Well, I had a feeling that Marlon would turn out to be unstable in the end after having watched the trailers. Didn't expect him to be a dirty coward who sold out his own to the bandits, and also tried to pin his murder of Brody on Clementine. What a snake.
What an amazing episode! The whole section with a walker Brody in the basement is fucking awesome. I dont recall anything this cinematic in their Walking Dead episodes before. I liked how we could talk Marlon down or beat him up in front of his group, I have no doubts now that Clem will step up to be their leader. I was kind of confused about Abel, cause I was expecting him to show up at the end with his group at our gates (with first glimpse of Lilly), that being the big cliffhanger. I especially expected that since I threw him out the window to the walkers and obviously he is not dead, so I expected him to show up at the end. But I was still satisfied with the ending we got. Seeing AJ so calm after killing a human and being confused at why everyone is so shocked is priceless. I think we are going to have a long conversation with him next episode.My first theory without processing and analyzing what I just saw of the episode is that episode 2 will begin exactly where it ended with these raiders knocking on our doors. That would be a moment when no one would know what to do and Clementine would step up to talk to them. Anyway - liked character interactions this episode a lot. Clearly the focus is on Louis and Violet, but these characters are written greatly! Some others were given enough time for redshirts. Choices did not feel very impactful, but this is just the first episode, I think some of it will matter a lot in the long run. Overall - great episode and wonderful start of the season. Hope episode 2 is not far behind.
Marlon's a disgusting, horrible, and inhumane monster. After what he did and finding out what he did I hope no one likes him, I hope no will defend him or try to, and I hope they don't ship him and clem. It wouldn't make any sense if they do. Louise is just thirsty. I like violet, tenn, and a couple other characters who's names I can't remember at the moment. I ship clem and violet. I'm proud of aj for what he did. Marlon deserved way worse but he also deserved what happened to him.
i like how it built and you didn't see the finale of the episode till it was in your face happening,and the fact that there are a lot of open story elements that could develop at any time,Abel being one,returning characters..,Marlon,AJ,Clem,Ten..it almost built to a st johns finale with the thunder
Marlon's a disgusting, horrible, and inhumane monster. After what he did and finding out what he did I hope no one likes him, I hope no will… more defend him or try to, and I hope they don't ship him and clem. It wouldn't make any sense if they do. Louise is just thirsty. I like violet, tenn, and a couple other characters who's names I can't remember at the moment. I ship clem and violet. I'm proud of aj for what he did. Marlon deserved way worse but he also deserved what happened to him.
Nah, I wanted to throw him in that basement and lock him there with Brody`s corpse for a few days. Now that would be karma. Also that is one of the options you have if you choose to beat Marlon down. Unfortunately, AJ still shoots him, so Marlon kinda escapes more brutal punishment.
Nah, I wanted to throw him in that basement and lock him there with Brody`s corpse for a few days. Now that would be karma. Also that is one… more of the options you have if you choose to beat Marlon down. Unfortunately, AJ still shoots him, so Marlon kinda escapes more brutal punishment.
There were plenty of reasons to kill marlon. One of those reasons being he was a threat to everyone. And another reason is he killed brody someone who was unarmed, did nothing wrong, and wasn't a threat. The only difference between what marlon did to brody and what aj did to marlon is that marlon made brody suffer.
Even if marlon gives up I believe he would've still been a threat to everyone by being alive. So if aj didn't kill him I would've at the first opportunity. Arvo gave up in season 2. And everyone who played and or watched that season knows how that turned out.
There were plenty of reasons to kill marlon. One of those reasons being he was a threat to everyone. And another reason is he killed brody s… moreomeone who was unarmed, did nothing wrong, and wasn't a threat. The only difference between what marlon did to brody and what aj did to marlon is that marlon made brody suffer.
Even if marlon gives up I believe he would've still been a threat to everyone by being alive. So if aj didn't kill him I would've at the first opportunity. Arvo gave up in season 2. And everyone who played and or watched that season knows how that turned out.
Leave AJ alone.
Marlin sent Tenn's sisters to their (mostly) death, killed Brody, trapped Clem in the basement, tried to put Brody's death on Clem's hands. Aimed at Clem face and threaten her few times. AJ saw him as a threat to Clem so he didn't took any chances.
