them to ANF character bios.
* Big man with a beard who does whatever the protagonist wants because plot
* Bartender who gets upset when his girlfriend dies and personality changes every episode if he survives
* Bartender's girlfriend who rode a horse and died
* Slutty stepmom who wants to go to run away with you
* Short baldheaded soldier who is tougher than she looks
* Evil guy named after animal who kills a child
* Evil guys friends #1 and #2
* Doctor who gets high on his own supply
Not to mention most of the ANF character backstories were given by Alyssa via the forums, instead of the actual game. I have so much more faith in these new characters already.
I'm giving it a chance. New graphics it seems, new style of gameplay, characters & their arcs. And not to mention playing as fucking Clementine Everett!! I'm pretty stoked to say the least.
Honestly I wonder if I’m the only one pretty hype for TFS and the new characters. Although, It is a situation where if Telltale does this ri… moreght, it’ll be decent, if they mess it up they’re screwed. A cast full of kids in an apocalypse is hard to write correctly without it being bad.
I'm giving it a chance. New graphics it seems, new style of gameplay, characters & their arcs. And not to mention playing as fucking Clementine Everett!! I'm pretty stoked to say the least.
Why do you consider it extremely risky move? It's not out yet. Kids are fun to watch. I won't forget Harmony Korine's "Kids". Anyway, it's Mary Sue Clementine and undead underdogs who we should be afraid of, not group of kids.
But you're taking a comment that was not directed at you personally and taking it personally, so yeah, it is you imagining things. Simple yes or no question, are there people that feel this way, that anything Telltale does is wrong and should be criticized?
Oh, don't you worry. I didn't by all means intend on making you say "sorry". I have been wanting to call out this very idiotic misconception… more that has been growing on the forums and elsewhere that people that are skeptical that Telltale has the ability to pull of a good final chapter to Clem are somehow bitter people who just want and need to be angry and that have no basis to believe in what they do. Your comment really felt like it had this sentiment all over it, but, of course, it must be me imagining things. Your comment obviously did not imply that no matter what Telltale did people would still bitch about it in a chain that led to my comment. Silly me.
That's what I'm trying to tell everyone!! These characters are not only unique but they are kids who will no doubt have a storied past.
C… moreompare them to ANF character bios.
* Big man with a beard who does whatever the protagonist wants because plot
* Bartender who gets upset when his girlfriend dies and personality changes every episode if he survives
* Bartender's girlfriend who rode a horse and died
* Slutty stepmom who wants to go to run away with you
* Short baldheaded soldier who is tougher than she looks
* Evil guy named after animal who kills a child
* Evil guys friends #1 and #2
* Doctor who gets high on his own supply
Not to mention most of the ANF character backstories were given by Alyssa via the forums, instead of the actual game. I have so much more faith in these new characters already.
Hopefully the younger characters will feel like real people like Ben, Russell and Becca and not too over the top and cartoonish (Gabe and season 3 version of Clementine). I'm already skeptical about the guy with the dog.
I trust they would have a good explanation of how he's managed to keep a dog alive, safe and well fed this deep into the apocalypse. I don't really like these type of gimmicks anyway but I don't wanna judge the guy's character on one picture.
Sadly like you said, this will either be hit or miss.
Its possible that these characters will work out very well, but also possible they wont. Sadly Im pretty worried about it already. The first character they reveal was Marlon, and his design already said a lot about the game to me. Im worried that its gonna be like some high school drama set in walking dead complete with edgy kids and quiet kids, and more out going kids. I really dont want this to be LIS: Zombie Edition.
Nothing wrong with Telltale trying new things because Im all for that, I really want a good S4. But Im kinda disappointed and worried about S4. Seeing this new direct that can easily fail if not done correctly is not the type of news I want to see after ANF being such a blunder. Really hoping Ill be wrong, time will tell.
(also doesnt help every other kid character telltale has done besides Clem and Duck have just been terrible or really boring characters, or wasted potential like Mariana was, not the best track recorded for kid characters)
Because most of them look like they'll spend the season talking about the void in their hearts, and after people complained about "Mary Sue Clementine" doing as much as she did, we've got a 2018s Evanescence looking teens who are just as implausible in concept. Sarah, Ben, and Gabe were not fun to watch. They were frustratingly annoying until the very end.
(To clarify the reference, Evanescence was an emo band from the early 2000s some may be too young to remember.)
Why do you consider it extremely risky move? It's not out yet. Kids are fun to watch. I won't forget Harmony Korine's "Kids". Anyway, it's Mary Sue Clementine and undead underdogs who we should be afraid of, not group of kids.
