Just in general, for some reason lots of people keep focusing on this one tweet. It doesnt mean she will die, but it doesnt mean she wont either. It doesnt mean she will be hurt, but it doesnt mean wont be hurt. Its just a tweet that Telltale tweeted that doesnt answer anything. Its just so people speculate this tweet that will overall is not going to lead to anything truly worth speculating. Its basically just click bait, cause buzz.
Me? I don't personally think that Clementine will die.
@Veeeee said:
Telltale responded the way they should. They didn't promis… moree anything nor should they. That question is up to us to find out when the season ends.
I completely understand. But, do you think that Clementine will die? That's the question.
I think her survival will be dependent on player choices. Either that or Telltale will play it completely safe and keep her alive no matter what. I guess all we can do is wait and see.
I agree with you completely. Clementine suffering the same fate as many others before her is just mere speculation. This comment on Facebook from Telltale Games is there to create even more of that.
Just in general, for some reason lots of people keep focusing on this one tweet. It doesnt mean she will die, but it doesnt mean she wont ei… morether. It doesnt mean she will be hurt, but it doesnt mean wont be hurt. Its just a tweet that Telltale tweeted that doesnt answer anything. Its just so people speculate this tweet that will overall is not going to lead to anything truly worth speculating. Its basically just click bait, cause buzz.
The way Telltale is making fun of the fans who are freaking out over the possibility of Clementine's death makes me think they aren't going to do it. Then again, that could just be an attempt to throw us off the trail.
I honestly think the best way to handle this scenario would be by making Clementine's survival determined by our choices. Seeing that it is the final season and they won't have to worry about choices carrying over into future games, I hope they go all out on the choices and have many branched out endings. Perhaps one where Clementine dies. There are two completely alternate finales in Batman: The Enemy Within. I don't see why Telltale couldn't be able to do something similar for the final season. They are definitely making a push to make fewer but better games.
Yep i've said it before and i've been thinking about it for a long time if they want to kill her have it be determinant i want The Final Season to go all out on the endings.
The way Telltale is making fun of the fans who are freaking out over the possibility of Clementine's death makes me think they aren't going … moreto do it. Then again, that could just be an attempt to throw us off the trail.
I honestly think the best way to handle this scenario would be by making Clementine's survival determined by our choices. Seeing that it is the final season and they won't have to worry about choices carrying over into future games, I hope they go all out on the choices and have many branched out endings. Perhaps one where Clementine dies. There are two completely alternate finales in Batman: The Enemy Within. I don't see why Telltale couldn't be able to do something similar for the final season. They are definitely making a push to make fewer but better games.
The way Telltale is making fun of the fans who are freaking out over the possibility of Clementine's death makes me think they aren't going … moreto do it. Then again, that could just be an attempt to throw us off the trail.
I honestly think the best way to handle this scenario would be by making Clementine's survival determined by our choices. Seeing that it is the final season and they won't have to worry about choices carrying over into future games, I hope they go all out on the choices and have many branched out endings. Perhaps one where Clementine dies. There are two completely alternate finales in Batman: The Enemy Within. I don't see why Telltale couldn't be able to do something similar for the final season. They are definitely making a push to make fewer but better games.
I am well aware that it is way too early to answer any questions regarding the story and plot of The Final Season of The Walking Dead, but I hope you guys realize that after the two alternate finales of Batman you guys have raised the expectations for The Final Season dramatically. Can we expect similar tricks up your sleeves for The Final Season as far as making choices matter? Or is it best for us not to get our hopes up? How is the development of the game going? I know you can't go into details, but are you guys excited with the direction the story is taking?
@emilybuckshot @Alyssa_TTG
I am well aware that it is way too early to answer any questions regarding the story and plot of The Final Seas… moreon of The Walking Dead, but I hope you guys realize that after the two alternate finales of Batman you guys have raised the expectations for The Final Season dramatically. Can we expect similar tricks up your sleeves for The Final Season as far as making choices matter? Or is it best for us not to get our hopes up? How is the development of the game going? I know you can't go into details, but are you guys excited with the direction the story is taking?
A lot of the Walking Dead Team worked on Batman: The Enemy Within.
If that's the case I trust that The Final Season is in good hands Batman: The Enemy Within was excellent, it's become one of my top three favorite Telltale games. I also hope to see some expansive branching paths in Season 4 like the ones in TEW. I'd actually say Telltale has been steadily improving overall with the impact of player choice in many of their recent games. I hope The Final Season continues to raise that bar, especially in regard to determinant characters. It was a pleasant surprise when A New Frontier gave the player the choice to spare and save a certain character several times throughout multiple episodes and allow them to live to the end. I hope we get to see more of that in The Final Season.
They obviously can't and won't tell us one way or another. If they say that she will survive there will be incredibly low stakes because people will meta game knowing she can't die. If they say that she will die everyone will be upset and pissed off going into the season. And it's possible that it's a determinant death. We're only going to know in several months when the later episodes come out.
Honestly you all have seen me proclaim my confidence in Telltale not killing Clementine around these sorts of discussions. While I do think she shouldn't die and doesn't have to die I am slightly worried that she will. As stupid as this may seem towards people on these forums.... The Walking Dead has changed my life so much. Life itself is a Telltale Game and playing The Walking Dead has inspired me and made me realise that it is important to be a good person to everyone and make the choices I feel are right. It may be silly for some as I am thanking a video game for a dramatic change in my life but it is the truth. @emilybuckshot@Alyssa_TTG thank you to you both and everyone at Telltale for the amazing work that you do. I pray that The Final Season will be an unforgettable ride and an amazing end to what I feel, is the best story in the Gaming Industry ❤️
Wonder why do we always over analyze Clementine's possible death every season?
If Rick Grimes and adult company aren't even safe according to Kirkman.. then neither can Clementine really be in the same universe. Whom is less wise in the ways of the world pre-apocalypse and post apocalypse.. It makes sense that without any heavy guardianship from a capable adult Clem would likely not last all that long by herself and with a baby no less.
I mean look at what happen to a bunch of the other kids around her general age group, it didn't end so well did it?. Of course nothing wild and cartoony as a piano would fall on her. But walker bites, gun shots, stabbings, falls, drownings, fires, explosives, or simply torn apart within a herd are all possible fates on the table for her that could happen within reason from their world.
And I'd believe any general Walking Dead fan not just only Clemmy fan would come to realize and accept this knowledge as the lore facts and not just supposed bad plot elements for their favored character. Since I liked Clementine and still kind of do after the way she was depicted in New Frontier I can still accept her death if it makes good sense for the plot.
I'd say at LEAST have a moment where a walker looks like it bit her and then realize that she was saved by the Leather jacket. There's been all this talk about how leather jackets are supposed to save you from walker bites, but it's never shown.
There was a discussion posted, but not to specifically talk about Clementine potentially dying. At least not recently (to my knowledge). I just used the comment on Facebook from Telltale Games as a conversation starter.
Wonder why do we always over analyze Clementine's possible death every season?
If Rick Grimes and adult company aren't even safe according to Kirkman.. then neither can Clementine really be in the same universe. Whom is less wise in the ways of the world pre-apocalypse and post apocalypse.. It makes sense that without any heavy guardianship from a capable adult Clem would likely not last all that long by herself and with a baby no less.
I mean look at what happen to a bunch of the other kids around her general age group, it didn't end so well did it?. Of course nothing wild and cartoony as a piano would fall on her. But walker bites, gun shots, stabbings, falls, drownings, fires, explosives, or simply torn apart within a herd are all possible fates on the table for her that could happen within reason from their world.
And I'd believe any general Walking Dead fan not just only Clemmy fan would come to realize and accept this knowledge as the lore facts and not just supposed bad plot elements for their favored character. Since I liked Clementine and still kind of do after the way she was depicted in New Frontier I can still accept her death if it makes good sense for the plot.
This isn't an over analysis of Clementine's potential death. This is simply a conversation starter about it. Regardless, death is a possibility and reality for us all, and fans of The Walking Dead have come to understand this. However, Clementine suffering the same fate as so many before her is predictable, especially with how The Walking Dead: The Final Season is being marketed to us as consumers of the product.
Contrary to your belief, Clementine is much wiser than you're giving her credit for (if you ask me), because she has the necessary skills to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Rick Grimes may be much older than Clementine, but age doesn't necessarily mean that someone is more experienced. Clementine isn't probably as knowledgeable on the pre-apocalyptic world as Rick, but she doesn't need to be either.
When we make the comparison of Clementine to other people who were her age, we need to take into consideration some things, such as their adaptability, intuition, skills, and much more. Clementine knows how to adapt, has intuition, accompanied by skills to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Other characters like Duck and Sarah, they didn't have what she has.
This isn't an over analysis of Clementine's potential death. This is simply a conversation starter about it.
