The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Ya'll remember @BetterToSleep 's Unofficial Story Generator Questions Thread for ANF? Good times, good times.
    Say, you know what'd be a nice idea? If someone made one for TFS!

    • In episode 3 if Javi tells David that he never forgot that they're brothers, David says thanks and says that they should talk when everything is said and done. What do you think David wanted to discuss? Going back home potentially?
    • How far into ANF do you think Eleanor liked Javi and considered hooking up with him? Did she give up the idea as soon as she met Kate or not until she betrayed Javi in episode 4?
    • What do you think Javi is currently doing if you refused the leadership position in Richmond and also told Jesus you might not stick around?
  • Oh my god… Dabig… that’s so old…

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ya'll remember @BetterToSleep 's Unofficial Story Generator Questions Thread for ANF? Good times, good times. Say, you know what'd be a nice idea? If someone made one for TFS!

  • You know what else is old?

    Not you, surprisingly

    Oh my god… Dabig… that’s so old…

  • Were Wellington and Howes recreated for A New Frontier or are they just ported straight like baby AJ?

  • I believe they were recreated as we see Carver's office in ANF graphics and we never saw the interior of Wellington until the flashbacks, so that room Clementine stayed in would have had to be created for ANF too

    DabigRG posted: »

    Were Wellington and Howes recreated for A New Frontier or are they just ported straight like baby AJ?

  • flashbacks

    Flashback* Just says it all about the effort put into it since we see only ONE room in Wellington.

    HarjKS posted: »

    I believe they were recreated as we see Carver's office in ANF graphics and we never saw the interior of Wellington until the flashbacks, so that room Clementine stayed in would have had to be created for ANF too

  • edited August 2018
    • Do you think Javier went back to bury Gabe/David/Kate during the 3 day timeskip?

    • Which ANF endings are best suited to Javi denying the leadership role in Richmond and which are best suited to him accepting it?

  • What do you think Rebecca was like before being pregnant during the apocalypse?

  • I like to imagine she was quite friendly and charismatic (hence why she was made the speaker of the radio for Howe's) and the stress of being pregnant and Carver chasing them is what we see majorly through Season 2.

    What do you think Rebecca was like before being pregnant during the apocalypse?

    1. Fuck no

    2. The one where David and Gabe die is overall the best thing for him. Now he can fuck his dead brother's wife in peace without having to hear the bitching of a putrid, useless little shit

    * Do you think Javier went back to bury Gabe/David/Kate during the 3 day timeskip? * Which ANF endings are best suited to Javi denying the leadership role in Richmond and which are best suited to him accepting it?

  • Do you think Javier went back to bury Gabe/David/Kate during the 3 day timeskip?

    I mean, considering Kate turns up(ha, that's not funny), there's no reason why he or someone else wouldn't.
    As for Gabe, one would hope so. I'm not entirely sure where David crashed in relation to New Richmond, mind you, but it didn't seem that far out of the way and we know there's a perfectly good spot to do so.

    Which ANF endings are best suited to Javi denying the leadership role in Richmond and which are best suited to him accepting it?

    It's been quite some time since I actually watched those other endings, so you'll have to forgive my careless poking in the dark, but if I had to guess, I'd say Splitup to Save Richmond and Teamup to Chase David, respectively.

    * Do you think Javier went back to bury Gabe/David/Kate during the 3 day timeskip? * Which ANF endings are best suited to Javi denying the leadership role in Richmond and which are best suited to him accepting it?

  • Nicer, simply put. I mean, I get sense that was some slowly underlying stress/dejection growing between her and Alvin due to their failed attempts to have a baby, but other than that, I'd imagine things were more calm and happier for her otherwise.

    What do you think Rebecca was like before being pregnant during the apocalypse?

  • ...

    Clemenem posted: »

    * Fuck no * The one where David and Gabe die is overall the best thing for him. Now he can fuck his dead brother's wife in peace without having to hear the bitching of a putrid, useless little shit

  • How do you think the group/story would've proceeded if Kate didn't get Worfed by Badger?

