The Wolf Among Us Season 2 Delayed... What does this mean for TWD? (Release Date Speculation)
With TWAU getting delayed to 2019, do you believe this means TWD might get a delay too? Or do you believe it is still being released this summer? Either way, do you have any release date/news release predictions? Feel free to post them down below as well!
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I could still see TWD S4 being on track since... well, they obviously need to release something this year! Worst case scenario, maybe an early Fall release, I'd bet.
But, yeah, it seems Wolf was delayed primarily to focus more on innovating the gameplay (kinda like what we saw in the leaked TWD S4 PAX demo/concept footage), so I'm all for it if it makes each Telltale game feel more unique instead of just repeating what Season 1 of TWD did.
Lots of people were asking for Telltale to innovate the gameplay and they seem to finally be doing so, so this is actually good news in my book.
I'm not surprised, I've been saying S4 will be delayed again for months. I'm guessing S4 will be delayed again till late winter or early 2019.
It is somewhat concerning seeing the numerous delays of S4 and now TWAU S2.
I believe TWD will come in the Summer Still Either Late June or Early July. I think TWAU will come out in January or February during the Winter. This would allow them to work on one at a time and focus on quality.
They said S4 is still releasing this year, and we might hear news about the release date at E3.
Nah, TWD already got delayed once. I'm thinking release in late June - early August
Honestly, though this is my opinion, I think they're pushing the release date for TWAU2 so that they'll make TFS their top priority. They probably want to end it off as interesting and heart wrenching as possible.
Well hopefully what they are doing is having the main focus at Telltale be Walking Dead S4 to bring a quality game, and then do the same for Wolf S2, thus the delay. (Which Im pretty confident is what they are doing)
If they have their full attention on TFS and it ends up being like ANF..............