Anytime this "conversation starter" is repeated each season with atleast half a dozen threads in between seasons that are only worded slightly differently from basically other identical threads. Then I feel it is over-analyzation and if every word uttered from the developers about Clem's fate is dissected letter for letter by fans nationwide then it sounds a lot like over analyzation mixed with a bit of anxiety too. Especially because I have not seen any other threads for other characters receiving equal amount of concern of whether or not they'd survive each season. So it really isn't just a picking on this thread it is fans and threads in general and this one accumulates on top of the already existing dog pile of very similar other thoughts and threads.
However, Clementine suffering the same fate as so many before her is predictable, especially with how The Walking Dead: The Final Season is being marketed to us as consumers of the product.
I beg to differ as her suffering a fate unique to her is the norm in that universe but will be unique to her. What is predictable is her somehow surviving the impossible yet again for the fourth round in a row. She dies it is possibly moving if done well and provides closure.. She lives without going to the comic.. well this happened in seasons one thru three? And why stop making games here then if she's alive? Alive means a forever open end.. unless they somehow do plan to return making more stories for Clementine but if not then it provides no closure to her story really.
Contrary to your belief, Clementine is much wiser than you're giving her credit for (if you ask me), because she has the necessary skills to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Rick Grimes may be much older than Clementine, but age doesn't necessarily mean that someone is more experienced. Clementine isn't probably as knowledgeable on the pre-apocalyptic world as Rick, but she doesn't need to be either.
When we make the comparison of Clementine to other people who were her age, we need to take into consideration some things, such as their adaptability, intuition, skills, and much more. Clementine knows how to adapt, has intuition, accompanied by skills to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Other characters like Duck and Sarah, they didn't have what she has.
Clementine is clever not denying this.. but she also had teachers with as much wisdom as Rick Grimes to show her the way should she need to take care of herself and it is not by virtue of Clem's own doing. Were it not for that Clem likely would of been dead during season one's timeline like the boy Fivel from the mansion (even Lee mentions this) and Chuck as well in a way. Also age has to mean you can read people's motives and intentions a bit better, and be able to decipher your actions more quickly in intense situations as well as think more rationally than maybe rashly.
Yes indeed Clem is a clever girl (Jurassic Park reference) but she would not had lasted long on her own without an adult's guidance realistically as long as an adult would in the same situation.. like Rick or Michonne I could not see that but I do agree that Clementine is wise for her age. Now Clem would live long if closely following the instructions of adults like Rick Grimes, Jesus and Michonne. Or if you prefer game examples the instructions of Lee, Kenny and or Jane.
There was a discussion posted, but not to specifically talk about Clementine potentially dying. At least not recently (to my knowledge). I j… moreust used the comment on Facebook from Telltale Games as a conversation starter.
@Ladariel said:
Wonder why do we always over analyze Clementine's possible death every season?
If Rick Grimes and adult company aren't even safe according to Kirkman.. then neither can Clementine really be in the same universe. Whom is less wise in the ways of the world pre-apocalypse and post apocalypse.. It makes sense that without any heavy guardianship from a capable adult Clem would likely not last all that long by herself and with a baby no less.
I mean look at what happen to a bunch of the other kids around her general age group, it didn't end so well did it?. Of course nothing wild and cartoony as a piano would fall on her. But walker bites, gun shots, stabbings, falls, drownings, fires, expl… [view original content]
This is just an analysis. When new information surfaces, we should carefully examine it, because game developers often hint towards certain things. Why are other discussions not posted about other characters with as much curiosity as Clementine? Because she is the face of The Walking Dead for Telltale Games. Lee was the protagonist in The Walking Dead: Season One, but Clementine was still the main character. The strong possibility of other characters dying is already a given. With Clementine, we want to see her defy the odds by overcoming a world that has slowly deteriorated over time. That's why.
It's not "predictable" for Clementine to survive the "impossible" post-apocalyptic world, because there are other children her age who haven't survived it. As a matter of fact, most of every person her age has died. Duck. Sarah. Gabe (determinate). It's not even impossible. However, it's predictable to think that she has to die for her story to end, like other characters who she has developed relationships with throughout the course of three seasons. Clementine's story arc can end without her needing to die. Before he was laid off, Job J. Stauffer even suggested this. He also suggested that this will be her final story arc for Telltale Games. For Telltale Games. There's more that I want to say about this, but I would rather wait and see.
Clementine acquired the skills that she now possesses by experience and observation, but it doesn't matter how. She was equipped with the necessary skills to endure, that's what matters now. This isn't an argument about how she learned to survive. It's about how she has used her knowledge to survive. Age is just a number. It doesn't define maturity or wisdom. Our age doesn't define our maturity and our grades don't define our ability. There are teenagers who have measurably larger quantities of intellect, based on advancing at a much faster rate academically. She will have been guided by adults for what will be approximately 7 or 8 years in The Walking Dead: The Final Season. She doesn't have to be so dependent on others to survive anymore. That's what Lee taught her.
This isn't an over analysis of Clementine's potential death. This is simply a conversation starter about it.
Anytime this "conversat… moreion starter" is repeated each season with atleast half a dozen threads in between seasons that are only worded slightly differently from basically other identical threads. Then I feel it is over-analyzation and if every word uttered from the developers about Clem's fate is dissected letter for letter by fans nationwide then it sounds a lot like over analyzation mixed with a bit of anxiety too. Especially because I have not seen any other threads for other characters receiving equal amount of concern of whether or not they'd survive each season. So it really isn't just a picking on this thread it is fans and threads in general and this one accumulates on top of the already existing dog pile of very similar other thoughts and threads.
However, Clementine suffering the same fate as so many before he… [view original content]
Among others with similar discussions each season.
Because she is the face of The Walking Dead for Telltale Games.
Maybe so, however why should this exempt her automatically from death making her above other characters by default? Effectively dulling any adversity she faces because you know she'll always be invincible and make it through with no sense of suspense nor urgency, It's why super-man is boring to me and they are making a super-girl of Clem..If this weren't a gritty horror tale that is suppose to be grounded in a certain degree of realism then I might agree..but I still do not share this way of visualizing these stories.
Clementine was still the main character.
Eh more like moral compass for the main character on his path to redemption. She was definitely deuteragonist though I believe.
The strong possibility of other characters dying is already a given.
Are you saying that in a world with all characterssurrounded by death and despair they are simply beneath Clem because they are not protagonists and don't deserve an equal footed chance at life and development in spite of being just as if not more capable as Clem? I'm getting the feeling Clem really is made out to to be a super-girl and that cap is superglued to her head. I like her character but I do not like the idea of a super kid that can never be taken down and knows more than adults triple her age like in season two.
However, it's predictable to think that she has to die for her story to end,
She could join the comic too I've said in the past but fee agree with that and she'd be alive with a different outcome than in the past were she was still in the video games essentially.
It's not "predictable" for Clementine to survive the "impossible" post-apocalyptic world, because there are other children her age who haven't survived it. As a matter of fact, most of every person her age has died. Duck. Sarah. Gabe (determinate).
Well she has accomplished that over the course of three seasons as well. And the fact that other nearly equally capable yet unlucky kids didn't make it as long should tell about how strong her plot armor is.. Not that she's a gifted genius among other kids.. though in spite of her being wise a bit beyond her years.
Clementine's story arc can end without her needing to die. Before he was laid off, Job J. Stauffer even suggested this. He also suggested that this will be her final story arc for Telltale Games.
It can end this way yes, but I doubt it will stand the tests of time nor be emotionally as moving or exciting like if she joined the comic. It is basically season two finales 2.0 and they could ended it there if they wanted endings like that all along to be honest. Yes if he suggested this is her final arc then some sort of closure should be done to put her tale to rest finally. Any open ends and it's just infinite debates on what if scenarios about Clem's possible future unless they plan on coming back to her but they said they won't. Why be concerned about her further development if she's been developed to the max and there will be little to nothing left to say about her. If she makes it good but then what comes after is what I'm asking and also asking why stop the games then? Look how long the comic and show is going and somehow the video games cannot keep up?
This isn't an argument about how she learned to survive. It's about how she has used her knowledge to survive
I thought it was about her capabilities compared to other kids and Rick Grimes. Clem would of ended up just like others kids if it weren't for noble figures in her life like Lee, Kenny, Jane etc.. whom are about just as wise of an adult as Rick Grimes and I feel had other children been given the fortune to be taught and trained by adults that were there for them they'd be just as capable as Clem effectively not making her appear so special in comparison many other kids didn't have any teachers that took the time to be there for them as with Clem.
Age is just a number. It doesn't define maturity or wisdom. Our age doesn't define our maturity and our grades don't define our ability.
Wish we could also tell that to insurance companies, drivers license law makers, alcohol law makers, cigarette law makers, job recruiters, car rental agencies, and basically congress and get their reactions on this statement which would be quite interesting indeed. But age is a good estimated gauge of all those qualities and probably why we have age based laws. A persons brain still develops and has more grey matter up until about age 25 and some studies show that the brain may still be maturing until age 30 so think about someone's brain who is barely 15 yet and how much more wise they'd become at even 21.. So age is more than meets the eye than most likely. So guess we could agree to disagree though at this point.
