I think it'd be pointless. They only have 4 episodes this season. No need wasting them on characters that we players never met (except in zombie form for like 3 seconds). I know Clem's parents would have been important to her when she was little but they've been dead since she was 8, over half her life. idk about you but I don't remember much from when I was 8. I remember people, sure, but only vaguely. My grandfather died when I was 7 and have like 2 memories of him, neither one more than 2 seconds long. Clem's strongest memories of her parents will be finding them as zombies. Best to just leave them in the past. A Lee flashback would be worthwhile. The players would feel that. Her parents? Nah.
Past interactions with her real parents are long overdue and needed. She's had to have known them way longer than Lee so if she cared about and missed Lee so much whom was around for 4 months. She must also miss her parents just as much if not more. Maybe she'd have a Christa flashback too since even Christa watched over Clem longer than Lee. Lee is just the most popular guardian she's had because he was a past protagonist in spite of having the briefest times with her.
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I think the dream would be a better option). Clem is now a surrogate sister and mother to AJ. She is officially his sole caregiver (this should have started post-S2, but alas we are here). I have no doubt that, if anything, we will at least have the option to play Clementine as someone who is trying to teach old-world values with a post-apocalyptic twist to AJ. Those lessons will (in Clem's mind) come from her parents (her stable parental experience) and babysister Sandra (the closest she got to a stable sibling experience as noted in S2 when talking with Jane). A dream sequence using old memories of Sandra, Ed, and Diana can help to convey the uncertainty of Clem as she struggles to raise AJ, decide what is considered right and wrong now in the world, discover what a "childhood" is in the new world, and deal with the fact knowing she still needs advice and lessons that her parents never got the chance to give her.
Let us also keep in mind that personal loss isn't just something that goes away after a while. It's also different for every individual. For me personally, there's times every now and then when it will just randomly hit me that "so-and-so is really gone," "what-his-face really committed suicide," or "such-and-such was killed here" and the incident happened years ago. It causes me at times to just lose all train of thought as I deeply reflect on it. We've seen Clem recall things from her past as a result of someone's actions or a place she's at. She obviously has a vivid memory of past events. It wouldn't be uncommon for those old memories to come back to her remembrance in this new stage of her life, especially if being on the road has worn her down.
I don't think we need a whole lot, but 1 or 2 would be nice to not only convey what Clem is going through but to also bring the story full circle as the little girl becomes the guardian. I understand players connect with Lee more because we played him, but Lee has been milked to death where a Lee flashback won't have the same impact as it did in S2 (and all the Lee-is-alive memes don't help, either). I think the window of opportunity for Christa flashbacks has passed story wise. It's time to give Clem's parents a proper role in the story.
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I think the dream would … morebe a better option). Clem is now a surrogate sister and mother to AJ. She is officially his sole caregiver (this should have started post-S2, but alas we are here). I have no doubt that, if anything, we will at least have the option to play Clementine as someone who is trying to teach old-world values with a post-apocalyptic twist to AJ. Those lessons will (in Clem's mind) come from her parents (her stable parental experience) and babysister Sandra (the closest she got to a stable sibling experience as noted in S2 when talking with Jane). A dream sequence using old memories of Sandra, Ed, and Diana can help to convey the uncertainty of Clem as she struggles to raise AJ, decide what is considered right and wrong now in the world, discover what a "childhood" is in the new world, and deal with the fact … [view original content]
If Kenny can get a flashback in the middle of an episode that has nothing to do with him with his track record of appearances, then Diana and Ed sure as hell better get some effective limelight.
You realise that you didn't actually state what you'd prefer, right? I mean, no point in explaining why it's needed in 3 paragraphs. Just something, anything.
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I think the dream would … morebe a better option). Clem is now a surrogate sister and mother to AJ. She is officially his sole caregiver (this should have started post-S2, but alas we are here). I have no doubt that, if anything, we will at least have the option to play Clementine as someone who is trying to teach old-world values with a post-apocalyptic twist to AJ. Those lessons will (in Clem's mind) come from her parents (her stable parental experience) and babysister Sandra (the closest she got to a stable sibling experience as noted in S2 when talking with Jane). A dream sequence using old memories of Sandra, Ed, and Diana can help to convey the uncertainty of Clem as she struggles to raise AJ, decide what is considered right and wrong now in the world, discover what a "childhood" is in the new world, and deal with the fact … [view original content]
No need wasting them on characters that we players never met
But they are not just any characters, they are Clem's parents. Because we haven't seen them before doesn't mean a dream sequence where she sees her parents wouldn't be emotional and worth the time. And even though they have been dead a long time doesn't mean she doesnt care for them anymore. Think of if she sees a dream where the present day Clem meets her parents and they see what their little girl has become.
