From a strictly narrative point of view, it would make sense that the Garcia family doesn't make an appearance with a time jump. It would also make sense if the Garcia's weren't mentioned at all if that's the route that TellTale chooses to go. Clementine has lost or left everyone she has ever met. Even AJ is not exempt from this as he was lost during the entire ANF season. For it to be mentioned years later would take some incredible writing skills and coincidences to keep it from sounding unnatural, forced, and somewhat cheesey.
From a marketing point of view, it also makes sense that they'd want to distance themselves from ANF with the final season for sales purposes considering it's feedback. Yes, it's tragic for those who want closure in that area, or who enjoyed some characters from that entry. Every entry has some aspect of it fans wish could've been handled differently as different personalities appeal to different people.
For anyone who didn't experience Batman S1+S2, Joker appears to have taken on a different personality approach from his introduction to how they handled him in S2. As split as people were on whether they trusted him, or it was a game, or the morality of choices, nearly everyone liked the S2 Joker for his portrayal. Give TellTale the chance this season to surprise us, and give us some incredible choices. Maybe we will get some information on Richmond. Maybe we'll get some information for questions fans have had for years concerning Christa. Who knows what we might be treated to yet.
Clem and Javi discussed her potentially returning to Richmond with AJ at the end of season 3. Let's say by the end of this new season, the boarding school falls (which is a good bet considering that's what always happens) and they are looking for a new place to live. It wouldn't take incredible writing to determine that Richmond is a logical place of safety for them to seek out, and it would better satisfy those seeking closure from ANF...
From a strictly narrative point of view, it would make sense that the Garcia family doesn't make an appearance with a time jump. It would al… moreso make sense if the Garcia's weren't mentioned at all if that's the route that TellTale chooses to go. Clementine has lost or left everyone she has ever met. Even AJ is not exempt from this as he was lost during the entire ANF season. For it to be mentioned years later would take some incredible writing skills and coincidences to keep it from sounding unnatural, forced, and somewhat cheesey.
From a marketing point of view, it also makes sense that they'd want to distance themselves from ANF with the final season for sales purposes considering it's feedback. Yes, it's tragic for those who want closure in that area, or who enjoyed some characters from that entry. Every entry has some aspect of it fans wish could've been handled differently as different personalities appeal to different people.
For an… [view original content]
He may not be in the game precisely because they listened to the fans. Clementines static personality conflicted with the way a number of people had played her previously, because trying to account for the variety of ways people could play a character that you're now taking out of their hands and presenting to them as an NPC they have no control over is pretty difficult. The "42 Clementines" is more accurately just 42 sentences on a picture, and a determinant sentence here or there. She was otherwise the exact same person in everyone's game, and why make that mistake for the people who actually like Javier?
I personally didn't suffer through ANF just to see it matter later on. I suffered through it a few months ago hoping the next game would be better and get back to the story. I had a distant relationship with everyone, since silence is usually a valid response, so I hope the point of the game wasn't to show Clementine that caring families still exist and function, because holy crap, a choice based game shouldn't only have a meaning in the overarching story if you made the "right" choices. The game takes place over the course of 2 or 3 days before they skip a couple at the end of the last episode. He really hasn't become a important part of her story, she barely knows him and he's not even in her story. We were reminded multiple times during ANFs AMAs that this was Javiers story. She just happened to be there, because reasons and sales potential. He's resolved his brother issues, finally found a town to be the boss of, and actually ended up with one of the happier conclusions anyone in the series has had. It all comes down to just personal preference, but I'd rather move past that bump in the road rather than force meaning into it.
You're right....why listen to the fans? Our opinions don't matter, its not like we buy their games and keep them in business...
Sorry but… more your comment is ridiculous. Sure we may disagree, but that is why we are here on these forums: to discuss our differing opinions. They do matter and Telltale should listen. In case you haven't noticed, their track record lately has not been strong.
Sometimes an experience can change your life even if it only occurred over the course of one day. So the amount of time Clem spent with the Garcia's is irrelevant. After S2/beginning of S3, she had become jaded and skeptical of the world around her. Javi and his family showed her the value of people she could depend on, which resolved her to go after AJ again. That should be apparent regardless of the choices you made during the game....
