Do you guys think they are taking the "A new frontier" road with the final season?


  • I certainly hope not.

  • I got that feelin' :( but let's see

    I certainly hope not.

  • How do you mean?

  • The environment feels the same, short episodes is almost already a reality (only having 4 episodes) and Joan and Clint will be there so a lot of it feels like a Frontier pt. 2

    Umbassabro posted: »

    How do you mean?

  • And they went with the same graphics with a little update...

    The environment feels the same, short episodes is almost already a reality (only having 4 episodes) and Joan and Clint will be there so a lot of it feels like a Frontier pt. 2

  • ...Well, they said the Final Season is Clementine's own story once again, and unlike previous Seasons, they are going to feature updated gameplay with new innovation. So, I don't quite see how it's going to be repeating what New Frontier did?

    [Disclaimer: Moderators are community volunteers; we are not staff, our opinions are our own, and we lack any advance insight]

  • I just feel like it's gonna be a A new frontier pt. 2 with Clementine as the main character again, but time will tell.

    ...Well, they said the Final Season is Clementine's own story once again, and unlike previous Seasons, they are going to feature updated gam

  • Well, as others have asked, what do you define as "New Frontier part 2"?

    I just feel like it's gonna be a A new frontier pt. 2 with Clementine as the main character again, but time will tell.

  • Most likely yes. This series gets worse and worse. I haven't got a single hope for it

  • Well watching the leaks, the environment feels the same, short episodes is almost already a reality (only having 4 episodes) and Joan and Clint will for certain be there, and I don't I've just doubted this series since playing A New Frontier, the series has taking a turn I didn't wish for so a lot of it feels like a Frontier pt. 2, but again I could be wrong, I just dont feel like they've listening to the fans a lot lately with this :/

    Well, as others have asked, what do you define as "New Frontier part 2"?

  • Same here :'(

    Clemenem posted: »

    Most likely yes. This series gets worse and worse. I haven't got a single hope for it

  • I feel like either they go out with a bang or a BIG downfall.... They could destroy this franchise.... SEASON 1 WAS AMAAAAZING. SEASON 2 WAS NOT BAD THOUGH.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Most likely yes. This series gets worse and worse. I haven't got a single hope for it

  • But having 4 Episodes doesn't necessarily equate to shorter Episodes. A lot of resources have probably been allocated to The Final Season as it is the Final Game in Telltale's best series. While there hasn't been any news regarding Episode length it will most likely be around the 2 hour mark. Maybe more or maybe less.

    Well watching the leaks, the environment feels the same, short episodes is almost already a reality (only having 4 episodes) and Joan and Cl

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2018

    but again I could be wrong, I just dont feel like they've listening to the fans a lot lately with this :/

    Well, you can rest assured that they've at least listened to fans to some degree :)

    If you check out the "Talk with Telltale" thread tag, you'll see that TWD Season 4 staff members made not only one but several feedback request threads, where they accepted and directly listened to/engaged with fan feedback of what they liked about action sequences, hub areas, gameplay, etc. If you look at the News post about the new Season 4 gameplay style, you will see they mention larger hubs with a free roaming camera, non-scripted Walker encounters, etc (meaning in "plain English" that hubs in Season 4 will be somewhat open world and combat with walker encounters will actually be more open instead of pre-scripted cutscenes).

    Plus, if you watch the reveal trailer from the Telltale Summer 2017 Update video, they pretty much all but flat out say that they made Season 4 focus once again on Clem due to fan response.

    Well watching the leaks, the environment feels the same, short episodes is almost already a reality (only having 4 episodes) and Joan and Cl

  • I see what you're saying but Season 1 had like 2 hours episodes. Season 2 had like 1,5 hours episodes and Season 3 had like 1 hour and max. 15 min episodes.... These episodes has to be like 3 hours... I'm just a lil' worried to be honest.

    But having 4 Episodes doesn't necessarily equate to shorter Episodes. A lot of resources have probably been allocated to The Final Season as

  • I'll believe it when I see it. How do we know episodes won't be 75 - 90 minutes long again?

    But having 4 Episodes doesn't necessarily equate to shorter Episodes. A lot of resources have probably been allocated to The Final Season as

  • Open world? hmmmm.... interesting, but I really hope we have more time to make a relationship with the characters, that was ANFs BIG MISTAKE.

    but again I could be wrong, I just dont feel like they've listening to the fans a lot lately with this Well, you can rest assured t

  • I understand. Honestly a lot of people are feeling the same. But Telltale have improved quite a lot since A New Frontier. If their recent titles are anything to go by it seems that Telltale will manage to create a great compelling Final Season :smile:

    I see what you're saying but Season 1 had like 2 hours episodes. Season 2 had like 1,5 hours episodes and Season 3 had like 1 hour and max. 15 min episodes.... These episodes has to be like 3 hours... I'm just a lil' worried to be honest.