Let's think of it like this: Clementine has had to survive in this wolrd for how many years? And it has hardened her. Now how many other kids have we met like her? Kids who would've been about her age when it all went down and had to learn to survive? None.
Clem isn't the only hardened child survivor, I think it's time we meet some others.
I think this could work really well. Especially if the kids all grew up and survived together.
Clementine has had to survive in this wolrd for how many years?
That's sort of my mindset.
People don't want to admit it, but adults aren't the only ones who find themselves abandoned in the apocalypse. There are also a lot of kids left abandoned and a lot have to fend for themselves any way they can. Some kids don't have a Christa or Omid to find them if their guardian dies. Some aren't lucky enough to find a group that would take them in. I like the direction of TFS. People are being too quick to judge just because they dislike the other children of the series.
Let's think of it like this: Clementine has had to survive in this wolrd for how many years? And it has hardened her. Now how many other kid… mores have we met like her? Kids who would've been about her age when it all went down and had to learn to survive? None.
Clem isn't the only hardened child survivor, I think it's time we meet some others.
I think this could work really well. Especially if the kids all grew up and survived together.
Hopefully the younger characters will feel like real people like Ben, Russell and Becca and not too over the top and cartoonish (Gabe and se… moreason 3 version of Clementine). I'm already skeptical about the guy with the dog.
I trust they would have a good explanation of how he's managed to keep a dog alive, safe and well fed this deep into the apocalypse. I don't really like these type of gimmicks anyway but I don't wanna judge the guy's character on one picture.
Let's think of it like this: Clementine has had to survive in this wolrd for how many years? And it has hardened her. Now how many other kid… mores have we met like her? Kids who would've been about her age when it all went down and had to learn to survive? None.
Clem isn't the only hardened child survivor, I think it's time we meet some others.
I think this could work really well. Especially if the kids all grew up and survived together.
I think its going to work out well for several reasons. It's a fresh take on groups in the apocalypse. The adults-who-lose-everything trop… moree is way too overdone, it will be refreshing to see a group of kids who have either adapted to the apocalypse or been born into it. And like you said, they're going to need some damn good explanations for how they survived this long. This means that they will actually be given backstories and motivations, unlike freaking Tripp and Francine and all the other generic ANF characters.
Telltale has certainly taken a huge risk by adding so many young characters and I admit that I am skeptical about this decision, but if they pull this off it could be really good and would be covering new concepts for TWD that haven’t really been covered in depth before. This could end up being awful but we really won’t know until the game comes out. I’m willing to give it a chance.
Adults who have lost everything is a trope that is used over and over again in the apocalyptic genre. Young people who have been forced to give up their childhood and take on the roles of an adult as they grow up in a messed-up world is a concept that hasn’t been explored nearly as often.
Modern day society often forgets how capable children really are. Years ago, children were expected to do a lot more than what they do today. I don’t understand why people seem to think that a group of teenagers taking care of themselves is so hard to believe. Children have the ability to grow and mature from hardships the same as adults do. When you don’t have parents protecting you and looking over your shoulder 24/7, you learn to look over your own shoulder and protect yourself.
Clementine really isn’t a child anymore. She might have the body of a child, but because of all of the trauma and hardships she has endured, her mental state is more akin to that of an adult. I would imagine that many of these new characters are the same way. The sadness of an adult who has lost everything is nothing compared to a child has lost everything.
It looks like we will finally be getting youthful characters who are actually capable survivors who contribute to the group. It will also be interesting to see Clementine meet characters her age who can truly understand her. Sarah and Gabe were pampered compared to her and though what they went through was sad and something no child should ever have to go through; the sadness of their stories is nothing compared to what Clementine has been through. Exploring how the next generation is reacting and surviving in this world has a lot of potential. So I actually think this could be really good if this pulls through.
Y'know what? I respect them for trying something different. They could've easily given us another rehash of a Javi like companion, or a Cabin group. I think we've seen enough of that. They're trying to go for a fresh take on the story and a group of youths is something that hasn't been delved into yet. I also like that Clem's new companions aren't so many in numbers, Marlon, Violet and Louis seem to be the main three and that's good, the less characters they shove into the group the more time they can distribute towards building each of them up.
Since we're playing as Clementine I think it makes sense to have more characters in her age group so she can relate to them more. As much as I love season 2 the only character I felt that Clem could have a genuine friendship with was Sarah. I mean imagine if Lee was the protagonist in season 2 and he was just surrounded by kids leaving just one single character in his age group.
Though since so many people hate kids in games the concern doesn't surprise me. I'm just saying that I think it can work if they're all written well.
