Lmao. All the main characters hate me apparently according to the end stats. In the end when their was the appeal to someone choice, I appealed to Violet but only because Louis was Marlons best friend. I like Louis more. The episode did a really good job at making you feel like you made a lot of wrong decisions (unless that’s just me lol) but that’s a part of TWD so I get it. Ultimately my favorite part of the whole episode was AJ, a kid grown into the fucking apocalypse is going to be different, I hope Telltale doesn’t pussy out and make him young Clem 2.0 because everyone complains. He’s a complex character and was the highlight of the episode to me. And thanks for not making Marlon a Kenny 3.0 (David was already a copy). One thing I am nervous about it the decisions. I get it’s only the first episode but I didn’t notice any decisions that seem like they would’ve altered the episode in any segnificant way, but then again I could just be an idiot speaking too soon (I guess I only played the episode once so far). Good music, and going off of first impressions, a solid episode.
Edit: I just wanted to add, I feel like Marlon would’ve been an AMAZING determinant character. Like Telltale missed out huge.
Edit 2: IGN is a fucking joke. Gave this episode a 6.5 but gave ANF’s fifth episode a 8.2 lmao. This episode is miles ahead of anything ANF has to offer.
Edit 3: After my second playthrough of trying all the other choices I can confidently say this is the best pilot episode in a Telltale TWD season ever. I was mistaken on what I said about decisions previously, they change the episode enough (mainly the “go fishing/hunting” choice), we’ll have to see how future episodes will be affected, but I trust Telltale 100% right now. The cast is already 10x better then ANF’s and perhaps even better then S2’s Cabin group, and we’ve only seen this new cast in one episode, I can’t wait to see how these new characters develop. I believe this season has the ability to be on par, or even surpass S1. In order for that to happen though, these next few episodes will have to keep surpassing expectations.
Wow Episode 1 was amazing!! I love the personality of Violet and Louis. Marlon was also a lot more sympathetic towards Clementine and AJ and honestly the events at the end of Episode 1 really shook me. So many difficult decisions...
Louis is my favorite, he's got the same hair as me, only shorter lol. All the characters seemed interesting, and the walking dead has been lacking when it comes to interesting characters, so a real nice change of pace. Excited for more.
Easily the best premiere episode of Telltale's Walking Dead games and maybe even best premiere Telltale episode in general. I just didn't want it to end.
Every single character ranged from good to great, with stand outs being Marlon (fucking phenomenal voice acting and easily the best of the bunch, shame what happens at the end I would have loved if he were in it more regardless of the atrocities he commited), Brody, Violet, Louis (a bit rough at the start but quickly grew on me), and of course Clem.
The graphic black is really working wonders. It really helps make scenes (particularly backgrounds) look like they were ripped straight out of a comic. The intro was great (loving the flowers growing out of the corpse and that Clem and AJ were in black and white like the comics). The animation in this was also Telltale's best so far. The only one I have issue with would probably be how wide AJ's eyes were at the end. Looked like there was a bit of clipping too which was a bit weird.
I liked the ability to collect stuff to decorate Clem and AJ's room. It was a neat little touch. Only thing I missed was the squirrel (?) skull.
AJ is great. I had a fear that he would end up being really annoying and I'm happy to see that isn't the case (aside from a couple scenes but that's just him acting like a kid).
I have a couple problems though. It did hitch a handful of times but they don't last too long and Marlons turn feels a little bit rushed (maybe more foreshadowing was needed). Also for whatever reason it didn't detect my ANF save which is annoying so I had to use the in-game story builder.
Overall the I really loved the episode. Hopefully I haven't spoken too soon but it looks like Telltale's getting back on track with Batman: Enemy Within and now this. I'm really excited to see how the other episode play out, especially with what AJ does at the end. Hopefully the rest of the season won't disappoint!
These are just some thoughts & questions I had right after finishing the episode.
I love that the achievements have pictures rather than being all numbers, and it's nice having a lot of optional achievements this season.
I don't agree with AJ shooting Marlon. I took Marlon's gun away, I was talking him down, and he wasn't a threat at the moment he was killed. We should of decided as a group how to handle things. AJ shouldn't of taken things into his own hands.
