"Buried" Episode Discussion
So after what happened last week, we have this episode. Got to see some fallout.
Hopefully it'll good. Thou comment beforeth, duringeth, and aftereth.
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So after what happened last week, we have this episode. Got to see some fallout.
Hopefully it'll good. Thou comment beforeth, duringeth, and aftereth.
I don't feel so good right now, so I guess I'll watch the episode later. Curse this overall feeling of weakness.
It appears that the bulk of this season is taking place in flashbacks, which I'm not a fan of. Maybe the second half will be all current timeline stuff... Hopefully.
After that episode, we still don't know what happened to Madison. Hopefully with this upcoming battle, we will get to see. Melvin, he's probably going to be different from how we see him now. This Vulture's done picking over carcasses either way.
Calling it now Madison is still with the vultures either captured or working with them(as a slave) because if this episode told me anything it's that Madison is still alive.
I really can't see them killing Madison offscreen. I found it annoying when they did that to Chris but Madison still feels too important for them to kill her off that way. She's probably being held by them in some capacity.
The next episode is a whole flashback episode of John and his love.....fml.
I have a phobia for flashbacks thanks to ANF, and I'm not happy with how it's transitioning here. Everything feels so sluggish when you use them too much.
I still can't believe Nick is gone,it's so different without him,i think Madison is alive (please don't be dead we need you).
So yeah i liked this episode and the "pay off" at the end.
And next week is a flashback episode of John and Naomi/Laura yay ! I like John so it's fine.
How did the episode tell you she's alive? Did I miss something?
Oh they won't kill her off screen. We'll see her die. It'll just be in a flashback scene instead of current events.
When strand and the gang were talking about what happened they mentioned what they have lost when they tried to secure their camp....they didn't mention Madison among these lost charecters.
I think shes still alive