Because most of them look like they'll spend the season talking about the void in their hearts, and after people complained about "Mary Sue … moreClementine" doing as much as she did, we've got a 2018s Evanescence looking teens who are just as implausible in concept. Sarah, Ben, and Gabe were not fun to watch. They were frustratingly annoying until the very end.
(To clarify the reference, Evanescence was an emo band from the early 2000s some may be too young to remember.)
Gabe and Marianna are nothing like Clem. They cannot survive on their own. These kids in TFS are gonna be more like kids who have actually grown up in the Apocalypse and can actually take care of themselves, not whatever those two were.
Telltale, just please don't kill new characters in the first episode or make us choose between them for shock value because that has never worked very well. Let us get attached to them first and kill them in episode four/five or maybe even let all some of them survive until the very end.
Wow, okay.
First of all, I wasn't "dismissing" those who have criticisms, especially if they are legitimate. I'll talk more about this later.
Second, I never said you or anyone were "close minded" or "stubborn." However, even you can't deny that there a group of people out there who will always find fault in everything Telltale does. I never nor will I ever specify anyone by name, especially since I'm not saying those people are here on the forums, but I have seen people who shit on everything they do, say, release, etc.
Thirdly, yes it has, and I don't get triggered or pissed off when someone voices those opinions. They are fully entitled to them, and based off of previous decisions, especially in regard to this series, I understand their concerns.
Fourthly, emo designs? @MRSHYGUY45 pretty much addressed this already, and I agree. They're in the apocalypse, these are outfits I would expect them to be wearing.
Fifthly, I don't see how these characters are necessarily trope-ish. I'm not saying they're 100% original, but as I said before, they already pretty much have more depth than some of the characters from ANF. And I think these early impressions and descriptions leave room open for further development, which may be seen in the final product. We will see when the game comes out.
Sixthly, how am I biased? Have you missed all of my posts where I have completely shat on ANF? Where I have criticized many aspects of it, such as the characters, the story, and the inclusion of Clem. Hell, I was saying earlier how ANF has fully been made useless because of the fact that we'll be starting this season with AJ. Much like with all of their games, I have both criticized, and praised, aspects of it, no game is without fault nor is any game without it's praise. Not to mention I have been very open about my distaste for Telltale's business decisions and management style, especially under Kevin Bruner. When the Verge article came out, almost everything that was stated in that article was all stuff I have said in the past.
Seventhly, how dare you insist my perspective doesn't matter? Talk about someone being close minded and stubborn. You're saying I'm insulting people who disagree with me (which I'm not), well look at what you just said to me, you're actively telling me to shut up. I don't think anyone should shut up nor do I think anyone's perspective doesn't matter, everyone has a voice and their voice should be heard and discussed. Even with my claim that Telltale could find the cure for cancer, I was never saying those people who would complain about it should shut up. While I may disagree with their opinions or views, they have the right to say it.
You clearly misinterpreted the last phrase, it was a sarcastic remark on how quick you are to paint people who dare criticize and be skeptical about this new cast as part of some mob mentality group who doesn't function within their own reason, not me calling you bias and telling you that your perspective doesn't matter.
I'm not sure how you can look at Marlon and not see an emo design. Combine that with the description of "abrasive guy with a softer side if you look deep enough"... are you going to tell me this doesn't sound right out of some teen TV show or a dating sim. Hell, the most recent dating sim I remember is Dream Daddy, and I can unironically think of character which fit these designs and descriptions perfectly.
I am not saying the final Season will 100% suck. I don't read the future. But I can say, that what I'm seeing, honestly looks horrible and that perhaps you should get over yourself and realize that just because one thing hyped you up and some people don't feel the same, it doesn't mean that they are forcefully trying to hate it.
No, I never did, especially when the cure cancer comment was meant to be a fucking joke, not something to be taken seriously nor something to get offended over. I was never criticizing people for having a differing opinion than me regarding TFS's story and characters, and I even acknowledged that, based on previous decisions made the company, they have legitimate worries and concerns. I have one of the most divisive opinions on this forum, that being S2 is just as good as S1, and I don't get all upset when someone comes on here and rationally explains why S2 sucks ass. In fact, I welcome it, it challenges my viewpoints and beliefs and can either reinforce them or persuade me to see a different perspective. So why would that aspect of me change in regards to this? And again, I didn't say everything was 100% original, but the door is open for potential and I, personally, don't really have a problem with the early insights we were given regarding these characters. You do, that's fine, but I was never calling out you or anyone specifically for feeling different than I do, you jumped to that conclusion on your own. I make no apologies for anything I said, if you have a problem with a comment that was never meant to be taken literally and has been used a million times in other regards, then that's on you.