I was skeptical about the comic book art style at first, but I really like how it looks.
That twist was something I didn't see coming. I figured Marlon was trading our food to keep the peace similar to what Ben did in season 1. But, trading off members of the group? Fuck Marlon. Damn coward.
What did the raiders do with the kids that were traded to them?
I'm pretty certain that Lilly is the returning character, and I have a feeling she's going to be the leader or second in command of this bandit group.
Will Disco Broccoli make another appearance?
Louise singing the "Oh My Darling, Clementine" song was adorable.
It was apparent the game was setting you up for a Louise or Violet romance. I wasn't sure who to pick at first, but in the end I'm leaning more towards Violet.
I actually like where they're going with AJ here. You get a lot of hints that his socialization is incredibly off because he almost never gets to be around other people. Then you also are told that this kid is an ace shot, and you have it demonstrated to you that he's completely used to bashing in walker skulls and it has zero effect on him. He's also more comfortable just sleeping on the ground, needs the concept of a swing and police and firemen explained to him, etc. Because of course it would be that way; he was born into this world and knows nothing else.
All of this means it's understandable and makes perfect sense that AJ has a hard time developing empathy for anybody other than Clem, disturbing as that is for the player. For pretty much every part of his life he remembers, it was just him and Clementine and everything else was a threat he was taught to kill without hesitation. Considering how he talks about "the Ranch", he didn't exactly learn how to be a normal, socialized person there either.
So when Marlon reveals himself as a threat, and a big one at that, AJ treats him like he does every other threat. Without hesitation or remorse. I think it's incredibly realistic and I hope they continue this character study on what it would mean for a child to be literally born into this world and into survival, with almost no other humans around, and how that would color the way they interact with others when they're thrust into a group situation.
Also, I think part of it may be somewhat subverting how things usually are in these games. Normally, we as the player are deciding how far we would really go to fight for and defend the character/s who rely on us. Here, we're getting a taste of being on the other side of that, and seeing what AJ would do to protect Clem whether Clem has a say in it or not (AJ takes a lot of direct action in regards to Clementine, and what's going on with her colors how he interacts with everybody around him). Instead of being the decider, we're now feeling what it means to be the one that is decided about, with the choice out of our hands.
Yes, she's quite obviously a lesbian. And the game is strongly projecting Clementine having her pick between Violet and Louis as a love interest. Or neither, I'm sure.
I'm gonna outright say it now.
I'm pretty fucking sure Violet is the LGBT character.
The way she talked about Minnie, and also the fact that there was a heart carved in the wall that said "V + M" gives me that vibe.
Yes, she's quite obviously a lesbian. And the game is strongly projecting Clementine having her pick between Violet and Louis as a love interest. Or neither, I'm sure.
AJ like WTF!!! (SMH), to be honest EP 1 was amazing 2 hours worth of seeing Clem has filled my soul to the brim (not in a weird away), but AJ holy mother earth, 2. BRODY!!!!, 3. Marlon (loco) seriously crazy.
Bravo!!! TT Bravo honestly Se4 TWD Final season is going to be amazing, I honestly believe clem will survive though, she's that chick that doesn't mess around at all
I loved the episode, do wish Marlon was determinant, but...are we going to ignore that they actually completely scrapped out the Wellington ending? If that’s what you import you end up with the Stay with Kenny scar.
I loved the episode, do wish Marlon was determinant, but...are we going to ignore that they actually completely scrapped out the Wellington ending? If that’s what you import you end up with the Stay with Kenny scar.
I’m gonna be “that guy” and ask: who are you gonna romance? Violet or Louis? None?
I’m leaning more towards Louis since he’s my favorite character this season (besides Clem). Though with Violet, I feel like they had her be a romance option just for the sake of being LGBT. I’m just worried that they’re trying to make her like Ellie.
I’m gonna be “that guy” and ask: who are you gonna romance? Violet or Louis? None?
I’m leaning more towards Louis since he’s my favorite … morecharacter this season (besides Clem). Though with Violet, I feel like they had her be a romance option just for the sake of being LGBT. I’m just worried that they’re trying to make her like Ellie.
