Marvel Cinematic Universe Discussion Thread



  • this is legitimately the most pure and wholesome post in the history of these forums and i wish nothing but success and prosperity for you in your days to come

    MaconMajr posted: »

    To all the MCU fans on this forum. To those of you who don't know me, I've seen a good portion of the MCU from Iron Man to Captain America:

  • Thank you for being civil about it. Taking others' opinions into consideration.

    Hope you find the movies and the company that suits you. (or whatever the "right back at ya, :)" phrase I'm supposed to say.)

    MaconMajr posted: »

    To all the MCU fans on this forum. To those of you who don't know me, I've seen a good portion of the MCU from Iron Man to Captain America:

  • edited April 2018

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    I just wish X-Men had a better track run, instead of what we got, sans Origins: Wolverine and Apocalypse, but I will hold on to the good titles of the X-series. For me, they were for me what the MCU is for it's fans.

    And I hope they will not be disappointed with whatever the future holds.

    this is legitimately the most pure and wholesome post in the history of these forums and i wish nothing but success and prosperity for you in your days to come

  • Thanks. And I'm glad I have. I have had nothing but anger and slight jealousy MCU having a better run than the X-films. I did enjoy the entries of MCU I saw and now I'm not looking back. I just don't want to angry at it, and at the same time, possibly, thankful for the X-Men entries we got. I just wish the original cast had a few more adventures. can dream.

    AChicken posted: »

    Thank you for being civil about it. Taking others' opinions into consideration. Hope you find the movies and the company that suits you. (or whatever the "right back at ya, " phrase I'm supposed to say.) Thanks.

  • edited April 2018

    Hey for those excited about Infinity War, beware because there is group of crazy people who plan to go out of their way to spoil shit for others (similar to what happened with Last Jedi and Black Panther).

  • Thanks. I'll be weary.

    Granted, I didn't get spoiled by anyone or anything for Last Jedi or Black Panther, but this is a big movie with probably a bigger/biggest following thus far (since there'll be every superhero one's bound to be someone's favourite) so yeah I'll watch out.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Hey for those excited about Infinity War, beware because there is group of crazy people who plan to go out of their way to spoil shit for others (similar to what happened with Last Jedi and Black Panther).

  • edited April 2018

    In other news, 5 days!! (including today)

    I'm going to see it on Sunday the 29th, so I really better not get spoiled in the two days beforehand.

    Also, since the title of Part 2 is spoilery, when do you think it'll be revealed? Best bet would be to do it like a month after, since then many people would have seen it, but I hope the Russo Brothers don't announce it the day of. That'd be hard to avoid.

  • So... They're finally done the special effects. We can finally see what this movie's supposed to look like.

  • i feel like they don't understand how rotten tomatoes works. something like that really only works on imdb.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Hey for those excited about Infinity War, beware because there is group of crazy people who plan to go out of their way to spoil shit for others (similar to what happened with Last Jedi and Black Panther).

  • Everyone who has seen Infinity War, rate the movie on a scale of one to ten.

    My score: 9.8/10
    And I dont give out nines very often.

  • Y-you seen it?! EHWHAA???

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Everyone who has seen Infinity War, rate the movie on a scale of one to ten. My score: 9.8/10 And I dont give out nines very often.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2018

    It's been out since earlier this week in Australia, since around Tuesday I think! That, or they got lucky and attended an early screening for press/media personalities.

    EDIT: ...or, I just read some other places are already doing early public showings, even outside of Australia, so scratch that I guess! If only I were so lucky...

    AChicken posted: »

    Y-you seen it?! EHWHAA???

  • You know Deadpool 2 and Venom were movies I was initially skeptical about and Infinity War was a film I was initially like "well it'll be really fun no matter what" but now closer to release Infinity War looks kinda boring and I'm super excited to see what Deadpool 2 and Venom bring to the table.

    Funny how that works.

  • So I watched Infinity War. And...whoa boy....

  • Yup. Today's its forth day I think down here.

    AChicken posted: »

    Y-you seen it?! EHWHAA???

  • Since I now see people have seen it already, I'm going in to see it on Saturday with my 2 best friends. Anything non-spoilery I need to know before I see it or prepare for? And is it worth 3 tickets to see it if I'm somebody who strongly disliked Civil War and Age of Ultron?

  • @lupinb0y


    I really liked the ending as well. I just wish there was a little more to it, so it wasn't so abrupt and didn't leave so much to interpretation. But I'm afraid Part 2 is going to reverse the brave events of this movie. When the Avengers get the Infinity Stone (because that's how they'll defeat Thanoes), they'll probably pull some cheap move like make them use the time stone to rewind time to before everyone died. Which is gonna really piss me off.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2018

    [I haven't seen it but I have read early spoilers (I won't discuss those - no worries)].

    If you didn't like Civil War, I think Infinity War may have the same tone (being from the same directors, with early clips showing an even heavier reliance on out of place quips but also more good action scenes). If you aren't up on several of the latest movies (Civil War, Ragnarok, Black Panther - and debatably - Dr. Strange, Spiderman Homecoming and Guardians 1), you might feel like a fish out of water from all the resumed plot points, established settings, character relationships, etc.