He may not be in the game precisely because they listened to the fans. Clementines static personality conflicted with the way a number of pe… moreople had played her previously, because trying to account for the variety of ways people could play a character that you're now taking out of their hands and presenting to them as an NPC they have no control over is pretty difficult. The "42 Clementines" is more accurately just 42 sentences on a picture, and a determinant sentence here or there. She was otherwise the exact same person in everyone's game, and why make that mistake for the people who actually like Javier?
I personally didn't suffer through ANF just to see it matter later on. I suffered through it a few months ago hoping the next game would be better and get back to the story. I had a distant relationship with everyone, since silence is usually a valid response, so I hope the point of the game wasn't to show Clementine that caring familie… [view original content]
I don't understand why they'd exclude them from TFS. ANF SPOILER: Clem was supposed to go back to the New Frontier in most of the endings. Unless A New Frontier was raided and is no longer around or Clem dies before going back, I don't understand why the Garcias wouldn't come back.
I don't understand why they'd exclude them from TFS. ANF SPOILER: Clem was supposed to go back to the New Frontier in most of the endings. U… morenless A New Frontier was raided and is no longer around or Clem dies before going back, I don't understand why the Garcias wouldn't come back.
No limits exist to how far people will go to get ideas/messages across to others? Even if theyre bs, mine being Mariana should’ve survived that shot to the head
I don't understand why they'd exclude them from TFS. ANF SPOILER: Clem was supposed to go back to the New Frontier in most of the endings. U… morenless A New Frontier was raided and is no longer around or Clem dies before going back, I don't understand why the Garcias wouldn't come back.
No limits exist to how far people will go to get ideas/messages across to others? Even if theyre bs, mine being Mariana should’ve survived that shot to the head
How do you think telltale will or should deal with the Garcias
Mariana should've survived that bullet to the head the same way Rever… morese Flash did, buying herself some time, dying in super slow-motion
As for everyone else, they should all get slowly eaten by walkers as help just watches
Basically, at the end of 'A New Frontier,' Clem tells Javier that she'd go back to the New Frontier with AJ and Javi would teach them how to play baseball. It seems like Telltale abandoned this idea by not putting the Garcias in the final season.
It's either they abandoned the idea, had the New Frontier get destroyed, or had Clem die before being able to go back.
I'm still trying to find out why I started dying laughing when Mariana got headshot. To be honest, a lot of the deaths/fake deaths in ANF made me laugh.
ehhhh, that does sound more realistic, but I kinda got this whole "Reverse Mariana" joke stuck in my head, and am leaning more towards that now i'm extremely over-imaginative and let the faintest ideas flourish beyond my control
Nobody knew Mariana was going to get shot, so gabe couldn't have seen it coming. Besides, that part of the game has already passed, and the game ends with her being dead, so there's no way Gabe could just jump in front of the bullet for Mariana. Not unless you think Telltale should put the DeLorean from their "Back To The Future" game in TFS as an easter egg for Javi, Gabe, and Kate to stumble across, allowing them to re-write history. Now that I think about it.........
I'm still trying to find out why I started dying laughing when Mariana got headshot. To be honest, a lot of the deaths/fake deaths in ANF made me laugh.
Oh, so more or less pointless outside of the shock value to act as a nostalgic segueway and an asspully roundabout way of somehow making Kenny "right."
Nobody knew Mariana was going to get shot, so gabe couldn't have seen it coming.
Pretty much.
Badger arose from the bushes mere seconds before opening fire, so there was literally no time for anyone to really notice him, let alone get Mariana out of the possible line of fire.
Nobody knew Mariana was going to get shot, so gabe couldn't have seen it coming. Besides, that part of the game has already passed, and the … moregame ends with her being dead, so there's no way Gabe could just jump in front of the bullet for Mariana. Not unless you think Telltale should put the DeLorean from their "Back To The Future" game in TFS as an easter egg for Javi, Gabe, and Kate to stumble across, allowing them to re-write history. Now that I think about it.........
Probably because it was relatively telegraphed in hindsight. Especially if you stuck to Tripp's orders.
To be honest, a lot of the deaths/fake deaths in ANF made me laugh.
