The fights in the final season

I feel like clem has aged to be a strong young lad who can fight not only walkers.But humans too,because when it comes to survival everyone starts to think of themselves.What I'm trying to say is I don't want this season to just be killing walkers all season,But what do you think the mechanics would be like? Like the michonne series or TWAU(ik that's a bit extreme) but comon angry clem is best clem;).


  • edited April 2018

    I've been wanting a personal antagonist that could potentially force Clementine to actually have to deal with a straight fight/conflict herself.

    Or get her foolsgold ass beat into the dirt trying. She can do both.

    Dumping for space EDIT: I've really been thinking for a while that, in addition to having a personal antagonist that challenges her specifically, Clementine would benefit from actually having to deal with an opponent the odd fashioned way.

    Like, I know she stood out and attained acclaim for being a quiet little girl trying to survive in a tough bleak world, but face it, that charm's been used up and that had an inherently short window to begin with. There's only so many times we can have her one shot a threat, shove her attacker into conveniently placed hazards, or someone else sacrifice themselves for her sake.

    She's 13 now, the adrenaline makeover was one of the first things shown off, and she's been edgy brat with a serious agggressive streak. It's time for her to put up or shut up and come out a legitimate winner or get beaten into the ground.

    Of course, tying back into the preceding point that this topic would be a major facet of, they haven't exactly capitalized on reasonable contenders in the past 5 installments.

  • With how they're trying to do with the third-person random encounter aspect for this game, I'm half expecting her to be fighting walkers like Kratos.

    That's my girl

  • edited April 2018

    Telltale has said that they are once again pushing the exploration aspect season 1 had. It sounds like most of the walker combat system will now be triggered by the player during these exploration scenes as opposed to pre-written cutscenes. Sometime during the final season I would like to see Clementine thrown in a up close and personal fight against another person. My favorite action sequence in season 2 was that chase scene in episode 1 where Clem was running away from that scavenger dude. The man was a lot bigger and stronger than her and being an 11-year-old girl the only way for her to survive was by using her surroundings to her advantage and fighting dirty. Clementine has grown a lot since then but if she found herself up against a grown man she would be at a disadvantage and would have to survive through a similar manner as that chase scene. I also would love to see a fight scene similar to the Randall Michonne fight in that garage towards the end of episode 2 of the Michonne series.

  • Kratos keeping his hair short.

    With how they're trying to do with the third-person random encounter aspect for this game, I'm half expecting her to be fighting walkers like Kratos. That's my girl

  • Clementine is going to be strangling the main antagonist of the season then the antagonist says: "Save Lee!"
    Clementine: "Why did you say that name!"

  • I'm just hoping to see some pocketsand be used, honestly.

  • Sh sh shaaaa

    I'm just hoping to see some pocketsand be used, honestly.

  • I want Clem to team up with a Male Deuteragonist to face an adult Antagonist.

  • I have been watching this video at least 10 times now, send help!

    Sh sh shaaaa

  • I want this type of final fight.

  • I would be worried if you didn't.

    I have been watching this video at least 10 times now, send help!

  • That's too over the top for a little girl who doesn't know any sort of karate or acrobatics lol.Maybe if she was trained by somebody she'll have a 25% of epicness of that fight but that's all to it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I want this type of final fight.

  • We need more fights like this...

  • ...

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    We need more fights like this...

  • Now that's the Sarah she should've became. Not some torn up carcas laying under rubble.

    I still blame Carlos for that

    DabigRG posted: »


  • edited May 2018

    Fight scenes from games that I'd like to see TFS take notes from:

    (Uncharted 4 spoilers)


  • edited May 2018

    I'm not gonna lie that'd be great to see Clem throwing punches at one of the kids because she disagree with him or something.
    Kind of like Rick vs Shane in the tv show.

  • AtPeacAtPeac Banned

    It does not matter who will fight against Clementine. She will manage everyone.

  • She will,But would you rather she does it awesomely or badly?

    AtPeac posted: »

    It does not matter who will fight against Clementine. She will manage everyone.

  • AtPeacAtPeac Banned

    In the beginnig badly. In the end-awesomely

    She will,But would you rather she does it awesomely or badly?

  • I can nod with that.

    AtPeac posted: »

    In the beginnig badly. In the end-awesomely

  • edited May 2018

    I imagine Clementine's pre-pubescent group just doing the finger gun scene from TFTB against the walkers so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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