Lilly o Christa ?
Just imagine just one of them can come back for the final season, who of them you prefer to see in the final season and why
In my opinion I prefer to see Lilly but I hope we can see both of them in this season...
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Oh, as for why, she's among the most interesting/complex characters, she was simultaneously destined to fall apart and yet ended up being screwed for nothing, she fell into this awkward limbo despite her exit clearly being a hook, it'd be evening the scales, she's the original leader, etc.
Fucking Lilly!
I can't decide!
I think the same thanks for asking.

Both. They both deserve their stories answered
But if you can only choose one of them?
Probably Christa.
It’s a tough call...but my gutt says Lily .?
Lilly of course, her character and story is far more interesting and leaves me wondering what Telltale can do with her story if they return.
Darkseid's omega beams

Lilly gonna be such pain in the ass like her father so i prefer Christa
If I had to choose one, it'd be Lily. If I could have both, I would definitely take Lily as a villain and have Christa die at her hands.
I'm not going to write any context for the scene, but assuming it will be something like Howe's (I'm sure it won't), wouldn't it be cool if we meet a person who says they know a person named Christa, and just as you go to re-unite with her you find out that Lily kills her in front of you. Then, as if the scene wasn't tense enough, you can tell Lily that Christa was one of your friends. Oof. There are a number of things they can do with both characters, but the writers are qualified - they know what they're doing so I wouldn't worry.
D'oh, what a huge cocktease!
For the people who actually care about Christa.
Lilly, obviously. She had a hell of a lot more depth than Christa.
Lilly so I can kill her
You know what it is.
Christa all the way.
Christa, because she has so many unanswered questions about her character. As for Lilly I think her arc was wrapped up pretty well.
Lilly. Gotta repay her back for stealing my truck

It would have to be Lilly. She's much more interesting.
Christa, because I want some closure on her story. Everything that happened in that timeskip, the history, everything, I've been curious for years now.
Christa for sure, i like her more.
Both. Want to see what happened to Lilly after Lee leaving her, I'm still wondering if she got over it for Kenny and Lee killing Larry. (this is my choice, so please no questions like "why would you kill Larry?") I'm also curious about Christa. I wasn't that big fan of her story, but always wondered what happened to her after S2, but if i have to choose, then it'll be Lilly.
I would like to see one or both back.
If a character can potentially die, even if they don't in your save (ie Conrad, Lingard) I generally just think of them as dead. We saw with Jane/Kenny that if a character can die, they'll die eventually even if they don't die as early as they can.
With Lilly and Christa though, no matter what you do, they never actually 100% die. I'd like to see some closure to their stories. Even if it's just finding a zombified version of one