And therein lies the problem. We get quick flashbacks between seasons 2 and 3 to explain why, regardless of our choices, everyone's Clementine is now the same person. Is that really what people want now from Javier? Covering the characters themselves, sure, sometimes a day can change your life, under the right circumstances even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The entire relationship between the two, for the very same reasons the impact this story supposedly had on her life, doesn't work. We're introduced to this emotionally scarred and closed off Clementine in the beginning of ANF. This is, of course, explained by the flashbacks and how long she's been continually traumatized throughout her life. And regardless of how you play, the relationships form exactly the same, just like the Clementines renewed hope in people thing. Choose not to cover for her in Prescott and get her speech about how she thought you could be trusted(you just met him, girl), sell her out to Conrad, insult her at the gates of Richmond, and a day later she spills her heart to Javier about AJ. Because if there's one thing emotionally traumatized and closed off people are good at, it's opening up emotionally to some dude they just met who's been nothing but hostile to them. Like the game itself, you have to make the right choices to have the relationship make any sense.
I don't see how Clementine would come to see the value of people she can depend on because she spent a few days with Javier and his family, and watched the choices I made lead my relationships with them listed as cold and distant. Would she not have learned the value of people from her months of Lee and the motel group? The year and a half she spent with Christa? She spent a week with the cabin group, as well. Potentially close to two years with Kenny, or in Wellington. But a few days with these guys, in which she could potentially see Javier and Kate as the only people from episode 1 who haven't betrayed them or died, is what made her realize the value of having people you can depend on? She's had far better examples.
As it is now, Javier and those poor people of Richmond have gotten a more closure that many other characters we've seen left to uncertain fates. Maybe they can patch in another option at the end of ANF, because having to choose between "Please come back with AJ Clam!" and "Please stay and don't get AJ" was absolutely terrible. Javier had his story, it ended with less questions than most, and more security than most. The series pulled the car over, gave his engine a jump start, and then everyone got in their cars and drove away, never to see each other again. The story was just a little pit stop, meant to entice new players with a friendly face and no reason to feel like they need to play the older games before jumping into this one.
The story, characters, series, and fans suffered for it, because the game could never really figure out what it wanted to be. The one thing it did right was give his character an ending that didn't leave people wondering about his fate, leaving the series to move on without even more baggage.
Sometimes an experience can change your life even if it only occurred over the course of one day. So the amount of time Clem spent with the … moreGarcia's is irrelevant. After S2/beginning of S3, she had become jaded and skeptical of the world around her. Javi and his family showed her the value of people she could depend on, which resolved her to go after AJ again. That should be apparent regardless of the choices you made during the game....
There's no question that ANF was incredibly flawed, I'm not arguing with any of that.
You say you want to completely disregard Season 3 and pretend it didn't happen....won't that just lead to more "static" Clementine, which was your main complaint in the first place? What happened to our choices having an impact on future episodes and seasons?
And sure, Clem had past relationships with good, dependable people that she could trust. But all those people were gone by the time she met Javier. Those experiences of loss turned her into a jaded loner. Now, she finally found a group of survivors that didn't all die or run off at the end...and she won't have the choice to return to them? That makes no sense. I'm just hoping Telltale provides a reasonable explanation as to why that is no longer an option.
And therein lies the problem. We get quick flashbacks between seasons 2 and 3 to explain why, regardless of our choices, everyone's Clementi… morene is now the same person. Is that really what people want now from Javier? Covering the characters themselves, sure, sometimes a day can change your life, under the right circumstances even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The entire relationship between the two, for the very same reasons the impact this story supposedly had on her life, doesn't work. We're introduced to this emotionally scarred and closed off Clementine in the beginning of ANF. This is, of course, explained by the flashbacks and how long she's been continually traumatized throughout her life. And regardless of how you play, the relationships form exactly the same, just like the Clementines renewed hope in people thing. Choose not to cover for her in Prescott and get her speech about how she thought you could be trusted(you just m… [view original content]
If TFS picks up from S2, Clementine would only have to match who she was in S2.
What happened to our choices having an impact on future episodes and seasons
ANF wasn't Clementine's game, it was Javi's and the choices we made in the game as him didn't effect Clementine in any note-worthy way.
she finally found a group of survivors that didn't all die or run off at the end...and she won't have the choice to return to them? That makes no sense
When Javier asked her to stay with them when they got to the junkyard, clementine said she only came back for the Van. She couldn't care less about Javi and his family. She was focused on finding AJ. If Clementine and AJ are safe and sound at the boarding school with the other kids, what good reason would she have to drag AJ ALL THE WAY back to Javi? That wouldn't be the smartest nor the safest decision. At the end of ANF after Javi finishes cutting her hair she said "if I bring AJ back with me, will you teach him how to play baseball?". with the operative word being "IF", meaning there's no guarantee her and AJ will return. Besides, Richmond isn't exactly down the block from the boarding school....
