The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • MCU Iron Spider suit confirmed in Spider-Man PS4 HYPE!!!!

    But Insomniac was upset about this and deletes every video related to that suit. Probably because some employee revealed it too early or something like that.

  • Divide? Is that a name?

    Dr. Divide Peril-Muter

  • Giving the movie Titanic a rewatch after years, I can safely say its among the cheesiest films I've ever seen.

  • edited April 2018

    Omg really?

    Can't believe I missed it. Haven't been on reddit today. (the spideyPS4 subreddit is where i get half my news for the game)

    EDIT: Wait never mind it's on reddit! They saved it!

    AronDracula posted: »

    MCU Iron Spider suit confirmed in Spider-Man PS4 HYPE!!!! But Insomniac was upset about this and deletes every video related to that suit. Probably because some employee revealed it too early or something like that.

  • Haha, I don't think so. :D I came up with it by misspronouncing the name 'David'.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Divide? Is that a name?

  • Hmm, Thorthson... I kinda like it. It seems a bit difficult to pronounce though. Maybe if I change it just a tad to Forthson or something...

    The first name that came to mind was Dr. Thorthson... I have no Idea where it came from, but I thought of it as something that could roll of

  • edited April 2018

    Just finished Far Cry 5. I enjoyed it immensely and think it's a great game. Much improved gameplay, much less clutter (or at the very least the clutter is well hidden), good voice acting, good characters, entertaining villians and a decent story. However, I absolutely despise the endings. They are really badly written and play really messily (dumb dues ex machina stuff). There isn't really much I can say without it being a spoiler of some kind.

    Other than the ending I would highly recommend it, especially if you're a fan of the franchise.

  • Sure, as long as you keep the main concept in mind, change it however you like. :+1:
    |Maybe even change it so it has some historical background.
    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hmm, Thorthson... I kinda like it. It seems a bit difficult to pronounce though. Maybe if I change it just a tad to Forthson or something...

  • I've seen a lot of people complained about the endings but you can get the good ending at the beginning of the game so does it really matter ?

    Far Cry 5 is definitely better than Far Cry 4,the best thing about this game for me is the atmosphere it's amazing.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just finished Far Cry 5. I enjoyed it immensely and think it's a great game. Much improved gameplay, much less clutter (or at the very least

  • Is it really a good ending if nothing happens and the game just ends? I just really dislike the futility of them. Doesn't help that in the "Good" ending the boss fight is really messily put together and feels very badly written and convenient.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I've seen a lot of people complained about the endings but you can get the good ending at the beginning of the game so does it really matter

  • If his brother was named Conquer, that might explain how he got to be unstable in the first place.

    Haha, I don't think so. I came up with it by misspronouncing the name 'David'.

  • edited April 2018

    I saw a big news story about graduation and how important it is to children...

    I didn't even go to my banquet/dance. I just silently took my diploma and left.
    Silently, but in my head, my speech went something like this.

    (High School wasn't actually bad for me. I enjoyed it. I just didn't get the whole deal. It's not like graduating means you won the game of life).

  • edited April 2018


  • So the reason behind Ubisoft changing the voice actor for Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell: Blacklist might not have just been because they wanted an actor who could do mocap, but also because Michael Ironside had prostate and testicular cancer and it was believed that he was going to die. But he didn't so now he's back which is great of course.

    I enjoyed Eric Johnson as Sam Fisher and I think he did a good job (even if he did sound a bit too young for the character), but I'm happy to see Michael Ironside back as the voice of Sam. Maybe if they make a prequel game to the series they can recast Eric Johnson as a younger Sam.

    That'd be pretty neato.

  • edited April 2018

    I saw A Quiet Place tonight (or last night since I notice it's past midnight). I recommend it, but with a warning (more on that in a bit).
    Great horror movie, and is literally edge-of-your-seat tension all the way.

    About this movie: [Not giving away many details here, don't worry. Just a small gist of what to expect if you go out to see it, or are on the fence because horror.]
    This is a quiet movie. Not silent, but very very quiet. There are monsters (aliens?) who cause some big apocalypse around the globe. The monsters this movie has are attracted to sound, so anyone who makes noise is in big danger. Because of this, the sound design for this film is top-notch.
    The characters speak in sign language (partly because one of the family members is deaf, partly because it's just really not safe to talk at a normal volume.) This means that you won't hear much audible talking. You'll be reading subtitles.
    The sound of nature and occasional music is the main event here. This is a great experiment in sound.