He never had a situation like this he took action (a bit too much i agree) but still how could he know how to act without Clems calls?
There is no way to deal with Marlon in the situation we are in which does not involve killing him, so AJ did the right thing.
Let him stay in the group? You are that suicidal? He is crazy and clearly lost it. Whats to stop him to murder Clem in her sleep?
Keep him prisoner? With the group struggling with food as it is? He is not going to protect the group or go out hunting (no one would trust him with a weapon after that), so he is just a dead weight that we have to feed.
Exile him? And risk him coming back after he loses it again, this time leading walkers or other people to assault the school?
The only way to deal with that situation in this kind of world is to kill him now. I doubt any of you would let him live after he trapped you in the closet with a walker and tried to tell a tale to everyone else. So its just that AJ killed him quick and let him escape much more brutal punishment.
If aj didn't take it into his own hands then the player as clem would've. Whether the player decided to be merciful or not. Aj had his reasons. Marlon was a danger to clem, himself, and everyone else. And he tried to get everyone to turn on clem.
If aj didn't take it into his own hands then the player as clem would've. Whether the player decided to be merciful or not. Aj had his reasons. Marlon was a danger to clem, himself, and everyone else. And he tried to get everyone to turn on clem.
I think what telltale is going to go for is having aj make some choices on his own and then the player being able to decide what path they want to put him on since it said earlier in ep one that the players choices determine what he would become. Or maybe it was an illusion of choice moment where the players choices don't matter.
We got rid of the angry guy; and anxious girl. Not that anxious girl was BAD when you learned what happened, but she was way too quick to panic.
I would've kept Marlon for a redemption arc. Think AJ escalated things but we'll scold him.
Marlon tho. Damn what a character and what a good scene. We'll see how bad the 'Raiders' were.
I mean if the Raiders had like AK-47s and grenades or something, trading two kids away to SURVIVE might've sounded a good option at the time. Relocating has it's own set of troubles. It's sick and wrong no matter how you slice it though.
Good moments of interacting with everyone. Louis is definitely a bang-up job. Violet's nice. Other kids are interesting. Hope Clementine gets the dog companion Season 2 robbed us of. ;p
To be honest; I think the flattest character was actually AJ himself. I wasn't that interested in him. He's not bad, but he's not grabbing me just yet. I'll give it time.
Jesus though. That red flashlight scene was fucking AMAZING.
Regardless of what Marlon's done, AJ can't just go around putting bullets in the backs of people's heads like that. Even though Marlon deserved it, the fact of the matter is he had given up and figured out that he was clearly in the wrong there.
AJ needs to learn discipline with the gun, otherwise, he'll just end up being another Nick. A guy who's a good shot, but is too trigger prone when shit gets heated. It doesn't matter how good of a shot he is. It doesn't matter how right AJ was or how dangerous Marlon was. You need discipline as well. That was not a disciplined shot. That was a kid who didn't understand the complexity of the situation take the matter into his own hands. A matter he saw Clem attempt to resolve her way. The fact that Clem was talking to him didn't even seem to register in his mind. All that mattered was to shoot. Sometimes the bullet is all that can work against people, but it wasn't needed against Marlon. Not yet. AJ has shown a tendency in this episode to do his own thing. Reading journals without permission, taking ownership of toys without permission. As far as I'm concerned, AJ is too young to shoot on his own accord if walkers aren't the issue at hand. His current mindset will surely lead to worsening situations if it's not checked immediately.
Everybody got to see what Marlon really was behind the cool demeanor and leadership. A highly pressured and afraid child who wasn't fit to lead. So I don't think the kids will shun AJ for it, not entirely anyway, but this can't be the norm.
Never have I ever changed an opinion about a character so drastically just within a single episode.
Anyway I thought it was brilliant, interesting characters and plot, but man I liked Marlon at first and then couldn't believe he actually turned out to be such a rat.
Oh and, did Melissa Hutchinson burp into the microphone?
In my opinion, I am disappointed and I think that is due to 'A New Frontier's' poor reception. None of the characters have appealed to me thus far and no one has remarked on the one-second interaction with the boarding school children before dinner. It is funny because a lot of individuals were quick to judge Season Two and 'A New Frontier's' hubs, but are rating this episode one of Telltale's 'finest'. For example: Brody - what a waste of a character and Marlon? Seriously Telltale? As if the 'good guy' has never ended up as the 'bad guy' in a narrative before? I believe some individuals are not taking into account that 'Done Running' has its flaws. IGN's 6.5 rating does seems plausible whether some of you like to hear it or not.