There's no question that ANF was incredibly flawed, I'm not arguing with any of that.
You say you want to completely disregard Season 3 a… morend pretend it didn't happen....won't that just lead to more "static" Clementine, which was your main complaint in the first place? What happened to our choices having an impact on future episodes and seasons?
And sure, Clem had past relationships with good, dependable people that she could trust. But all those people were gone by the time she met Javier. Those experiences of loss turned her into a jaded loner. Now, she finally found a group of survivors that didn't all die or run off at the end...and she won't have the choice to return to them? That makes no sense. I'm just hoping Telltale provides a reasonable explanation as to why that is no longer an option.
If TFS picks up from S2, Clementine would only have to match who she was in S2.
If we are ignoring S3, then that means Kenny will still be alive in my story. He better return in the final season!
ANF wasn't Clementine's game, it was Javi's and the choices we made in the game as him didn't effect Clementine in any note-worthy way.
So you don't think any choices we made as Lee in Season 1 affected the person Clementine became in Season 2?
If Clementine and AJ are safe and sound at the boarding school with the other kids, what good reason would she have to drag AJ ALL THE WAY back to Javi? That wouldn't be the smartest nor the safest decision.
You honestly believe that they will be safe and sound at the boarding school the entire season? That is very optimistic...
won't that just lead to more "static" Clementine
If TFS picks up from S2, Clementine would only have to match who she was in S2.
… more What happened to our choices having an impact on future episodes and seasons
ANF wasn't Clementine's game, it was Javi's and the choices we made in the game as him didn't effect Clementine in any note-worthy way.
she finally found a group of survivors that didn't all die or run off at the end...and she won't have the choice to return to them? That makes no sense
When Javier asked her to stay with them when they got to the junkyard, clementine said she only came back for the Van. She couldn't care less about Javi and his family. She was focused on finding AJ. If Clementine and AJ are safe and sound at the boarding school with the other kids, what good reason would she have to drag AJ ALL THE WAY back to Javi? That wouldn't be the smartest nor the safest decision. At the end of ANF … [view original content]
TFS kicks off after ANF. It's clear because the end of ANF literally shows her going to find AJ. Season 2 goes into ANF, ANF goes into TFS. Also, it's inaccurate to say the choices you made didn't effect Clem in any noticeable way. Depending on your choices, you may have made her trust other people again.
Telltale has made a lot of mistakes, but if ANF really wouldn't have had an effect on Clem, she wouldn't have been in it, nor would it have been labeled a Season.
won't that just lead to more "static" Clementine
If TFS picks up from S2, Clementine would only have to match who she was in S2.
… more What happened to our choices having an impact on future episodes and seasons
ANF wasn't Clementine's game, it was Javi's and the choices we made in the game as him didn't effect Clementine in any note-worthy way.
she finally found a group of survivors that didn't all die or run off at the end...and she won't have the choice to return to them? That makes no sense
When Javier asked her to stay with them when they got to the junkyard, clementine said she only came back for the Van. She couldn't care less about Javi and his family. She was focused on finding AJ. If Clementine and AJ are safe and sound at the boarding school with the other kids, what good reason would she have to drag AJ ALL THE WAY back to Javi? That wouldn't be the smartest nor the safest decision. At the end of ANF … [view original content]
if we are ignoring S3, then that means Kenny will still be alive in my story
Keep in mind many people have parted with Kenny at the gates of Wellington, so it's very much a possibility that he could still be alive.
So you think no choices we made as Lee in Season 1 impacted the person Clementine became in Season 2?
Who the hell was Javier to Clementine? He sure as hell wasn't her father figure whose actions could heavily influence his adoptive underling, who looked up to him as her new go-to person for help(that's me hinting everything Lee was to Clementine that Javier wasn't)
You honestly believe that they will be safe and sound at the boarding school the entire season? That is very optimistic...
And YOU honestly believe Richmond will stay safe? Take a look at Wellington whydontchya????? Tell me how THAT turned out It's only a matter of time before it becomes another Alexandria/Kingdom/Hilltop etc. etc.