If you stay with Kenny you get a scar on your forehead from the car crash. And I guess if you chose to reach wellington at all then stay with Kenny is now the only canon way for that to go, the wellington cheek scar does not exist in the final season.
I’m gonna be “that guy” and ask: who are you gonna romance? Violet or Louis? None?
I’m leaning more towards Louis since he’s my favorite … morecharacter this season (besides Clem). Though with Violet, I feel like they had her be a romance option just for the sake of being LGBT. I’m just worried that they’re trying to make her like Ellie.
If you stay with Kenny you get a scar on your forehead from the car crash. And I guess if you chose to reach wellington at all then stay wit… moreh Kenny is now the only canon way for that to go, the wellington cheek scar does not exist in the final season.
I like violet and tenn. Disliked marlon before finding out what kind of a person he was now I hate him after finding out. I'm indifferent about louis. I do think his attempts at wooing clem are cringe and it seems like he only has one thing in mind in trying to woo clem. I think clem, aj, violet, and louis are going to be the only remaining people and clem will have to choose between violet and louis. And even after choosing between violet or louis neither are going to make it. I hope I'm wrong because I really like tenn and violet and want them to survive. Idc about louis but he's not a character I'd want to see be killed off but if he is I wouldn't care.
If you leave Wellington & stay with Kenny, they get into a car crash while Kenny is teaching Clementine how to drive. She gets a scar above her eye from the crash. If you stay at Wellington, she's supposed to have a scar on her cheek. The scar is from a bullet grazing her when a raider who is attacking Wellington shoots at her while she's escaping with AJ & Edith. In the final season they force you to have the scar above your eye from the car crash with Kenny even if you're supposed to have the Wellington cheek scar.
Also, I just have to say that the whole atmosphere of the basement fight with walker Brody was my favorite thing to come out of Telltale in a while. The effect of her blood on the flashlight, washing the room in ominous red, was just really freaking cool and letting the player linger in that moment was a great call.
I'm gonna outright say it now.
I'm pretty fucking sure Violet is the LGBT character.
The way she talked about Minnie, and also the fact that there was a heart carved in the wall that said "V + M" gives me that vibe.
There come the passionate apologists, if we had the option to torture Marlon for weeks and let the walkers slowly eat him to death people would still defend this choice.
Yes Marlon was weak, a coward, unstable, delusional, but he was a kid leading a bunch of kids, trying to save most people he could in a post apocaliptic world, its a miracle they are still alive. Then a bunch of adults come by to threathen the group, what do you think would happen if he didn't let them take the twins? The group would just go away? He had only 3 options:
1 - Deny right away, fight and die, girls get taken anyway or worse; 2 - Accept the deal, try to find where they are at, raid the other group, probably getting all his friends killed in the process; 3 - Accept the deal and live with it. So he had no real choice. If he said what really happened the group would probably try to do somethig about it and die.
He was a broken kid, with a burden so heavy that none of us can grasp, you don't need to like him, to defend his actions, but what he did its understandable, he is not a disgusting horrible person.
Nonetheless, the real problem was AJ shooting him after everything was under control, no one can defend AJ what he did, even if you think Marlon deserved to die, they should at least vote, exiling him was a pretty reasonable choice. A civilized person with a minimum level of rational thinking would never defend what AJ did, EVEN if you think Marlon should die. Not just due the fact that AJ, a little kid, killed a person the same way he would kill a walker, but for what he could become growing up, no regard for human life and reckless choices, very dangerous for friends and random people alike.
I love them both. Louis's goofy flirtations and piss poor jokes are too charming and inviting to ignore.
Violet, on the other hand, is genuinely a kind girl despite her attitude. You can tell, if you manage to get her talking, it'd probably be difficult for her to stop if she's comfortable. She's someone you just wanna hug.
So my answer? Both, given the opportunity. One save for Lou, the other for Vi. And from here on out, I PRAY that survival is an option for all 3 of them. ANF had the audacity to keep most of its characters alive despite being more or less forgettable or rage inducingly annoying. TFS should at least give us solace in making sure we can have this cast survive by the end of it all. Please TellTale. PLEASE.
I’m gonna be “that guy” and ask: who are you gonna romance? Violet or Louis? None?