Totally agree. I REALLY want Clementine to survive. But I also really want there to be a real risk that she could die because of my choices. If she just survives because she always survives, that'd be a bit of a disappointment to me. They have this final opportunity as the last season to do multiple endings that don't all have to tie back in to a new start of the next season, I hope they make use of that. There should be consequences to our decisions, and Clementines survival should be one of them
The way Telltale is making fun of the fans who are freaking out over the possibility of Clementine's death makes me think they aren't going … moreto do it. Then again, that could just be an attempt to throw us off the trail.
I honestly think the best way to handle this scenario would be by making Clementine's survival determined by our choices. Seeing that it is the final season and they won't have to worry about choices carrying over into future games, I hope they go all out on the choices and have many branched out endings. Perhaps one where Clementine dies. There are two completely alternate finales in Batman: The Enemy Within. I don't see why Telltale couldn't be able to do something similar for the final season. They are definitely making a push to make fewer but better games.
Among others with similar discussions each season.
I already explained to you why this discussion is different from the rest, but you don't seem to understand it.
Maybe so, however why should this exempt her automatically from death making her above other characters by default? Effectively dulling any adversity she faces because you know she'll always be invincible and make it through with no sense of suspense nor urgency, It's why super-man is boring to me and they are making a super-girl of Clem..If this weren't a gritty horror tale that is suppose to be grounded in a certain degree of realism then I might agree..but I still do not share this way of visualizing these stories.
I never said (or suggested) that Clementine being the face of The Walking Dead makes her exempt from death.
Eh more like moral compass for the main character on his path to redemption. She was definitely deuteragonist though I believe.
Clementine is the main character of The Walking Dead: Season One, because the choices that we make as Lee revolve around her.
Are you saying that in a world with all characterssurrounded by death and despair they are simply beneath Clem because they are not protagonists and don't deserve an equal footed chance at life and development in spite of being just as if not more capable as Clem? I'm getting the feeling Clem really is made out to to be a super-girl and that cap is superglued to her head. I like her character but I do not like the idea of a super kid that can never be taken down and knows more than adults triple her age like in season two.
No, I'm not saying that the other characters in The Walking Dead universe are inferior to Clementine, and I don't know why you would think that.
Well she has accomplished that over the course of three seasons as well. And the fact that other nearly equally capable yet unlucky kids didn't make it as long should tell about how strong her plot armor is.. Not that she's a gifted genius among other kids.. though in spite of her being wise a bit beyond her years.
It's not "plot armor" as much as it's her ability to survive. She has learned new skills and used the knowledge of them to her advantage.
It can end this way yes, but I doubt it will stand the tests of time nor be emotionally as moving or exciting like if she joined the comic. It is basically season two finales 2.0 and they could ended it there if they wanted endings like that all along to be honest. Yes if he suggested this is her final arc then some sort of closure should be done to put her tale to rest finally. Any open ends and it's just infinite debates on what if scenarios about Clem's possible future unless they plan on coming back to her but they said they won't. Why be concerned about her further development if she's been developed to the max and there will be little to nothing left to say about her. If she makes it good but then what comes after is what I'm asking and also asking why stop the games then? Look how long the comic and show is going and somehow the video games cannot keep up?
If Clementine survives, something that I believe will happen, I completely agree. Telltale Games shouldn't stop developing more games in The Walking Dead series with Clementine as the protagonist. However, I don't believe that it wouldn't be nearly as emotional.
I thought it was about her capabilities compared to other kids and Rick Grimes. Clem would of ended up just like others kids if it weren't for noble figures in her life like Lee, Kenny, Jane etc.. whom are about just as wise of an adult as Rick Grimes and I feel had other children been given the fortune to be taught and trained by adults that were there for them they'd be just as capable as Clem effectively not making her appear so special in comparison many other kids didn't have any teachers that took the time to be there for them as with Clem.
Yes, if the other children and teenagers were given the same opportunities as Clementine, they could be just as capable as her in surviving. And no, it wasn't originally an argument about the capabilities between characters.
Wish we could also tell that to insurance companies, drivers license law makers, alcohol law makers, cigarette law makers, job recruiters, car rental agencies, and basically congress and get their reactions on this statement which would be quite interesting indeed. But age is a good estimated gauge of all those qualities and probably why we have age based laws. A persons brain still develops and has more grey matter up until about age 25 and some studies show that the brain may still be maturing until age 30 so think about someone's brain who is barely 15 yet and how much more wise they'd become at even 21.. So age is more than meets the eye than most likely. So guess we could agree to disagree though at this point.
The different groups of people that you mentioned don't apply in a post-apocalyptic world. We're specifically talking about surviving in a post-apocalyptic world. However, the groups of people that you just mentioned, are institutions founded by the government with basic rules. The rules were set by them. The rules, however, are subjective based on experience. I don't limit one's potential to scientific studies about the human condition, because there has been evidence to prove that people mature differently. But yes, we can agree to disagree.
This is just an analysis.
Among others with similar discussions each season.
Because she is the face of The Walking Dead for T… moreelltale Games.
Maybe so, however why should this exempt her automatically from death making her above other characters by default? Effectively dulling any adversity she faces because you know she'll always be invincible and make it through with no sense of suspense nor urgency, It's why super-man is boring to me and they are making a super-girl of Clem..If this weren't a gritty horror tale that is suppose to be grounded in a certain degree of realism then I might agree..but I still do not share this way of visualizing these stories.
Clementine was still the main character.
Eh more like moral compass for the main character on his path to redemption. She was definitely deuteragonist though I believe.
The strong possibility of other characters dying is already a given.
Ar… [view original content]
I'd say at LEAST have a moment where a walker looks like it bit her and then realize that she was saved by the Leather jacket. There's been all this talk about how leather jackets are supposed to save you from walker bites, but it's never shown.
Yah, but that's only in the comics, with a villainesque character that we mostly wanted dead, and lucked out with his extra thick attire. No one who didn't read the comics gotta see this leather vs walker interaction, so it would be possible to hear reactions of people who see her get bit that forget about this information from season 2.
it also saved him when Beta swung at him with his Machete and grazed his stomach. Only the jacket was slashed.
Appreciated & I'll try to do the same. I tend to get carried away explaining.... it's a habit.
I already explained to you why this discussion is different from the rest, but you don't seem to understand it.
Well you already had the one user question whether or not it was a repeated thread. So it is likely easy to mistake as more of the same if it isn't intended to be the same.
I never said (or suggested) that Clementine being the face of The Walking Dead makes her exempt from death.
Then why is the strong possibility of other characters dying already a given for them and not for Clementine herself?
No, I'm not saying that the other characters in The Walking Dead universe are inferior to Clementine, and I don't know why you would think that.
Something to do with you mentioning her out surviving other kids her age as though it was by virtue of her own ingenious intellect from day one and uniquely crafted survival skills that other kids could not develop which in terms of survival makes them look inferior or incompetent in comparison to Clem. When in truth she'd had ended up exactly as dead as the other kids most likely were it not for the likes of Lee, Kenny, Chuck, Christa, Omid and Jane.
Clementine is the main character of The Walking Dead: Season One, because the choices that we make as Lee revolve around her.
No.... well ya know what.. well nah. Unless staff backs that up. Now the game might of been centered around protecting her and her presence influencing the choices of Lee to make the good humane choices which is something of a moral compass as I've said before to preserve Clem's innocence as long as can be. Also main characters make the big choices and have the most screen time. Season two you'd be right all the way to me.
It's not "plot armor" as much as it's her ability to survive. She has learned new skills and used the knowledge of them to her advantage.
She got shot through the chest in the frigid winter with no doctors or medical intervention traveling for nine days on foot. Her armor is as strong as Carl Grimes who's been shot twice. While Mariana gets shot through the middle of the face from like half a football field away with precision aim. Also nearly all main characters have plot armor until the writer decides it's their time.
If Clementine survives, something that I believe will happen, I completely agree. Telltale Games shouldn't stop developing more games in The Walking Dead series with Clementine as the protagonist. However, I don't believe that it wouldn't be nearly as emotional.
I get the feeling they will let her live to avoid fan tantrums that will likely ensue if they did off her at the end.. so folks can still buy their other games. Most likely one reason why were going back to Clementine after having played Javier for pretty much all season three except for five minute flashbacks other than the fact Javier wasn't developed to be as interesting as say Lee for example. An emotional alive for Clem ending.. I cannot see it not being a repeat of the Wellington endings if it is emotional and she survives or Richmond endings.
The different groups of people that you mentioned don't apply in a post-apocalyptic world. We're specifically talking about surviving in a post-apocalyptic world.
