How Life is Strange Should have ended....
So you take the picture of the butterfly and just wait in silence as Chloe is killed. What if you yelled at Nathan as he came in and said...this is the girl's restroom perv in a loud voice? He would have left....Chloe is send David the text....get your friends out of the line of the storm...if even there would be unlike other times you save Chloe...this is in the original timeline.
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Visual representation of LiS's plot:
Hey at least the plot hole is not as bad as Raiders of the Lost Ark's plot hole.
You're right. It's much worse, and far less appealing.
Well i liked LIS anyway
Well Dontnod feeds on the tears and suffering of their fans, so of course they wouldn't go for a happy ending that should function within the rules of this universe. If you need evidence of how malicious they are, just watch the credits of episode 4 until the end to see the message "Thanks for crying!" pop up.
More seriously, I wish they had gone for an ending like this instead. I guess they just wanted the final choice to be more polarizing, pun intended.
There was originally going to be a somewhat happier ending in the place of the Sacrifice Chloe ending. Somewhat, if you count Chloe being left comatose after getting shot by Nathan and it being left up in the air whether or not she'd wake up as a happier end. I mean, at least she wouldn't have died and could wake up one day? Plus Jefferson and Nathan would've been busted anyway as well.
If Chloe had been saved in any way the paradox would remain and the storm would destroy the town five days later. There's no way around that.