Why do you guys hate the game already
Just wondering why do you guys hate the concept of a group of teens just wondering
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Just wondering why do you guys hate the concept of a group of teens just wondering
This guy makes a lot of good points.
Cause they're still not over New Frontier and so they're trying their hardest to find anything slightly resembling NF in the final season so they could hate on that too. All we've got is a few concept arts and some tech gameplay (which looks great, but of course the good doesn't matter) and they're already calling it garbage. Then when the actual game comes out and some stuff shown here might not even be there, they'll complain about it being cut and say it would have made the game better. Just you wait.
Fun fact: Every single season of this series has had a different cast, with a few exceptional characters.
It would have been nice if we got more charaters to appear in multiple season like Kenny did.
Because it’s a concept that has been done to death. It may never have been done this universe but that is probably a good thing. There is no new ground to cover here because every way there is to tell a Lord of the Flies story has already been told. If they wanted Clem to be around a bunch of people her own age then put her in a community that has a lot of kids her age but also adults. Instead they are going full on Lord of the Flies, which I see as a bad thing.
It’s so obviously going to be a dating simulator, and our three choices are going to be the Jock, the Emo guy and the Grunge girl. I’m choosing Grunge girl at first glance because she was the only one who didn’t make me roll my eyes.
No one "hates the game already". The premise is just not looking that great to some.
The problem with the teen cast is that, by experience, teens tend to act in a very immature and reckless way in media. Telltale themselves seemed to emphasize on the panel that these kids somehow (and for some very intellectual reason I'm sure) have broken all the windows of the place they live in. Note that these are walls that are supposed to protect them.
It begs the question, who is running this whole show? The kids themselves? Are there really no adults? These people were under 10 when the apocalypse started, are we supposed to believe that they've been successful at surviving by themselves since then? Hopefully, this group doesn't get TNF'd and we are left with a very cloudy and poorly explained backstory. Then again, we didn't ask questions then, perhaps, just perhaps, we should be doing that now.
It's also to be expected that we will undergo some very overdone character arcs typically attributed to characters this age. The fact that everyone that's been presented so far seems to fit perfectly into some very unoriginal high school trope does not help matters.
These are worries. Legitimate ones. Call it toxicity if that makes you feel better, but these are not unreasonable complaints.
because it hasn't brought kenny back probably, their just but hurt that he's dead. Thank god that character was cringe af
This has to be troll
The sequels to TWD Season 1 has been a let down for TWD community who were expecting more from Telltale games. Because of the sequels people have doubts that TFS will be better than the sequels. I am optimistic about what Telltale has shown about TFS so far but I will have a wait and see attitude whether I should buy and support the game.
If its not cracked just like their other games I wish they make it somehow to can't be cracked, like Origin .
Ok, this is gone too far, you're being ridiculous. Can you even recall someone who criticized Season 4 because it doesn't have Kenny? You only made that comment to make everyone think you're acting like a child. I don't mind if you dislike Kenny, it's your attitude that makes you useless to this forum.
Not that I can be asked to go and find it but yes. Yes i can see a lot of it. Just go to any walking dead season 4 youtube video and scour the comments.
Prove it to me.
Literally the first video and first comment I found.
None of the comments are like "Kenny, please come back. Season 4 won't be good without you". They mostly want a flashback with him or just want their choice to matter. As I said, no one complained about Season 4 because of lack of Kenny.
And that's one of its main problems that people keep talking about every season.
People aren't sure about telltale delivering quality like they used to Simple as that...no matter what charecters telltale introduced in pax I'm sure there would be heavy criticisms about it because we don't think telltale are able to give us something good anymore with this franchise.
Can't be worse than ANF I guess.
Considering how the previous seasons have been I don’t blame people being negative. Season 2 was hit and miss, and ANF that held promise became poopy by it’s own right for several plot elements and what not.
It’s important to acknowledge however there have been some changes inside Telltale in the last year, hopefully for the better. Batman Season 2 also showed improvements narrative wise especially in the last episode. The recent chat thing we had showing off some things for the Final season looked like it had new faces on camera.