If TFS picks up from S2, Clementine would only have to match who she was in S2.
If we are ignoring S3, then that means Kenny will st… moreill be alive in my story. He better return in the final season!
ANF wasn't Clementine's game, it was Javi's and the choices we made in the game as him didn't effect Clementine in any note-worthy way.
So you don't think any choices we made as Lee in Season 1 affected the person Clementine became in Season 2?
If Clementine and AJ are safe and sound at the boarding school with the other kids, what good reason would she have to drag AJ ALL THE WAY back to Javi? That wouldn't be the smartest nor the safest decision.
You honestly believe that they will be safe and sound at the boarding school the entire season? That is very optimistic...
Who the hell was Javier to Clementine? He sure as hell wasn't her father figure whose actions could heavily influence his adoptive underling, who looked up to him as her new go-to person for help(that's me hinting everything Lee was to Clementine that Javier wasn't)
As paxlux so eloquently put it: Clementine wouldn't have made an appearance in ANF, nor would Telltale have labeled it a season if it wasn't intended to have an effect on her. Of course Javi can't live up to Lee in terms of a father figure, but he doesn't have to in order to change Clem's current worldview (which in my playthrough, he did). You seem to be implying that because we aren't playing as Clementine, we can't affect the woman she becomes in the future (just by interacting with her).
And YOU honestly believe Richmond will stay safe? Take a look at Wellington whydontchya????? Tell me how THAT turned out
Fine, if they explain that Richmond fell to a horde of zombies and/or another group of raiders, then at least we acknowledge their existence and provide closure to that story. The original suggestion being advocated by you and others is that we should ignore the ANF story line and pretend they never existed. I have a big problem with that direction. And for the record....yes, I think Richmond is safer than a boarding school with a bunch of children.
if we are ignoring S3, then that means Kenny will still be alive in my story
Keep in mind many people have parted with Kenny at the … moregates of Wellington, so it's very much a possibility that he could still be alive.
So you think no choices we made as Lee in Season 1 impacted the person Clementine became in Season 2?
Who the hell was Javier to Clementine? He sure as hell wasn't her father figure whose actions could heavily influence his adoptive underling, who looked up to him as her new go-to person for help(that's me hinting everything Lee was to Clementine that Javier wasn't)
You honestly believe that they will be safe and sound at the boarding school the entire season? That is very optimistic...
And YOU honestly believe Richmond will stay safe? Take a look at Wellington whydontchya????? Tell me how THAT turned out It's only a matter of time before it becomes another Alexandria/Kingdom/Hilltop etc. etc.
TFS kicks off after ANF. It's clear because the end of ANF literally shows her going to find AJ. Season 2 goes into ANF, ANF goes into TFS
Season 1➡Season 2 ➡(A New Frontier) The Final Season
Nothing in ANF contributed to the progression of the series overall. If ANF never happened, TFS could've picked up right where Season 2 left off, without anything being left out. Season 2 ends where Clementine is with AJ and TFS will start where they're also together. Between S2 and TFS, they're still sequential without ANF.
Depending on your choices, you may have made her trust other people again.
It's only because of ANF that she didn't trust people. That mistake of a game made a solution to the problem it created.
if ANF really wouldn't have had an effect on Clem, she wouldn't have been in it, nor would it have been labeled a Season
She was only in the game to help it sell. And the title of ANF is "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier". Don't mistake that for "The Walking Dead: Season 3". ANF is no different from TWD: Michonne.
TFS kicks off after ANF. It's clear because the end of ANF literally shows her going to find AJ. Season 2 goes into ANF, ANF goes into TFS. … moreAlso, it's inaccurate to say the choices you made didn't effect Clem in any noticeable way. Depending on your choices, you may have made her trust other people again.
Telltale has made a lot of mistakes, but if ANF really wouldn't have had an effect on Clem, she wouldn't have been in it, nor would it have been labeled a Season.
TFS kicks off after ANF. It's clear because the end of ANF literally shows her going to find AJ. Season 2 goes into ANF, ANF goes into TFS
… more
Season 1➡ Season 2 ➡(A New Frontier) The Final Season
Nothing in ANF contributed to the progression of the series overall. If ANF never happened, TFS could've picked up right where Season 2 left off, without anything being left out. Season 2 ends where Clementine is with AJ and TFS will start where they're also together. Between S2 and TFS, they're still sequential without ANF.