I’m leaning more towards Louis since he’s my favorite … morecharacter this season (besides Clem). Though with Violet, I feel like they had her be a romance option just for the sake of being LGBT. I’m just worried that they’re trying to make her like Ellie.
I fully agree, Aj went savage on marlon to the core, I just didn't expect it, I really thought clem was handling it really well (showing her leadership and all), then POW! AJ....SMH, I was like my god!, other than that honestly TT has really done an amazing job with EP 1 (9.9/10)
There come the passionate apologists, if we had the option to torture Marlon for weeks and let the walkers slowly eat him to death people wo… moreuld still defend this choice.
Yes Marlon was weak, a coward, unstable, delusional, but he was a kid leading a bunch of kids, trying to save most people he could in a post apocaliptic world, its a miracle they are still alive. Then a bunch of adults come by to threathen the group, what do you think would happen if he didn't let them take the twins? The group would just go away? He had only 3 options:
1 - Deny right away, fight and die, girls get taken anyway or worse; 2 - Accept the deal, try to find where they are at, raid the other group, probably getting all his friends killed in the process; 3 - Accept the deal and live with it. So he had no real choice. If he said what really happened the group would probably try to do somethig about it and die.
He was a broken kid, with a burden so heavy tha… [view original content]
Also, I just have to say that the whole atmosphere of the basement fight with walker Brody was my favorite thing to come out of Telltale in … morea while. The effect of her blood on the flashlight, washing the room in ominous red, was just really freaking cool and letting the player linger in that moment was a great call.
I agree. Mostly the last part about AJ. I'm getting real annoyed with him budding into adult business and he's truly off the walls. I guess it's the plot to thicken of trying to parent him and i'm sure the group is going to put tons of pressure and mistrust in you. I spent a good portion of the game parenting him. I didn't let him take the toy, I didn't let him keep reading the dude's diary, I told him not to shoot the bandit and not all fights are worth fighting if you can avoid violence, I even didn't kill the walker couple in the rocking chairs, I told him to apologize for biting the lady. I made him apologize to Marlon, Made him pay his respects to the grave and now he pulls this b.s. Who taught him to be like that at the ranch?
Also nobody has a "I'll bite you if you tap my shoulder" tweak. It's called being a violent brat trying to attack people he's uncomfortable with. I wish their was the option for Clem to give him a good slap on the bum once in a while. He's becoming a privileged punk and in the apoclypse it's too much to bear.
I love the mommy Clem role Clementine has to provide now. It adds a whole new layer to the game. Done so brilliant by TT for all the reasons I mentioned above parenting him. But now it seems like your parenting is being ignored. Not sure what will happen next but i'm so excited to see it. .
There come the passionate apologists, if we had the option to torture Marlon for weeks and let the walkers slowly eat him to death people wo… moreuld still defend this choice.
Yes Marlon was weak, a coward, unstable, delusional, but he was a kid leading a bunch of kids, trying to save most people he could in a post apocaliptic world, its a miracle they are still alive. Then a bunch of adults come by to threathen the group, what do you think would happen if he didn't let them take the twins? The group would just go away? He had only 3 options:
1 - Deny right away, fight and die, girls get taken anyway or worse; 2 - Accept the deal, try to find where they are at, raid the other group, probably getting all his friends killed in the process; 3 - Accept the deal and live with it. So he had no real choice. If he said what really happened the group would probably try to do somethig about it and die.
He was a broken kid, with a burden so heavy tha… [view original content]
And that's why i pick violet, she's so kind and friendly towards clem, louis is a bit too out there and goofy(which isn't bad), I just think having a friendly approach towards clem is slightly better.
I love them both. Louis's goofy flirtations and piss poor jokes are too charming and inviting to ignore.
Violet, on the other hand, is genu… moreinely a kind girl despite her attitude. You can tell, if you manage to get her talking, it'd probably be difficult for her to stop if she's comfortable. She's someone you just wanna hug.
So my answer? Both, given the opportunity. One save for Lou, the other for Vi. And from here on out, I PRAY that survival is an option for all 3 of them. ANF had the audacity to keep most of its characters alive despite being more or less forgettable or rage inducingly annoying. TFS should at least give us solace in making sure we can have this cast survive by the end of it all. Please TellTale. PLEASE.
