Returning charecters as bad guys

How many returning charecters do you think we will see agian? Telltale have a lot of unknown statuses charecters waiting to be either used as good guys or (more fucked up from Kenny) bad guys. Like if we seen lily agian will our choices of Lee in ep 3 of s1 change her face on clementine if shown agian? Or will Christa after all she's gone into is introduced as a crazy bitch that lost her sanity? The possibilities are endless it's how it'll play out the real question.what do you guys think?



  • Christa is so boring she would probably just stand in the background and be depressed. I hope to see Lilly returning as an ally/antagonist depending on your choice/relationship with her. Another character I would love to see is Nate, he's crazy and unpredictable and he would definetely lighten up the mood. Molly have like 0% chance of returning since the new girl, Violet is another Molly 5.0 and we won't get 2 of the same type of character.

  • edited May 2018

    I agree about Lilly returning as an antagonist or seeing Nate again,they have so much potential,i just hope if a character return (or maybe two characters) they don't steal the spotlight just like Kenny did in S2.
    And also give us a good explanation of how that character is alive and not just something like "I got lucky,real lucky".

    qualityrice posted: »

    Christa is so boring she would probably just stand in the background and be depressed. I hope to see Lilly returning as an ally/antagonist d

  • Maybe a quick flashback would be enough tbh

    iFoRias posted: »

    I agree about Lilly returning as an antagonist or seeing Nate again,they have so much potential,i just hope if a character return (or maybe

  • Naaaaate, Nate. I get stranger danger vibes off him yet he’s genuinely funny. He could make for an interesting villain if done correctly.

  • edited May 2018

    Arvo, Becca, and Tavia were one the three big ones over here, though the former was also inherently somewhat ambiguous in most of my scenarios. And while I have since considered the first two irrelevant/obsolete to an extent, not sure how the Boarding School Survivors angle influences that validity.

    Adam's hypothetical turn up could potentially lead down this road, but that's a bit of a stretch.

    Baseball Kid would be hilariously nonsensical.

    Nate is a character I've seen people wanting back for some reason or another, afterschool special villain that he is.

    Joan is a potential recurring villain with a vengeance, for better or worse, so there's that too.

    I know I also saw a number of people suggesting Lilly as well, but honestly, it usually just came across as unnecessary limiting(?) and spite. Christa suddenly getting this type of role would also be more than a little chauvinist and forced.

    Ultimately, the main problem with this idea is that Telltale's habit of killing off over 73% of their characters inherently leaves few returns to pick from and the actual relevance those few would have regardless of alignment is incredibly small, not to mention slapdash. If there are gonna be major villains in "Clementine's Story," they'll more than likely be original.

  • Naaaaate, Nate. I get stranger danger vibes off him

    Lo and behold one of the reasons I'm personally not too enthused.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Naaaaate, Nate. I get stranger danger vibes off him yet he’s genuinely funny. He could make for an interesting villain if done correctly.

  • The only person I can see returning as an antagonist without their inclusion seeming forced is Nate, since he has no former connection or impact to Clementine's story whatsoever.

    Lilly and Bonnie/Mike/Arvo returning as villains would only serve to become a cheap attempt at a revenge plot that wouldn't add anything to the story other than fan service. Christa becoming a villain would basically be an insult to her character, and would also be nonsensical. Joan/Clint...I don't really care about them at all, and I wouldn't miss them if they never return again.

  • Violet a villain?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Arvo, Becca, and Tavia were one the three big ones over here, though the former was also inherently somewhat ambiguous in most of my scenari

  • I was mostly joking. About as much as one can joke about her, anyway.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Violet a villain?

  • You are the one and only I see joking about her. :heart:

    DabigRG posted: »

    I was mostly joking. About as much as one can joke about her, anyway.

  • My point exactly. :lol:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You are the one and only I see joking about her.

  • "Nate would be awesome as a villain who has aj captive and clem has to spend all season try to get him back" telltale headwriter and team

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Naaaaate, Nate. I get stranger danger vibes off him yet he’s genuinely funny. He could make for an interesting villain if done correctly.