My cliche Clem dream sequence. (Obviously not a professional writer) Clem sees a dream, while sleeping in the upper bunk, about her parents/Lee/past fellow survivors and absolutely bursts into tears in the middle of the night. AJ (sleeping at lower bunk) wakes up to the crying asking whats wrong. Then the player gets to choose through dialogue what to tell AJ.
It would be especially awesome too if some of the character's Clem sees is determinant on your decisions from previous seasons. For example; If you chose Carley or Doug in S1.
I mean if it's the last season for Clem, then we may as well go for the emotional nostalgia trip. It would also add more weight to your old decisions.
@eRock92 posted: »
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I think the dream would be a better option).
I don't think we need a whole lot, but 1 or 2 would be nice to not only convey what Clem is going through but to also bring the story full circle as the little girl becomes the guardian.
It's time to give Clem's parents a proper role in the story.
You realise that you didn't actually state what you'd prefer, right? I mean, no point in explaining why it's needed in 3 paragraphs. Just something, anything.
No need wasting them on characters that we players never met
But they are not just any characters, they are Clem's parents. Because … morewe haven't seen them before doesn't mean a dream sequence where she sees her parents wouldn't be emotional and worth the time. And even though they have been dead a long time doesn't mean she doesnt care for them anymore. Think of if she sees a dream where the present day Clem meets her parents and they see what their little girl has become.
My cliche Clem dream sequence. (Obviously not a professional writer) Clem sees a dream, while sleeping in the upper bunk, about her parents/Lee/past fellow survivors and absolutely bursts into tears in the middle of the night. AJ (sleeping at lower bunk) wakes up to the crying asking whats wrong. Then the player gets to choose through dialogue what to tell AJ.
Clementine needs to have flashbacks of Goku saying "power comes in response to a need, not a desire" and "power comes in response to a need. You have to create that need!"
Clementine needs to have flashbacks of Goku saying "power comes in response to a need, not a desire" and "power comes in response to a need. You have to create that need!"
@eRock92 posted: »
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I … morethink the dream would be a better option).
I don't think we need a whole lot, but 1 or 2 would be nice to not only convey what Clem is going through but to also bring the story full circle as the little girl becomes the guardian.
It's time to give Clem's parents a proper role in the story.
If you don't know Team Four Star's dub you're seriously missing out. A bit rough initially but once they found their groove it's honestly more entertaining than the official release lol.
Here's a link to episode 13 if you're interested in checking them out. I'd recommend starting there. They've almost found their groove at this point and it's a pretty decent starting place, picking up with them arriving on Namek.
Agree with you.
My grandpa died when I was around that age too and I barely remember anything of him, not his face, not his voice, only that he took me places on his bike and I remember him dying.
Let's say I was 8 like Clem and now I'm 19, if Clem is 17 in TFS I don't think she remembers much of her parents, other than seeing them as walkers since I'm sure that left a mark.
If my grandpa were to somehow appear in my dreams I don't think I'd feel much considering I haven't really got to know him but hey who knows maybe Clem remembers more than us.
I think it'd be pointless. They only have 4 episodes this season. No need wasting them on characters that we players never met (except in zo… morembie form for like 3 seconds). I know Clem's parents would have been important to her when she was little but they've been dead since she was 8, over half her life. idk about you but I don't remember much from when I was 8. I remember people, sure, but only vaguely. My grandfather died when I was 7 and have like 2 memories of him, neither one more than 2 seconds long. Clem's strongest memories of her parents will be finding them as zombies. Best to just leave them in the past. A Lee flashback would be worthwhile. The players would feel that. Her parents? Nah.
I know it was my logic, but I was thinking about and by that logic Clem shouldn't remember much about Lee, either, since she was only 9 when he died. Though, the trauma of the initial outbreak and him being instrumental in her survival probably would have a lasting impression on her so she'd be more likely to remember him.
Agree with you.
My grandpa died when I was around that age too and I barely remember anything of him, not his face, not his voice, only tha… moret he took me places on his bike and I remember him dying.
Let's say I was 8 like Clem and now I'm 19, if Clem is 17 in TFS I don't think she remembers much of her parents, other than seeing them as walkers since I'm sure that left a mark.
If my grandpa were to somehow appear in my dreams I don't think I'd feel much considering I haven't really got to know him but hey who knows maybe Clem remembers more than us.
@eRock92 posted: »
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I … morethink the dream would be a better option).
I don't think we need a whole lot, but 1 or 2 would be nice to not only convey what Clem is going through but to also bring the story full circle as the little girl becomes the guardian.
It's time to give Clem's parents a proper role in the story.
