The "?"
Like most of you, I've only gotten but so much info on TFS (The Final Season). But while watching numerous videos of just repetitive information, something caught my eye. Now I'm almost for certain this was no mistake. However, this may just be for Telltale's: The Walking Dead franchise as a whole, and not teasing if Clementine will go on or not. What do you guys think? I for one would love it if Telltale continues making The Walking Dead games, but anything is bound to happen.
I think TFS's success will determine if Telltale goes on with this title or not.
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In fact there is an ambiguity in the question. After all, this season was heralded as the continuation of Clementine's story and probably its conclusion, since it began in the first season.
My bet is that they will test the popularity of this series and, given the results, decide whether to continue producing future sequences, with or without Clementine.
Maybe the question mark is there not to imply that it isn't the last season, but maybe to imply that the name isn't final and may be changed.
That would be great. The name sucks
Telltale is a company, companies need to make money, if it sells well we'll probably get another final season, simple as that.
Riddler was there.
The Walking Dead: The very last season we promise, no backies(?)
tales of the Walking dead the final season 2 the Clementine within.
That's odd. I'm thinking that's just a part of the background, but by sheer coincidence it looks like a question mark and is positioned next to the name. That's a strange detail to put in the picture, too strange.
I know for sure that this isn't the end of The Walking Dead for Telltale. It's just the end of Clementine's story. I'm sure in 2-3 years after TFS ends we'll get a new set of stories in that universe. Personally I hope they do it Anthology-style. Make it so that it's like 400 Days, but spread across an entire season/multiple seasons.
This series is too profitable for Telltale. It's probably the most popular series of theirs since many casual players got hooked with S1, but never discovered any of the other titles (or they just don't like them).
This maybe not the final season but Clementines final season. Like they said they could make more but not with Clementine
Honestly, I’m fine with whatever they do as long as they don’t put her in the comics. I swear if they do this it will butcher her character.
Maybe that question is metaphorical for their puzzled future as a company after this season either makes or breaks them. Think a bunch is riding on season 4 being great or not so with the high stakes involved maybe there ought to of been a exclamation mark before or after the question mark as well.
The Walking Dead: The Final Season !?
The Walking Dead: God Help Us....(please edition)
Just Kidding.. I think this will be the final for Clem but not for the universe itself. The tales will probably carry on with another protagonist(s). Because there is only so much they can do with little Clemmy and need to get her out of their way. Was likely why they tested the waters with Javier taking over season 3 but now it will be official that she won't be playable anymore.
Anyone notice that the telltale walking dead series sort of follows the same pattern in success as the Jurassic Park franchise?
Season One/ Jurassic Park = Regarded as legendary story classics of their respective medias.
Season Two/ The Lost World= Generally not as well revered as their original predecessors however still entertaining quite a great deal. (Though in my book Lost World surpassed Jurassic Park by a hair or two). Though Lost World film was definitely darker than the predecessor, it is debatable if season two was darker than season one. Definitely had the potential to be darker than season one. Also the main character from the original is replaced by their supporting deuteragonist character respectively with Lee Everett now passing the protagonist baton to Clementine and Dr. Alan Grant to Dr.Ian Malcom.
Season Three/Jurassic Park III= Remembered as going down as the worst of the trilogies also taking their mascot characters/animal ~ Clementine/Tyrannosaurus and replacing them for pretty much the entire feature to much controversy and criticism by the fans. As well as the third entry of both franchises being the briefest in run time out of the whole series.
Season Four/ Jurassic World= Though we have yet to see Season 4 and Jurassic World has been long out and about to release another installment very soon. I strongly believe much like Jurassic World..Season four will make a giant comeback for the series and replenish it's reputation. Since it is at the fourth installment that both developers took in fan wishes and requests for consideration after a big flopper of what was the third installment.
Season Five continuation/Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom= Only will exist if the fourth was or is mostly a triumphant success nationwide.
Mabey it’s the end for Clem, but not for A.J.
You a fortune teller bro
I will play The Final Season for only one reason: the end of Clementine's story. I won't give a shit about anything else. Clementine introduced me to the Walking Dead and the franchise will end up with her in my certain point of view. I'm going to ignore everything else after it.
I know some people think that it would be dragging out the series, but I would love for them to continue the series with Clem!
I think it is very possible you will play as AJ in later seasons. Maybe that is why is character is under developed; because they want you to do that in the future.
I'm worried they put that question mark there because they have no idea how to end her story.
Maybe i'm wrong and they did that because they're gonna change the name,but that's still weird.
I like to look at the past, then be practical about the future. I think Game 4 will make a comeback even if not as great as the first it should be better than 3 at the worst and on par with 2 at it's best.
I feel the question mark is more likely something in the background that coincidentally looks like one due to the low quality image, if they really wanted to add one it would've been in the same red font as the rest of the title.
Even though i like Telltale's Walking Dead games i think it will be cool to see them do other franchises or even create their own IP to give them more creative freedom rather than constantly releasing sequels.
Oh really? Where?