  • Let's hope for the best o:)

    I understand. Honestly a lot of people are feeling the same. But Telltale have improved quite a lot since A New Frontier. If their recent titles are anything to go by it seems that Telltale will manage to create a great compelling Final Season

  • edited June 2018

    This isn't exactly a good answer to that question but with Telltale slowing down production to improve the quality of their games they may add more content in each Episode that may increase the length of the Episode beyond 75- 90 minutes. I am sure there are other people who could better answer that question than me but I certainly appreciate the question

    I'll believe it when I see it. How do we know episodes won't be 75 - 90 minutes long again?

  • Even I have to agree, I definitely hope episodes are longer than 1 hour. Ideally, episodes would be around 2 hours - or, if we're only getting four episodes, perhaps even 2 1/2 or 3 hours

    This isn't exactly a good answer to that question but with Telltale slowing down production to improve the quality of their games they may a

  • Yeah, they paused almost everything else right now.

    This isn't exactly a good answer to that question but with Telltale slowing down production to improve the quality of their games they may a

  • edited June 2018

    Same here I hope Episode length is a topic that will be discussed at E3 as it is a growing concern for a lot of people. Like it may be unlikely that Telltale will do that but it may also be something that Telltale want to address in front of a large audience comprised of fans and players who are interested in picking up the Series. Hopefully my comment makes sense..

    Even I have to agree, I definitely hope episodes are longer than 1 hour. Ideally, episodes would be around 2 hours - or, if we're only getting four episodes, perhaps even 2 1/2 or 3 hours

  • Yeah the biggest issue is to short time to get a connection with characters and with only having 4 episodes and the last 2 season having to short episodes. This is a growing concern for most of the fans what I know.

    Same here I hope Episode length is a topic that will be discussed at E3 as it is a growing concern for a lot of people. Like it may be unlik

  • While I did not find it to be too much of a problem I would have certainly preferred longer Episodes so I could bond more with the characters. I would like to think that Episode lengths will be increased for The Final Season so to help players grow towards the cast and for the story to be set in motion if that makes sense :smile:

    Yeah the biggest issue is to short time to get a connection with characters and with only having 4 episodes and the last 2 season having to short episodes. This is a growing concern for most of the fans what I know.

  • @mostlypoptarts I hope this question is answered at E3.

    Same here I hope Episode length is a topic that will be discussed at E3 as it is a growing concern for a lot of people. Like it may be unlik

  • I hope so. time to bond with the characters is a most in my opinion.

    While I did not find it to be too much of a problem I would have certainly preferred longer Episodes so I could bond more with the character

  • I actually do want Season 4 to be good, I just don’t expect it to. If it turns out to be great, I SWEAR to grovel at the feet of everyone at Telltale who helped make the game, and kiss each and every one of their staff member’s asses as an apology??

  • edited June 2018


    [Mod edit: Please don't spam large fonts]

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    I actually do want Season 4 to be good, I just don’t expect it to. If it turns out to be great, I SWEAR to grovel at the feet of everyone at Telltale who helped make the game, and kiss each and every one of their staff member’s asses as an apology??

  • The Final Season title names:
    Episode 1: Ties That Bind - Part 3
    Episode 2: Ties That Bind - Part 4
    Episode 3: Ties That Bind - Part 5
    Episode 4: Ties That Bind - Part 6
    The premiere Episode was so big that we had to split it into 4 individual Episodes. Now you can enjoy the full Season in one siting and no longer wait for any other Episode.

  • edited June 2018


    [Mod edit: Please don't spam large fonts]

    The Final Season title names: Episode 1: Ties That Bind - Part 3 Episode 2: Ties That Bind - Part 4 Episode 3: Ties That Bind - Part 5 E

  • ???‼

    The Final Season title names: Episode 1: Ties That Bind - Part 3 Episode 2: Ties That Bind - Part 4 Episode 3: Ties That Bind - Part 5 E

  • Is this really necessary right now?

    The Final Season title names: Episode 1: Ties That Bind - Part 3 Episode 2: Ties That Bind - Part 4 Episode 3: Ties That Bind - Part 5 E

  • There can't be all love and no hate. There's gotta be equilibrium between the two.

    Firefox1972 posted: »

    Is this really necessary right now?

  • I wish TFS is as good as S1 if not better. There is a lot of negativity in these forums (for a valid reason) and it is a sad fact that the quality has dropped season by season. I'm under the impression that most people think S2 is good but ANF is the game that ruined the series for many.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope this series ends with a positive note and that Telltale's TWD would be remembered as a great series instead of a series that started off amazingly but then crashed and burned and became only a shadow of itself.
    I don't only hope this for us fans but also for Clementine. She deserves a satisfying ending to her story after all this time we have spent with her. In the end she is one of the greatest videogame characters and personally ive never really cared about a videogame character the way ive cared for Clementine.

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