
  • Hooray!

    (Wasn't there a leaked Pax schedule or something? Telltale was going to be there?)
    I'm not surprised that they are, but still, thanks!

  • The leaked schedule was for Pax East

    Telltale is hinting at Pax West.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hooray! (Wasn't there a leaked Pax schedule or something? Telltale was going to be there?) I'm not surprised that they are, but still, thanks!

  • I want to make a prediction as to what Telltale will be doing at these future Conventions/Events.
    At E3 I would like to see a release date/trailer for The Final Season Episode 1 (hopefully it will release around mid July)
    Then at San Diego Comic Con I think Telltale may provide a small amount of information regarding Wolf Among Us Season Two and possibly have a Q&A regarding Episode 1 of The Final Season.
    Next is PAX West where I would like to think that Telltale will show off a trailer for Episode 2 of The Final Season.

    That is all I can think of. There may very well be more gaming events that I have not mentioned but I named the events that stand out to me. Of course these predictions have a lot of potential to be wrong...

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