Telltale Collection On Steam Makes You Buy Monkey Island Twice

edited June 2018 in General Chat

I was about to buy the Telltale Collection on steam to get the 3 games i didn't own, and I realized this.

The Telltale Collection Makes You Buy Episodes 1-5 of Monkey Island for 20 dollars (The complete pack is 6 on sale)
Instead of having the complete pack for $6, it has all 5 individual episodes for 20 dollars. Since episode 1 is the complete pack, it essentially makes you pay for eps 2-5 twice. This is because the individual episodes aren't on sale.

During the sale, this makes the collection 14 dollars more expensive than it needs to be.

@mostlypoptarts Can you forward this to whoever manages pricing? I want to give you guys money but I cant.


  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Forwarded along! Will keep you posted.

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    With our older games, episodes are listed separately in the collection (same thing as Sam & Max or BTTF) - the "complete pack" is actually episode 1 while it's bundled in the collection (even though when you click it, it links to the full game). It's just worded a little weirdly since Steam used to behave differently back in the day. So it looks like you're buying eps 1-5 and then eps 2-5, it's actually all eps singularly.

    That said, the collection isn't being discounted properly right now - so hold off on purchasing!!

  • edited June 2018

    Thanks for the fast and honest response!

    No pressure, but when should I expect the discount to be fixed?

    With our older games, episodes are listed separately in the collection (same thing as Sam & Max or BTTF) - the "complete pack" is actual

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2018

    I was gonna say but Poptarts beat me to the punch - yeah, the older Telltale games on Steam are labeled weirdly. Before Walking Dead/Jurassic Park, Telltale used to offer individual episodes as separate and standalone purchases/downloads (instead of having later episodes act as a DLC for Episode 1). The Season Pass was provided for older titles as an optional bundle you could purchase since old school Telltale episodes were more standalone (and didn't use choices/consequences from previous episodes).

    With Walking Dead onward, the format was changed where later episodes were downloadable content for the Season Premiere and all episodes were contained inside one game instead of separate files (since newer games focused on a Season long story with choices/consequences). That is why some older games have the Season Pass (and Episodes 2-5) listed separately for older games.

  • The title is misleading, what I meant to say is that the complete edition is being solf for $6, but the episodes are $20 combined in the collection.

    I was gonna say but Poptarts beat me to the punch - yeah, the older Telltale games on Steam are labeled weirdly. Before Walking Dead/Jurass

  • Just checked and the discount was fixed! Shoutouts to mostlypoptarts and the whole telltale team!

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Yes! Special shout-out to @TelltaleAshley for fixing it so quick.

  • That game's worth buying twice! Haha I love Monkey Island.

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