...yeah, let's all get focused back on topic, please. It helps to focus on the argument itself instead of personally attacking people for their opinions - and that applies on both sides.
Focus on the logic of why you find someone's post disagreeable instead of attacking people for how or why they think something.
I agree with what you said. I honestly feel that no matter what Telltale do there will always be people that criticise them. I somewhat understand it as they are skeptical but Jesus Christ come on..... And honestly I was underwhelmed but the characters look promising. The information we have right now is only a brief description of the personality each character has. Their motives, beliefs and other parts may be explored in The Final Season. I do like the idea of a bit more focus on children as I myself am a child and I acknowledge that practically all Zombie Games focus on adults as honestly adults are far more physically capable of survival. But with the story that Telltale are producing..... it levels the playing field for the characters involved
Well guys,it's The Walking Dead Community what were you expecting lmao
i'm sure people will calm down after The first episode of the Final Season came out.
Honestly I wonder if I’m the only one pretty hype for TFS and the new characters. Although, It is a situation where if Telltale does this right, it’ll be decent, if they mess it up they’re screwed. A cast full of kids in an apocalypse is hard to write correctly without it being bad.
It is unnecessary. They received enough crap after A New Frontier (which I liked, it wasn't my favourite but I really enjoyed it) which they have learned from. People need to give them a chance.
I'm pretty hype too,in fact i'm hype everytime Telltale announce something,i'm the type of guy that's not afraid to be hype even if the game isn't really good.
Oh, don't you worry. I didn't by all means intend on making you say "sorry". I have been wanting to call out this very idiotic misconception that has been growing on the forums and elsewhere that people that are skeptical that Telltale has the ability to pull of a good final chapter to Clem are somehow bitter people who just want and need to be angry and that have no basis to believe in what they do. Your comment really felt like it had this sentiment all over it, but, of course, it must be me imagining things. Your comment obviously did not imply that no matter what Telltale did people would still bitch about it in a chain that led to my comment. Silly me.
Aside from everyone else, I'm most concerned about Marlon. Seems to be a crossbreed of David, Badger and Kevin from Toy Story. Other than that I'm pretty excited to see more! Had a pretty crappy day today and this new news made my week
can't wait.
As I've been saying for a while now, kid/youth characters are inherently more interesting than some of the adults. Something Telltale clearly realized a little too late and are capitalizing on.
You forgot Eleanor, David, and Joan, btw
I'm surprised you managed to make Tripp's longer than most of the others, even with generalizing
Kinda neglecting her characterization there, but I love how she sticks out so much more with just her appearance.
Incomplete arcs or not, you're really shortselling them there. Not to mention playing up an attribute the former didn't actually have.
Lonnie is fair, though.
Fair enough.
I'm giving it a chance. New graphics it seems, new style of gameplay, characters & their arcs. And not to mention playing as fucking Clementine Everett!!
I'm pretty stoked to say the least.
It’s nice to see people who do!
Why do you consider it extremely risky move? It's not out yet. Kids are fun to watch. I won't forget Harmony Korine's "Kids". Anyway, it's Mary Sue Clementine and undead underdogs who we should be afraid of, not group of kids.
But you're taking a comment that was not directed at you personally and taking it personally, so yeah, it is you imagining things. Simple yes or no question, are there people that feel this way, that anything Telltale does is wrong and should be criticized?
oh god it's going to be like degrassi: walking dead edition isn't it.
Actually walking dead: the next generation isn't a horrible title.
This post cracked me up
Psycho edgy goth kid?
Uuuh...which one is that?
But no.
. . .
Hopefully the younger characters will feel like real people like Ben, Russell and Becca and not too over the top and cartoonish (Gabe and season 3 version of Clementine). I'm already skeptical about the guy with the dog.
I trust they would have a good explanation of how he's managed to keep a dog alive, safe and well fed this deep into the apocalypse. I don't really like these type of gimmicks anyway but I don't wanna judge the guy's character on one picture.
I'm curious if the season will have a main antagonist.
Sadly like you said, this will either be hit or miss.
Its possible that these characters will work out very well, but also possible they wont. Sadly Im pretty worried about it already. The first character they reveal was Marlon, and his design already said a lot about the game to me. Im worried that its gonna be like some high school drama set in walking dead complete with edgy kids and quiet kids, and more out going kids. I really dont want this to be LIS: Zombie Edition.
Nothing wrong with Telltale trying new things because Im all for that, I really want a good S4. But Im kinda disappointed and worried about S4. Seeing this new direct that can easily fail if not done correctly is not the type of news I want to see after ANF being such a blunder. Really hoping Ill be wrong, time will tell.