And Clementine still would not last as long as an adult in a post-apocalyptic world which is why she tries it for a little while then joins groups like the New Frontier. At the end of the day she can be easier to manipulate than an adult (Jane) and can be overpowered and possibly taken advantage of. So no unless she is some gifted genius she is not as mature as most adults because she stupidly shot Eli over something that could of been negotiated before playing with a life then taking it by accident and wanted to shoot David because he kept AJ and was able to better take care of him than her. In both situations Javier and David are older and think with clearer heads and in the apocalypse you do need survival skills and also a clear head to make tough decisions something a child is less likely to possess over an adult.
Interesting debate, but we only seem to agree on one thing and that is if Clementine lives then she deserves more games with Telltale. I just hate open ended conclusions and this is likely why I'm far more accepting of her death if it comes to that than other Clem fans.
I'm going to try and keep this brief.
Among others with similar discussions each season.
I already explained to you why this d… moreiscussion is different from the rest, but you don't seem to understand it.
Maybe so, however why should this exempt her automatically from death making her above other characters by default? Effectively dulling any adversity she faces because you know she'll always be invincible and make it through with no sense of suspense nor urgency, It's why super-man is boring to me and they are making a super-girl of Clem..If this weren't a gritty horror tale that is suppose to be grounded in a certain degree of realism then I might agree..but I still do not share this way of visualizing these stories.
I never said (or suggested) that Clementine being the face of The Walking Dead makes her exempt from death.
Eh more like moral compass for the main character on his path to redemption. She was defi… [view original content]
Yah, but that's only in the comics, with a villainesque character that we mostly wanted dead, and lucked out with his extra thick attire. No… more one who didn't read the comics gotta see this leather vs walker interaction, so it would be possible to hear reactions of people who see her get bit that forget about this information from season 2.
Then why is the strong possibility of other characters dying already a given for them and not for Clementine herself?
Because most of the characters who have met Clementine, have died. In The Walking Dead universe, we expect to see characters die anyway, because it progresses the story in an emotional way. Especially with seeing how Clementine deals with loss around her.
Something to do with you mentioning her out surviving other kids her age as though it was by virtue of her own ingenious intellect from day one and uniquely crafted survival skills that other kids could not develop which in terms of survival makes them look inferior or incompetent in comparison to Clem. When in truth she'd had ended up exactly as dead as the other kids most likely were it not for the likes of Lee, Kenny, Chuck, Christa, Omid and Jane.
We don't know what would have happened, had it not been for the characters that you mentioned. However, you also need to remember that Duck had Kenny, and Sarah had other capable survivors such as Luke.
No.... well ya know what.. well nah. Unless staff backs that up. Now the game might of been centered around protecting her and her presence influencing the choices of Lee to make the good humane choices which is something of a moral compass as I've said before to preserve Clem's innocence as long as can be. Also main characters make the big choices and have the most screen time. Season two you'd be right all the way to me.
In a recent interview at PAX East 2018, Telltale Games suggested that when you made a choice as Lee, how it directly affected Clementine, and that was the purpose of it. For example, if you help Kenny to kill Larry, Clementine will have questions to ask you, that will cause you to question your own morality. By the way, a main character in a story of any kind is just someone who has the most importance. You have mistaken protagonist for character. Clementine was and still is one of the most important characters in The Walking Dead by Telltale Games.
She got shot through the chest in the frigid winter with no doctors or medical intervention traveling for nine days on foot. Her armor is as strong as Carl Grimes who's been shot twice. While Mariana gets shot through the middle of the face from like half a football field away with precision aim. Also nearly all main characters have plot armor until the writer decides it's their time.
Do we know if the bullet went through Clementine's chest? And speaking of that, she was shot closer to her left shoulder than anything. When Clementine wakes up after passing out, she's being driven in a vehicle with Kenny, Jane, and AJ, so she wasn't travelling for 9 days immediately after. Mariana was shot and killed 5 years into the zombie apocalypse. Five years is more than enough time to learn how to shot, especially since your life depends on it. Besides that, we don't know how trained the killers were before the zombie apocalypse with guns.
I get the feeling they will let her live to avoid fan tantrums that will likely ensue if they did off her at the end.. so folks can still buy their other games. Most likely one reason why were going back to Clementine after having played Javier for pretty much all season three except for five minute flashbacks other than the fact Javier wasn't developed to be as interesting as say Lee for example. An emotional alive for Clem ending.. I cannot see it not being a repeat of the Wellington endings if it is emotional and she survives or Richmond endings.
Well, it depends on how you would define a repeat. Clementine surviving the zombie apocalypse and having an emotional ending like when her and Kenny arrived at Wellington doesn't make it a repeat. There are many different options for an emotional ending that don't involve Clementine suffering the same fate as so many others.
And Clementine still would not last as long as an adult in a post-apocalyptic world which is why she tries it for a little while then joins groups like the New Frontier. At the end of the day she can be easier to manipulate than an adult (Jane) and can be overpowered and possibly taken advantage of. So no unless she is some gifted genius she is not as mature as most adults because she stupidly shot Eli over something that could of been negotiated before playing with a life then taking it by accident and wanted to shoot David because he kept AJ and was able to better take care of him than her. In both situations Javier and David are older and think with clearer heads and in the apocalypse you do need survival skills and also a clear head to make tough decisions something a child is less likely to possess over an adult.
Interesting debate, but we only seem to agree on one thing and that is if Clementine lives then she deserves more games with Telltale. I just hate open ended conclusions and this is likely why I'm far more accepting of her death if it comes to that than other Clem fans.
P.S. or the comic.
Clementine joined the New Frontier, because AJ needed food and water (if you remember). If you're being offered food, blankets, and bottled water, you would probably join the group in a post-apocalyptic world. You also need to consider that Clementine isn't just surviving on her own. She's taking care of a child, something that she has no experience doing previously (as far as we know). However, I disagree with you for the most part. Clementine isn't the first person who made poor decisions. There are other characters, who are older than her, such as Nick in The Walking Dead: Season Two, who made just as bad of decisions as she did there. Clementine is protective of AJ, as a mother would be, and she doesn't trust strangers to protect a child. It's understandable. We also don't know if she had any other reason to distrust David, besides him banishing her from the group. David was one of the most irrational people that I have seen, though. He literally kills Clint if Javier doesn't kill Joan. That definitely wasn't the right decision given the current situation. Clementine may have killed someone, but she at least didn't pick the wrong time to do it. She still shouldn't have done it, but she didn't do it when other people's lives were at stake.
But anyway, yes, we can only seem to agree that if Clementine survives, she deserves to have more games with Telltale Games. I can understand why you feel the way that you do.
I'm going to try and keep this brief.
Appreciated & I'll try to do the same. I tend to get carried away explaining.... it's a ha… morebit.
I already explained to you why this discussion is different from the rest, but you don't seem to understand it.
Well you already had the one user question whether or not it was a repeated thread. So it is likely easy to mistake as more of the same if it isn't intended to be the same.
I never said (or suggested) that Clementine being the face of The Walking Dead makes her exempt from death.
Then why is the strong possibility of other characters dying already a given for them and not for Clementine herself?
No, I'm not saying that the other characters in The Walking Dead universe are inferior to Clementine, and I don't know why you would think that.
Something to do with you mentioning her out surviving other kids her age as though it was by virtue of her own in… [view original content]
Because most of the characters who have met Clementine, have died. In The Walking Dead universe, we expect to see characters die anyway, because it progresses the story in an emotional way. Especially with seeing how Clementine deals with loss around her.
My two cents or pages..It sounds (to me) as though you are still separating the character Clementine from these "other characters". Which can be taken as you effectively placing Clementine "above" other characters in regards to death and making it seem as though Clementine is "exempt" from death while you expect to see all OTHER characters die and NOT Clementine with just as much expectation because why?? which is not true realism nor equality regardless of the reason why. Even if she is the main character a death for her ought to be "expected" as a frightening possibility at any time just like life.... and just like Lee within his footsteps she appears to follow in these days especially when you look at the Clem and AJ art just released when compared to the Lee and Clem cover art.
We don't know what would have happened, had it not been for the characters that you mentioned. However, you also need to remember that Duck had Kenny, and Sarah had other capable survivors such as Luke.
No but we know what would of most likely have happened which is what Lee mentioned in the attic of the mansion looking at the malnourished walker boy. "This could of been Clem had he not gotten to her in the time he did". There are a bunch of unknowns but most times you would have to go with the best educated guess of what is likely to happen of the odds at hand.
In a recent interview at PAX East 2018, Telltale Games suggested that when you made a choice as Lee, how it directly affected Clementine, and that was the purpose of it. For example, if you help Kenny to kill Larry, Clementine will have questions to ask you, that will cause you to question your own morality. By the way, a main character in a story of any kind is just someone who has the most importance. You have mistaken protagonist for character. Clementine was and still is one of the most important characters in The Walking Dead by Telltale Games.
Lee's decisions and actions usually directly affected everyone within the group along with Clementine but the unique thing about Clementine compared to other's reactions is that she is the only one that makes you question your own morality because she is essentially the moral compass of your decisions through out the game until you ultimately get your confrontation with the Stranger as like the moral judgement for your decisions until that point. Think of it like Clem as the guardian angel trying to steer you to the right choices and the Stranger sort of a disturbed God making the final judgement of most of your meaningful choices up to the end which was a fabulous way of writing that out. Clementine was important because she was Lee's path to redemption by protecting Clem from the horrors of the walking dead.