  • edited May 2018

    You know what, maybe they should do like they did with Clementine and in theory Kate(and/or should've did with Marianna more in practice) and


    have Violet be kidnapped by him at some point, motivating the others to step out into the world and bring out their best in the name of saving her.

    "Nate would be awesome as a villain who has aj captive and clem has to spend all season try to get him back" telltale headwriter and team

  • edited May 2018

    Mariana wasn't enough for you, was she?

    DabigRG posted: »

    My point exactly.

  • edited May 2018

    Well, now that you mention it, I suppose that it's some of the same problems, but I actually feel more comfortable being critical this time due to the situation and character concept being worse.Also, don't say it like that. It's kinda raptorial.

    I didn't take you for an early fan of the juve. :confused:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Mariana wasn't enough for you, was she?

  • Clementine doesn't care for anyone but least at this point and I'm sure she won't be bffs with everyone with the group.She will think about ajs safety as a number one priority so if nate has him and violet then it'll make sence...but then agian why the fuck would nate kidnap a fucking 5 year old.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You know what, maybe they should do like they did with Clementine and in theory Kate(and/or should've did with Marianna more in practice) and (Spoiler)

  • Spoiler

    Clementine doesn't care for anyone but least at this point and I'm sure she won't be bffs with everyone with the group.

    I was referencing Clementine sneaking off with the Stranger and the Boarding School Group, respectively.



    She will think about ajs safety as a number one priority so if nate has him and violet then it'll make sence...but then agian why the fuck would nate kidnap a fucking 5 year old.

    Because Violet had him with her at the time at the time?

    Clementine doesn't care for anyone but least at this point and I'm sure she won't be bffs with everyone with the group.She will thi

  • I think they shouldn’t bring back any characters from the previous games. It’s been done once before and the writers ruined the character so I don’t want to see them ruin e.g. Lilly or Christa as well

  • The only two characters I can see return as villains are Nate (for obvious reasons) and Lily. Lily can be a Norma like villain where she has her reasons and is simply looking out for her group. I don’t see Christa becoming a villain.

  • It’s been done once before and the writers ruined the character

    DID it, though?

    dan290786 posted: »

    I think they shouldn’t bring back any characters from the previous games. It’s been done once before and the writers ruined the character so I don’t want to see them ruin e.g. Lilly or Christa as well

  • edited May 2018

    I think I'll dig up my concepts for Arvo in "Season 3" for fun.

    EDIT: Found em!


    DabigRG's Season 3 Arvo concepts
    *Portrayal:Arvo being a wild card and/or an antagonist was a very common role in most of these. Very rarely was he a straightforward villain, though, and definitely not the main one if so.


    *Adrenaline Makeover:Arvo had at least one significant redesign in mind shortly after the teaser: it made him look more unsettling, rugged(?), and perhaps even a little feral


    *Unlikely Ally of Convenience:Someone suggested a sequence where Arvo is encountered by Javier alone as a nebulous prisoner of the New Frontier, which involves a choice where he can free Arvo in exchange for his guidance around the place or simply leave him there. In my personal expansion, the former option would of course cause some minor drama when he links back up with Clementine during the mission due to their trust issues, but his help had some payoff. During the fallout of their operations, they end up spitting up(either outside or inside) and Arvo's location afterwards is left unknown.


    *Heel-Face Doorslam:After traveling a bit for a decent amount of an episode or two, the changed for the better(?) Jane is shot through the heart and after a slow-mo realization before falling to the ground, the horrified Clementine spots the shooter--Arvo.


    *Out of Context development:A platoon of Russians arrive in [a state Clementine is in at the time] with plans involving dealing with the excess walkers in America. This featured at least two distinct characters: an representative/interpretor who acted as a Foil to Arvo in his debut and possibly a woman who acted as an escort for Arvo. Arvo is relatively unconnected with the former's forces(obviously), but the possibility of him allying with them isn't exactly feasible.


    *Grisly Fate/Origins:Lost in the snowy wilds with nowhere to reliable go, the trio/duo struggle their way through a fair amount of the blizzard environment and end up setting up "camp" in a higher altitude. Still harboring some lingering trauma(in more ways than one) and anger in addition to the damaged trust with his comrade(s), Arvo eventually starts getting seriously hungry...


