Voice acting already started for The Final Season
Melissa Hutchinson (voice of Clementine) has just posted a tweet about being excited to be back in the booth for Clementine and mentions there are a "lot of recording sessions to go". So most likely seems like she's begun recording lines for Episode 1 which is interesting to see how development is coming along.
Just thought I'd share
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Thanks for sharing it.
Based on this I'd say we're about 3-5 months out from an official release date since it looks like they are in the early to near middle point of development.
Huh... I wonder if its misdirection. I'd think they'd have already started recording. Then again, maybe they wanted to wait to start recording until they had the full season planned out and finalized and used the reactions and feedback from the PAX panel to make any final edits to the story and plan.
I dont think this is her actual first recording session, if it is thats kinda bad news seeing they showed off 4 minutes of exclusive footage? I mean Im assuming Clem talks at some point during that?
If this really is her first time recording Im not super sure what to think about that. Unless Telltale is doing something new and doing voice over completely last which seems not the best idea, could lead to lip syncing being wonky.
I was under the impression what they showed was a early demo...they may have been ramping up to start VO work...but probably wanted scenes down and done as not to make ANF mistakes by striking potentially cool scenes that the VO actors did.
The footage they showed at PAX was a pre-alpha demo and from what i understood it had no dialogue, they are still fairly early in production so i don’t feel it’s worrying to see Melissa starting her recoding sessions now.
Yeah. The exclusive footage shown at PAX East was a pre-alpha non-voiced demo. Many of those who were at the event confirmed it. I'm confident that some of the elements shown were generic assets from the game combined to create some environment to test the mechanics.
Hope they include some decent dialogue between charecter interactions this time.
Is it weird to be both happy and sad over this news? Happy that it means work is being done and the episode can be out in a couple of months, but sad knowing that it just brings us that much closer to the end.
This first thing I did when I saw the tweet was zoom in at the device she was reading her lines off of. I’m an idiot.
All good things must come to an end. Least we hope this will be good.
Or is it the end? DUN DUN DUUUUUN.You did actually forget the question mark that was beside the title in pax right? It either means they'll continue if it gets them much profit or make a new original story in twd universe.
I zoomed in and used some amazing enhancement programs so I saw that page.....
Clementine in pain: "Ugghhhh" Walker begins to slurp up her small intestines like noodles. Lee appears: "Hey Clementine." Clementine: "Hey" Lee: "Cya" Clementine: "Yeah" Clem pulls on her small intestine: "I need that!!"
So I think the writing is solid.
Christ! ☦️✝️ 5 months is still reasonably possible? Thought they'd gotten quicker with their releases.
its supposed to come out this summer after being delayed for a spring date, but i strongly doubt that now.
I didn't forget it, because let's be honest, Telltale isn't going to stop making TWD games after this. This is just the end of Clem's story, they're more than likely going to make some more after this season, hence the question mark.
They will make more TWD games that I just won't care about. The Final Season is the last game that I'll play.

Do you guys think that all the episodes will be released till Christmas and if not will the episodes be more delayed on Christmas?