IF this is the case and Clementine was main character then she was also main character in New Frontier because Javier made decisions with Clem in mind & couple of his choices also directly affected Clementine and her perception of Javi. Almost could argue a case for Gabe and the rest of his family that he looked out for too with this sort of reasoning. Sorry but the only season I ever saw Clem as no doubt main character was surely season two and I would get behind that all day. Even though some say Kenny had as much if not more attention than Clem during that game.
Do we know if the bullet went through Clementine's chest? And speaking of that, she was shot closer to her left shoulder than anything. When Clementine wakes up after passing out, she's being driven in a vehicle with Kenny, Jane, and AJ, so she wasn't travelling for 9 days immediately after. Mariana was shot and killed 5 years into the zombie apocalypse. Five years is more than enough time to learn how to shot, especially since your life depends on it. Besides that, we don't know how trained the killers were before the zombie apocalypse with guns.
Yes Jane said it went clean through, possibly rupturing an artery or large vein at least which could also mean she would of bled out and should of experienced even more lightheadedness than when she lost blood from the dog bite attack. Should of been screaming in pain for the rest of the episode at the minimum anyhow if that is survivable. Also regardless of when she traveled for the nine days she was still shot and critcally injured from a rifle bullet and was basically fine as though nothing happened without any sort of medical intervention and I know Kenny and Jane were no doctors. I'm baffled at the fact they got Kenny to even help deliver Rebecca's baby but birth is even possible with the woman alone I think too. I wasn't saying Mariana got shot because she was not as experienced or competent as Clementine I'm saying she gets shot fatally from a further away distance and instantly is killed while Clem is shot so close to the lungs, heart or arter and lives as though she only got shot with a slingshot for nine days after and I'm saying that this in comparison is plot armor because Mariana isn't wounded and is killed from a more difficult distanced shot than Clem and dies. Arvo might not of been trained but do we really know that either as you say? Wouldn't his little russian gang had given him a shooting drill? If you ask anybody that is not a biased fan for Clem, I think they'd tell you that Clementine does possess a bit of plot armor for a kid.
Well, it depends on how you would define a repeat.
Any parallel resemblance of past endings that give a sense of De Ja Vu.
There are other characters, who are older than her, such as Nick in The Walking Dead: Season Two, who made just as bad of decisions as she did there.
Nick (also a bit on the younger side) made a mistake and the one guy he shot did have his rifle out and pointed in the direction of his alleys. Nick felt they could of been in danger while Clem had no reason to believe she was in immediate jeopardy from a sitting down Eli with his hands out on his laps and kept pulling the trigger on a unarmed or also disarmed man other than to I guess scare the pants off him or kill him by luck. That was no mistake.. just stupid wrecklessness. Now David was about to be hanged by those scoundrels that double crossed him anyhow and they threatened his life already until Javier spoke up. I'd have to rewatch or replay.. but Clint seemed fine at first when the noose was only around Davids neck to be hanged and it's only when Ava or Tripp get killed when he has doubts enough to finally speak out on the number of executions. Clint betrayed David and in a way deserved what he got but not as much as Joan.
Yes we don't know everything that went down with David but again we have to go by what is presented to us.. since it is the story tellers duty to give all facts that they intend on educating us about on these characters. So unless we saw it happen in the game or talked about by the characters. Then we can also be right in saying nothing more than what was seen happened in a negative way. We also don't everything about why Lee's wife committed adultery could of been to get back at Lee for his own infidelity affairs but if this is never shown nor explained then we can also assume such a thing never happened as there is alot we can never know but must go by on what was presented.
Then why is the strong possibility of other characters dying already a given for them and not for Clementine herself?
Because most o… moref the characters who have met Clementine, have died. In The Walking Dead universe, we expect to see characters die anyway, because it progresses the story in an emotional way. Especially with seeing how Clementine deals with loss around her.
Something to do with you mentioning her out surviving other kids her age as though it was by virtue of her own ingenious intellect from day one and uniquely crafted survival skills that other kids could not develop which in terms of survival makes them look inferior or incompetent in comparison to Clem. When in truth she'd had ended up exactly as dead as the other kids most likely were it not for the likes of Lee, Kenny, Chuck, Christa, Omid and Jane.
We don't know what would have happened, had it not been for the characters that you mentioned. However, … [view original content]
To be honest, I fully expect Clem to die. My fear is it's gonna be some full circle bullshit where she dies to save AJ and if so I'm gonna be super pissed because I hate that kid and have wanted him dead since he showed up in season 2. I don't mind so much the idea of her dying, but not for him. Please not for him.
But I expect her to die because that's the only way the majority of fans will let the series end. If Clem is still alive at the end of TFS then a lot of fans will be harassing TT to make a season 5, 6, 7, etc. and they don't want to. Killing Clem will piss off A LOT of people, but the angry ranting will die down within a few weeks. Not killing her will be like inviting millions of people to harass them for more seasons day in and day out for YEARS.
That's why i thought making Clem's fate determinant would be better for everyone.
That way you have different endings for her so everyone would be happy.
To be honest, I fully expect Clem to die. My fear is it's gonna be some full circle bullshit where she dies to save AJ and if so I'm gonna b… moree super pissed because I hate that kid and have wanted him dead since he showed up in season 2. I don't mind so much the idea of her dying, but not for him. Please not for him.
But I expect her to die because that's the only way the majority of fans will let the series end. If Clem is still alive at the end of TFS then a lot of fans will be harassing TT to make a season 5, 6, 7, etc. and they don't want to. Killing Clem will piss off A LOT of people, but the angry ranting will die down within a few weeks. Not killing her will be like inviting millions of people to harass them for more seasons day in and day out for YEARS.
That's why i thought making Clem's fate determinant would be better for everyone.
That way you have different endings for her so everyone would be happy.
One of the affirmations I see most here is that if Clem survives the fans will keep asking for new episodes. That will not happen, because Telltale has already defined this as the final season in the history of clmementine. As for requests from fans dissatisfied, just ignore. After all, there is not only her survivor in Za.
It's like in the show, focars-and only in the initial group took the current situation where it looks like a Mexican novel.
As much as I want to reply to your post (with a proper response), I won’t. I don’t have the energy to argue with others. We can just agree to disagree. Especially since you already have the popular opinion here. I’m not going to put thought into another response.
Clementine did, however, seem to have something against David, which implies that there was something more to it. Telltale Games, as well as other game developers, often leave things up to interpretation. Naughty Dog is a good example.
Regardless, I don’t understand why some people want Clementine to die (whether definitively or determinately). I don’t even understand why some people want AJ to die. Not every character, including but not limited to the main character, needs to die. It just doesn’t need to happen, and we have seen this before. In games. In movies. In shows. In entertainment. There are many characters who are still alive at the end. They have what could be considered open-ended stories. There’s nothing wrong with that, if you ask me.
One of the affirmations I see most here is that if Clem survives the fans will keep asking for new episodes. That will not happen, because Telltale has already defined this as the final season in the history of clmementine. As for requests from fans dissatisfied, just ignore. After all, there is not only her survivor in Za.
It's like in the show, focars-and only in the initial group took the current situation where it looks like a Mexican novel.
Because most of the characters who have met Clementine, have died. In The Walking Dead universe, we expect to see characters die anyway, bec… moreause it progresses the story in an emotional way. Especially with seeing how Clementine deals with loss around her.
My two cents or pages..It sounds (to me) as though you are still separating the character Clementine from these "other characters". Which can be taken as you effectively placing Clementine "above" other characters in regards to death and making it seem as though Clementine is "exempt" from death while you expect to see all OTHER characters die and NOT Clementine with just as much expectation because why?? which is not true realism nor equality regardless of the reason why. Even if she is the main character a death for her ought to be "expected" as a frightening possibility at any time just like life.... and just like Lee within his footsteps she appears to follow in these days especi… [view original content]
Especially since you already have the popular opinion here
I never guessed that. Figured most folk would be more aligned to your vision of Clemmy alive and live happily ever after as best can be said within a well guarded and supplied community with Javier and AJ. My only issue is the redundancy and open endedness to this. Because something like that in itself can potentially be a season 5 really.
There are many characters who are still alive at the end. They have what could be considered open-ended stories. There’s nothing wrong with that, if you ask me.
True in other stories they do have that.. However they are also not horrors typically and they came back or want to come back to the universe to continue more tales from where they left off.
As much as I want to reply to your post (with a proper response), I won’t. I don’t have the energy to argue with others. We can just agree t… moreo disagree. Especially since you already have the popular opinion here. I’m not going to put thought into another response.
Clementine did, however, seem to have something against David, which implies that there was something more to it. Telltale Games, as well as other game developers, often leave things up to interpretation. Naughty Dog is a good example.