    Unlike most of the other MCU movies, this one definitely isn't a "standalone" movie so to speak. No spoilers, but essentially, it seems to hit the ground running and assumes familiarity with lots of the previous movies (again, most notably with Civil War, Ragnarok, and Black Panther).

    It seems that - for most people - the enjoyment stems from fans with an appreciation of the MCU in general, seeing all the character interactions and such. But, even if you aren't that "into it", the general spectacle may be worth it since the movie goes to some crazy places and you get to see Thanos wreck house with an all powerful Gaunlet.

    If you hated Civil War (how?!?), I'd recommend taking the "Wait and See" approach.

    Since I now see people have seen it already, I'm going in to see it on Saturday with my 2 best friends. Anything non-spoilery I need to know

  • edited April 2018

    Infinity War Spoilers


    I liked how abrupt it was. It made everything seem so hopeless for the remaining Avengers and Guardian (singular considering Rocket is the only one left). It was confirmed by Kevin Feige that deaths in Infinity War will be permanent so Heimdall, Loki, Gamora and Vision will probably remain dead, however the ones who were wiped out from existence are definitely coming back. Also don't forget we've still got Avengers 4 next year so be prepared for at least a couple or so more deaths.
    What'd you think of the Red Skull reveal?

    Acheive250 posted: »


  • Spoooilers


    Uhh, who's Red Skull? Was he the one that guarded the stone that needed the sacrifice?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Infinity War Spoilers (Spoiler)

  • Spoiler

    Yup that was him! He was the villain in the first Captain America movie.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Spoooilers (Spoiler)

  • edited April 2018

    Oohh, I haven't seen that one.


    I really liked how they handled the guardians in this movie. Especially Gamora, Drax (he was hilarious), and Star-Lord. I'm really excited to see where his character goes next. I'm hoping he kinda totally flips out. After losing his mother, he closed off. He never became attached to anyone else because of the fear of losing them. When he finally starts to open up and truley care about someone again, the same thing happens... That's a cold-hearted supervillain's backstory right there.

    lupinb0y posted: »


  • Spoiler

    Which leads me to think that he'll die in the Guardians movie and Adam Warlock will take his place as the leader of the Guardians when Volume 3 comes around.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oohh, I haven't seen that one. (Spoiler)

  • Careful around here... Lotta spoilers...


    Do you mean you think he'll die in the Avengers movie? They wouldn't. They couldn't. They can't kill Star-Lord before Vol. 3 comes. They just can't! Is Adam Warlock a comic character?

    lupinb0y posted: »


  • Spoiler

    Not saying that they'll kill him in Avengers 4 but instead in Vol. 3. Yeah Adam Warlock is a character from the comics and he's hinted at in one of the after credits scenes in Guardians 2 with the gold people. It's been theorised that he'll appear in Guardians 3 as a villain but then become a good guy by the end.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Careful around here... Lotta spoilers... (Spoiler)

  • I'm up to date with every MCU film but Doctor Strange and Black Panther at this point so I think I'll get the gist. And I do appreciate the MCU when the movies are done really well. (Case and point, Iron Man, Avengers, Spider-Man Homecoming, Guardians, Ant Man.) I'm just a lot more cynical and jaded to it at this point which makes it hard for me to enjoy the films, but I can still appreciate the MCU and seeing the spectacle of my childhood playing out in front of me.

    If you hated Civil War (how?!?), I'd recommend taking the "Wait and See" approach.

    I wouldn't even particularly say I hated Civil War. It was far better than Age of Ultron and the final fight in the film is probably one of my favorite Marvel moments period, but I think that it's a severely flawed film with a lot of pacing problems and too many characters to fairly distribute development to, which ends in Iron Man, Bucky and Cap being the only truly developed characters, and everyone else ranging from "Oh yeah they're here too" to "Who?" I still think it's just fine and I probably wouldn't particularly regret seeing a movie similar to it.

    [I haven't seen it but I have read early spoilers (I won't discuss those - no worries)]. If you didn't like Civil War, I think Infinity W



    She says "I'll name him Adam". I never understood that until now. Suddenly my entire life makes sense.

    lupinb0y posted: »


  • Infinity War was amazing, I've never been in shock and awe by a movie before, not to the extent that my jaws dropped and Thanos is the best villain I've seen in a long long time.

  • Well, I just saw it today and... omg it was incredible... I'm thinking about going to the cinema one more time...

  • What I really admire about the movie is that it was willing to take risks. It managed to strike a good balance between comedy and drama. I was invested throughout the movie.

    And Thanos managed to be a good villain. He is definitely not a generic bad guy. His motivation, while terrible and horrifying, is somewhat understandable.

  • If that's the case, I think you'll like it then. Keep in might, I only just read spoilers so IDK how the pacing is first hand.

    I'm up to date with every MCU film but Doctor Strange and Black Panther at this point so I think I'll get the gist. And I do appreciate the

  • edited April 2018

    I have seen the movie. I can say that considering how many characters they needed to juggle around, I’d say that they did the best they could with the 2 and a half hours runtime.