To be honest, I'm glad they didn't go for the redemption arc with Marlon and had AJ kill him in the end.
It made more sense to me narrative-wise, since it allows us to examine just how differently a child behaves in a zombie apocalypse (AJ) compared to a child who was born before the zombie apocalypse (Clementine), who had the luxury of a stable life with a proper upbringing before everything went to hell. AJ never had this luxury, so instead his sense of morality ends up being drastically different compared to Clementine when she was a child.
As for Marlon, his chance for redemption was squandered a long time ago. He allowed a group of bandits to take his own people, lied to his group that they had died instead of being taken away, and declared that he would do it again when he was found out. He also killed one of his own in a panic when Brody wanted to tell Clementine the truth to keep his secret, tried to pin his murder on Clementine, and is shown to be willing to kill again to uphold his charade.
Marlon is the definition of a true coward. Not even Ben would stoop this low.
It doesn't matter if it was under control. Marlon deserved it and he could've still been a threat. Not everyone deserves a second chance. He was a horrible person who didn't want to own up to what he did. People suffered because of him. People will continue to suffer because of him. A life was taking away because of him. He could've gave himself up and tried to escape. Giving up tenn's sisters and lying to tenn about it is unforgivable and unforgettable and the unforgettable and unforgivable acts didn't stop there. He ruined lives and the life he took away he tried to put that blame on clem. Aj killed a bad person. Aj didn't shoot an innocent person. And unlike what marlon did to brody which was make her suffer aj didn't make marlon suffer. Aj's also still a kid so he can still be influenced in a positive or negative way.
There come the passionate apologists, if we had the option to torture Marlon for weeks and let the walkers slowly eat him to death people wo… moreuld still defend this choice.
Yes Marlon was weak, a coward, unstable, delusional, but he was a kid leading a bunch of kids, trying to save most people he could in a post apocaliptic world, its a miracle they are still alive. Then a bunch of adults come by to threathen the group, what do you think would happen if he didn't let them take the twins? The group would just go away? He had only 3 options:
1 - Deny right away, fight and die, girls get taken anyway or worse; 2 - Accept the deal, try to find where they are at, raid the other group, probably getting all his friends killed in the process; 3 - Accept the deal and live with it. So he had no real choice. If he said what really happened the group would probably try to do somethig about it and die.
He was a broken kid, with a burden so heavy tha… [view original content]
Lmao. All the main characters hate me apparently according to the end stats. In the end when their was the appeal to someone choice, I appealed to Violet but only because Louis was Marlons best friend. I like Louis more. The episode did a really good job at making you feel like you made a lot of wrong decisions (unless that’s just me lol) but that’s a part of TWD so I get it. Ultimately my favorite part of the whole episode was AJ, a kid grown into the fucking apocalypse is going to be different, I hope Telltale doesn’t pussy out and make him young Clem 2.0 because everyone complains. He’s a complex character and was the highlight of the episode to me. And thanks for not making Marlon a Kenny 3.0 (David was already a copy). One thing I am nervous about it the decisions. I get it’s only the first episode but I didn’t notice any decisions that seem like they would’ve altered the episode in any segnificant way, but then again I could just be an idiot speaking too soon (I guess I only played the episode once so far). Good music, and going off of first impressions, a solid episode.
Edit: I just wanted to add, I feel like Marlon would’ve been an AMAZING determinant character. Like Telltale missed out huge.
Edit 2: IGN is a fucking joke. Gave this episode a 6.5 but gave ANF’s fifth episode a 8.2 lmao. This episode is miles ahead of anything ANF has to offer.
Edit 3: After my second playthrough of trying all the other choices I can confidently say this is the best pilot episode in a Telltale TWD season ever. I was mistaken on what I said about decisions previously, they change the episode enough (mainly the “go fishing/hunting” choice), we’ll have to see how future episodes will be affected, but I trust Telltale 100% right now. The cast is already 10x better then ANF’s and perhaps even better then S2’s Cabin group, and we’ve only seen this new cast in one episode, I can’t wait to see how these new characters develop. I believe this season has the ability to be on par, or even surpass S1. In order for that to happen though, these next few episodes will have to keep surpassing expectations.