Regardless, I don’t understand why some people want Clementine to die (whether definitively or determinately). I don’t even understand why some people want AJ to die. Not every character, including but not limited to the main character, needs to die. It just doesn’t need to happen, and we have seen this before. In games. In movies. In shows. In entertainment. There are many characters who are still alive at the end. They have what could be consid… [view original content]
Reading to much into it
Telltale responded the way they should. They didn't promise anything nor should they. That question is up to us to find out when the season ends.
Me? I don't personally think that Clementine will die.
I completely understand. But, do you think that Clementine will die? That's the question.
Just in general, for some reason lots of people keep focusing on this one tweet. It doesnt mean she will die, but it doesnt mean she wont either. It doesnt mean she will be hurt, but it doesnt mean wont be hurt. Its just a tweet that Telltale tweeted that doesnt answer anything. Its just so people speculate this tweet that will overall is not going to lead to anything truly worth speculating. Its basically just click bait, cause buzz.
I think her survival will be dependent on player choices. Either that or Telltale will play it completely safe and keep her alive no matter what. I guess all we can do is wait and see.
I agree with you completely. Clementine suffering the same fate as many others before her is just mere speculation. This comment on Facebook from Telltale Games is there to create even more of that.
The way Telltale is making fun of the fans who are freaking out over the possibility of Clementine's death makes me think they aren't going to do it. Then again, that could just be an attempt to throw us off the trail.
I honestly think the best way to handle this scenario would be by making Clementine's survival determined by our choices. Seeing that it is the final season and they won't have to worry about choices carrying over into future games, I hope they go all out on the choices and have many branched out endings. Perhaps one where Clementine dies. There are two completely alternate finales in Batman: The Enemy Within. I don't see why Telltale couldn't be able to do something similar for the final season. They are definitely making a push to make fewer but better games.
Yep i've said it before and i've been thinking about it for a long time if they want to kill her have it be determinant i want The Final Season to go all out on the endings.
It's a very real possibility. Telltale Games is probably trying to cause us to become worrisome over something that probably won't even happen.
@emilybuckshot @Alyssa_TTG
I am well aware that it is way too early to answer any questions regarding the story and plot of The Final Season of The Walking Dead, but I hope you guys realize that after the two alternate finales of Batman you guys have raised the expectations for The Final Season dramatically. Can we expect similar tricks up your sleeves for The Final Season as far as making choices matter? Or is it best for us not to get our hopes up? How is the development of the game going? I know you can't go into details, but are you guys excited with the direction the story is taking?
Like you said, it's too early to answer any questions. A lot of the Walking Dead Team worked on Batman: The Enemy Within. We know what we did
If that's the case I trust that The Final Season is in good hands
Batman: The Enemy Within was excellent, it's become one of my top three favorite Telltale games. I also hope to see some expansive branching paths in Season 4 like the ones in TEW. I'd actually say Telltale has been steadily improving overall with the impact of player choice in many of their recent games. I hope The Final Season continues to raise that bar, especially in regard to determinant characters. It was a pleasant surprise when A New Frontier gave the player the choice to spare and save a certain character several times throughout multiple episodes and allow them to live to the end. I hope we get to see more of that in The Final Season.
Good to hear! Thanks!
They obviously can't and won't tell us one way or another. If they say that she will survive there will be incredibly low stakes because people will meta game knowing she can't die. If they say that she will die everyone will be upset and pissed off going into the season. And it's possible that it's a determinant death. We're only going to know in several months when the later episodes come out.
Did you see @emilybuckshot Avatar? CATWOMAN SOLO GAME....CONFIRMED!!!
Honestly you all have seen me proclaim my confidence in Telltale not killing Clementine around these sorts of discussions. While I do think she shouldn't die and doesn't have to die I am slightly worried that she will. As stupid as this may seem towards people on these forums.... The Walking Dead has changed my life so much. Life itself is a Telltale Game and playing The Walking Dead has inspired me and made me realise that it is important to be a good person to everyone and make the choices I feel are right. It may be silly for some as I am thanking a video game for a dramatic change in my life but it is the truth. @emilybuckshot @Alyssa_TTG thank you to you both and everyone at Telltale for the amazing work that you do. I pray that The Final Season will be an unforgettable ride and an amazing end to what I feel, is the best story in the Gaming Industry ❤️
I said in a post similar to this before and I will say it again. Killing Clementine, that takes some chutzpah. Look up the definition.
Don't we already have a thread about this?
Wonder why do we always over analyze Clementine's possible death every season?
If Rick Grimes and adult company aren't even safe according to Kirkman.. then neither can Clementine really be in the same universe. Whom is less wise in the ways of the world pre-apocalypse and post apocalypse.. It makes sense that without any heavy guardianship from a capable adult Clem would likely not last all that long by herself and with a baby no less.
I mean look at what happen to a bunch of the other kids around her general age group, it didn't end so well did it?. Of course nothing wild and cartoony as a piano would fall on her. But walker bites, gun shots, stabbings, falls, drownings, fires, explosives, or simply torn apart within a herd are all possible fates on the table for her that could happen within reason from their world.
And I'd believe any general Walking Dead fan not just only Clemmy fan would come to realize and accept this knowledge as the lore facts and not just supposed bad plot elements for their favored character. Since I liked Clementine and still kind of do after the way she was depicted in New Frontier I can still accept her death if it makes good sense for the plot.
I'd say at LEAST have a moment where a walker looks like it bit her and then realize that she was saved by the Leather jacket. There's been all this talk about how leather jackets are supposed to save you from walker bites, but it's never shown.
There was a discussion posted, but not to specifically talk about Clementine potentially dying. At least not recently (to my knowledge). I just used the comment on Facebook from Telltale Games as a conversation starter.
This isn't an over analysis of Clementine's potential death. This is simply a conversation starter about it. Regardless, death is a possibility and reality for us all, and fans of The Walking Dead have come to understand this. However, Clementine suffering the same fate as so many before her is predictable, especially with how The Walking Dead: The Final Season is being marketed to us as consumers of the product.
Contrary to your belief, Clementine is much wiser than you're giving her credit for (if you ask me), because she has the necessary skills to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Rick Grimes may be much older than Clementine, but age doesn't necessarily mean that someone is more experienced. Clementine isn't probably as knowledgeable on the pre-apocalyptic world as Rick, but she doesn't need to be either.
When we make the comparison of Clementine to other people who were her age, we need to take into consideration some things, such as their adaptability, intuition, skills, and much more. Clementine knows how to adapt, has intuition, accompanied by skills to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Other characters like Duck and Sarah, they didn't have what she has.
Anytime this "conversation starter" is repeated each season with atleast half a dozen threads in between seasons that are only worded slightly differently from basically other identical threads. Then I feel it is over-analyzation and if every word uttered from the developers about Clem's fate is dissected letter for letter by fans nationwide then it sounds a lot like over analyzation mixed with a bit of anxiety too. Especially because I have not seen any other threads for other characters receiving equal amount of concern of whether or not they'd survive each season. So it really isn't just a picking on this thread it is fans and threads in general and this one accumulates on top of the already existing dog pile of very similar other thoughts and threads.
I beg to differ as her suffering a fate unique to her is the norm in that universe but will be unique to her. What is predictable is her somehow surviving the impossible yet again for the fourth round in a row. She dies it is possibly moving if done well and provides closure.. She lives without going to the comic.. well this happened in seasons one thru three? And why stop making games here then if she's alive? Alive means a forever open end.. unless they somehow do plan to return making more stories for Clementine but if not then it provides no closure to her story really.
Clementine is clever not denying this.. but she also had teachers with as much wisdom as Rick Grimes to show her the way should she need to take care of herself and it is not by virtue of Clem's own doing. Were it not for that Clem likely would of been dead during season one's timeline like the boy Fivel from the mansion (even Lee mentions this) and Chuck as well in a way. Also age has to mean you can read people's motives and intentions a bit better, and be able to decipher your actions more quickly in intense situations as well as think more rationally than maybe rashly.
Yes indeed Clem is a clever girl (Jurassic Park reference) but she would not had lasted long on her own without an adult's guidance realistically as long as an adult would in the same situation.. like Rick or Michonne I could not see that but I do agree that Clementine is wise for her age. Now Clem would live long if closely following the instructions of adults like Rick Grimes, Jesus and Michonne. Or if you prefer game examples the instructions of Lee, Kenny and or Jane.
This is just an analysis. When new information surfaces, we should carefully examine it, because game developers often hint towards certain things. Why are other discussions not posted about other characters with as much curiosity as Clementine? Because she is the face of The Walking Dead for Telltale Games. Lee was the protagonist in The Walking Dead: Season One, but Clementine was still the main character. The strong possibility of other characters dying is already a given. With Clementine, we want to see her defy the odds by overcoming a world that has slowly deteriorated over time. That's why.