Depending on your choices, you may have made her trust other people again.
It's only because of ANF that she didn't trust people. That mistake of a game made a solution to the problem it created.
if ANF really wouldn't have had an effect on Clem, she wouldn't have been in it, nor would it have been labeled a Season
She was only in the game to help it sell. And the title of ANF is "The Walkin… [view original content]
I thought that you would like it/find it funny since it's Mariana...
Glad you didn't.
Super human speed, a super fast metabolism, and accelerated perception


But every Reverse [insert character name] needs his/her counterpart, right?
From a strictly narrative point of view, it would make sense that the Garcia family doesn't make an appearance with a time jump. It would also make sense if the Garcia's weren't mentioned at all if that's the route that TellTale chooses to go. Clementine has lost or left everyone she has ever met. Even AJ is not exempt from this as he was lost during the entire ANF season. For it to be mentioned years later would take some incredible writing skills and coincidences to keep it from sounding unnatural, forced, and somewhat cheesey.
From a marketing point of view, it also makes sense that they'd want to distance themselves from ANF with the final season for sales purposes considering it's feedback. Yes, it's tragic for those who want closure in that area, or who enjoyed some characters from that entry. Every entry has some aspect of it fans wish could've been handled differently as different personalities appeal to different people.
For anyone who didn't experience Batman S1+S2, Joker appears to have taken on a different personality approach from his introduction to how they handled him in S2. As split as people were on whether they trusted him, or it was a game, or the morality of choices, nearly everyone liked the S2 Joker for his portrayal. Give TellTale the chance this season to surprise us, and give us some incredible choices. Maybe we will get some information on Richmond. Maybe we'll get some information for questions fans have had for years concerning Christa. Who knows what we might be treated to yet.
Clem and Javi discussed her potentially returning to Richmond with AJ at the end of season 3. Let's say by the end of this new season, the boarding school falls (which is a good bet considering that's what always happens) and they are looking for a new place to live. It wouldn't take incredible writing to determine that Richmond is a logical place of safety for them to seek out, and it would better satisfy those seeking closure from ANF...
Everything else you said, I agree with.
Sadly, I bet you are right...
She flipped someone off every 5 seconds
He may not be in the game precisely because they listened to the fans. Clementines static personality conflicted with the way a number of people had played her previously, because trying to account for the variety of ways people could play a character that you're now taking out of their hands and presenting to them as an NPC they have no control over is pretty difficult. The "42 Clementines" is more accurately just 42 sentences on a picture, and a determinant sentence here or there. She was otherwise the exact same person in everyone's game, and why make that mistake for the people who actually like Javier?
I personally didn't suffer through ANF just to see it matter later on. I suffered through it a few months ago hoping the next game would be better and get back to the story. I had a distant relationship with everyone, since silence is usually a valid response, so I hope the point of the game wasn't to show Clementine that caring families still exist and function, because holy crap, a choice based game shouldn't only have a meaning in the overarching story if you made the "right" choices. The game takes place over the course of 2 or 3 days before they skip a couple at the end of the last episode. He really hasn't become a important part of her story, she barely knows him and he's not even in her story. We were reminded multiple times during ANFs AMAs that this was Javiers story. She just happened to be there, because reasons and sales potential. He's resolved his brother issues, finally found a town to be the boss of, and actually ended up with one of the happier conclusions anyone in the series has had. It all comes down to just personal preference, but I'd rather move past that bump in the road rather than force meaning into it.
Kind of disappointing, was hoping for a Clem/AJ return to Javi ending.
Sometimes an experience can change your life even if it only occurred over the course of one day. So the amount of time Clem spent with the Garcia's is irrelevant. After S2/beginning of S3, she had become jaded and skeptical of the world around her. Javi and his family showed her the value of people she could depend on, which resolved her to go after AJ again. That should be apparent regardless of the choices you made during the game....
You would think putting a bright ass yellow mask on someone's face wouldn't be creepy to look at.
I'm so glad ya'll got the know-how, ability, and time to do shit like this.
I don't understand why they'd exclude them from TFS. ANF SPOILER: Clem was supposed to go back to the New Frontier in most of the endings. Unless A New Frontier was raided and is no longer around or Clem dies before going back, I don't understand why the Garcias wouldn't come back.