    *Possible Scenario:Javier and Clementine are scoping out a New Frontier setup where prisoners are being kept prisoner. Suddenly, both very precise and very brutal gunshots start ringing out in the camp and the New Frontier get thrown into a flurry as it's members either get severely injured, react in panic to seeing their brothers being sniped, and move to single out the source of their attackers. Javier and Clementine, needing to get into the camp in order to find what their looking for in one piece, move in from their position and start taking out New Frontier members where necessarily/beneficial while searching the area. Notably, the area where the prisoners are being kept is being avoided for the most part, although a bullet or two whizzes by on occasion. Eventually, they get an idea of what's happening: a small, but efficient group of survivors are neutralizing/killing any member they spot, while notably drawing most of the attention away from the prisoners and supply stores. Realizing their losing, the stationed Lieutenant gives his remaining men the order to retreat, causing them to make a break in the opposite direction while taking shots. Unfortunately for him, he earns up being shot in the ankle with a rifle and drops near the prisoners. It is then that the attackers start to make themselves visible: an eclectic/faux-uniformed gathering of roughly twenty people start moving into the camp, checking the supply stores, halting Clementine and Javier when they come across them to confirm they're not with the Marauders, and moving to free the prisoners. As the capped Lieutenant struggles to crawl away despite the pain, one of the Salvagers moves in on him with their rifle/knife drawn. The Lieutenant starts to beg for his life as the reaper takes aim, only for another with a familiar voice to order them to stop. Clementine is astonished(though not necessarily pleasantly) to realize that one of the more shot calling of these surprise liberators is in fact Lilly/Arvo.

    I wanna say there was two or three other ones, but these are the ones I remember enough to put/combine into some context.

  • It's debatable.

    DabigRG posted: »

    It’s been done once before and the writers ruined the character DID it, though?

  • So you dont think they ruined Kenny’s character in the later half of Season 2? Because i certainly do!

    DabigRG posted: »

    It’s been done once before and the writers ruined the character DID it, though?

  • edited May 2018

    If by ruined, you mean made him an overexposured, overglorified, and occasionally bordering on straight-up unlikable asshat, then sure.

    dan290786 posted: »

    So you dont think they ruined Kenny’s character in the later half of Season 2? Because i certainly do!

  • edited May 2018

    Please don’t start that again. You didnt need to say that, even if it is true that they made him like that in S2. Just don’t, thanks

    DabigRG posted: »

    If by ruined, you mean made him an overexposured, overglorified, and occasionally bordering on straight-up unlikable asshat, then sure.

  • Okay, sorry.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Please don’t start that again. You didnt need to say that, even if it is true that they made him like that in S2. Just don’t, thanks

  • its ok, i just dont want to get into an argument about it thats all

  • edited May 2018

    I suppose that it's some of the same problems

    What same problems? How come you instantly assume she will be like Mariana? Please, elaborate.

    the situation and character concept being worse.

    Haven't seen the stream..

    Also, don't say it like that. It's kinda raptorial.

    I can do anything I want! You are picking on them. Nobody talks about Mariana anymore and here you are. Also, we haven't seen Violet in action, yet.

    I didn't take you for an early fan of the juve. :confused:

    Can't say I am. I know nothing about her whatsover. But who knows, I might like her when the game comes out.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, now that you mention it, I suppose that it's some of the same problems, but I actually feel more comfortable being critical this time

  • What same problems? Please, elaborate.

    Mainly, the whole "really easy/shallow characterization that's also made immediately redundant/weird by the presence of Clementine™" thing. Plus, the [former?] overabundance of girl characters.
    Also, in this case, there's her debatable status as a Christa/Jane-clone, depending on how you feel about that.

    How come you instantly assume she will be like Mariana?
    she will be like Mariana
    like Mariana

    Haven't seen the stream..

    She's snarky and pragmatic!

    I can do anything I want!


    You are picking on them.

    No I'm not...

    Nobody talks about Mariana anymore and here you are.

