Okay, to get some speculation of significance and substance underway, let's discuss the seed of a coercive affair himself, Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr!
- What do you think his personality will be like?
- How long do you think it's been since he last saw Clementine?
- Do you think he'll remember or even care about her?
- What kinda stories and adventures do you forsee/imagine with him?
- What kind of nickname might be neat/fitting for him?
- Isn't that Fro the Grooviest?
- Etc.
June 22 Update: Establishing simple ground rule--Keep your edgy infanticide shit to a minimum and/or don't pollute this thread at all.
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I think that The Final Season is going to be The Force Awakens of Walking Dead franchise, just use ideas from Season 1.
He better remember Clementine and we better have the options to tell him about all the people who risked their lives for that little shit.
Joke aside, i think it's going to be like in season 1.
It’ll be close to S1 Clementine. He’ll act as her moral compass throughout the season.
Like a year, maybe? Well, how long has it been since David took him from Clem when Ep.1 started?
Judging by the key art, he’ll definitely care about her if she’s protecting him.
Hard to tell.
I love it.
isn't he like 4/5? Meaning clem is like 16, which means it's been 8 years since the apocolypse started in 2003, which means TFS is set in 2011.
I hope they subvert expectation and kill him off whilst re-introducing him.
Similar to S1 Clem, and not so dumb like Duck.
A year and half, because Clem looks older in the Art Key.
He'll remember the moment when they took him from her, and he will care alot about her.
S1-Like story, except the final. And get most things from S1.
Just goofball.
The best Fro haircut i've ever seen.
I know this is not going to be AJ-Dedicated but here's the idea, Clem burying Lee. I know this is not gonna happen but i want this to happen, since S3's ending.
I just hope he isn't S1 Clementine 2.0. As far as what his personality will be is hard to say due to who he's been with having a factor in how he's been raised. I'm guessing he'll remember Clementine since it seems like we'll find him early on In the season.
And that's not even getting into the technicalities and side things.
So another Mariana situation? No thank you.
I kinda hope that they kill him off too tbh, he is a terrible character, that so far only has existed to elicit compassion for 1 reason, "He is a baby, you monster do you hate a baby?", in a game where its all about interacting with people, having a baby that is literally a noncharacter be a main role is dumb
It will also turn way too much into a repeat of Season 1, I really hope they use this season to explore the psychological effects the apocalypse has on Clementine, and perhaps explore a darker side of her like we see glimpses of in season 3
(Just FYI, the "Waiting Thread" tag is reserved for the episode waiting threads created by mods)
The difference being that Mariana was a new character and seemed like she could be cool, especially when compared to Gabe who essentially took her spot - whereas AJ has been a drag for 2 seasons now.
They won't kill AJ it's too late now i'm fine with him being around as long as we don't have to search him the whole game.
I am seeing so many comments talking about how AJ should die and is a terrible character.
I don’t want AJ to turn into Clementine(S1) 2.0 either but hating someone for being a baby and wanting to see them die is just sick and demented. It doesn’t matter if it is a good story or not. If you have those kind of desires I hope you people never have children and you need to invest in therapy before you do something psychotic.
Oh god and why is it every time a new character possesses similar characteristics to a previous character, people always write them off as a clone of that previous character?
UuuuuuHuuuh a child growing up and taking care of a child of their own is totally unrealistic and bad story telling. If you’re going by that logic, absolutely every aspect of TWD is bad storytelling. TWD all started because a virus caused a bunch of “non-characters” to rise from the dead and cause the world to plummet into chaos. How is a teenage girl trying to survive in this world whilst protecting and raising a child of her own any worse than simply people with no children trying to survive in this world? The only difference is the fact that the previous option is has a little more complexity and is undoubtedly a much harder struggle. So yeah, this is totally bad story telling. I honestly think shifting the focus to a person who is already of a younger generation raising another younger child through the chaos is more interesting and has potential to tell a story that isn’t as commonly told in the apocalyptic genre since most apocalyptic stories revolve around a cast of adults doing it instead of a younger character.
Is people expressing their desire to have a character prop written out of the story so bad? People aren't hating someone for being a baby and wanting to see them die horribly because, they're advocating for a useless prob to be discarded.