EXACTLY! Better have a good explanation for that, Telltale!!!
No limits exist to how far people will go to get ideas/messages across to others? Even if theyre bs, mine being Mariana should’ve survived that shot to the head
Wdym? I’m confused.
Or throat, anyway.
or Gabe could took the bullet in the shoulder better than Mariana died right
Basically, at the end of 'A New Frontier,' Clem tells Javier that she'd go back to the New Frontier with AJ and Javi would teach them how to play baseball. It seems like Telltale abandoned this idea by not putting the Garcias in the final season.
It's either they abandoned the idea, had the New Frontier get destroyed, or had Clem die before being able to go back.
As someone who loved ANF and the Garcia's I seriously hope they aren't just ignored. We deserve some kind of closure with those characters.
...I'm honestly trying to imagine how that'd work.
I'm still trying to find out why I started dying laughing when Mariana got headshot. To be honest, a lot of the deaths/fake deaths in ANF made me laugh.
Mariana is going to return to Richmond and they're gonna ask how did she survive and her answer is "I got real lucky."
It like how Arvo shot Clem in the shoulder
ehhhh, that does sound more realistic, but I kinda got this whole "Reverse Mariana" joke stuck in my head, and am leaning more towards that now
i'm extremely over-imaginative and let the faintest ideas flourish beyond my control
Nobody knew Mariana was going to get shot, so gabe couldn't have seen it coming. Besides, that part of the game has already passed, and the game ends with her being dead, so there's no way Gabe could just jump in front of the bullet for Mariana. Not unless you think Telltale should put the DeLorean from their "Back To The Future" game in TFS as an easter egg for Javi, Gabe, and Kate to stumble across, allowing them to re-write history. Now that I think about it.........

Probably because it was relatively telegraphed in hindsight. Especially if you stuck to Tripp's orders.
Oh, so more or less pointless outside of the shock value to act as a nostalgic segueway and an asspully roundabout way of somehow making Kenny "right."
Pretty much.
Badger arose from the bushes mere seconds before opening fire, so there was literally no time for anyone to really notice him, let alone get Mariana out of the possible line of fire.
Whenever Javier dies he looks like a WWE wrestler lmao.
And therein lies the problem. We get quick flashbacks between seasons 2 and 3 to explain why, regardless of our choices, everyone's Clementine is now the same person. Is that really what people want now from Javier? Covering the characters themselves, sure, sometimes a day can change your life, under the right circumstances even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The entire relationship between the two, for the very same reasons the impact this story supposedly had on her life, doesn't work. We're introduced to this emotionally scarred and closed off Clementine in the beginning of ANF. This is, of course, explained by the flashbacks and how long she's been continually traumatized throughout her life. And regardless of how you play, the relationships form exactly the same, just like the Clementines renewed hope in people thing. Choose not to cover for her in Prescott and get her speech about how she thought you could be trusted(you just met him, girl), sell her out to Conrad, insult her at the gates of Richmond, and a day later she spills her heart to Javier about AJ. Because if there's one thing emotionally traumatized and closed off people are good at, it's opening up emotionally to some dude they just met who's been nothing but hostile to them. Like the game itself, you have to make the right choices to have the relationship make any sense.
I don't see how Clementine would come to see the value of people she can depend on because she spent a few days with Javier and his family, and watched the choices I made lead my relationships with them listed as cold and distant. Would she not have learned the value of people from her months of Lee and the motel group? The year and a half she spent with Christa? She spent a week with the cabin group, as well. Potentially close to two years with Kenny, or in Wellington. But a few days with these guys, in which she could potentially see Javier and Kate as the only people from episode 1 who haven't betrayed them or died, is what made her realize the value of having people you can depend on? She's had far better examples.
As it is now, Javier and those poor people of Richmond have gotten a more closure that many other characters we've seen left to uncertain fates. Maybe they can patch in another option at the end of ANF, because having to choose between "Please come back with AJ Clam!" and "Please stay and don't get AJ" was absolutely terrible. Javier had his story, it ended with less questions than most, and more security than most. The series pulled the car over, gave his engine a jump start, and then everyone got in their cars and drove away, never to see each other again. The story was just a little pit stop, meant to entice new players with a friendly face and no reason to feel like they need to play the older games before jumping into this one.
