The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • compared to all the people you listed, Carver and Nate are the only ones who actually had psychopath tendencies. All the others were just fucked up. Carver's like a level 3 psychopath and Nate was like a level 7.I' talkin about prestige 10 level 50 pschopaths :D . I'd include Randall and Badger, but they were just cruel assholes, not really psychopaths.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gary, Oberson, Marcus, Nate, Carver, Vitali, Randall, David, Badger, Smoker * ? Get the FUCK out!

  • Would a mental illness like schizophrenia work in this kind of story. Think of an alternate personality or someone the PC thinks is there and part of the group not really existing. Like the Handsome Jack A.I to Rhys but it not be revealed to be a hallucination until a later point in the game.

  • Wouldn't the zombies look way cooler if they had glowing eyes?

  • Can someone get me a picture of Joan before the bullet hits her?

  • Has there been any lawyers in TWD?

  • Michonne.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Has there been any lawyers in TWD?

  • Oh shit, ya'll did say that!

    So who is the gym teacher?

    Fangirl101 posted: »


  • So who is the gym teacher?

    What are you talking about?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh shit, ya'll did say that! So who is the gym teacher?

  • edited July 2018

    That dev blog about the Boarding School.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    So who is the gym teacher? What are you talking about?

  • So who is the gym teacher?


    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh shit, ya'll did say that! So who is the gym teacher?

  • ...Oh. Oh....

    iFoRias posted: »

    So who is the gym teacher? Negan.

  • edited July 2018


    DabigRG posted: »

    That dev blog about the Boarding School.

  • Oh! It's Negan.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That dev blog about the Boarding School.

  • Can someone plz pull up the stats of how many players stole/returned the medicine at the observation deck in S2? Any edition/console version is fine.

  • John Fairbanks

    DabigRG posted: »

    Has there been any lawyers in TWD?

  • Ah, okay. Someone that sorta counts as a game character. Neat!

    John Fairbanks

  • Maybe or at least more silly/less scary.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Wouldn't the zombies look way cooler if they had glowing eyes?

  • You know, I recall asking this a while back: how do you think it would've went over if Christa and Omid were subbed into Alvin and Rebecca's places, but the story and roles were the same, with everything that entails?

  • I'd definitely say that for the majority, there would've been more care for the outcome of the baby and whatnot. Since most fans seem to like Omid (excluding myself), I could also see a lot more of a reaction if Omid was the one found-half dead in Carver's office as opposed to Alvin. In general, it probably would've been the better direction since there's more history with Christa and Omid.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You know, I recall asking this a while back: how do you think it would've went over if Christa and Omid were subbed into Alvin and Rebecca's places, but the story and roles were the same, with everything that entails?

  • Hint: Look at the boldtext.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    I'd definitely say that for the majority, there would've been more care for the outcome of the baby and whatnot. Since most fans seem to lik

  • Maybe or at least more silly/less scary.

    Try more crash/less bland

    DabigRG posted: »

    Maybe or at least more silly/less scary.

  • Oh wow, that's actually quite effective.

    ...Did you say more _crash? :lol:

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Maybe or at least more silly/less scary. Try more crash/less bland

  • mmmhmmmm

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh wow, that's actually quite effective. ...Did you say more _crash?

  • 52.4% returned, 47.6% robbed him

    Can someone plz pull up the stats of how many players stole/returned the medicine at the observation deck in S2? Any edition/console version is fine.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    Story: A figure who had been presumed dead has been alive all along, and has come for these 5, leaving them in absolute terror and disbelief.
    Who is it they're staring at?

  • I love how not only is Clementine(Orange Diamond?) from Season 2 in the middle, but Kenny is just randomly there for no reason.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Story: A figure who had been presumed dead has been alive all along, and has come for these 5, leaving them in absolute terror and disbelief. Who is it they're staring at?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    You know, those are a very interesting choice of words. Based on what you've said, and I quote,

    Kenny is just randomly there for no reason

    I can't help but get the feeling you're implying that by Kenny being out of place in the collage, the only person Clem, Javi, Gabe, and Kate could be looking at, who could pose an actual threat to said people, is someone who would've made their appearance during the events of ANF, after Kenny's untimely demise. That being said, this "mysterious person" has been narrowed down to someone that everyone in that collage, minus Kenny, has met at some point. Looks like we've got ourselves a little Nancy Drew here in this thread! Hmmmm?........ But WHO????

    DabigRG posted: »

    I love how not only is Clementine(Orange Diamond?) from Season 2 in the middle, but Kenny is just randomly there for no reason.

  • That's a really roundabout way of putting it, but sort of.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    You know, those are a very interesting choice of words. Based on what you've said, and I quote, Kenny is just randomly there for no re

  • Thanks! (was wondering how it compared to the "steal from stranger's car" choice and it's about the same)

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    52.4% returned, 47.6% robbed him

  • Is the Luke-influenced dialogue exclusive/predominant to the story generator?

  • edited July 2018

    Does nobody else notice that there’ll be a potential scene with Marlon teaching Clem how to use a bow from one part of the trailer?

  • Did Kate's O face in From the Gallows ever get fixed? What was supposed to happen there?

  • I'm going to wait to see how it turns out before I make any judgements, but yah. I've got a feeling it won't happen until the second episode. Or later

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Does nobody else notice that there’ll be a potential scene with Marlon teaching Clem how to use a bow from one part of the trailer?

  • Where the fuck are the bowie knives??

  • Who and what was/is this description talking about?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    The Team



  • What kind question is this? A supervillain who's capable of fighting the Justice League vs a bunch of featless teenagers? ???

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    The Team VS A.M.A.Z.O? "ACCESS MARLON"

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    a bunch of featless teenagers

    A.M.A.Z.O. can "study then duplicate the powers and abilities of its opponents.", He can only win fighting like them. And it's 6v1? I say they have a pretty fair chance of beating him?.

    Clemenem posted: »

    What kind question is this? A supervillain who's capable of fighting the Justice League vs a bunch of featless teenagers? ???

  • "Access: Unnamed Teen #4"??

  • Because I know someone can answer it: What state(s) might Clementine, AJ, and Kenny have been in when the car crashed?

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