Who would you save Duck or Gabe?
there’s a trick question, between those two annoying characters in the walking dead game franchise who would you save between the two?
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there’s a trick question, between those two annoying characters in the walking dead game franchise who would you save between the two?
My ward, every time.
Is this even a real question smh
Duck, sure he is annoying, but Gabe is annoying, and completely awful.
If you had to choose between saving Duck or saving Gabe, what kind of sandwich would you make?
Gabe made Tripp hate me. And I really liked Tripp.
Gabe, duck is annoying as fuck
Duck, how's that even a question?
Of course Duck, i hated that mostly everyone died in S1, i want to see more S1 characters alive. Would have chosen Gabe if he were the one in S1
Oh fuck, are we seriously doing this?
Well, while I obviously have much more investment with Gabe, I'd probably try to save Duck since he's younger and not capable of defending himself.
Disclaimer: Pretending there's not a huge ass time discrepancy to take into account here.
Gonna go ahead and ninja the obvious joke--
If you save Duck you also save Katjaa. And you'd make Kenny less of an asshat which would probably save a whole bunch of other people.
If you save Gabe you save.. ehm Gabe? Who would probably end up getting a bunch of other people killed.
So yeah, I'd save Gabe. For the drama.
id save Robin over Gabe of course! ((But seriously thought i would actually pick duck over Gabe because i wasnt as annoyed by him as everyone else seems to be and besides he s just a kid.))
Easy. Duck.
Neither are annoying to me and it'd be a hard decision since i'm not a fan of letting women or children die. But...I'd save Duck if I had to choose.
Duck. He was useless but he at the very least was funny. Gabe on the other hand is just a whiny little bitch
Duck. Sure he was annoying but he didn't do any bad decisions that got into my nerves.
Gabe, on the other hand, is just unforgivable. Even after 4 years of apocalypse, he was still acting like a whiny little shitbird and threw me under the bus for killing Conrad even if he told me to.
Duck. Gabe, at his best, at least knows how to use a weapon. Duck never got that far.
Duck without question.
Duck! Sometimes Gabe tried me too much.
Guys, Gabe can't rat you out to Tripp if you don't kill Conrad. That's on anyone who made that decision. Not Gabe.
This is true. He just curses you out and calls you a coward for saving him. It's best just to let the time run out on that decision, guys.
I'm gonna get shit for this, but I'd save Gabe. I never liked Duck.
"Aw, did Gabey hoit yo wittle feelwings wit his MEEN woids?"
Guess who I'm being.
Neither, because they'd just die in the next episode anyway.
Duck is irritating, but he never actively gets in your way. Plus he had his moments. I for one found the high five pretty endearing. Gabe is annoying AND straight up betrays you.
I'm with Duck
Pause at 1:20

My point is, I don’t think anyone has a right to complain about being snitched on when they rather shoot a man dead instead of just taking Clementine to the New Frontier. Did I miss the part where something really bad happened to her by taking her to them that didn’t happen when letting her go? @AronDracula
What I'm saying is that Gabe had no right to rat me about killing Conrad when he is the one who told me to shoot him, especially the fact that he did it in front of Tripp and Eleanor. You can't blame someone for the things you suggested them to do, it's like blaming someone you told to buy you a drink when you are the one who gave them money which you needed them for something else.
I think you took this one as soon as it was derailed into "but you find out later nothing bad happens if you don't shoot him, so you shouldn't shoot him."
The only reason I excuse Gabe is because he's a moody as fuck teenager. I did stupid shit when I was 14 too.
Duck was a kid, he wasn't gonna make it in that world.
So reiterating, yes, I'd pick Gabe over Duck.
Duvk by a fucking longshot. Gabe is just horrible in every single way and I want nothing to do with him.
Duck wasn't exactly the best, but he helped me out solving a mystery. That boi would've been a fine detective one day.
By virtue of age and physical strength, Gabe has the better chance of saving himself. Duck is also Clementine's first post-viral outbreak friend. She spends a great deal of time with him in Season 1. There's a slight feeling of obligation toward him as in Season 1, Duck's parents are a part of the group that look after Clementine. Those that survive appear to die to retrieve her for falling for the walkie guy's parent trap. Without the time jump, which would place Gabe and Duck about the same age, there's still that pull that Duck is a part of your group. Tribe mentality, you protect your own, and then help others if the threat is equal.
No, why would I be imitating myself?
How could I?
I skipped to 1:17 and Gabe's just giving this soullless look to the gun.
Anyway, I love how ya'll feel the need to point this out when a portion of the same people are the types to claim they slaughter a village if Clementeen told em too.
And how it's ultimately up to Javier to decide what to do, not someone who's just reacting in the moment to their life and another's being threatened.
It's less about blaming Javier for Conrad's death and more calling him out on his perceived hypocrisy.
Again, something that would've worked much better if it actually took your choices, interactions, and teaching into account.
Yeah, admittedly, one little factoid that cuts into the tension and if anything gave yet another motivator for taking the deal is the obvious fact that nothing truly traumatic or even damaging would likely happen to the fuckin mascot character.
I'm glad someone did, even if I really don't agree with the reasoning.
Yeah, that was what I was getting at. Of course, most are more inclined to answering the kneejerk scenario.