"Good Out Here" Episode Discussion
For the few of us who watch Fear, here is another episode thread, another dollar, yada yada yada.
Morgan! Nick! Excitement!
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Well I guess only one of those things applies now.
RIP lol. Totally didn't see it coming. Not sure how I feel about that kid now. Not sure if I hate her and want her to die or not. Like, she's a kid, probably feels beholden to that dickbag that Nick killed, and if she had killed Nick during their fight I'd totally get it but he's just sitting there reading a book and she pops him in the heart. I'm conflicted.
Also, I think Madison might be dead. She's not with the main group. Why wouldn't she be with them? Surely she's not hanging out with those assholes.
Nick had been with us since the very first scene. I'm speechless.
I don't want to be raising my pitchfork yet, but the new cast seems to be slowly outnumbering the old cast... and with things looking not so good for Madison... I just hope they aren't killing two HUGE characters to Fear on the same half Season. Without Nick and Madison this literally becomes a brand new TWD show simply starring Alycia Debnam Carey! Not cool.
This new Madison has absolutely nothing to do with the Madison we knew from the first 3 Seasons. She left S3 in such a low place, yet now she seems to be preaching goodness and peace to anyone who can hear. We don't know what happened during the two years we skipped, but I can't think what kind of events could've triggered this never-before-seen Madison persona. Supposedly, settling down has softened her? Not sure I buy it.
If Madison is alive (fingers crossed)... I can't wait to see what impact Nick's death will have on her.
I'm shocked Nick was my favorite character and i have a feeling they're gonna kill Madison too,i've never been so mad in my life at a tv show wow..
Apparently the actor asked to get killed from what i've heard i don't know if that's true..
Alright so i've gather my thoughts after all this and i think they gave Nick a good death (better than Travis) and i feel like that was..Poetic ? So yeah i'm gonna keep watching because i like the new characters.
I was surprised too. Nick got Omid’d sadly.
Morgan needs to call in Carol and have her make Charlie look at the flowers.
Is it safe to say that Fear is being Scott Gimple'd?
I'm not sure if we should blame Scott Gimple for this,the actor asked to be killed because he wanted to "pursue other opportunities",i think everyone is mad because Nick got killed by a fucking little girl but survived the dam that's the problem.
I'm actually glad his death was handled better than Travis but yeah people are gonna be mad and i get that.
I'm reading a lot of fan feedback on the episode and most people seem to prefer if he had just died at the dam. Also I say that the show is being Gimple'd because people are pointing out how s4 Nick lost all of his nuance and behaved completely differently than s1-3 Nick without any proper explanation or development. And now they're showing the end of Nick's arc but then showing us how he got there via flashbacks? Idk, feels completely convoluted and shallow and reminds me of Scott Gimple's own ideas of what makes for good writing. Sad because this show was really promising.
It's been years since I was shocked in a death scene so I almost forgot the feeling of loosing something out in the blue like that....the main reason I watch fear...still I'll miss nick (F)
Nah! I am enjoying Fear a lot since Season 3. Due to it being original material really helps and i am fascinated to see the direction it is going. The good thing with Fear for me is that at the moment we only have half a dozen characters to focus and grow attached to. TWD still has far too many characters on the show.
That’s my view on both shows anyway.
Well, the episode certainly was shocking. I've been watch fear the walking dead since the beginning and Nick was the only character I ever really liked, I was very surprised that they killed him off the show, but the reason they did was because Frank Dillane ( the guy who played as Nick) wanted to leave the show. Its so sad I was hoping to see Morgan teach Nick how to fight with a staff.?
I really hope that Madison isn't also dead but I fear (lol) for her safety since she's not with the rest of the main group. Either she's dead, wounded and laid up somewhere, held prisoner, or she's joined with the vultures and I really don't see that happening. That'd be the shark jumpiest nonsense ever and I really don't see them doing it. I think most likely is she's dead, though I suppose she could also be missing, got lost somewhere out in the world but after the group reuniting multiple times it would be ridiculous for her to miraculously find her people a what, 4th time?
You know, the more I think about that, whatever the guy he killed with the antlers, that was pretty damn rough. Being impaled by multiple things like that.
Sad to see Nick go. Definitely shocking. Some emotion from me, I really liked him. I have to wonder from where the story progress.
What? I'm not sure what you're saying there.
Oops. I meant to say, I wonder where the story will go from here with Nick’s death.
Travis had a beautiful death, what do you mean?
People dont like how they killed Travis because the S2 finale he had just gone through a huge arch where he kills the 2 people who killed his son, just for it to feel meaningless afterwords because he just dies the episode after. Also just because people found the death to just play out kinda dumb. Bit, shot, and jumps out a helicopter. yeet
It WAS dumb. People aren't as stupid as producers think. Just because they're fans, doesn't mean they are supposed to just take everything the writers throw at them with a pinch of salt.
I'm sorry but no,as Poogers said he's been through a lot,killed those 2 kids who killed his son,and fought a pit of walker just to die only one episode after getting shot ?
Nick's death was beautiful,not Travis.
Not sure if I'd call NICK'S death beautiful. It was really out of place.
If anything, Chris' death was beautiful. It wasn't forced, instead, it was well developed.
But they handled his death far better than Travis.
I love this show but they always kill the best characters with the most potential
but hey at least Daniel is not dead,i think.
I liked Travis' death. Yeah it was kinda' crazy and poorly timed, coming off the heels of him getting vengeance for his dumbass kid and becoming a one man walker killing army, but that's life. Shit happens at the worst of times. That's what made it good. Nick's death shocked me. Like Travis' death, I wasn't expecting it at all but that's what I like so much about it and Nick's death makes a lot of sense narratively. Nick killed the girl's adoptive dad (I'm assuming she saw dude as a father figure) so she killed him. It would have felt a lot better if she shot him just as he finished impaling douchebag mcgee, but still it makes sense to me.
Travis, Nick's, and Carl's deaths are all shit in my opinion, Carl's the least though. Granted I stopped watching Fear because I just couldn't find myself caring anymore so I know not so much about S3 and S4, kinda just watched recaps of it. But anyway, Carl's death to me was pretty badly done because they just split it in 2. Reveal he is bit last seconds of the mid-season, so you have to wait about 2 months to see it play out. That already makes the impact not as hard, plus just how unnecessary killing Carl was, not to mention Carl gets really interesting after this part of the comic so it sucked we wont see that. And finally because his death will feel meaningless overall. Carl dies and convinces everyone how to fix the world, but the show is still going and more bad shit will keep happening so in the long run Carl dying is gonna feel like it was for nothing.
Honestly wish they just ended the show after the S8 finale. The way they ended it easily could have been the ending for the series. Even though the last few years of the show have been complete shit, at least it would have ended somewhat positively.
As you said, opinions opinions. “They handled his death far better than Travis” makes it sound like fact. I’m a dick, I know and I hate myself.