    My warning: This movie is so quiet and mixed/performed in such a way that you really hear the most minimal of sounds. But, you won't just hear the movie. You'll hear everyone else in the theatre too. Someone coughs? You'll hear it. Someone has a bag of popcorn? Oh by golly you'll hear it. Someone whispers? Feel free to throw your shoe at them (ok maybe not).
    Point is, this is a movie of the senses (or lack of them). You'll be captivated and tense, but you won't try to scream. The silence is something to hear for yourself.
    [Not that any of that is really bad and ruins the whole movie, but it can get annoying if someone does cough a bunch or rustle their wrappers or popcorn.]

    Best enjoyed alone (with your favourite squeezable object) or with a group of silent friends. The theater is nice for sound, but could be bad if your audience doesn't behave.

    trailer if you want it. Doesn't do it justice though

  • ...Is that a real name though?

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If his brother was named Conquer, that might explain how he got to be unstable in the first place.

  • You can officially name your kids anything you want. Some parents are particularly cruel. There's a famous xkcd cartoon that's often cited by database developers:

    (And her daughter is named "Help! I'm trapped in a driver's license factory.")

    ...Is that a real name though?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2018

    Good ol' Bobby Tables! :p

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    You can officially name your kids anything you want. Some parents are particularly cruel. There's a famous xkcd cartoon that's often cited by database developers: (And her daughter is named "Help! I'm trapped in a driver's license factory.")

  • Aaagghh I just got banned from a feminism forum. Rip me

  • My middle name is Banjo, so somebody out there is probably named Conquer.

    ...Is that a real name though?

  • Going to see this tonight. Hopefully the audience I'm with isn't too rowdy :s

    AChicken posted: »

    I saw A Quiet Place tonight (or last night since I notice it's past midnight). I recommend it, but with a warning (more on that in a bit).

  • Maybe that’s not such a bad thing. :p

    Melton23 posted: »

    Aaagghh I just got banned from a feminism forum. Rip me

  • edited April 2018

    I wish you best of luck and I hope you enjoy it.

    Uh... just take all that and put in in the past tense.
    How was the movie? How were the people?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Going to see this tonight. Hopefully the audience I'm with isn't too rowdy

  • edited April 2018

    New trailer for Overkill's Walking Dead game is out.

    While this looks great and absolutely phenomenal, as someone in the comments said:, it's worrisome that we haven't gotten any gameplay yet. While this looks amazing, it might not be how the real game looks, and we don't know how it plays. The "Fall 2018" at the end should mean we get gameplay soon, maybe/hopefully at E3. I need to know if I'll like this game.
    The site's description of the game gives hints of what to expect, but I'd like a visual aid please. (While the picture at the end of the trailer made me think it is some isometric top-down shooter, it seems to be an FPS)

    OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead is a four player co-op action FPS, where you and your friends fight the dead as well as the living. Set in The Walking Dead Universe, you and your group try to survive in a post-apocalyptic Washington D.C.
    Each character has their own Special Abilities, Skill Trees, Squad Roles, Play Styles and Story Arcs, but teamwork is paramount. The action is close-up and intense: take out enemies carefully with a silent melee attack or go in guns blazing with your choice of each class weapons. You need to be able to improvise as nothing is certain and a horde of walkers is always right around the corner.

  • The movie was great! I felt like I was going to get a heart attack throughout most of the movie because of all the tension. Just when I think everything is fine the creepy music kicks in and my heart just goes racing again. The acting is great and I thought it was really cool that they got an actual death actress to play the daughter. Though I do think the end shot is a little bit cheesy considering how horrifying the rest of the movie was.

    You were right about the noise. I could hear everything in the audience. Chewing, crunching, coughing etc. Luckily there wasn't really anyone whispering and talking so it was actually relatively quiet. Well aside from one of the friends I went to see it with who would point out flaws in the movie every so often which got a bit grating (luckily he didn't do it that often).