There is a difference with parents and grandparents though. You live with your parents and spend practically every day with them as a kid. Most children have a stronger bond with parents than grandparents. Not saying grandparents can't live in the same house as grandchildren but most don't.
So pretty much any memory Clem has of the old world, it would most likely involve her parents in it.
I dunno, we all have our ideas of what Clem's parents were like. So say they are in a flashback and we learn the reason they were going to Savanna to the Marsh House was that there was a Furries convention and they were into the whole Furry scene. That would open a whole nest of questions. Sometimes it is just best not knowing.
Might be worth it. I mean I got extremely emotional just listening to the answering machine message right at the beginning of the first season. Hadn't even met Clem yet but the desperation and sadness in the actresses voice got me so quick. It was harrowing. I'm sure the writers could make it work. It sure would be impactful moment seeing Clem before the outbreak with her parents. No matter how vague the memory.
Well I mean I know what you are saying, but it doesn't have to be a flashback that's too informative.
It could just be a flashback of younger Clem helping her dad out with something (we found out her father was a mechanic or engineer in S2). That wouldnt really ruin anyone's perception of her parents.
I dunno, we all have our ideas of what Clem's parents were like. So say they are in a flashback and we learn the reason they were going to … moreSavanna to the Marsh House was that there was a Furries convention and they were into the whole Furry scene. That would open a whole nest of questions. Sometimes it is just best not knowing.
I dunno, we all have our ideas of what Clem's parents were like. So say they are in a flashback and we learn the reason they were going to … moreSavanna to the Marsh House was that there was a Furries convention and they were into the whole Furry scene. That would open a whole nest of questions. Sometimes it is just best not knowing.
Well I mean I know what you are saying, but it doesn't have to be a flashback that's too informative.
It could just be a flashback of you… morenger Clem helping her dad out with something (we found out her father was a mechanic or engineer in S2). That wouldnt really ruin anyone's perception of her parents.
I dunno, we all have our ideas of what Clem's parents were like. So say they are in a flashback and we learn the reason they were going to … moreSavanna to the Marsh House was that there was a Furries convention and they were into the whole Furry scene. That would open a whole nest of questions. Sometimes it is just best not knowing.
I think it'd be pointless. They only have 4 episodes this season. No need wasting them on characters that we players never met (except in zombie form for like 3 seconds). I know Clem's parents would have been important to her when she was little but they've been dead since she was 8, over half her life. idk about you but I don't remember much from when I was 8. I remember people, sure, but only vaguely. My grandfather died when I was 7 and have like 2 memories of him, neither one more than 2 seconds long. Clem's strongest memories of her parents will be finding them as zombies. Best to just leave them in the past. A Lee flashback would be worthwhile. The players would feel that. Her parents? Nah.
Past interactions with her real parents are long overdue and needed. She's had to have known them way longer than Lee so if she cared about and missed Lee so much whom was around for 4 months. She must also miss her parents just as much if not more. Maybe she'd have a Christa flashback too since even Christa watched over Clem longer than Lee. Lee is just the most popular guardian she's had because he was a past protagonist in spite of having the briefest times with her.
I mentioned in another thread that TFS might be the perfect time to do a flashback or dream sequence of her parent (I think the dream would be a better option). Clem is now a surrogate sister and mother to AJ. She is officially his sole caregiver (this should have started post-S2, but alas we are here). I have no doubt that, if anything, we will at least have the option to play Clementine as someone who is trying to teach old-world values with a post-apocalyptic twist to AJ. Those lessons will (in Clem's mind) come from her parents (her stable parental experience) and babysister Sandra (the closest she got to a stable sibling experience as noted in S2 when talking with Jane). A dream sequence using old memories of Sandra, Ed, and Diana can help to convey the uncertainty of Clem as she struggles to raise AJ, decide what is considered right and wrong now in the world, discover what a "childhood" is in the new world, and deal with the fact knowing she still needs advice and lessons that her parents never got the chance to give her.
Let us also keep in mind that personal loss isn't just something that goes away after a while. It's also different for every individual. For me personally, there's times every now and then when it will just randomly hit me that "so-and-so is really gone," "what-his-face really committed suicide," or "such-and-such was killed here" and the incident happened years ago. It causes me at times to just lose all train of thought as I deeply reflect on it. We've seen Clem recall things from her past as a result of someone's actions or a place she's at. She obviously has a vivid memory of past events. It wouldn't be uncommon for those old memories to come back to her remembrance in this new stage of her life, especially if being on the road has worn her down.
I don't think we need a whole lot, but 1 or 2 would be nice to not only convey what Clem is going through but to also bring the story full circle as the little girl becomes the guardian. I understand players connect with Lee more because we played him, but Lee has been milked to death where a Lee flashback won't have the same impact as it did in S2 (and all the Lee-is-alive memes don't help, either). I think the window of opportunity for Christa flashbacks has passed story wise. It's time to give Clem's parents a proper role in the story.