    Says the person who brought her up. :smirk:

    Also, we haven't seen Violet in action, yet.

    I know, I know. I just don't much of any hope, second least of all for her.

    Well, you assumed right. I am not.

    Oh, so you're just standing up for her regardless?
    I can respect that.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I suppose that it's some of the same problems What same problems? How come you instantly assume she will be like Mariana? Please, el

  • I was sort of hoping Lily would be the leader of the New Frontier instead we got some of the worst written characters in Telltales existence. Christa is definitely the most probable return. Molly would have made an excellent side protagonist, but I feel like that opportunity is long since squandered. Nate is unfortunately never going to return (breaks my heart), same case with the 400 Days Main Characters.

  • edited May 2018

    Nate is unfortunately never going to return (breaks my heart), same case with the 400 Days Main Characters.

    I WILL NEVER GIVE UP i want to see more adventures of asswipe !

    And more rock paper scissors moments between Wyatt and Eddie please.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I was sort of hoping Lily would be the leader of the New Frontier instead we got some of the worst written characters in Telltales existence

  • I want to see Lee return as the season antagonist with an eyepatch, robot arm, a scar across his head and the ability to summon lightning every time he laughs.

    It will turn out that everything (yes. everything) that has gone wrong in Clem's life since she "abandoned" Lee was all his doing. He planned Omid's death, Christa's kidnap, Carver, AJ's birth, David taking AJ... Everything was all a part of Lee's master plan for world domination, because Clem holds the key to immortality and true power (as discussed in one of my previous ridiculous story posts): Her Hat. And he will stop at nothing to get it.

  • edited May 2018

    That idea... is... PERFECT!

    How come you are not the lead writer of The Final Season? It's not fair. :(

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I want to see Lee return as the season antagonist with an eyepatch, robot arm, a scar across his head and the ability to summon lightning ev

  • The funny thing is. Your ideas are better sounding than anything written for Season 3 lol

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I want to see Lee return as the season antagonist with an eyepatch, robot arm, a scar across his head and the ability to summon lightning ev

  • @Fangirl10 and @dan290786. I know, right!? They need to give me a job there!

    dan290786 posted: »

    The funny thing is. Your ideas are better sounding than anything written for Season 3 lol

  • Mainly, the whole "really easy/shallow characterization that's also made immediately redundant/weird by the presence of Clementine™" thing.

    Who knows? She might be better than Clementine. Probably she will be calling her out on her shit.

    Also, in this case, there's her debatable status as a Christa/Jane-clone, depending on how you feel about that.

    Mariana was a Jane/Christa clone? Wat? Violet might be a better person than Jane. Also, she might be group-oriented. She haven't left the others.


    You said "same" problems. What did you want me to think?
    Go ahead. Make fun of me and you'll see what happens.

    She is snarky and pragmatic!

    Pretty sure they said blunt, not snarky. Also, they said like two sentences about each character. I watched TWD stream last night from OzzyUK's channel, the sound was not good, but whatever.

    No I'm not...

    Yes, you are.

    Says the person who brought her up. :smirk:

    Says the guy who made a meme of her this week on Monday. :smirk:

    Oh, so you're just standing up for her regardless?

    Yes, got a problem?

    I can respect that.

    The nicest thing you've said to me recently.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What same problems? Please, elaborate. Mainly, the whole "really easy/shallow characterization that's also made immediately redundan

  • And in the end it was all a dream in clems head,that would be an awesome twist that will leave players shocked."telltale headwriter and team"

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I want to see Lee return as the season antagonist with an eyepatch, robot arm, a scar across his head and the ability to summon lightning ev

  • edited May 2018

    Who knows? She might be better than Clementine. Probably she will be calling her out on her shit.

    True possibility. Of course, you know how that'll probably go over.

    Mariana was a Jane/Christa clone? Wat? Violet might be a better person than Jane. Also, she might be group-oriented. She haven't left the others.

    Sorry, got my rending wires crossed--I was specifically talking about Violet there.

    Though Mariana IS an obvious Clementine expy--in a story featuring [ANF!]Clem as a major focus.

    You said "same" problems. What did you want me to think?