Definitely wasn't perfect, but I feel it's still better than what we've received in TWD these last few years. My biggest complaints are that Marlon's insanity came on a bit too strong for believability. It was hinted that he had anger issues, but he came unglued so hard at the end that it just felt jarring. That and Marlon's death is the third shock value headshot to enter the TWD, making it the Headshot Trilogy, as I feared going into this. Not to mention the second cliffhanger headshot.
I feel like they could've done something different here. Shock value headshots are getting old as they've done it 3 times now like I said and two times the exact same way. That said, it's still a great introductory episode to me and I personally feel like the characters are the most down to earth awkward kids we've gotten so far. They won't hit with everyone, but I do like the fact they each have an awkwardness to them that's actually inviting to me.
In my opinion, I am disappointed and I think that is due to 'A New Frontier's' poor reception. None of the characters have appealed to me th… moreus far and no one has remarked on the one-second interaction with the boarding school children before dinner. It is funny because a lot of individuals were quick to judge Season Two and 'A New Frontier's' hubs, but are rating this episode one of Telltale's 'finest'. For example: Brody - what a waste of a character and Marlon? Seriously Telltale? As if the 'good guy' has never ended up as the 'bad guy' in a narrative before? I believe some individuals are not taking into account that 'Done Running' has its flaws. IGN's 6.5 rating does seems plausible whether some of you like to hear it or not.
AJ was a little shit all episode,he was being a little shit when Clem wasn't even there,he was mean to everyone,elbowed Marlon in the balls,bad manners at dinner,mean to Ten over the policeman toy, definitely has Carver's and Rebeccas reactions and genes, definitely not Alvins temperament, ofc AJ stands for A.Jerk xD
Definitely wasn't perfect, but I feel it's still better than what we've received in TWD these last few years. My biggest complaints are that… more Marlon's insanity came on a bit too strong for believability. It was hinted that he had anger issues, but he came unglued so hard at the end that it just felt jarring. That and Marlon's death is the third shock value headshot to enter the TWD, making it the Headshot Trilogy, as I feared going into this. Not to mention the second cliffhanger headshot.
I feel like they could've done something different here. Shock value headshots are getting old as they've done it 3 times now like I said and two times the exact same way. That said, it's still a great introductory episode to me and I personally feel like the characters are the most down to earth awkward kids we've gotten so far. They won't hit with everyone, but I do like the fact they each have an awkwardness to them that's actually inviting to me.
I'd give the episode a solid 7.5 or 8.5/10.
Definitely reminds me of Kenny. But something about this scenario felt different. I can't put my finger on why.
But the other two headshots I recall are from Michonne and ANF
In Michonne, Samantha's father was headshot in mid-sentence for shock value. Same in ANF in the first episode when Mariana's life was snatched via similar headshot in mid-speech. Same thing here with Marlon. It seems to be their favorite way to invoke shock in the player. But I could honestly see it coming as soon as he gave up. I kept saying "He's gonna get shot in the head, isn't he? Yup, I knew it. Wait....goddammit AJ."
Thought this ep was good and I hope the season does go in an amazing direction, especially because I'm worried that there being only 4 episodes things are going to be rushed.
Out of the new cast I love Louis, Violet, Rosie and Tenn, which speaking of I'm glad him and AJ made friends and I hope they still will be after this episode though I doubt it . I'm gonna have to make 2 save files so I can side with Louis in one and Violet in the other. I haven't seen what happens when you go fishing with Violet and Brody yet, so I'm gonna have to look it up.
I want to avoid spoiling AJ, like for example him reading Aasim's diary and not giving the toy back to Tenn. I don't think AJ is bad behaved and I don't think he gets it off of Carver (if anything I think he's Alvin's kid but if I'm wrong then correct me) I think it's all to do with how Clementine's raised him. It's not a bad thing, but because her main focus was teaching AJ how to be a survivor he really doesn't know how to interact with anyone other than Clementine and doesn't know that just because someone is behind him and tries to calm him doesn't mean that their intention is to harm him, though I do think he is making process. Also I found it funny after he shot Marlon he was so confused to why people was shocked at him.