I’d give them a chance and wait til we see more solid footage and get more details on the story. The time spent on this title concerns me, but perhaps the release date will be pushed back again.
I have full faith in telltale’s ability to drop a steaming pile of garbage on us that makes ANF look like a masterpiece.
I don't hate it. I have concerns of how the story is going to go. So far, Clementine and AJ are just going to meet up with a group of kids that look weird and unrelatable. What kind of story will Season 4 have? Didn't they say that it was going to be about Clementine looking for AJ in the Season 4 announcement?

I think they should remove everyone and leave Louis. He needs to be in the game.
There's no way you can hate something you do not know fully, just speculate about what you already know.
For example, I did not like 100% ANF, I just have conflicting feelings about it because there are good parts as well as bad parts.
And just because the characters so far dived of TFS are children / teenagers does not mean it will be bad.
I'm waiting for a teaser or trailer with real gameplay to have a more concrete position. I think that's the right attitude right now.
Because it stars ANF!Clementine.
I gotta get around to making that meme.
I did not even know Clementine participated in ANF ... Wait ... Oh, that illusion of optics disguised as a fan-service.
Its a real shame that thread got so much attention because the OP said a lot of information that wasn’t even true.
Actually he doesn't...if jumping to conclusions counted as points or misunderstanding what was said...then sure he made points.
You mean the one who looks like an edgy low rent pimp? No thanks...keep them all.
Ah, wuchu got against Aspiring Artist Khleo Thomas?
Besides his gender, I mean.
He dresses like a low rent pimp I saw in Columbus once.
I don't. Some of the character designs look unappealing to me admittedly but the environmental concept art, the animations, and the optional zombie encounters in hubs (which is what I specifically requested in the feedback threads made by staff) all seem promising regardless. I'd say I'm looking forward to it with cautious optimism.
Because of A New Frontier. As well as Telltales history of not taking in fan criticism seriously up until now just a little bit. I don't judge anything before playing though. The same ones with doubts might be shocked at the true story yet to be revealed. Each group has a leader and perhaps that leader is an adult that isn't introduced yet. Maybe the leader becomes a tyrannical villain nearly mid game. Or is good and gets killed by a rival group or just an accident from within and now the kids scramble amongst themselves on what to do based on their individual pasts surviving and the group is split into a divided we fall situation. Yeah folks call stereotypes and predictabilities but you'd be hard pressed to find any story that's truly original to the core as everything's been done ✅ just about. Taking a past theme as your own to to uniquely craft is what can make it stand above the rest. Look at The Lion ? King..as example and it was a classic still after taking overdone ideas from the past.
I assume it's mostly:
Because people are still pissed about ANF and the hate/disappointment is already tainting how they perceive the final season. They think that the cast of kids will be a group of Gabes, which certainly isn't going to happen lol.
I am excited to see a group of kids because it is a fresh concept that we haven't seen before, not even in the comics. I was a bit wary about hearing of the new adult characters because adults who lose everything is overdone, and was then pleasantly surprised to see a cast of characters who have largely grown up during the apocalypse. It's going to be an awesome and diverse cast that offers plenty of tense situations.
Isn’t that what we said about Season2 and Michonne
Telltale isn't working on anything else right now. They have ABSOLUTELY No Excuse for Fucking up this time. If that DOES happen, they're Fucked. And it will be Inexcusable. They know that.
They should be working on Wolf Among us S2 since it is suppose to come out this fall.
True. But if they fuck up on TWD, TWAU may get cancelled. They already cancelled the Super Show and Game of Thrones.
People who say that don't fully understand the concept. Telltale obviously took inspiration from what I came up with and the Original Character I created. The whole point behind that concept was to provide the audience with a character that Clementine can Actually relate to. Not another Gabe. I think Telltale is doing the same thing here as well. Furthermore, Telltale has already confirmed that the Full Cast has Not been revealed just yet. That being said we can't be fully certain that the Entire cast is gonna be entirely composed of Children. We'll just have to wait and see.