    I understand. I had to back to review our context, but I understand.

    So let me diverge: Different characterizations, different purposes, a few similar issues in my increasingly weary eyes.

    Pretty sure they said blunt, not snarky. Also, they said like two sentences about each character. I watched TWD stream last night from OzzyUK's channel, the sound was not good, but whatever.

    So even duller, then?

    Says the guy who made a meme of her this week on Monday. :smirk:

    Yeah, well that's a meme--an image meant to satire or at least make people feel some type of way, whether because of relateability or because it's a peculiar image.
    Hey, it's better than a 50 mil'th Kenny meme.
    Ergo, I created that specifically because I knew people would like it in addition to finding it humorous myself.

    The nicest thing you've said to me recently.

    Yeah, well, maybe it's good that I've been backing off for posting as frequently.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Mainly, the whole "really easy/shallow characterization that's also made immediately redundant/weird by the presence of Clementine™" thing.

  • True possibility. Of course, you know how that'll probably go over.

    They will probably get in a fight, knowing how aggressive Clementine is now...

    Though Mariana IS an obvious Clementine expy--in a story featuring [ANF!]Clem as a major focus.

    If you mean a copy of S1!Clementine, I don't really see it. Clementine was a very sweet girl and Mariana while a sweetheart, has a sardonic side to her and to me she seems more comfortable speaking her mind.
    The thing she has in common with ANF!Clementine is the model. (I always had a feeling that they share the same model before Lilacsbloom said it in the Details thread.)

    I understand. I had to back to review our context, but I understand.

    But you still felt the need to laugh at me. :disappointed:

    a few similar issues in my increasingly weary eyes.

    Don't stay up too late. Go to bed before 1AM. I need to follow my own advice...

    So even duller, then?

    The sound? Maybe? I will watch the video you sent me, too. I wouldn't know if they ever said more stuff regarding TWDG... :( Mark Darin was there, though!

    Yeah, well that's a meme--an image meant to satire or at least make people feel some type of way, whether because of relateability or because it's a peculiar image.

    I see.

    Hey, it's better than a 50 mil'th Kenny meme.

    That's true.

    Yeah, well, maybe it's good that I've been backing off for posting as frequently.

    Nooo, I am not trying to say that, .. It's just... you've been attacking my recent posts(headcanons). You sounded mean. I just want some love and affection. ?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who knows? She might be better than Clementine. Probably she will be calling her out on her shit. True possibility. Of course, you k

  • They will probably get in a fight, knowing how aggressive Clementine is now...

    I meant out of universe, but that could potentially happen as well.

    If you mean a copy of S1!Clementine, I don't really see it. Clementine was a very sweet girl and Mariana while a sweetheart, has a sardonic side to her and to me she seems more comfortable speaking her mind.

    Hm...that is something of a difference.
    So really, it's more that their purpose and intended audience reaction are initially very much the same.

    The thing she has in common with ANF!Clementine is the model. (I always had a feeling that they share the same model before Lilacsbloom said it in the Details thread.)

    I've slightly gone back and forth on how accurate that is. I think the compromise would be that they are indeed based on the same model, but the proportions and/or mass distributions are varied in places.
    Key example: their head and face shapes. Mariana's head seems more spherical and with stronger cheekbones, while Clementine's face is more of an oval.

    But you still felt the need to laugh at me. :disappointed:

    Sorry. It was just a bit of a funny statement, 's all.

    Don't stay up too late. Go to bed before 1AM. I need to follow my own advice...

    ...I meant weary in the sense of frequent disappointment and increased cynicism but okay. :joy:

    The sound?

    No, Violet.

    Nooo, I am not trying to say that,

    Of course not--because I did, silly.

    .. It's just... you've been attacking my recent posts(headcanons).

    To be fair, it was somewhat eyebrow raising thought. And you know me.

    You sounded mean. I just want some love and affection. ?

    And here I threw in Gabe's reaction partly to lessen that impression. :sweat_smile:

    Regardless, my bad.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    True possibility. Of course, you know how that'll probably go over. They will probably get in a fight, knowing how aggressive Clemen

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