Speaking of Marlon, I liked him up until that basement scene with him and Brody. I think he's too much of a coward to be leading a big group like he's doing if he's willing to give away two of his members like that and do it again and try and lock Clem away so he can lie about Brody's murder and pin it all on her. I think he could've had a redemption arc but then AJ shot him, which in his mindset he saw it as saving Clementine regardless it's not but oh well.
Is there anyway to have an not shoot marlon
Please tag your spoilers with >!
Well, I had a feeling that Marlon would turn out to be unstable in the end after having watched the trailers. Didn't expect him to be a dirty coward who sold out his own to the bandits, and also tried to pin his murder of Brody on Clementine. What a snake.
At least we know that AJ is Carver's kid now, no sane child would do what he did.
what a little shit,i couldn't believe it,bad to the bone that carver kid
What an amazing episode! The whole section with a walker Brody in the basement is fucking awesome. I dont recall anything this cinematic in their Walking Dead episodes before. I liked how we could talk Marlon down or beat him up in front of his group, I have no doubts now that Clem will step up to be their leader. I was kind of confused about Abel, cause I was expecting him to show up at the end with his group at our gates (with first glimpse of Lilly), that being the big cliffhanger. I especially expected that since I threw him out the window to the walkers and obviously he is not dead, so I expected him to show up at the end. But I was still satisfied with the ending we got. Seeing AJ so calm after killing a human and being confused at why everyone is so shocked is priceless. I think we are going to have a long conversation with him next episode.My first theory without processing and analyzing what I just saw of the episode is that episode 2 will begin exactly where it ended with these raiders knocking on our doors. That would be a moment when no one would know what to do and Clementine would step up to talk to them. Anyway - liked character interactions this episode a lot. Clearly the focus is on Louis and Violet, but these characters are written greatly! Some others were given enough time for redshirts. Choices did not feel very impactful, but this is just the first episode, I think some of it will matter a lot in the long run. Overall - great episode and wonderful start of the season. Hope episode 2 is not far behind.
Marlon's a disgusting, horrible, and inhumane monster. After what he did and finding out what he did I hope no one likes him, I hope no will defend him or try to, and I hope they don't ship him and clem. It wouldn't make any sense if they do. Louise is just thirsty. I like violet, tenn, and a couple other characters who's names I can't remember at the moment. I ship clem and violet. I'm proud of aj for what he did. Marlon deserved way worse but he also deserved what happened to him.
i like how it built and you didn't see the finale of the episode till it was in your face happening,and the fact that there are a lot of open story elements that could develop at any time,Abel being one,returning characters..,Marlon,AJ,Clem,Ten..it almost built to a st johns finale with the thunder
Marlon's a piece a crap snek for pinning it on Clem. Beeech. Jk I'll let it slide, now that he's dead.
No sane person would do what marlon did and tried to do. I call what aj did karma and consider it as justice being served.
Marlon did nothing wrong!!! lol j/k
Nah, I wanted to throw him in that basement and lock him there with Brody`s corpse for a few days. Now that would be karma. Also that is one of the options you have if you choose to beat Marlon down. Unfortunately, AJ still shoots him, so Marlon kinda escapes more brutal punishment.
The only little shit was marlon. He deserved what he got. Marlon actually deserved way worse than what happened to him.
Marlon definitely deserved worse than what aj did to him.
I mean as in Marlon was either defeated by Clementine or willingly gave up. AJ shot and killed and unarmed kid for no reason.
There were plenty of reasons to kill marlon. One of those reasons being he was a threat to everyone. And another reason is he killed brody someone who was unarmed, did nothing wrong, and wasn't a threat. The only difference between what marlon did to brody and what aj did to marlon is that marlon made brody suffer.
Even if marlon gives up I believe he would've still been a threat to everyone by being alive. So if aj didn't kill him I would've at the first opportunity. Arvo gave up in season 2. And everyone who played and or watched that season knows how that turned out.
You did have an option on what to do with him, AJ just took it into his own hands for some reason.
Leave AJ alone.
