Is this Nate ? (from 400 days)
Remember the DLC comedy special feature where you got to see some characters who may or may not show up in season 2? Well, there was one guy, the Negan of the game (goodish bad guy or badish good guy) named Nate. Love him or hate em, we always wonder if Captain Cray Cray ever survived. Well in this preview there's a quick glimps at 0:39 of a man who looks hella lot like Nate (sans the cap) and since we could never see what he looked like without the cap on, he could have been bald. Anyway, take a look and tell me what you think:
Also: My other 2 faves; Eddie and Wyatt might be in this final one. Here's hoping
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Think there's already a thread for this but hopefully it is. I'd be kinda pissed if it's just another new lackluster Telltale Villain
Implying the only thing keeping Nate from being lackluster is being in 400 Days beforehand.
He's got less of a chance of appearing in TFS, than Eddie did in Season Two.
I doubt it. As I said in the teaser thread I don't think they'd spoil his return in a teaser.
True but he looks different enought that TT might have thought people wouldn't recognize him.
Can a mod merge this thread into the other one while it's still relatively young?
I was rather confused as to why people thought so at first as I couldn't see it. But taking a good look at it now, I can kinda see it. It'd be awesome to see Nate again. Aside from being absolutely hilarious he was also really interesting as his morals were twisted but he wasn't evil. Feels really human and I really like him. If Nate's in it than surely Russell is in it too? Would be nice to know what happened if Russell stayed with him because if Wyatt mentions Nate and Russel stayed with him he simply says "I don't talk about that Wyatt" rather aggressively.
I really don't think it is.
This guy has that thing where your eyes have different colors (Forgot what it's called).
Not really but this series has bad luck when it comes to making bad guys. Wink Joan Wink A New Frontier
Well then, what exactly constitutes a "good" bad guy in this series?
One with depth or an actual reason to be evil. The genre of The Walking Dead has a scarce few examples being Shane and The Governor from the show, Carver until Episode 3, Norma and The Stranger from Season 1. Some are downright corny awful (Negan, especially in the show) and some are just terribly written villains with no real complexity behind "Let's just kill them all and be evil fucks." Worse examples being The New Frontier and Simon from the show.
So, Joan in her debut and not Nate.
I'll let Carver just float there as well.
But hey man, glass eyes and shit
Oh shit I just forgot, there's STILL doctors just handing those out due to their high demand in the zombie apocalypse

Heh. Joan was at least somewhat relatable. What started as a regrettable but necessary action for the survival of her people turned into cartoonish villainy.
And about this...
No actually the Governor, and to a slightly lesser degree, Shane, are both examples of poorly done villains. They're just bad for the sake of it. They don't have any great motives, they just want to be the bad guy or are crazy, and that's fine once in a while, but it doesn't make for a compelling villain that people can sympathize with or relate to. They're also most in line with what Nate was in 400 days. He was just a dick for the sake of being a dick. He didn't need to be, he wasn't trying to do the greater good, he was just a dick because he could be and again, that's fine once in a while, especially in a zombie game since an undead apocalypse would likely push a few people to insanity but it's not good enough for a major villain if you want them to be relatable. A good villain is someone who is doing bad things for, at least in their mind, the greater good.
TV Negan is kinda' cartoony but Negan from the comics, is an example of a well done villain. He was funny and likable but he was brutal and did horrible stuff because he truly believed what he was doing was for the good of everyone involved, even the people he killed. He didn't enjoy doing it, not really, he just acted like he did, and maybe he got numb to it, but he never liked it. He was filling the role of the big bad enforcer because he truly believed that the only way people would survive would be if someone forced them to work together.
Another example of a good, relatable villain is Thanos from the MCU. Some spoilers for the Infinity War here, >!He erased half the people in all the universe because he wanted to spare everyone the same overpopulation and extinction fate that his own homeworld suffered. He thought cutting the population in half would ultimately save more lives than it ends and the most fucked up thing is he was mostly right but didn't fully think it through to find better alternatives.
I'm trying to put that in spoilers to hide it but it's not working. Mods help me please. idk what I'm doing wrong lol.
Or maybe they wanted to give something for people to debate and discuss.
You say it as if finding one would be impossible. If people have found tanks and choppers in this series, a glass eye should be doable.
There's never going to be glass eyes just lying around no matter where you look. They're either already in someone's eye socket, or haven't been made. If stumbling across a glass eye is as doable as you suggest, where was Kenny's glass eye? Where's the Governor's? Carl's?
Right on. If finding stuff like tanks was so easy, where was Kenny's tank? Or Kenny's RPG launcher? Or Kenny's helicopter.
You probably guessed by now I'm taking a shot at your argument. While I'm neither for or against it being Nate in the trailer, to say it's impossible that it's a glass eye is silly. No, glass eyes wouldn't be common, but they do exist, like tanks, like helicopters, and someone, somewhere, would find them. So is it Nate? I haven't a clue. Could it be Nate with glass eye? Sure. It's possible, in the same sense it was possible for the governor to find a tank. Unlikely, but not impossible. Hell, there could be thousands of walkers around the country walking around with glass eyes in their heads.
Yeah, because they had them made when they were human,BEFORE the apocalypse began when it was possible for them to be made. You cannot just stumble across a glass eye. They’re not like glasses where you can just walk into any old store, pick them up and put them on. You either had it before the apocalypse, or you never had one at all.
Maybe he had a wooden eye like the guy in Pirates of the Carribean??
Congratulations, everyone here who REALLY thinks this guy is Nate, but with a prosthetic eye because its “possible” to find one in the apocalypse, just gave me cancer???♂️
Funnily enough, he looks more like Walter. Honestly, I don't know if he is, and I won't be dissapointed if he isn't Nate, seeing as how he's an afterschool villain from a 15 minute level.
Walter is dead, can't be him. At least, if Walter is who I think he is. Gay dude in season 2, Nick ends up Nicking things up and kills Walter's boyfriend on the bridge before we knew who any of them were?
Smoker looks like Nate with Walker's haircut(did he have hair to begin with?) and one differently colored eye.
Whether he is or not probably won't matter depending on how he actually turns out. Happy now?
Seems about right. I knew that btw I was talking about Nate.
Oh my bad. I misread what you typed. Sorry.
I don't know if it is Nate even though that would be cool. But I think he could be a different character entirely just using Walter's character model.
Nope "A brand new character" much to my disappointment...
All nate specific discussion should be closed idk which mod to tag
You do know glass eyes aren't permanently attached, right? They pop in and out. If I found a glass eye but didn't need it, I could trade it to someone who does. They don't need to have one made for themselves. Sure, it may not fit exactly right, but they'd get used to it.
It's all moot though as it was confirmed in the AMA today, my question btw, that the guy in the trailer is not Nate.
If it isnt Nate, people are gonna now start saying its Kenny lol
Nah, it's Arvo's father. He's been tracking Clem for years after what happened to Arvo lol
Or at least merged.
"You, little primeta, stole my's daughter medicine from my defenseless son, had your peopel shot her dead when she came back for eet, and then let him be ...abused over and over when he still offered ju wall food and shelter out of the toxic kineness of his foolish young broken heart?
Dasvidaniya--that's Russian for "Die in hell, damba!""
confirmed by the writer is not Nate At least we'll hopefully get 2 good returning characters not saying nate is bad but there better returning characters.
Buricko! I just like saying that.