Its not as if there are arguments are without merit, if only because a person can dislike being forced to play nurse-maid for a baby in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse.
We're talking about fictional characters in a video-game – Their lives don't matter, because they're not real. Bits of ones and zeroes folded together into a complete package representing a person. Chances are, people wanting characters to be killed off for X reasons are because are either because they simply find them annoying, or they can't stand them because they were meant to be hated (Arvo). Unlike real people, fictional characters are easily disconnected with since they cannot imitate a genuine being successfully.
What do you think his personality will be like?
Curious and innocent. Prehaps a tad amoral considering the circumstances. A bit like Bioshock 2, perhaps.
How long do you think it's been since he last saw Clementine?**
Three or four years.
Clementine looks to be seventeen at the youngest, and he looks to be at least 5.
Do you think he'll remember or even care about her?
I doubt he'll remember her. He looked to be roughly two or younger when they split. This way, you get the extra tragedy of a random stranger carting him off from his home! Who doesn't like a slice of drama?
Not at first, but he'll grow into it.
What kinda stories and adventures do you forsee/imagine with him?**
Lots of "We must rise above our baser instincts and be better than them "zombies/bandits/general-nerdowells.
What kind of nickname might be neat/fitting for him?
AJ, probably. Always prefer abbreviations as opposed to completely different names.
Isn't that Fro the Grooviest?****
Totally radical.
Honestly Im worried S4 is just going to be a redo of S1. Im scared Tellltale is taking our advice of "be like season 1" way to far and will just "Well this worked in S1 so lets just redo it lmao." Dont get me wrong I think the flip of now having Clem the protector of a child to be an interesting idea, but Im worried that that is what is going to be the main story, just S1's story again but now with Clem. This would also mean Telltale has to hope we actually care about Aj.
Better than having no story that doesn’t immerse us or one that bores us though am I right? But in all honesty it’ll be nothing like season 1, save clem watching over AJ and MAYBE the ending. Season 1 was about everybody being so trusting of strangers such as with the St. John’s, Hershel, the drug store survivors and all that, whereas Clementine has no trust left and is too good to get boxed in by walkers so we know she isn’t going to meet new people that way and isn’t going to open up immediately.
I also doubt she’ll find some rv and just drive aimlessly into any direction whatsoever only to find a train when she wants to (maybe) return to Richmond. The only thing I can really see being similar is maybe having a stranger but in episode one who wants to keep or hurt AJ and Clementine has to stop him somehow but that’s the only similarity that could be there, otherwise since zombies aren’t much of a threat, I can see this one being more of a new frontier or season 2 type of game, just with better story telling than ANF maybe.
I don't know who said that, but you are a fuckin' idiot. that was the most dumb thing I've ever heard. So many folks died trying to keep AJ safe, and you just want him dead ? What a dissapointment. The another guy who cares about himself a.k.a Loner.
I agree with you completely. In The Walking Dead: Season One, Clementine was a mature, kind, and polite girl, she acts as the moral compass of the group, and tries her best to maintain the humanity of the group in a post-apocalyptic world. Unfortunately, in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, after losing the people closest to her, she becomes hardened and more mature (negative connotation) in her outlook. She still bravely overcomes the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world head-on and tries her best to maintain some of her previous faith in humanity, remembering the words of Lee and what he taught her during their time together, and of course her own values. She, however, develops more brash and forceful traits, distrusting others and doing whatever it takes to stay alive. She holds a firm belief that nothing good will come out of being in group anymore, and regularly stays by herself. I didn't like that. At all.
I want Clementine to become a very kind-hearted and polite girl, as she displays adequate manners when talking to adults again. She can still be a conformist, not being afraid to speak her mind, believing that everyone should do their best to be a good Samaritan. Although, I want to see the Clementine that disagrees with the group's choice of looting a station wagon full of rations left behind by survivors, claiming that the owners may return for their supplies. I want that again. Really badly.
Take it easy. It's just his opinion so let's just agree to disagree.
It's not that, who will want AJ dead ? i know its his opinion but.. whatever
I see a lot of negative comments about AJ. I can see why but let’s not forget he’s just a baby. A baby can’t have character. He can’t even speak or walk yet!