  • edited August 2018

    Hey I know some people in the Walking Dead section might not visit the general chat so I'll promote it here as well. If you have at least 100 posts here I'm giving away some gift cards in a drawing. All you have to do is write a comment in the thread below which gift cards you want to be entered in to win. You can enter all of them if you want but you can only win one.

  • Worfed?

    DabigRG posted: »

    How do you think the group/story would've proceeded if Kate didn't get Worfed by Badger?

  • edited August 2018

    The Worf Effect is what TVTropes labels to describe a supposedly powerful or competent major character getting taken down, usually to establish how much of a threat/badass the aggressor is and/or raise tension.

    Clemenem posted: »


  • Hey guys. Has it been confirmed that season 3 Steam saves will be compatible with S4 GOG version?

  • edited August 2018

    Why do you think Badger seemed to have it out for David?

    And if unused dialogue is taken a certain way, possibly the Council as well?

  • Could be any number. Given the fact that he's as simplified as a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain it could be as simple as David accidentally stepping on his toe once

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why do you think Badger seemed to have it out for David? And if unused dialogue is taken a certain way, possibly the Council as well?

  • Probably because David was a strict and by-the-book type of leader and Badger was a loose cannon.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why do you think Badger seemed to have it out for David? And if unused dialogue is taken a certain way, possibly the Council as well?

  • That seems to be the simplest answer, yeah.
    Though ironically, I don't think I ever really saw David as being that strict regarding his own men.

    Probably because David was a strict and by-the-book type of leader and Badger was a loose cannon.

  • Sadly we don't really see David interacting with his men at all, we mostly hear about his values. Joan thinks David would never be okay with the raiding idea, David says he would never condone it, Richmond's council says that David has being trying for a while to get his soldiers under control, etc.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That seems to be the simplest answer, yeah. Though ironically, I don't think I ever really saw David as being that strict regarding his own men.

  • True.

    There's the flashback where Clementine get's herself kicked out and the implied closeness with Max and for whatever reason Lonnie, but that's about it.

    Sadly we don't really see David interacting with his men at all, we mostly hear about his values. Joan thinks David would never be okay wit

  • Anyone else get what appears to be a troll PM'ing spoilers, fake or otherwise?

  • no, but I still remember that other troll that sent... nightmarish images

    DabigRG posted: »

    Anyone else get what appears to be a troll PM'ing spoilers, fake or otherwise?

  • Do you think David was banging Ava?

  • Don't think so, he probably would of told Kate, also It doesn't really add to the story

    Do you think David was banging Ava?

  • As delightfully scandalous as that sounds, I don't think so.
    He just saw her as a trusted friend, pretty much like a man... with boobs.

    Plus it would make him such a hypocrite for getting pissed at Javier and Kate.

    Do you think David was banging Ava?

  • Where was Kate ever implied to be competent or skilled in episode 1?
    And don't say "because she was still alive."
    episode 3's flashback shows us that she's always been somewhat careless, making a racket and throwing a little fit when they don't get what they want.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How do you think the group/story would've proceeded if Kate didn't get Worfed by Badger?

  • Trolls, if you're talking about the NSFW spams.
    Funny how I went from being pretty dang startled when I first got Clementine and Sarah's photo frenzy(in public, no less) to being just being bored with how frequent and repetitive it had gotten two months later.

    no, but I still remember that other troll that sent... nightmarish images

  • I generally doubt it for a number of reasons, but I guess it's not impossible.

    Do you think David was banging Ava?

  • Plus it would make him such a hypocrite for getting pissed at Javier and Kate.

    Hence a very small reason to not doubt he'd do it.

    Louche posted: »

    As delightfully scandalous as that sounds, I don't think so. He just saw her as a trusted friend, pretty much like a man... with boobs. Plus it would make him such a hypocrite for getting pissed at Javier and Kate.