Lee can also kill Danny and Andy who are in the same boat as Marlon
Wow Episode 1 was amazing!! I love the personality of Violet and Louis. Marlon was also a lot more sympathetic towards Clementine and AJ and honestly the events at the end of Episode 1 really shook me. So many difficult decisions...
So what's gonna happen with Rosie now that Marlon's gone? I like her, she's a good dog.
Louis is my favorite, he's got the same hair as me, only shorter lol. All the characters seemed interesting, and the walking dead has been lacking when it comes to interesting characters, so a real nice change of pace. Excited for more.
I'm gonna outright say it now.
I'm pretty fucking sure Violet is the LGBT character.
The way she talked about Minnie, and also the fact that there was a heart carved in the wall that said "V + M" gives me that vibe.
Easily the best premiere episode of Telltale's Walking Dead games and maybe even best premiere Telltale episode in general. I just didn't want it to end.
Every single character ranged from good to great, with stand outs being Marlon (fucking phenomenal voice acting and easily the best of the bunch, shame what happens at the end I would have loved if he were in it more regardless of the atrocities he commited), Brody, Violet, Louis (a bit rough at the start but quickly grew on me), and of course Clem.
The graphic black is really working wonders. It really helps make scenes (particularly backgrounds) look like they were ripped straight out of a comic. The intro was great (loving the flowers growing out of the corpse and that Clem and AJ were in black and white like the comics). The animation in this was also Telltale's best so far. The only one I have issue with would probably be how wide AJ's eyes were at the end. Looked like there was a bit of clipping too which was a bit weird.
I liked the ability to collect stuff to decorate Clem and AJ's room. It was a neat little touch. Only thing I missed was the squirrel (?) skull.
AJ is great. I had a fear that he would end up being really annoying and I'm happy to see that isn't the case (aside from a couple scenes but that's just him acting like a kid).
I have a couple problems though. It did hitch a handful of times but they don't last too long and Marlons turn feels a little bit rushed (maybe more foreshadowing was needed). Also for whatever reason it didn't detect my ANF save which is annoying so I had to use the in-game story builder.
Overall the I really loved the episode. Hopefully I haven't spoken too soon but it looks like Telltale's getting back on track with Batman: Enemy Within and now this. I'm really excited to see how the other episode play out, especially with what AJ does at the end. Hopefully the rest of the season won't disappoint!
These are just some thoughts & questions I had right after finishing the episode.
I actually like where they're going with AJ here. You get a lot of hints that his socialization is incredibly off because he almost never gets to be around other people. Then you also are told that this kid is an ace shot, and you have it demonstrated to you that he's completely used to bashing in walker skulls and it has zero effect on him. He's also more comfortable just sleeping on the ground, needs the concept of a swing and police and firemen explained to him, etc. Because of course it would be that way; he was born into this world and knows nothing else.
All of this means it's understandable and makes perfect sense that AJ has a hard time developing empathy for anybody other than Clem, disturbing as that is for the player. For pretty much every part of his life he remembers, it was just him and Clementine and everything else was a threat he was taught to kill without hesitation. Considering how he talks about "the Ranch", he didn't exactly learn how to be a normal, socialized person there either.
So when Marlon reveals himself as a threat, and a big one at that, AJ treats him like he does every other threat. Without hesitation or remorse. I think it's incredibly realistic and I hope they continue this character study on what it would mean for a child to be literally born into this world and into survival, with almost no other humans around, and how that would color the way they interact with others when they're thrust into a group situation.
Also, I think part of it may be somewhat subverting how things usually are in these games. Normally, we as the player are deciding how far we would really go to fight for and defend the character/s who rely on us. Here, we're getting a taste of being on the other side of that, and seeing what AJ would do to protect Clem whether Clem has a say in it or not (AJ takes a lot of direct action in regards to Clementine, and what's going on with her colors how he interacts with everybody around him). Instead of being the decider, we're now feeling what it means to be the one that is decided about, with the choice out of our hands.
Yes, she's quite obviously a lesbian. And the game is strongly projecting Clementine having her pick between Violet and Louis as a love interest. Or neither, I'm sure.
If that's the case, I'm going for Louis. He won me over when he sung "My Darling Clementine".