Marlin sent Tenn's sisters to their (mostly) death, killed Brody, trapped Clem in the basement, tried to put Brody's death on Clem's hands. Aimed at Clem face and threaten her few times. AJ saw him as a threat to Clem so he didn't took any chances.
He never had a situation like this he took action (a bit too much i agree) but still how could he know how to act without Clems calls?
There is no way to deal with Marlon in the situation we are in which does not involve killing him, so AJ did the right thing.
Let him stay in the group? You are that suicidal? He is crazy and clearly lost it. Whats to stop him to murder Clem in her sleep?
Keep him prisoner? With the group struggling with food as it is? He is not going to protect the group or go out hunting (no one would trust him with a weapon after that), so he is just a dead weight that we have to feed.
Exile him? And risk him coming back after he loses it again, this time leading walkers or other people to assault the school?
The only way to deal with that situation in this kind of world is to kill him now. I doubt any of you would let him live after he trapped you in the closet with a walker and tried to tell a tale to everyone else. So its just that AJ killed him quick and let him escape much more brutal punishment.
If aj didn't take it into his own hands then the player as clem would've. Whether the player decided to be merciful or not. Aj had his reasons. Marlon was a danger to clem, himself, and everyone else. And he tried to get everyone to turn on clem.
The point is that AJ should've never took it in his own hands in the first place.
I think what telltale is going to go for is having aj make some choices on his own and then the player being able to decide what path they want to put him on since it said earlier in ep one that the players choices determine what he would become. Or maybe it was an illusion of choice moment where the players choices don't matter.
Feels good to be honest.
We got rid of the angry guy; and anxious girl. Not that anxious girl was BAD when you learned what happened, but she was way too quick to panic.
I would've kept Marlon for a redemption arc. Think AJ escalated things but we'll scold him.
Marlon tho. Damn what a character and what a good scene. We'll see how bad the 'Raiders' were.
I mean if the Raiders had like AK-47s and grenades or something, trading two kids away to SURVIVE might've sounded a good option at the time. Relocating has it's own set of troubles. It's sick and wrong no matter how you slice it though.
Good moments of interacting with everyone. Louis is definitely a bang-up job. Violet's nice. Other kids are interesting. Hope Clementine gets the dog companion Season 2 robbed us of. ;p
To be honest; I think the flattest character was actually AJ himself. I wasn't that interested in him. He's not bad, but he's not grabbing me just yet. I'll give it time.
Jesus though. That red flashlight scene was fucking AMAZING.
I had to laugh a bit after AJ killed Marlon. I was expecting him to say "Did I do thaaat?"
Regardless of what Marlon's done, AJ can't just go around putting bullets in the backs of people's heads like that. Even though Marlon deserved it, the fact of the matter is he had given up and figured out that he was clearly in the wrong there.
AJ needs to learn discipline with the gun, otherwise, he'll just end up being another Nick. A guy who's a good shot, but is too trigger prone when shit gets heated. It doesn't matter how good of a shot he is. It doesn't matter how right AJ was or how dangerous Marlon was. You need discipline as well. That was not a disciplined shot. That was a kid who didn't understand the complexity of the situation take the matter into his own hands. A matter he saw Clem attempt to resolve her way. The fact that Clem was talking to him didn't even seem to register in his mind. All that mattered was to shoot. Sometimes the bullet is all that can work against people, but it wasn't needed against Marlon. Not yet. AJ has shown a tendency in this episode to do his own thing. Reading journals without permission, taking ownership of toys without permission. As far as I'm concerned, AJ is too young to shoot on his own accord if walkers aren't the issue at hand. His current mindset will surely lead to worsening situations if it's not checked immediately.
Everybody got to see what Marlon really was behind the cool demeanor and leadership. A highly pressured and afraid child who wasn't fit to lead. So I don't think the kids will shun AJ for it, not entirely anyway, but this can't be the norm.
Never have I ever changed an opinion about a character so drastically just within a single episode.
Anyway I thought it was brilliant, interesting characters and plot, but man I liked Marlon at first and then couldn't believe he actually turned out to be such a rat.
Oh and, did Melissa Hutchinson burp into the microphone?
Can we all just agree though that Marlon's voice actor did a fucking amazing job? Like holy shit that final scene was 10/10 acting.
Also I know you all hate ships and shit. But I'm all aboard the S.S Louisentine after this episode.
