Please don't ruin the game for others just because you don't like it.

Right, i'll give this a sincere approach. The vast majority of fans are accepting and okay with this new idea about kids at a boarding school, as a group of adults has been done to death already. Keep in mind that these kids have survived 8 years of the apocalypse. They will be hardened and hopefully mature like clementine is. No one had a problem with playing as a little girl or a teenager before, so why do you have a problem with other teenagers, they won't be like gabe. They will most likely act the same as Sam and Paige from Michonne.
I've seen people call out certain telltale writers and shame them for this. This isn't okay and I think maybe you're going to need to accept that this will never be the same game that it was back in 2012, even if it was you would probably just say it was a complete copy. Back then this type of choice game had never been done before and so that game heavily relied on that new experience to be a good game.
When the teaser for season 3 came out, people didn't like the Idea of Javier as they didn't know who he was. It could be possible that the reason for the rewrites and changing it so that Javier was the main protagonist was for everyone who said they wouldn't know him well enough.
Please don't make telltale rewrite this game again. It won't be very good since it will have been rewritten in a short space of time.
It’s not our fault that the writers are inexperienced. We complain because we want them to make a good game not a bad game like most of their recent games, especially The Walking Dead Franchise after Season 1.
If the vast majority is fine with it, then why would you even be worried Telltale will rewrite for us? Fact is the vast majority is not ok with it, at least here on the forums. Also, I am not expecting them to act like Paige and Sam, the interviews on the stream confirmed that they will indeed be acting like "kids" and how one of the themes is going to be how Clem, who doesnt act like a kid anymore, is going to be with kids her age, who still act like children. This is something they said, so Im expecting them to act like kids, not like Sam and Paige.
When the Season 3 teaser came out, I dont recall any huge backlash for Javier. I remember it being pretty positive because everyone thought the "play as Javi and Clem" meant it was going to be like Tales from the Borderlands where you play as both Clem and Javi equally, 50/50. In fact the biggest complaint about Javi was people were worried that he was going to take the spotlight over Clem, which ended up happening, not the other way around.
here u r going again, the other discussion was closed because you do not know how to talk
If you like what you've seen or even what others don't like that shouldn't be affected because other people don't like it.
I like season 2 despite many not liking it and having unfavorable views of it. Doesn't mean it "ruined" the game cause others didn't like it.
This is so true
Focus on the content and not the creators, please. Don't turn discussions into naming and shaming writers, discussing them on a personal level, etc. Criticizing the content of the games is fine.
Because the angriest voices are often the loudest. They're the ones going on the writers Twitter pages and offering their criticism over a freaking teaser.
Enough of this. Whether or not you like the story they're trying to convey is entirely up to you. That's your prerogative as a person and a fan of the developing team but at the very least respect the fact that they want to be a part of something special and took the time to try to live up to this community's otherworldly expectations.
Writers fluctuate all the time, some more than others. A writer with years of proper experience can suffer a drought of bad or mediocre content and there are first time writers that instantly knock it out of the park, more so than most experienced ones. These are writers that want to please as much of us as possible. You and I. As well as the rest. Respect that. Calling out one's experience in the art does nothing.
"because you do not know how to talk"
says "we u r going again"
They're the ones that got Mass Effect 3s ending extended past 30 seconds. I like those guys. Keep fighting the good fight.
if good fight = abusing telltale staff then gtfo
Except the difference is that happened after the game actually released and people could play it and draw their own valid conclusions. We literally got a half dozen concept images and a short gameplay clip and everyone is saying they hate and yada yada.
Damn, that dude was right about you not knowing how to talk lol.
Fact is the vast majority on the forums are okay with it:
And some background information on the story and characters, and their approach to the season, etc. Maybe these kids will be a bunch of Gabes or Bens. Maybe they'll actually be done right. Could go either way. The bigger problem is what they're describing to us. People complained about pre-established relationships in ANF, so they're going to do that again? They're telling Clementines story, but consider each story independent, because making ANF feel like an independent story you could play without having played the first two games was a well received direction? They also choose not to stream the actual footage they have of what they're working on, which honestly sounds like it would help address complaints about episode length in ANF, showing it only to the few in attendance?
There's a lot of questionable decisions being made already, and it's really not doing alot to reassure people they won't continue making the same mistakes. The entire panel was just a mess, and I really hope they put something better together for the next preview.
Key word was vast majority. Those results are 47 total for positive, 34 for mixed, and 23 for negative. That is not a vast majority. Overall, it is more mixed and negative than positive, no it is not a vast majority.
I agree that correlating abuse of staff to "fighting the good fight" is bad, but let's not get personal and tell people to "get out"
If you feel like that poll means a “vast” majority of these forums is ok with s4 then why’d you make this thread?
Honestly tho, these forums have shrunk massively over the last couple months, mostly because there are so many people whining about the games being critizied, so they went places where they could criticize it. This forum represents hardly a percent of the “majority.”
Your complaining is going to result in a new frontier styled rewrites so pls be quiet before telltale get any ideas.
The poll receives input from all platforms—forum, Twitter, Discord, Reddit—not solely the forum.
But yeah, I thought we already established this. Forums are for dialogue and exchanging opinions. If somebody has a negative opinion about the footage released at PAX, they should feel free to say so and ask for others’ thoughts, not discouraged. Your enjoyment of something cannot healthily depend on 100% of people enjoying it as well.
All these people saying “shut up or else it will get rewritten like ANF did!” Are godawful wrong. A new frontier was not rewritten because people complained, it was rewritten because they rushed it, realizing they had neither the time nor assets to execute it. Not to mention toxic management at the time. The only complaint people had of ANF before release was they didn’t want Javier to take spotlight from clem, and telltale did EXACTLY that. Had people been louder maybe they woulda fixed it.
At this point I don’t feel any hope for TFS, whether they rewrite it or not. That doesn’t mean I dont want it to do good. But that won’t stop myself or others from expressing our feelings towards it.
People have opinions. Telltale listens the wrong way. It goes from bad to worse. Should I just shut up and play? Or criticise to get a shittier product? Telltale community the game
If a person is willing to let other people’s opinion/Critcism ruin their experiences that THEIR problem not ours.
That's not at all the sentiment I was trying to express, and while I may not be the happiest person about how some people addressed complaints during ANF with "just wait and see where we're going" or "sounds like you've got a bone to pick, sorry you're disappointed but we have other games coming out you might like", I would never attack people, or advocate it, because I do realize it is a bit more complicated than the blame goes on this team. ANF could have been great, but it feels like it was pushed into the main series to draw in old fans despite being designed to draw in new fans. And the writers have to make this happen while they're under the same crunch time that the animators and everyone who makes these scripts a visual reality are under. The lack of focus and time was more of an issue than the people working under those circumstances were, and it's a prevalent issue throughout. Overextension and impatience hurt the series more than any of the people making it a reality. I don't want it to take the extent it took fans to call out EA, but this was one of the best series to be released over the last two gens. I hope the point can get across.