Do you think Clementine and Marlon will have a love interest?
By saying that we did see Clementine and Gabe kiss in the final episode in a new frontier city probably about interest between Marlon and Clementine I mean Marlene is in his late teens so he’s like two years older than Clementine (possibly)... I mean this might work out between those two if that actually happened I mean Gabe+Clementine when it really work as much because Gabe is in mature in Marlon is mature enough.
What do you guys think?
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Hope I don’t get hate for this post.????
I think thats for your Clementine to decide
I would ship them...they are both protectors and seem to want to save people. Maybe they are both tired of losing friends.
Marlon was the only one i'd consider setting Clem up with.
Possibly. I'd actually like that option. But I'd like to wait to play the first episode before committing to the idea.
First off, hell no.
Second, what the devil did you just say?
It's easy to understand what they said. They basically said that Marlon seems to be around Clem's age and Marlon seems to be more mature than Gabe was.
Tbh. I feel like Marlon is a more EVOLVED Gabe. Like if Gabe went Super Saiyan. lul
I hope not
I'd be up for it. More so than Violet or Louis.
:thinking emoji:
But Super Saiyan doesn't make you competent/your personality suck less, it just makes you stronger. Hell, in Vegetas case he just became MORE of an arrogant dick.
Nah. I have no shame in my opinion.
Can't really see it. Marlon seems far more focused on the protection of the school to even have thoughts about that kinda stuff.
Despite Telltale's past subpar romances, I'm a shipper at heart regardless. (Not a kill the mood type of shipper though. Those kind are disgusting to be around).
I personally see her more with Louis. Louis at the beginning was decribed as a flirt. Kinda silently been shipping them ever since, but it almost feels like a crime to ship Clem with anyone at this point cause people are so opposed and/or serious about the topic that it becomes a downer to discuss.
Not exactly what I meant.
Regardless, there's no shame in what I said. Not to me there isn't and that all that matters to me.
No. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Marlon and Clem became a thing. The shameful thing about it is that I don't think it WILL happen. Can't say why though.
Exactly .
If Gabe went Super Sayian he will mess things up even more and possibly get Javier Clementine and all his love ones killed .
He's my first choice for a romance. Hopefully nothing happens to him but if it did I'd probably pursue Violet. Idk why but Louis doesn't appeal to me very much.
Your just jealous of his super saiyan swagger.
This was supposed to be a reply to @SolidStryder
There's a real love for romance options in the telltale forums... I got the impression Louis will be one considering he is quote "flirty" as one of the dev's stated in an interview, I suppose Violet could be one too if they want to give use choice.

Ah, damn, now I feel like watching it again.
Did they?
Yeah, the funny thing is becoming a Super Saiyan relies on anger, so...
Yeah, talk about toxic
Naw, he'd just end blowing himself up and somehow becoming a statue trying to wipe out the next big threat
Eh, it'd probably suck regardless.
or lick?
So, Gabe if raised by Ava
Why oh why did you have to use that particular shot with this topic?
Nah, he'd probably just be the Sahz of the group.
...Oh shit.
“When you're Ship doesn't come true it is a path to the dark side. Shipping leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
~ Master Broda
Don't Break Popo's Stuff
I'm not saying they worded it correctly, but it's easy enough to understand if you rearrange it a little bit.
I believe it's actually spelt "Gabementine"

When the quicksand is strong and she wanna succ
Theres an almost certain chance that clementine will fall in love with somebody at least. As proven by the trophy list, there is a trophy called "Moving fast" with the description saying "Teenage romance"
Link here:
Notably beside the "Bonded" "Platonic" trophy.
Hm... let me think about it...

Uh, stinkin spoilers?!

Based on that achievement spoiler, I am giving 100% chance that Clementine will get a relationship, but it'll definitely be determinant. And I'm also 100% sure that it's going to be Marlon: I mean, we are playing as the most badass long surviving girl Clem so she's gonna get the alpha male boarding school leader Marlon, it's just obvious from what we've seen from trailers and his description.