So guys there is a strong rumor than Jesus is the returning character who come back in the first episode is this is true I'm a bit disappointed, what do you think about that guys, Do you think maybe is just a trolling of telltale to keep the return of Christa, Lilly and maybe Molly in secret....
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That's bullshit in either sense, since it'd takes up a slot that could filled with either of two of the big returning characters and make the statements/sweeping of Javier and the Garicas seem confusing if true.
If you advertise a returning character, it should mean a big character that wakes up emotions in to the player. Not Jesus who barely had screentime in ANF.
I much prefer Jesus to the idea of Lily or Christa showing up again after so long and so many miles. I hope the other returning character, if it's not gonna be Javi, is the Richmond leader that disappeared at the end of ANF. I want to kill them.
I think the same
LOL Christa returning is not really a secret, Christa is more likely to return than Clementine herself lmao. I'm hoping for Lilly or Molly
even though their chances are like -10%
uh... gonna have to be a pedant here, but Christa cannot be more likely to return in the final season than Clem since the final season is all about finishing up Clem's story AND she's already been confirmed to be the playable character.
REALLY? Look, obviouly I exaggerated a little bit but you get the point don't you...
and then you find out that Lily doesn't return.
Every time I see Jolene I think of Dolly Parton.
It’s probable, I mean I really don’t think Jesus is coming back for the simple matter that he’s awfully busy in the comic books... I think this could be a distraction just so we could forget about Crista or Lily.
Good point
Yeah that's what I think, thank you
Da Hell..?!
Oh yeah! Tryin to remember the original context of that.
Lol, not looks, but name.
soooo no one gonna ask where this rumor is coming from...?
We already know where: a Road to Survival leak/update.
Exactly! This “rumor” would imply that the return of Javier is just as likely as Jesus, which we already have confirmation from Telltale is not going to happen.
It’s trash....I can’t wait for the game to release so we can have more substantive discussions....
Road to survival game
I want Christa and Lilly to return.