    If that's the case, I think you'll like it then. Keep in might, I only just read spoilers so IDK how the pacing is first hand.

  • The pacing is pretty fast with the movie having to juggle all these characters and locations.

    If that's the case, I think you'll like it then. Keep in might, I only just read spoilers so IDK how the pacing is first hand.

  • I'm Super disappointing that they said Venom will only be in the movie for 5 mins, Venom looks so cool and its really a total waste to see such an awesome and cool looking character be in the movie for 5 mins.

    AChicken posted: »

    So... They're finally done the special effects. We can finally see what this movie's supposed to look like.

  • I know! Thanoes was amazing! I was afraid he'd turn out to be another generic villain bent on universal domination/destruction, but he was really sympathetic and his motivations were unferstandable. And...


    I think all the best deaths in stories are the ones that have a big impact on the development of other characters, and I thought Gamora's death really pushed Thanoes' character to where it needed to be, as much as I thought Gamora had a lot of untapped potential.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Infinity War was amazing, I've never been in shock and awe by a movie before, not to the extent that my jaws dropped and Thanos is the best villain I've seen in a long long time.

  • They- They said WHAT?
    The title character is only fully visible for 4% of the movie (est. ~120mins total)?! That doesn't sound good.
    Sure, it can still be good by using Venom in the right way by some chance, but I don't think 5 mins is enough. No way.
    I go to see a movie called Venom -- a movie about the character Venom, and I only get him for 5 minutes. That does not sound right with me. Hopefully Eddie Brock and the main plot make up for the lack of him, visually.

    Tazmangamez posted: »

    I'm Super disappointing that they said Venom will only be in the movie for 5 mins, Venom looks so cool and its really a total waste to see such an awesome and cool looking character be in the movie for 5 mins.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2018

    Just got back from the movie. Not gonna spoil much this early, but I'll briefly discuss a few things in light-ish detail that come to mind.


    I really liked the scenes with Thanos, as they had a bit of an extended focus on him. Not only was he compelling and menacing, but there was just something I can't quite put into words about how cool it was to see Thanos be an extended focus after so long, while also coming out as genuinely nuanced instead of a typically bland Marvel villain.

    I also really liked how they incorporated "plot elements" from all of the Universes - not just the Avengers, but also with Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Guardians, and Spiderman. They didn't just do the script-writing equivalent of "let's throw a bunch of action figures together and mash them all against Thanos" - each series and it's lore, settings, rules, etc all came into play in a really neat way (except for Spiderman), and all the characters had interesting moments. Even niche characters and/or characters that you would not expect to go toe-to-toe with Thanos 1 on 1 had some interesting dynamics, such as Spiderman, Mantis, and Nebula. Characters used their abilities in ways that were not only imaginative, but realistically pragmatic for what their skill sets are - kind of like the Airport scene in Civil War.

    The scenes where Thanos used his glove and performed some cool visual special effects were also really something else to see in motion.

    You could really feel that the movie was something of a passion project, even if you otherwise feel a bit burned out from the Marvel fatigue. My only wish was that the movie would tone it down some with the quips, but overall, I really liked it and give it a 4.5 out of 5.

  • So I decided since the rest of the world is packed like sardine cans in a theater watching Infinity War tonight, I'd sit in the comfort of my own home and finally watch the one Marvel movie everyone tells me I'll adore 100% no exceptions.

    And I watched it.

    And Thor: Ragnarok is one of my favorite MCU films. It's super flawed and dumb and falls victim to tired MCU plot points but you know what? It's a fucking unique movie. It's a fucking movie where the greater universe is at play and we're not all ignoring the fact that there are like 40 other super heroes. It's a fucking Marvel movie, YES A MARVEL MOVIE, with a good soundtrack that blew me away. It's funny, it's badass, it's well paced, well directed, well shot, good color composition and it's a movie about the two reigning champions of shitty MCU movies coming together and yet it's great despite this. Also Doctor Strange himself is fuckin awesome and I'm watching Doctor Strange first thing tomorrow.

    I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I am incredibly happy I sat down and watched a Thor movie. Might change my thoughts later upon further reflection but for now I'd say it's an 8/10 as far as superhero flicks go.

  • Well said, Avengers 4 End Game (Rumored Title) is apparently going to feature Time Travel, there are set photos online of Chris Evans with his Avengers Assemble Suit, his Avengers Assemble hair and no beard which is a huge hint towards Time Traveling, if its not Time Travel then why would Captain America/Nomad want to get back into one of his older Suits?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I know! Thanoes was amazing! I was afraid he'd turn out to be another generic villain bent on universal domination/destruction, but he was really sympathetic and his motivations were unferstandable. And... (Spoiler)

  • I swear if they rewind time and undo all the events of Infinity War, I'm gonna be real pissed.

    Tazmangamez posted: »

    Well said, Avengers 4 End Game (Rumored Title) is apparently going to feature Time Travel, there are set photos online of Chris Evans with h

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