Jesus Christ AJ what have you Done!?????
Same, or at the train station when he says "I can't say no to a face like that". He's sweet. A boy that Lee woulda been proud of i'd imagine.
AJ like WTF!!! (SMH), to be honest EP 1 was amazing 2 hours worth of seeing Clem has filled my soul to the brim (not in a weird away), but AJ holy mother earth, 2. BRODY!!!!, 3. Marlon (loco) seriously crazy.
Bravo!!! TT Bravo honestly Se4 TWD Final season is going to be amazing, I honestly believe clem will survive though, she's that chick that doesn't mess around at all
I loved the episode, do wish Marlon was determinant, but...are we going to ignore that they actually completely scrapped out the Wellington ending? If that’s what you import you end up with the Stay with Kenny scar.
Clem gets a scar if you stay with Kenny? When does this happen?
I’m gonna be “that guy” and ask: who are you gonna romance? Violet or Louis? None?
I’m leaning more towards Louis since he’s my favorite character this season (besides Clem). Though with Violet, I feel like they had her be a romance option just for the sake of being LGBT. I’m just worried that they’re trying to make her like Ellie.
FINALLY. A good TWD episode. I thought it was pretty good. Last 20 minutes or so was great and done so well.
I said this in another thread, but I'm leaning toward neither. I do like them both, though!
If you stay with Kenny you get a scar on your forehead from the car crash. And I guess if you chose to reach wellington at all then stay with Kenny is now the only canon way for that to go, the wellington cheek scar does not exist in the final season.
I honestly think Abel survived. Dude was pulled out by only 2 walkers never shown to be bit and can be heard shooting twice.
I'm considering violet
Ooo okay. Didn't know that was a thing.
I like violet and tenn. Disliked marlon before finding out what kind of a person he was now I hate him after finding out. I'm indifferent about louis. I do think his attempts at wooing clem are cringe and it seems like he only has one thing in mind in trying to woo clem. I think clem, aj, violet, and louis are going to be the only remaining people and clem will have to choose between violet and louis. And even after choosing between violet or louis neither are going to make it. I hope I'm wrong because I really like tenn and violet and want them to survive. Idc about louis but he's not a character I'd want to see be killed off but if he is I wouldn't care.
If you leave Wellington & stay with Kenny, they get into a car crash while Kenny is teaching Clementine how to drive. She gets a scar above her eye from the crash. If you stay at Wellington, she's supposed to have a scar on her cheek. The scar is from a bullet grazing her when a raider who is attacking Wellington shoots at her while she's escaping with AJ & Edith. In the final season they force you to have the scar above your eye from the car crash with Kenny even if you're supposed to have the Wellington cheek scar.
AJ is fucking amazing. We couldn't ask for a better kid.
Also, I just have to say that the whole atmosphere of the basement fight with walker Brody was my favorite thing to come out of Telltale in a while. The effect of her blood on the flashlight, washing the room in ominous red, was just really freaking cool and letting the player linger in that moment was a great call.
That is completely obvious. In one of the dialogue options Clem even says that Violet and Minnie were girlfriends who were in love.
There come the passionate apologists, if we had the option to torture Marlon for weeks and let the walkers slowly eat him to death people would still defend this choice.
Yes Marlon was weak, a coward, unstable, delusional, but he was a kid leading a bunch of kids, trying to save most people he could in a post apocaliptic world, its a miracle they are still alive. Then a bunch of adults come by to threathen the group, what do you think would happen if he didn't let them take the twins? The group would just go away? He had only 3 options:
1 - Deny right away, fight and die, girls get taken anyway or worse; 2 - Accept the deal, try to find where they are at, raid the other group, probably getting all his friends killed in the process; 3 - Accept the deal and live with it. So he had no real choice. If he said what really happened the group would probably try to do somethig about it and die.
He was a broken kid, with a burden so heavy that none of us can grasp, you don't need to like him, to defend his actions, but what he did its understandable, he is not a disgusting horrible person.
