Does Telltale Game's accept recommendations or requests for The Walking Dead?
Because if so, I would like to see the "(?)...will remember this" notices affect the game more often like in Season 1, which seemed like all the time. In Season 2, there have been dozens of notices, but how the character's react seems unchanged except for a few dialog moments.
Also, Season 1 had a lot of free roaming parts where you could speak to each character before progressing in the story. These moments were great for character development and brought more immersion to the game. It would be great to see more of this too since Season 2 barely has this.
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Yeah, they do read some of these topics and supposedly take into account fan feedback when going into making new episodes. I have seen various members of the TT staff post about things related to the game and sometimes design over the months I've been here.
You touch one of the biggest issues I've had with it, so far.
In the end, it's all up to Telltale and what they want to do with the game.
I also think they need to include more hubs.
The "Will remember that" Felt as meaningless in Season One as it did in Season Two. Not to say it isn't a nice touch, but it feels exactly the same as it did in the first season. It's only ever occasionally I notice something actually happen with an action I selected. Example would be when I told Kenny and Ben about my past, and they used it to their advantages to annoy me in an argument in the following episode. Remember the "Carley will remember that" we saw literally seconds before she's shot dead by Lilly?
What I WOULD want is the same as anyone else really, more time to walk around and talk to people and have optional conversations and the like. The length of an episode never really annoyed me that much. But it's clearly obvious the hubs made the length of episodes noticeably longer. Instead Season Two has decided to go more cinematic with it's design in comparison to the first season. Granted, they were the high points of the first Season but they felt meaningful with how the game was paced and what lead up to it happening. In Season Two, it's all actiony, all the time. With no room to breathe in-between. Telltale need to remember we're still playing a game, but now it just feels like an interactive drama.
And it's ironic that I'm sounding this harsh, as I have loved Season Two thus far. But it's obvious it could've been so much more if they didn't take on so many projects at once.
It's obviously cheaper for telltale to make it more cinematic as they don't have to pay the voice actors for longer recording sessions. I don't mind it too much but I would love to learn more about some few characters and It really bothers me how little Clementine actually cares about what happend to Kenny.
TellTale releases the game episodically because they enjoy reading fan feedback. I know staff members will keep watch over what's being discussed on social media platforms about the game -- who's the fan favourite, who everybody seems to hate, what they disliked, what they liked. They do take these things into account in order to better their writing and future episodes.
However, they do not change the outcomes. I'll give you two examples:
Apparently when the game first came out, nobody really liked Duck all that much. The writers, knowing that Duck was to die in episode three, wanted his death to be emotional so they went back and added in the 'Duck wants to be Lee's Robin' scene. That made people empathize and even like Duck, but that still didn't make the writers go back on wanting to write him out of the story.
Lee's death at the end of the season was planned before they even finished the first few episodes. Even though people loved him and Clem, it didn't change the ending.
But your request sounds both reasonable and quite popular in this community. I agree! I would like relationships to develop based on these interaction choices. Maybe their unchanging attitudes have to do with Clem being younger than Lee was? I mean, Kenny and Luke can't act like complete assholes to an eleven year old girl without being chewed out by everybody.
Fan requests in a nutshell:
(?) will remember that actually matters
character development
longer episodes
maybe some hubs
less cutscenes
more playing time
400 days
I agree with everything. Except the "(?) ... will remember that." I mean, it may not look but there are many variatons to these choices, maybe even one that you don't know, and the details that Telltale put in them is awesome and some times is difficult to spot. But I'm sure that after you found them you will like them so I recommend you going to this thread :
I would love the whole walking around and interacting with people again. It really made you closer to the other characters. Problem is everyone keeps complaining how long its taking Telltale to produce these games, so obviously that's the portion their going to cut, since its the least important plot wise.
I found ironic that people want hubs and then complain how long its taking Telltale to make the episode. >.>
But the notifications seem to occur more often than the game changes. For example, the whole scene with Carver first meeting Clem in episode 2 had a lot of notifications appear and there was a profound notification at the end with him saying, "You have a real good day now". In episode 3, Carver never recalled anything and his dialog/behavior seemed unchanged. The same can be said about Carlos too. It just seems like the majority of notifications just appear to add drama to the current scene than affect the game.
I love how nobody talked about hubs before someone like GOUSTTTT said it and now everyone is saying they want hubs.
People didn't know what hubs were and then they were explained and followed the bandwagon.
EDIT: Just to make sure, I love hubs too
It's just that before this one day awhile back, nobody talked about them.
... I feel offended.
Ah, I see. Yeah, if isn't going to change anything I think the message shouldn't appear.
I agree.
The roaming part and ability to talk to every other character at your own pace is the biggest feature that I miss in Season 2
Can you Change the Ending on walking dead season 1 to not get killed lee or bitten on episode 4 it's so hurt and i am still crying on the ending pls change the ending

Please change the ending into the lee still on clem so sad not to split or died

WTH dude... this is a near 4 year old thread that you've necro'd for a ridiculous request that I know you know that they can't do.