It's not "predictable" for Clementine to survive the "impossible" post-apocalyptic world, because there are other children her age who haven't survived it. As a matter of fact, most of every person her age has died. Duck. Sarah. Gabe (determinate). It's not even impossible. However, it's predictable to think that she has to die for her story to end, like other characters who she has developed relationships with throughout the course of three seasons. Clementine's story arc can end without her needing to die. Before he was laid off, Job J. Stauffer even suggested this. He also suggested that this will be her final story arc for Telltale Games. For Telltale Games. There's more that I want to say about this, but I would rather wait and see.
Clementine acquired the skills that she now possesses by experience and observation, but it doesn't matter how. She was equipped with the necessary skills to endure, that's what matters now. This isn't an argument about how she learned to survive. It's about how she has used her knowledge to survive. Age is just a number. It doesn't define maturity or wisdom. Our age doesn't define our maturity and our grades don't define our ability. There are teenagers who have measurably larger quantities of intellect, based on advancing at a much faster rate academically. She will have been guided by adults for what will be approximately 7 or 8 years in The Walking Dead: The Final Season. She doesn't have to be so dependent on others to survive anymore. That's what Lee taught her.
Among others with similar discussions each season.
Maybe so, however why should this exempt her automatically from death making her above other characters by default? Effectively dulling any adversity she faces because you know she'll always be invincible and make it through with no sense of suspense nor urgency, It's why super-man is boring to me and they are making a super-girl of Clem..If this weren't a gritty horror tale that is suppose to be grounded in a certain degree of realism then I might agree..but I still do not share this way of visualizing these stories.
Eh more like moral compass for the main character on his path to redemption. She was definitely deuteragonist though I believe.
Are you saying that in a world with all characterssurrounded by death and despair they are simply beneath Clem because they are not protagonists and don't deserve an equal footed chance at life and development in spite of being just as if not more capable as Clem? I'm getting the feeling Clem really is made out to to be a super-girl and that cap is superglued to her head. I like her character but I do not like the idea of a super kid that can never be taken down and knows more than adults triple her age like in season two.
She could join the comic too I've said in the past but fee agree with that and she'd be alive with a different outcome than in the past were she was still in the video games essentially.
Well she has accomplished that over the course of three seasons as well. And the fact that other nearly equally capable yet unlucky kids didn't make it as long should tell about how strong her plot armor is.. Not that she's a gifted genius among other kids.. though in spite of her being wise a bit beyond her years.
It can end this way yes, but I doubt it will stand the tests of time nor be emotionally as moving or exciting like if she joined the comic. It is basically season two finales 2.0 and they could ended it there if they wanted endings like that all along to be honest. Yes if he suggested this is her final arc then some sort of closure should be done to put her tale to rest finally. Any open ends and it's just infinite debates on what if scenarios about Clem's possible future unless they plan on coming back to her but they said they won't. Why be concerned about her further development if she's been developed to the max and there will be little to nothing left to say about her. If she makes it good but then what comes after is what I'm asking and also asking why stop the games then? Look how long the comic and show is going and somehow the video games cannot keep up?
I thought it was about her capabilities compared to other kids and Rick Grimes. Clem would of ended up just like others kids if it weren't for noble figures in her life like Lee, Kenny, Jane etc.. whom are about just as wise of an adult as Rick Grimes and I feel had other children been given the fortune to be taught and trained by adults that were there for them they'd be just as capable as Clem effectively not making her appear so special in comparison many other kids didn't have any teachers that took the time to be there for them as with Clem.
Wish we could also tell that to insurance companies, drivers license law makers, alcohol law makers, cigarette law makers, job recruiters, car rental agencies, and basically congress and get their reactions on this statement which would be quite interesting indeed. But age is a good estimated gauge of all those qualities and probably why we have age based laws. A persons brain still develops and has more grey matter up until about age 25 and some studies show that the brain may still be maturing until age 30 so think about someone's brain who is barely 15 yet and how much more wise they'd become at even 21.. So age is more than meets the eye than most likely. So guess we could agree to disagree though at this point.
Totally agree. I REALLY want Clementine to survive. But I also really want there to be a real risk that she could die because of my choices. If she just survives because she always survives, that'd be a bit of a disappointment to me. They have this final opportunity as the last season to do multiple endings that don't all have to tie back in to a new start of the next season, I hope they make use of that. There should be consequences to our decisions, and Clementines survival should be one of them
I'm going to try and keep this brief.
I already explained to you why this discussion is different from the rest, but you don't seem to understand it.
I never said (or suggested) that Clementine being the face of The Walking Dead makes her exempt from death.
Clementine is the main character of The Walking Dead: Season One, because the choices that we make as Lee revolve around her.
No, I'm not saying that the other characters in The Walking Dead universe are inferior to Clementine, and I don't know why you would think that.
It's not "plot armor" as much as it's her ability to survive. She has learned new skills and used the knowledge of them to her advantage.
If Clementine survives, something that I believe will happen, I completely agree. Telltale Games shouldn't stop developing more games in The Walking Dead series with Clementine as the protagonist. However, I don't believe that it wouldn't be nearly as emotional.
Yes, if the other children and teenagers were given the same opportunities as Clementine, they could be just as capable as her in surviving. And no, it wasn't originally an argument about the capabilities between characters.
The different groups of people that you mentioned don't apply in a post-apocalyptic world. We're specifically talking about surviving in a post-apocalyptic world. However, the groups of people that you just mentioned, are institutions founded by the government with basic rules. The rules were set by them. The rules, however, are subjective based on experience. I don't limit one's potential to scientific studies about the human condition, because there has been evidence to prove that people mature differently. But yes, we can agree to disagree.
Don’t we see negan get bitten in the comics but his jacket saved him?
Yah, but that's only in the comics, with a villainesque character that we mostly wanted dead, and lucked out with his extra thick attire. No one who didn't read the comics gotta see this leather vs walker interaction, so it would be possible to hear reactions of people who see her get bit that forget about this information from season 2.
it also saved him when Beta swung at him with his Machete and grazed his stomach. Only the jacket was slashed.
Appreciated & I'll try to do the same. I tend to get carried away explaining.... it's a habit.
Well you already had the one user question whether or not it was a repeated thread. So it is likely easy to mistake as more of the same if it isn't intended to be the same.
Then why is the strong possibility of other characters dying already a given for them and not for Clementine herself?
Something to do with you mentioning her out surviving other kids her age as though it was by virtue of her own ingenious intellect from day one and uniquely crafted survival skills that other kids could not develop which in terms of survival makes them look inferior or incompetent in comparison to Clem. When in truth she'd had ended up exactly as dead as the other kids most likely were it not for the likes of Lee, Kenny, Chuck, Christa, Omid and Jane.
No.... well ya know what.. well nah. Unless staff backs that up. Now the game might of been centered around protecting her and her presence influencing the choices of Lee to make the good humane choices which is something of a moral compass as I've said before to preserve Clem's innocence as long as can be. Also main characters make the big choices and have the most screen time. Season two you'd be right all the way to me.
She got shot through the chest in the frigid winter with no doctors or medical intervention traveling for nine days on foot. Her armor is as strong as Carl Grimes who's been shot twice. While Mariana gets shot through the middle of the face from like half a football field away with precision aim. Also nearly all main characters have plot armor until the writer decides it's their time.
I get the feeling they will let her live to avoid fan tantrums that will likely ensue if they did off her at the end.. so folks can still buy their other games. Most likely one reason why were going back to Clementine after having played Javier for pretty much all season three except for five minute flashbacks other than the fact Javier wasn't developed to be as interesting as say Lee for example. An emotional alive for Clem ending.. I cannot see it not being a repeat of the Wellington endings if it is emotional and she survives or Richmond endings.
And Clementine still would not last as long as an adult in a post-apocalyptic world which is why she tries it for a little while then joins groups like the New Frontier. At the end of the day she can be easier to manipulate than an adult (Jane) and can be overpowered and possibly taken advantage of. So no unless she is some gifted genius she is not as mature as most adults because she stupidly shot Eli over something that could of been negotiated before playing with a life then taking it by accident and wanted to shoot David because he kept AJ and was able to better take care of him than her. In both situations Javier and David are older and think with clearer heads and in the apocalypse you do need survival skills and also a clear head to make tough decisions something a child is less likely to possess over an adult.
Interesting debate, but we only seem to agree on one thing and that is if Clementine lives then she deserves more games with Telltale. I just hate open ended conclusions and this is likely why I'm far more accepting of her death if it comes to that than other Clem fans.
P.S. or the comic.
His leather jacket also saved him in the show when Rick hit him with Lucille in fire.
(Season 8 episode 12)
Just saying.
Yah. And I was wondering why he didn't get sick when he was hit by it, because it still had Walker blood on it. That makes so much sense now.
Because most of the characters who have met Clementine, have died. In The Walking Dead universe, we expect to see characters die anyway, because it progresses the story in an emotional way. Especially with seeing how Clementine deals with loss around her.
We don't know what would have happened, had it not been for the characters that you mentioned. However, you also need to remember that Duck had Kenny, and Sarah had other capable survivors such as Luke.