I agree that Telltale should move in another direction, give TWD a break.
One suggestion I would give them is to license Half-Life and create a series, I think it would be fantastic.
I'm not sure that's a question mark at all. Looks more to me like something in the background that just happens to somewhat resemble a question mark and is unfortunately positioned to be right by the title. Notice how the color of it matches the colors of the background image, the trees and weeds and stuff? I think it's just background imagery that happens to look like a question mark.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s just the background. It’s too much like a question mark for me to be anything else
If it were a question mark, why would it be a different color than the rest of the text? And if they were gonna make it a different color for some crazy dumb reason, why would they make it the same color as stuff in the background? It's not a question mark no matter how much you want it to be. It's something in the background that happens to resemble one and happens to be in that position so your brain automatically interprets it as a question mark. It's like that whole face on mars thing from back in the 70s. People were convinced there was a sphynx like face on mars because of some low rez photos and shadows that just happen to make it look that way. Cut to 25 years later when another orbiter flew by and it took higher rez photos and who'd-a-thunk-it, it wasn't a face at all. It just looked that way the first time because of the angle of the sun and the shadows being cast over it when it was first photographed with low rez cameras.
Zoomed in

Image from the Panel

This is from a different angle,and the person who got this said this wasn't photoshopped.
Now maybe this could be something from the background but..I think it's real.
It's real. Now what else is real? we're half 2018 and no release date still announced
Jeez clam down bud I just think it’s to close to a question mark.
People insisting it's a question mark is really annoying, like people who insisted that the face on mars was actually a face, some kind of monument left by aliens. The face on mars was proven to not be a face regardless of how much people wanted it to be, and regardless how much people want it to be, that's not a question mark on that title card. Yes it looks like one but I've already explained why it isn't. It's unfortunate that whoever was in charge of making that image didn't catch that issue, but it's just the way whatever is in the background lined up with the text.
Even with the low quality of the images I can't see the "question mark" as being part of the background. It stands out far too well and it's position is very coincidental to the point of looking deliberate if there's not suppose to be a question mark there. With the second image maybe I could see it being something in the background but in the first one that's closer to the screen or more zoomed in the "question mark" is too pronounced to look like anything else to me. I don't see why it's so odd that it's a different color from the rest of the font.
Lol there's still people who think this isn't real smh
Just accept that you're wrong once in your life,this isn't photoshopped.
Actually that sounded a bit rude lol sorry,but yeah i don't think i'm gonna change your mind.
If Telltale intended for there to be a question mark in the title they would also have included it in the key art title, i think in this instance it is something similar to the face on Mars where it's just an optical illusion.
(Kidding. But man - are there no typeface enthusiasts on these forums? Who has any objections to the kerning of the supposed question mark? Just me?)
I see both sides of the argument. It could but just a coincidence that it is in that shape. It the same color as the background and it is kind of hard to see at a far. Although I see the other side. To me it is very similar to a question mark. If it wasn’t as clear as it is a may think it was just the background. It being there and the same color as the background could be something like an Easter egg for the fans. This does not mean that the question mark (if it is one) is a sign they will add another installment to the series. That is my thought on this topic.
Please lay this stupid debate to rest once and for all. Is it a question mark or not? If it is I'll eat my goddamn toenail clippings.
If it's not a question mark, I'll definitely be having no complaints, but still what a bizarrely well placed illusion that is if so. You can't possibly tell me that doesn't look like a question mark. I mean geez talk about a coincidence.
It definitely looks like one, there's really no denying that but I firmly maintain that it's simply something in the background that coincidentally looks like a question mark and is in just the right position to make people think that. I will point out that while yes the "question mark" has the curly bit, it does not have the point at the bottom.
so it's not real lmao?
Yeah same here
The real ? was the friends we made along the way... ~~~