First Episode Length Recorded
2 hours and 15 minutes. Longer if you do the in game story builder and explore hubs.
Rabidretrospect just finished the game.
Thank you Telltale, that was the longest episode we’ve had in a while.
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Actually 2 hours and 30 mins, he skipped the entire demo scene that would've added 15 more mins.
Actually the Demo can be close to 30 minutes depending on how you play it. So that makes 2:45. That's longer than Around Every Corner.
I've checked it for myself, and I can confirm that the episode is definitely as long as the episodes from Season 1.
Oh, and this episode wasn't split into two parts because it was too long.
Wow, that's so long I'm surprised they didn't have to split it in half!
NIBBA YES i missed the S1 lengths
It should've been split in half because of how long it is. Don Running Part Two. And hey, then they'd be able to charge 25 dollars and make 25% more money! Jk
It is good that this episode is around the length of s1 episodes, but I worry that the next episodes won’t be, as Batman and Minecraft seasons had two two hour-ish premieres but they rest of the season was the typical 90 minute episodes.
Me quite happy with this information, yes.

Batman S2 had a 2h30m premiere, but I think the other episodes got about 1h30/1h45 - 2h00. That's fine with me.
Due to the achievements, I'm betting 2h00 for episode 2 and 3 and 1h30 for the finale.
Honestly, this first episode felt like two episodes, there were so many moments I was afraid it'd just end lol
From the parts I was really good...and I watched the live chat...people were very happy with it.
Thank goodness. But the problem is that in the past I would just be satisfied with that. Unfortunately TT have shown that for the most part their first episode is always the longest with the rest ranging from between 1.25-1.45 for the rest. Hopefully I'm proven wrong!
I wonder if Episode 2 will be as long as Episode 1? I will be very disappointed if Episodes 2, 3 and 4 will be under 2 hours. Good job for making Episode 1 a decent Episode length Telltale!
Good news to see! Can't wait to play it tomorrow.
This is amazing!!! S2 and S3's lengths were so so so disappointing. Season 3's especially. The first two episodes were like 45 minutes long each wtf