I don't care about AJ which is one of the reasons why A New Frontier sucked. Telltale didn't bother making us care about his character through that season and forced us to care about Javi's family and that stupid love triangle instead. I don't think Season 4 will be enough for me. They never should have made A New Frontier a sort of a reboot.
But that doesn't mean I want him dead, I'm doing my best to keep him safe. But if they kill him sooner or later without any development, I could care less cause it's Telltale's fault, not ours.
You know, I knew doing such an easy topic would get a good amount of contributions, but 25 relatively descript posts in barely 17 hours? Kinda makes me wonder what the number will be by the one day mark.
Uh, yeah, that's kinda not necessary. Let's tone it down a notch.
This likely won’t happen but I think it would be hilarious if AJ cusses a lot in the final season. He is being raised by Clementine after all and she has developed a habit of cussing. It would be amusing and dare I realistic considering the world he is growing up in to hear a 4 or 5-year-old swear. Then again, it could also be funny to see Clem trying to cut back on her swearing habits but I don’t get why she would do that since she should be preparing AJ for the world rather than hiding him from it.
Oh yeah, forgot I got a head start with this. I should probably get around to replying to half of this at some point.
I expect AJ to be an autistic lump of useless liability. He barely cried as a baby and didn't talk at all as a toddler; hell, there's even a flashback scene if you ended season 2 with Kenny where Clem and Kenny are discussing concerns about AJ specifically because he's not talking. I think the only thing we ever heard him say as a near 2 year old was Clem's name, one time, as she was being forced to leave him. I expect him to be pretty silent unless he gets triggered by something at which point he starts screeching because he doesn't know how to deal with emotions.
I've hated the very idea of AJ since Rebecca squirted him out and Clem got saddled with him in season 2. I wanted nothing more than to toss him in a dumpster and leave him (because realistically, trying to keep an infant alive by herself would have gotten Clem killed). When AJ was mysteriously missing in TNF I was overjoyed. He was either dead or less likely, she had left him with people for both of their safety (my Clem ended with Jane but we all know how that went), but either way he was gone. Then the truth was revealed and I was sad... I don't care if he dies or not but I do want the option to just forget about him and move on. I don't want anything to do with him.
Just because a baby doesn’t cry or talk much doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she is autistic. When one of my nephews was a baby he rarely cried and took a long time to talk. Despite this he communicated through basic hand signals and he did understand everything you said to him he just showed no interest in talking. You asked him to run and grab a pair of boots he would do that, you asked him to go climb up the stairs he would climb up the stairs. My family was worried about his lack of speech so we took him to get tested for autism but it turned out that he didn’t have autism and was just a late bloomer when it came to talking. Now he is in kindergarten and he is one of the top students in his class. Late speech doesn’t mean the child has a disorder.
I have no idea what the writers plan on doing with AJ but AJ definitely has some similarities to my nephew. He doesn’t cry or talk much but he seems to understand what people are saying to him. In the Wellington flashback when AJ is coloring and Clem tries to guess what it is, if Clem guesses wrong he shakes his head and points at Clementine. AJ is the ideal child for the apocalypse he knows how to be quiet and is easy to soothe. If you choose to cover AJ’s mouth in the episode 2 flashback Clementine gently places her hand on AJ’s mouth and tells him that he needs to be quiet, after Clem removes her hand he covers his own mouth. He obviously has a basic understanding of what is going on.
If you have so much hatred for AJ you should probably steer clear of the final season. Clem and AJ's relationship looks like it will be a very central aspect of the story. I'm not telling you whether or not to play the game but if you hate AJ so much you will likely find no enjoyment in it.
You're probably right but I'm holding out hope that TellTale will have been listening and will give us determinant endings, one of which is Clem forgets about AJ and lives her own life. He doesn't have to die, but he needs to go away. Maybe something similar to the wellington situation, where they'll take AJ but not Clem (for whatever reason) so she leaves him there.