In a recent interview at PAX East 2018, Telltale Games suggested that when you made a choice as Lee, how it directly affected Clementine, and that was the purpose of it. For example, if you help Kenny to kill Larry, Clementine will have questions to ask you, that will cause you to question your own morality. By the way, a main character in a story of any kind is just someone who has the most importance. You have mistaken protagonist for character. Clementine was and still is one of the most important characters in The Walking Dead by Telltale Games.
Do we know if the bullet went through Clementine's chest? And speaking of that, she was shot closer to her left shoulder than anything. When Clementine wakes up after passing out, she's being driven in a vehicle with Kenny, Jane, and AJ, so she wasn't travelling for 9 days immediately after. Mariana was shot and killed 5 years into the zombie apocalypse. Five years is more than enough time to learn how to shot, especially since your life depends on it. Besides that, we don't know how trained the killers were before the zombie apocalypse with guns.
Well, it depends on how you would define a repeat. Clementine surviving the zombie apocalypse and having an emotional ending like when her and Kenny arrived at Wellington doesn't make it a repeat. There are many different options for an emotional ending that don't involve Clementine suffering the same fate as so many others.
Clementine joined the New Frontier, because AJ needed food and water (if you remember). If you're being offered food, blankets, and bottled water, you would probably join the group in a post-apocalyptic world. You also need to consider that Clementine isn't just surviving on her own. She's taking care of a child, something that she has no experience doing previously (as far as we know). However, I disagree with you for the most part. Clementine isn't the first person who made poor decisions. There are other characters, who are older than her, such as Nick in The Walking Dead: Season Two, who made just as bad of decisions as she did there. Clementine is protective of AJ, as a mother would be, and she doesn't trust strangers to protect a child. It's understandable. We also don't know if she had any other reason to distrust David, besides him banishing her from the group. David was one of the most irrational people that I have seen, though. He literally kills Clint if Javier doesn't kill Joan. That definitely wasn't the right decision given the current situation. Clementine may have killed someone, but she at least didn't pick the wrong time to do it. She still shouldn't have done it, but she didn't do it when other people's lives were at stake.
But anyway, yes, we can only seem to agree that if Clementine survives, she deserves to have more games with Telltale Games. I can understand why you feel the way that you do.
My two cents or pages..It sounds (to me) as though you are still separating the character Clementine from these "other characters". Which can be taken as you effectively placing Clementine "above" other characters in regards to death and making it seem as though Clementine is "exempt" from death while you expect to see all OTHER characters die and NOT Clementine with just as much expectation because why?? which is not true realism nor equality regardless of the reason why. Even if she is the main character a death for her ought to be "expected" as a frightening possibility at any time just like life.... and just like Lee within his footsteps she appears to follow in these days especially when you look at the Clem and AJ art just released when compared to the Lee and Clem cover art.
No but we know what would of most likely have happened which is what Lee mentioned in the attic of the mansion looking at the malnourished walker boy. "This could of been Clem had he not gotten to her in the time he did". There are a bunch of unknowns but most times you would have to go with the best educated guess of what is likely to happen of the odds at hand.
Lee's decisions and actions usually directly affected everyone within the group along with Clementine but the unique thing about Clementine compared to other's reactions is that she is the only one that makes you question your own morality because she is essentially the moral compass of your decisions through out the game until you ultimately get your confrontation with the Stranger as like the moral judgement for your decisions until that point. Think of it like Clem as the guardian angel trying to steer you to the right choices and the Stranger sort of a disturbed God making the final judgement of most of your meaningful choices up to the end which was a fabulous way of writing that out. Clementine was important because she was Lee's path to redemption by protecting Clem from the horrors of the walking dead.
IF this is the case and Clementine was main character then she was also main character in New Frontier because Javier made decisions with Clem in mind & couple of his choices also directly affected Clementine and her perception of Javi. Almost could argue a case for Gabe and the rest of his family that he looked out for too with this sort of reasoning. Sorry but the only season I ever saw Clem as no doubt main character was surely season two and I would get behind that all day. Even though some say Kenny had as much if not more attention than Clem during that game.
Yes Jane said it went clean through, possibly rupturing an artery or large vein at least which could also mean she would of bled out and should of experienced even more lightheadedness than when she lost blood from the dog bite attack. Should of been screaming in pain for the rest of the episode at the minimum anyhow if that is survivable. Also regardless of when she traveled for the nine days she was still shot and critcally injured from a rifle bullet and was basically fine as though nothing happened without any sort of medical intervention and I know Kenny and Jane were no doctors. I'm baffled at the fact they got Kenny to even help deliver Rebecca's baby but birth is even possible with the woman alone I think too. I wasn't saying Mariana got shot because she was not as experienced or competent as Clementine I'm saying she gets shot fatally from a further away distance and instantly is killed while Clem is shot so close to the lungs, heart or arter and lives as though she only got shot with a slingshot for nine days after and I'm saying that this in comparison is plot armor because Mariana isn't wounded and is killed from a more difficult distanced shot than Clem and dies. Arvo might not of been trained but do we really know that either as you say? Wouldn't his little russian gang had given him a shooting drill? If you ask anybody that is not a biased fan for Clem, I think they'd tell you that Clementine does possess a bit of plot armor for a kid.
Any parallel resemblance of past endings that give a sense of De Ja Vu.
Nick (also a bit on the younger side) made a mistake and the one guy he shot did have his rifle out and pointed in the direction of his alleys. Nick felt they could of been in danger while Clem had no reason to believe she was in immediate jeopardy from a sitting down Eli with his hands out on his laps and kept pulling the trigger on a unarmed or also disarmed man other than to I guess scare the pants off him or kill him by luck. That was no mistake.. just stupid wrecklessness. Now David was about to be hanged by those scoundrels that double crossed him anyhow and they threatened his life already until Javier spoke up. I'd have to rewatch or replay.. but Clint seemed fine at first when the noose was only around Davids neck to be hanged and it's only when Ava or Tripp get killed when he has doubts enough to finally speak out on the number of executions. Clint betrayed David and in a way deserved what he got but not as much as Joan.
Yes we don't know everything that went down with David but again we have to go by what is presented to us.. since it is the story tellers duty to give all facts that they intend on educating us about on these characters. So unless we saw it happen in the game or talked about by the characters. Then we can also be right in saying nothing more than what was seen happened in a negative way. We also don't everything about why Lee's wife committed adultery could of been to get back at Lee for his own infidelity affairs but if this is never shown nor explained then we can also assume such a thing never happened as there is alot we can never know but must go by on what was presented.
To be honest, I fully expect Clem to die. My fear is it's gonna be some full circle bullshit where she dies to save AJ and if so I'm gonna be super pissed because I hate that kid and have wanted him dead since he showed up in season 2. I don't mind so much the idea of her dying, but not for him. Please not for him.
But I expect her to die because that's the only way the majority of fans will let the series end. If Clem is still alive at the end of TFS then a lot of fans will be harassing TT to make a season 5, 6, 7, etc. and they don't want to. Killing Clem will piss off A LOT of people, but the angry ranting will die down within a few weeks. Not killing her will be like inviting millions of people to harass them for more seasons day in and day out for YEARS.
That's why i thought making Clem's fate determinant would be better for everyone.
That way you have different endings for her so everyone would be happy.
Maybe, except those that have her survive will want more sequels. But yeah I'd be ok with that.
If it's determinant, then everybody with a at least a bit of brains will realize that it's impossible to continue her story
One of the affirmations I see most here is that if Clem survives the fans will keep asking for new episodes. That will not happen, because Telltale has already defined this as the final season in the history of clmementine. As for requests from fans dissatisfied, just ignore. After all, there is not only her survivor in Za.
It's like in the show, focars-and only in the initial group took the current situation where it looks like a Mexican novel.
As much as I want to reply to your post (with a proper response), I won’t. I don’t have the energy to argue with others. We can just agree to disagree. Especially since you already have the popular opinion here. I’m not going to put thought into another response.
Clementine did, however, seem to have something against David, which implies that there was something more to it. Telltale Games, as well as other game developers, often leave things up to interpretation. Naughty Dog is a good example.
Regardless, I don’t understand why some people want Clementine to die (whether definitively or determinately). I don’t even understand why some people want AJ to die. Not every character, including but not limited to the main character, needs to die. It just doesn’t need to happen, and we have seen this before. In games. In movies. In shows. In entertainment. There are many characters who are still alive at the end. They have what could be considered open-ended stories. There’s nothing wrong with that, if you ask me.
Maybe it won’t. Maybe it will.
I never guessed that. Figured most folk would be more aligned to your vision of Clemmy alive and live happily ever after as best can be said within a well guarded and supplied community with Javier and AJ. My only issue is the redundancy and open endedness to this. Because something like that in itself can potentially be a season 5 really.
True in other stories they do have that.. However they are also not horrors typically and they came back or want to come back to the universe to continue more tales from where they left off.