    AChicken posted: »

    I wish you best of luck and I hope you enjoy it. Uh... just take all that and put in in the past tense. How was the movie? How were the people?

  • It was confirmed to be an FPS when it was announced 4 years ago (Jesus it really has been a while). And there technically has been gameplay footage. In one of the developer update videos there's a shot of a first person view of the player holding an axe(?) walking around for a few seconds but that was pretty much it. Even then it was just a recording of someone testing it on a PC, not like an ingame recording or anything.

    AChicken posted: »

    New trailer for Overkill's Walking Dead game is out. While this looks great and absolutely phenomenal, as someone in the comments said

  • I'm gonna go by a hunch and say... that you got banned for harassment and abuse?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Aaagghh I just got banned from a feminism forum. Rip me

  • edited April 2018

    Nooooo I found a thread related to “pornography is bad and demeaning towards women” so I asked them to send nudes. Apparently that’s frowned upon. I said please as well so I want an apology.

    I'm gonna go by a hunch and say... that you got banned for harassment and abuse?

  • Okay, that's a teeny bit reassuring.
    Still really odd we haven't got a lick of playable footage tho.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It was confirmed to be an FPS when it was announced 4 years ago (Jesus it really has been a while). And there technically has been gameplay

  • edited April 2018

    Does anyone hear know anything about the Netherlands? I'm doing a project for my International Business course, and my group has to present for why Whole Foods should start expanding into the country. My requirement is to give an "Analysis of the Host Country Environment." I need to focus on specific laws regarding the industry, as well as property rights, labor/employment, and some of the formal and informal institutions. Do we have any experts on the Dutch government here? Seriously, any help would be good, because right now, I'm currently reading about EU Regulation EC No. 178/2002, which looks at the general principles and requirements of food law and procedures for food safety. And let me tell you, it's as exhilarating as it sounds.


  • Fun Fact:

    One of the acceptable(but not most common) terms for "wife" in Japanese(Kana) directly translates to "Mrs. God".

    Kami-san; かみさん

  • I forgot those characters trigger mod approval. Sorry about that. I know I've done it twice now. I'll try to remember to avoid it in the future. It's not like I'm saying anything important, so I'm pretty much just creating busywork for the team. Whoops.

  • One of the greatest modern character actors. Sad day.

  • edited April 2018

    So I moved into my new apartment the other day and I was thinking to myself, "Man, I kinda miss the noise of living in the dorm. It feels so quiet and lonely here."

    Fastforward to today in which I am staying in my dorm to pack up some things and I'm thinking to myself, " WHAT'S WITH ALL THE YELLING???!!! WHY WON'T THEY SHUT THE FUCK UP?! WHY DOES THAT GUY KEEP WHISTLING???"

    Now I miss the silence of my apartment. I cannot fucking wait to get the hell out of this shithole.

    Anyone got any ideas of petty revenge I can get on my dormmates before I leave?

  • edited April 2018

    Behind the Scenes of the Tales From the Borderlands Suite

    Telltale's composer Jared Emerson Johnson discusses the making of the orchestral TFTBL theme. Included is how Jared met with season director Nick Herman and executive producer Adam Sarasohn to get approval and funding, early versions and drafts of the theme before the official recording, and some rehearsal footage.

  • Strap a plastic bag over his head and log them in the cupboard. Classic revenge prank ?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So I moved into my new apartment the other day and I was thinking to myself, "Man, I kinda miss the noise of living in the dorm. It feels so

  • That's a neat read! Despite some of the previous comments about the later episodes having a lower budget, it's neat that they were able to make that work out of sheer determination for fan service!

    Behind the Scenes of the Tales From the Borderlands Suite Telltale's composer Jared Emerson Johnson discusses the making of the orchestra

  • edited April 2018

    Some dumb motherfucker in my dorm did a number 1 and 2 in the bathroom and didn't flush. How the fuck do you shit and piss then just get up and leave?! HOW FUCKING DISGUSTINGLY RUDE DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO DO THIS WHEN YOU SHARE A FUCKING BATHROOM WITH LIKE 15 OTHER PEOPLE???

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