The story, characters, series, and fans suffered for it, because the game could never really figure out what it wanted to be. The one thing it did right was give his character an ending that didn't leave people wondering about his fate, leaving the series to move on without even more baggage.
There's no question that ANF was incredibly flawed, I'm not arguing with any of that.
You say you want to completely disregard Season 3 and pretend it didn't happen....won't that just lead to more "static" Clementine, which was your main complaint in the first place? What happened to our choices having an impact on future episodes and seasons?
And sure, Clem had past relationships with good, dependable people that she could trust. But all those people were gone by the time she met Javier. Those experiences of loss turned her into a jaded loner. Now, she finally found a group of survivors that didn't all die or run off at the end...and she won't have the choice to return to them? That makes no sense. I'm just hoping Telltale provides a reasonable explanation as to why that is no longer an option.
If TFS picks up from S2, Clementine would only have to match who she was in S2.
ANF wasn't Clementine's game, it was Javi's and the choices we made in the game as him didn't effect Clementine in any note-worthy way.
When Javier asked her to stay with them when they got to the junkyard, clementine said she only came back for the Van. She couldn't care less about Javi and his family. She was focused on finding AJ. If Clementine and AJ are safe and sound at the boarding school with the other kids, what good reason would she have to drag AJ ALL THE WAY back to Javi? That wouldn't be the smartest nor the safest decision. At the end of ANF after Javi finishes cutting her hair she said "if I bring AJ back with me, will you teach him how to play baseball?". with the operative word being "IF", meaning there's no guarantee her and AJ will return. Besides, Richmond isn't exactly down the block from the boarding school....
If we are ignoring S3, then that means Kenny will still be alive in my story. He better return in the final season!
So you don't think any choices we made as Lee in Season 1 affected the person Clementine became in Season 2?
You honestly believe that they will be safe and sound at the boarding school the entire season? That is very optimistic...
TFS kicks off after ANF. It's clear because the end of ANF literally shows her going to find AJ. Season 2 goes into ANF, ANF goes into TFS. Also, it's inaccurate to say the choices you made didn't effect Clem in any noticeable way. Depending on your choices, you may have made her trust other people again.
Telltale has made a lot of mistakes, but if ANF really wouldn't have had an effect on Clem, she wouldn't have been in it, nor would it have been labeled a Season.
Keep in mind many people have parted with Kenny at the gates of Wellington, so it's very much a possibility that he could still be alive.
Who the hell was Javier to Clementine? He sure as hell wasn't her father figure whose actions could heavily influence his adoptive underling, who looked up to him as her new go-to person for help(that's me hinting everything Lee was to Clementine that Javier wasn't)
And YOU honestly believe Richmond will stay safe? Take a look at Wellington whydontchya????? Tell me how THAT turned out
It's only a matter of time before it becomes another Alexandria/Kingdom/Hilltop etc. etc.
As paxlux so eloquently put it: Clementine wouldn't have made an appearance in ANF, nor would Telltale have labeled it a season if it wasn't intended to have an effect on her. Of course Javi can't live up to Lee in terms of a father figure, but he doesn't have to in order to change Clem's current worldview (which in my playthrough, he did). You seem to be implying that because we aren't playing as Clementine, we can't affect the woman she becomes in the future (just by interacting with her).
Fine, if they explain that Richmond fell to a horde of zombies and/or another group of raiders, then at least we acknowledge their existence and provide closure to that story. The original suggestion being advocated by you and others is that we should ignore the ANF story line and pretend they never existed. I have a big problem with that direction. And for the record....yes, I think Richmond is safer than a boarding school with a bunch of children.
Season 1➡ Season 2 ➡(A New Frontier) The Final Season
Nothing in ANF contributed to the progression of the series overall. If ANF never happened, TFS could've picked up right where Season 2 left off, without anything being left out. Season 2 ends where Clementine is with AJ and TFS will start where they're also together. Between S2 and TFS, they're still sequential without ANF.
It's only because of ANF that she didn't trust people. That mistake of a game made a solution to the problem it created.
She was only in the game to help it sell. And the title of ANF is "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier". Don't mistake that for "The Walking Dead: Season 3". ANF is no different from TWD: Michonne.
Not true. Season 2 Clementine could have ended up alone, implying that she trusted neither Jane, nor Kenny.
And you know that for a exactly? Please provide a citation from Telltale or I call bullshit.