(also doesnt help every other kid character telltale has done besides Clem and Duck have just been terrible or really boring characters, or wasted potential like Mariana was, not the best track recorded for kid characters)
Because most of them look like they'll spend the season talking about the void in their hearts, and after people complained about "Mary Sue Clementine" doing as much as she did, we've got a 2018s Evanescence looking teens who are just as implausible in concept. Sarah, Ben, and Gabe were not fun to watch. They were frustratingly annoying until the very end.
(To clarify the reference, Evanescence was an emo band from the early 2000s some may be too young to remember.)
Turns out all of this is just one big origin story for KND.
Let's think of it like this: Clementine has had to survive in this wolrd for how many years? And it has hardened her. Now how many other kids have we met like her? Kids who would've been about her age when it all went down and had to learn to survive? None.
Clem isn't the only hardened child survivor, I think it's time we meet some others.
I think this could work really well. Especially if the kids all grew up and survived together.
That's sort of my mindset.
People don't want to admit it, but adults aren't the only ones who find themselves abandoned in the apocalypse. There are also a lot of kids left abandoned and a lot have to fend for themselves any way they can. Some kids don't have a Christa or Omid to find them if their guardian dies. Some aren't lucky enough to find a group that would take them in. I like the direction of TFS. People are being too quick to judge just because they dislike the other children of the series.
Let's see if they can execute this well.
Was he now?
He is kind of anime, isn't he?
Yeah-heh-heh-heh, I was kinda waiting for a Zoot Chute or something!
Wrong. There was two.

They could've easily survived because there is a orchard near by. Some cities, have dozen of unmanned orchards that still grow apples and oranges.
Just saying, Gabe and Mariana were taken care of by Javi. They weren't on their own, not like how Clem was.
And they did a pretty good job, all things considered.
Fair enough.
Telltale has certainly taken a huge risk by adding so many young characters and I admit that I am skeptical about this decision, but if they pull this off it could be really good and would be covering new concepts for TWD that haven’t really been covered in depth before. This could end up being awful but we really won’t know until the game comes out. I’m willing to give it a chance.
Adults who have lost everything is a trope that is used over and over again in the apocalyptic genre. Young people who have been forced to give up their childhood and take on the roles of an adult as they grow up in a messed-up world is a concept that hasn’t been explored nearly as often.
Modern day society often forgets how capable children really are. Years ago, children were expected to do a lot more than what they do today. I don’t understand why people seem to think that a group of teenagers taking care of themselves is so hard to believe. Children have the ability to grow and mature from hardships the same as adults do. When you don’t have parents protecting you and looking over your shoulder 24/7, you learn to look over your own shoulder and protect yourself.
Clementine really isn’t a child anymore. She might have the body of a child, but because of all of the trauma and hardships she has endured, her mental state is more akin to that of an adult. I would imagine that many of these new characters are the same way. The sadness of an adult who has lost everything is nothing compared to a child has lost everything.
It looks like we will finally be getting youthful characters who are actually capable survivors who contribute to the group. It will also be interesting to see Clementine meet characters her age who can truly understand her. Sarah and Gabe were pampered compared to her and though what they went through was sad and something no child should ever have to go through; the sadness of their stories is nothing compared to what Clementine has been through. Exploring how the next generation is reacting and surviving in this world has a lot of potential. So I actually think this could be really good if this pulls through.
Y'know what? I respect them for trying something different. They could've easily given us another rehash of a Javi like companion, or a Cabin group. I think we've seen enough of that. They're trying to go for a fresh take on the story and a group of youths is something that hasn't been delved into yet. I also like that Clem's new companions aren't so many in numbers, Marlon, Violet and Louis seem to be the main three and that's good, the less characters they shove into the group the more time they can distribute towards building each of them up.
Since we're playing as Clementine I think it makes sense to have more characters in her age group so she can relate to them more. As much as I love season 2 the only character I felt that Clem could have a genuine friendship with was Sarah. I mean imagine if Lee was the protagonist in season 2 and he was just surrounded by kids leaving just one single character in his age group.
Though since so many people hate kids in games the concern doesn't surprise me. I'm just saying that I think it can work if they're all written well.
Not defending them, but I'd hardly call Evanescence an emo band.
Not sure if this is a joke, but in case it's not:
Gabe and Marianna are nothing like Clem. They cannot survive on their own. These kids in TFS are gonna be more like kids who have actually grown up in the Apocalypse and can actually take care of themselves, not whatever those two were.
Telltale, just please don't kill new characters in the first episode or make us choose between them for shock value because that has never worked very well. Let us get attached to them first and kill them in episode four/five or maybe even let all some of them survive until the very end.