Also, I'm the type to hate watch a show once I've already gotten invested in the story. Like Dexter, or Falling Skies. Both of those started really good and got me hooked in and invested in the characters and story and then they both later turned into giant piles of narrative shit but I was already invested so I continued watching, even though I hated almost every minute of it and was relieved when they ended. I'm invested in Clem's story. I have to see it to its end. It may be the last TellTale game I ever buy, depending on what happens, but I have to see it through.
I think AJ has a lot more potential than most people seem to think. Despite what other may say, I think the idea of a teenager taking care of a child in the apocalypse is quite interesting and is a story that isn’t told as often in Walking Dead. If handled right he could be really interesting. AJ is a child of the apocalypse; the apocalypse is the only world he knows and the world before is a mystery to him. AJ is still very young and the conversations with him will be relatively basic but you can still have a full-on conversation with a 4-5 year old. People often make young children out to be a lot more stupid and incapable than they really are. I have nephews who are 4 and 5 years old and I have full on conversations with them all of the time they are also perfectly capable of listening and following instructions. When put under stressful situations the mind tends to mature faster so in all honesty AJ should have the maturity of a 6-8 year old. Basic conversations where AJ asks Clem about the world before could be very interesting. Clem explains to the best of her ability only for her to realize how little she remembers of that world being so young when everything went to hell. There is a good chance that this won’t happen but it would be really cool if how you choose to raise him as Clementine affects the way he acts as he grows up. AJ is at the age where he is still very impressionable, much of his personality is still very subject to change. I’m actually very excited to see Clem as a mother and I am curious to see what they do with AJ though I do understand why a lot of people are skeptical about AJ, young characters aren’t always handled well in fictional stories.
It's funny to see how much hate and anger many have here for little AJ, just because the poor guy was treated as a plot device in ANF.
And it's even funnier that Telltale decides to make room for him in the last season of clementaine's story. And it's understandable, after all, this is the plot of the story, everything else is a prop.
Good fun at all.
I understand your point of view here. But unfortunately, it has been proven over the years that any narrative tends to be derailed from its axis when it becomes too big. See the TWD show and HQ, they have virtually no idea where to go.
Okay, since the first episode apparently has a release date, I'm gonna bump this thread against my better judgement to encourage some actual speculation and/or discussion for the ending/future to come.
With that said, I'm gonna have to crack down for once and establish one simple ground rule--all that talk about doing horrible things to a toddler? Cut it out. I've normally just held my peace when it comes to that inkling and don't really want to have to tell people what they can/cannot say, but quite frankly, it's "toxic," nonconstructive, appalling, and "cringy."
I'm really hoping that AJ will be like a Mariana 2.0 (not counting the dying part). Observational, Non-conflicting but will do what's necessary, Capable of thinking ahead in most situations, and having people underestimate his ability (just like his momma
So...Clementine 3/4.0?
Yeah, for better or worse, I can sorta see some of that.
Eeeh...not trying to contest this, but you think she was really anything like that?
Alright, I doubt anyone will read this, but i think aj will be even better than clementine, personality wise. This sounds wierd but if clem was my mother i think we'd get on just fine. Aj is hopefuly going to be impressionable (so what we do and say influences his later dialogue and actions) but i think he wont annoy you. If marlon starts telling me that aj is going to cause problems for me in the future i will be annoyed, save the crap. Like what if me killing Lily will cause aj to kill Violet? i dont want that, and i know telltale are interested in doing it that way, but no. On a different note, what if aj gets stuck in a room with rosie and i end up killing the doggo... heh that would suck
I know It can be hard to see it that way since we only got to see her post-apocalyptic self on screen for about 8 mins. We never got to see her hold a gun, but it's not to had to imagine what her actions would be if she was given the option, based on her more passive approach to things and how differently she acts when under pressure. She followed the instructions given to her without panicking, even when she was left alone. Something AJ may have the knack for, too. And how smart she was with pretending to not listen to their conversions by using her headphones? That's a small example of her ability to think outside the box and catching people off guard by her awareness of the situation. At least, that's my argument for it.
I guess it would be closer to that if you were actively paying attention to the runtime.
Not that we see anyway. The point is she got to safety.
I wouldn't exactly call that being smart, but whatever.
Eh, it's something of that alright.