In my opinion, I am disappointed and I think that is due to 'A New Frontier's' poor reception. None of the characters have appealed to me thus far and no one has remarked on the one-second interaction with the boarding school children before dinner. It is funny because a lot of individuals were quick to judge Season Two and 'A New Frontier's' hubs, but are rating this episode one of Telltale's 'finest'. For example: Brody - what a waste of a character and Marlon? Seriously Telltale? As if the 'good guy' has never ended up as the 'bad guy' in a narrative before? I believe some individuals are not taking into account that 'Done Running' has its flaws. IGN's 6.5 rating does seems plausible whether some of you like to hear it or not.
Definitely wasn't perfect, but I feel it's still better than what we've received in TWD these last few years. My biggest complaints are that Marlon's insanity came on a bit too strong for believability. It was hinted that he had anger issues, but he came unglued so hard at the end that it just felt jarring. That and Marlon's death is the third shock value headshot to enter the TWD, making it the Headshot Trilogy, as I feared going into this. Not to mention the second cliffhanger headshot.
I feel like they could've done something different here. Shock value headshots are getting old as they've done it 3 times now like I said and two times the exact same way. That said, it's still a great introductory episode to me and I personally feel like the characters are the most down to earth awkward kids we've gotten so far. They won't hit with everyone, but I do like the fact they each have an awkwardness to them that's actually inviting to me.
I'd give the episode a solid 7.5 or 8.5/10.
AJ was a little shit all episode,he was being a little shit when Clem wasn't even there,he was mean to everyone,elbowed Marlon in the balls,bad manners at dinner,mean to Ten over the policeman toy, definitely has Carver's and Rebeccas reactions and genes, definitely not Alvins temperament, ofc AJ stands for A.Jerk xD
Do you think we will have to save Minerva and Sophie from the adult faction?
His unhinged personality sounds similar to Kenny, do you not think? Can you remind me of the other two headshots, please?
If they are not dead like Marlon declared, then maybe.
I think that`s the twist they are going to pull, that they are still alive with these raiders. We will find them once we ourselves will be captured.
Definitely reminds me of Kenny. But something about this scenario felt different. I can't put my finger on why.
But the other two headshots I recall are from Michonne and ANF
In Michonne, Samantha's father was headshot in mid-sentence for shock value. Same in ANF in the first episode when Mariana's life was snatched via similar headshot in mid-speech. Same thing here with Marlon. It seems to be their favorite way to invoke shock in the player. But I could honestly see it coming as soon as he gave up. I kept saying "He's gonna get shot in the head, isn't he? Yup, I knew it. Wait....goddammit AJ."
Louis is my new son.
He was fantastic! Same guy who plays Noctis in Final Fantasy XV, Ray Chase.
Gotta say, one episode in and I'm already way more invested than I was for ANF.
Thought this ep was good and I hope the season does go in an amazing direction, especially because I'm worried that there being only 4 episodes things are going to be rushed.
Out of the new cast I love Louis, Violet, Rosie and Tenn, which speaking of I'm glad him and AJ made friends and I hope they still will be after this episode though I doubt it
. I'm gonna have to make 2 save files so I can side with Louis in one and Violet in the other. I haven't seen what happens when you go fishing with Violet and Brody yet, so I'm gonna have to look it up.
I want to avoid spoiling AJ, like for example him reading Aasim's diary and not giving the toy back to Tenn. I don't think AJ is bad behaved and I don't think he gets it off of Carver (if anything I think he's Alvin's kid but if I'm wrong then correct me) I think it's all to do with how Clementine's raised him. It's not a bad thing, but because her main focus was teaching AJ how to be a survivor he really doesn't know how to interact with anyone other than Clementine and doesn't know that just because someone is behind him and tries to calm him doesn't mean that their intention is to harm him, though I do think he is making process. Also I found it funny after he shot Marlon he was so confused to why people was shocked at him.
Speaking of Marlon, I liked him up until that basement scene with him and Brody. I think he's too much of a coward to be leading a big group like he's doing if he's willing to give away two of his members like that and do it again and try and lock Clem away so he can lie about Brody's murder and pin it all on her. I think he could've had a redemption arc but then AJ shot him, which in his mindset he saw it as saving Clementine regardless it's not but oh well.