Disturbed's version of Sound of Silence started playing from the radio when i was reading ur comment ?
If Kenny can get a flashback in the middle of an episode that has nothing to do with him with his track record of appearances, then Diana and Ed sure as hell better get some effective limelight.
You realise that you didn't actually state what you'd prefer, right? I mean, no point in explaining why it's needed in 3 paragraphs. Just something, anything.
But they are not just any characters, they are Clem's parents. Because we haven't seen them before doesn't mean a dream sequence where she sees her parents wouldn't be emotional and worth the time. And even though they have been dead a long time doesn't mean she doesnt care for them anymore. Think of if she sees a dream where the present day Clem meets her parents and they see what their little girl has become.
My cliche Clem dream sequence. (Obviously not a professional writer) Clem sees a dream, while sleeping in the upper bunk, about her parents/Lee/past fellow survivors and absolutely bursts into tears in the middle of the night. AJ (sleeping at lower bunk) wakes up to the crying asking whats wrong. Then the player gets to choose through dialogue what to tell AJ.
I actually think that sounds quite nice.
It would be especially awesome too if some of the character's Clem sees is determinant on your decisions from previous seasons. For example; If you chose Carley or Doug in S1.
I mean if it's the last season for Clem, then we may as well go for the emotional nostalgia trip. It would also add more weight to your old decisions.
I replied to support your train of thought, but now I'm wondering why she got the top bunk over AJ.
Clementine needs to have flashbacks of Goku saying "power comes in response to a need, not a desire" and "power comes in response to a need. You have to create that need!"
When the heck did he say?
when he was training Gohan to become a super saiyan.
in the Hypertonic Lion Tamer
Hm. Was that in the original or Kai?

Okay, that explains it. Thanks!
LMFAO hyper what?!
Ah yes, Steve Magnet. Good creature. DAMN fine creature.And what a beautiful, golden moo-stosh.
If you don't know Team Four Star's dub you're seriously missing out. A bit rough initially but once they found their groove it's honestly more entertaining than the official release lol.
Here's a link to episode 13 if you're interested in checking them out. I'd recommend starting there. They've almost found their groove at this point and it's a pretty decent starting place, picking up with them arriving on Namek.
Agree with you.
My grandpa died when I was around that age too and I barely remember anything of him, not his face, not his voice, only that he took me places on his bike and I remember him dying.
Let's say I was 8 like Clem and now I'm 19, if Clem is 17 in TFS I don't think she remembers much of her parents, other than seeing them as walkers since I'm sure that left a mark.
If my grandpa were to somehow appear in my dreams I don't think I'd feel much considering I haven't really got to know him but hey who knows maybe Clem remembers more than us.
I know it was my logic, but I was thinking about and by that logic Clem shouldn't remember much about Lee, either, since she was only 9 when he died. Though, the trauma of the initial outbreak and him being instrumental in her survival probably would have a lasting impression on her so she'd be more likely to remember him.
Nah I mean he didn't state what excactly he would like to happen, Saltyliquorice gave an example at least. Meh.
That gave me a good chuckle.
AJ isn't worthy of the top bunk yet
There is a difference with parents and grandparents though. You live with your parents and spend practically every day with them as a kid. Most children have a stronger bond with parents than grandparents. Not saying grandparents can't live in the same house as grandchildren but most don't.
So pretty much any memory Clem has of the old world, it would most likely involve her parents in it.
I dunno, we all have our ideas of what Clem's parents were like. So say they are in a flashback and we learn the reason they were going to Savanna to the Marsh House was that there was a Furries convention and they were into the whole Furry scene. That would open a whole nest of questions. Sometimes it is just best not knowing.
Might be worth it. I mean I got extremely emotional just listening to the answering machine message right at the beginning of the first season. Hadn't even met Clem yet but the desperation and sadness in the actresses voice got me so quick. It was harrowing. I'm sure the writers could make it work. It sure would be impactful moment seeing Clem before the outbreak with her parents. No matter how vague the memory.
Well I mean I know what you are saying, but it doesn't have to be a flashback that's too informative.
It could just be a flashback of younger Clem helping her dad out with something (we found out her father was a mechanic or engineer in S2). That wouldnt really ruin anyone's perception of her parents.
Or it doesn't really need to be a flashback/memory, it could be like a dream sequence like I mentioned before
Ed: I would eat the shit outta that racoon.
Well, he is lacking in screentime or even a voice....
Wait you're a furry? Fear not, because I am here to cleanse the stains that lie eternal from your wrongdoings!
How do you desensitize someone from being into that?