  • She's more or less established in episode 1 as the leader in everything but name and to an extent authoritativeness:

    • She had gotten to the point of timing how fast the herd moves.
    • She apparently kept a list(apparently by memory, as she indirectly admits) of the things they need to be on the lookout for the occasions when they stop to scavenge.
    • A bit of personal observation adding up here, but she apparently determined who went where and/or with who during these stops, as it's heavily implied that she apparently had habit of picking Gabe despite or maybe even because of their conflict.
    • She is considered the main parent/guardian of Gabe and Marianna, with her somewhat strict survival strategy being a source of frustration and boredom for them. This, by extension, gave her the reputation as the Bad Parent.
    • She apparently gets the biggest vote in group decisions that she forgoes for Javier's sake, as abstaining from voting on whether they should spend the night in the junkyard has her overrule that they're leaving as soon as possible despite Gabe and Mariana technically outvoting her.
    • Javier can primarily credit her for why the Garcia Van Group survived for so long, describing her as resourceful and later good in a crisis. This is visually implied by the handful of downed walkers in the Junkyard when Javier, Clementine, and Eleanor/Tripp return to save them, not to mention the stuff she does in From the Gallows and offscreen.
    • And Above the Law's opening establishes/reinforces that she is the one who coined the name muertos(hrhrhr) and pointed out that they can't stay at the house any longer & would fare better just hitting the road.
      And of course, her getting seriously injured by Badger's sting operation [helps] establishes him as a threat, influences what the group does afterwards until reuniting with David, and forces Javier & Gabe to step up from their previous dispositions to protect her and the group/family.
      >episode 3's flashback shows us that she's always been somewhat careless, making a racket and throwing a little fit when they don't get what they want.
      She was more stressed from dwindling options than anything else.
      But on the real, that was apparently remnant of an intended character arc involving her becoming a real survivor, according to Shelly Shenoy.
      Whether that means before the game proper or throughout it and is up in the air.
    Louche posted: »

    Where was Kate ever implied to be competent or skilled in episode 1? And don't say "because she was still alive." episode 3's flashback s

  • Okay, this guy has done this 3 times it seems.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Anyone else get what appears to be a troll PM'ing spoilers, fake or otherwise?

  • Alright, Jesus. You may be right this time.
    I'll admit, I've only played ANF twice, and not since last year so my memory is pretty rusty. I'm going to replay all the games when the final season comes out.

    DabigRG posted: »

    She's more or less established in episode 1 as the leader in everything but name and to an extent authoritativeness: * She had gotten t

  • What kind of excuse would he make for that?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Plus it would make him such a hypocrite for getting pissed at Javier and Kate. Hence a very small reason to not doubt he'd do it.

  • I know I'm [still] right. Kate was my favorite character in that. :lol:

    I'll admit, I've only played ANF twice, and not since last year so my memory is pretty rusty.

    Can't say I blame you.

    I'm going to replay all the games when the final season comes out.

    Oh? Well have fun with that, where you can.

    Louche posted: »

    Alright, Jesus. You may be right this time. I'll admit, I've only played ANF twice, and not since last year so my memory is pretty rusty. I'm going to replay all the games when the final season comes out.

  • I honestly no clue.
    Again, I can't actually imagine doin some shit like that to begin with, but he's such a petty fool anyway that it's at least a tiny possibility.
    Perhaps it would indeed be the general argument of him believing Kate to have died without him over the years and thus he eventually acknowledged that he could have something else a third(second?) time--something closer to what he feels his true calling in life is.

    On the real though, with the way the story is written outside of the hospital room scene in Above the Law, I think one could be forgiven for thinking he just straight up fell out of love with Kate(if there was truly anything there to begin with) and only 'stayed' with her so long because that's part of being a "real" man.
    From the Gallows in particular actually has indications that he was willing to let her go anyway and him trying to kill Javier was once again purely fueled by his jealousy of him--in that case, the fact that even(?) his [trophy/new] wife liked his brother more than him.

    Louche posted: »

    What kind of excuse would he make for that?

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