Nonetheless, the real problem was AJ shooting him after everything was under control, no one can defend AJ what he did, even if you think Marlon deserved to die, they should at least vote, exiling him was a pretty reasonable choice. A civilized person with a minimum level of rational thinking would never defend what AJ did, EVEN if you think Marlon should die. Not just due the fact that AJ, a little kid, killed a person the same way he would kill a walker, but for what he could become growing up, no regard for human life and reckless choices, very dangerous for friends and random people alike.
I love them both. Louis's goofy flirtations and piss poor jokes are too charming and inviting to ignore.
Violet, on the other hand, is genuinely a kind girl despite her attitude. You can tell, if you manage to get her talking, it'd probably be difficult for her to stop if she's comfortable. She's someone you just wanna hug.
So my answer? Both, given the opportunity. One save for Lou, the other for Vi. And from here on out, I PRAY that survival is an option for all 3 of them. ANF had the audacity to keep most of its characters alive despite being more or less forgettable or rage inducingly annoying. TFS should at least give us solace in making sure we can have this cast survive by the end of it all. Please TellTale. PLEASE.
I fully agree, Aj went savage on marlon to the core, I just didn't expect it, I really thought clem was handling it really well (showing her leadership and all), then POW! AJ....SMH, I was like my god!, other than that honestly TT has really done an amazing job with EP 1 (9.9/10)
I felt like I was playing The Evil Within during that moment. It was executed brilliantly!
But violet developed a closer relationship clem i'd say, Louis is your typical boy lol
This, he is Kenny 2.0
I agree. Mostly the last part about AJ. I'm getting real annoyed with him budding into adult business and he's truly off the walls. I guess it's the plot to thicken of trying to parent him and i'm sure the group is going to put tons of pressure and mistrust in you. I spent a good portion of the game parenting him. I didn't let him take the toy, I didn't let him keep reading the dude's diary, I told him not to shoot the bandit and not all fights are worth fighting if you can avoid violence, I even didn't kill the walker couple in the rocking chairs, I told him to apologize for biting the lady. I made him apologize to Marlon, Made him pay his respects to the grave and now he pulls this b.s. Who taught him to be like that at the ranch?
Also nobody has a "I'll bite you if you tap my shoulder" tweak. It's called being a violent brat trying to attack people he's uncomfortable with. I wish their was the option for Clem to give him a good slap on the bum once in a while. He's becoming a privileged punk and in the apoclypse it's too much to bear.
I love the mommy Clem role Clementine has to provide now. It adds a whole new layer to the game. Done so brilliant by TT for all the reasons I mentioned above parenting him. But now it seems like your parenting is being ignored. Not sure what will happen next but i'm so excited to see it.
And that's why i pick violet, she's so kind and friendly towards clem, louis is a bit too out there and goofy(which isn't bad), I just think having a friendly approach towards clem is slightly better.
To be honest, I'm glad they didn't go for the redemption arc with Marlon and had AJ kill him in the end.
It made more sense to me narrative-wise, since it allows us to examine just how differently a child behaves in a zombie apocalypse (AJ) compared to a child who was born before the zombie apocalypse (Clementine), who had the luxury of a stable life with a proper upbringing before everything went to hell. AJ never had this luxury, so instead his sense of morality ends up being drastically different compared to Clementine when she was a child.
As for Marlon, his chance for redemption was squandered a long time ago. He allowed a group of bandits to take his own people, lied to his group that they had died instead of being taken away, and declared that he would do it again when he was found out. He also killed one of his own in a panic when Brody wanted to tell Clementine the truth to keep his secret, tried to pin his murder on Clementine, and is shown to be willing to kill again to uphold his charade.
Marlon is the definition of a true coward. Not even Ben would stoop this low.
It doesn't matter if it was under control. Marlon deserved it and he could've still been a threat. Not everyone deserves a second chance. He was a horrible person who didn't want to own up to what he did. People suffered because of him. People will continue to suffer because of him. A life was taking away because of him. He could've gave himself up and tried to escape. Giving up tenn's sisters and lying to tenn about it is unforgivable and unforgettable and the unforgettable and unforgivable acts didn't stop there. He ruined lives and the life he took away he tried to put that blame on clem. Aj killed a bad person. Aj didn't shoot an innocent person. And unlike what marlon did to brody which was make her suffer aj didn't make marlon suffer. Aj's also still a kid so he can still be influenced in a positive or negative way.