Just finished it. Actually genuinely fucking impressed. This is easily on par with Starved for Help in Season 1, maybe even better in some ways. There were some bad acting chops and awkward animation but overall it's one of my favorite episodes of any telltale game. I'm shocked and amazed honestly. Hoping Episodes 2-4 keep the same level of quality.
Also I just wanna add that every walker encounter felt justified and not forced, and Marlon actually had understandable motives as he was just mentally fucked and trying his best. Season 2 was absolutely appalling with the random walkers and the piss poor antagonists. Really glad the writers stepped it up.
EDIT: Oh hey I just remembered ANOTHER thing I liked about it. They really spent a lot of time building and developing most of these characters instead of just developing 2, killing off the least important ones and forgetting the rest exist for the rest of the season. Super similar to how season 1 did it with the pharmacy in Macon. Loved that.
Sure I get why people are mad. Marlon is crazy, even more so than Kenny & David. But I don't agree with the people who are cheering the death of a kid.
Realistically speaking, AJ shooting him saved your ass. You can't exile people in this world. It's too dangerous. Even if they accept it initially, they could decide later to come back for revenge. Either lead a bunch of walkers to you or lead a group of hostile people to you so they can get revenge for their perceived betrayal. Hell, come to think of it that actually happened on Fear The Walking Dead (dude got banished and he lead a giant herd back to the place that banished him, where dozens of people lived, killed all but like 1 person).
Of course, we basically know the group Abel was with will track them down anyway, because that's the way these games go, but realistically speaking, killing Marlon was the the best move. He couldn't be exiled and he couldn't be kept around. Having him running around the school like anyone else would be too problematic since he had just been outed for trading away the twins and killing Brody. The other kids might be looking for justice. Can't imprison him because they're low on food and can't afford to have a mouth to feed that can't contribute to finding food. Can't exile him for the reasons I already said. That really only leaves killing him, which wasn't even an option for Clem. I chose the he could stay but not as leader option, because of the available options it was the best, if Tenn or someone else killed him, so be it.
Sure I get why people are mad. Marlon is crazy, even more so than Kenny & David. But I don't agree with the people who are cheering the death of a kid.
I really loved this episode, amazing start to the season!
The episode length was perfect, I hope future episodes are as long. (Although I wouldn't complain if they would be even longer )
Must complement the new camera angle and the overall look of the game once again?
I loved the slow pace in this episode. It really made room to get to know the characters and location. Even tho the pace was slow, I didn't feel it lacked in action by any means.
Violet and Tenn are my favorite even tho I didn't really like Vi at the start but as she warmed to Clem, I warmed to her. Tenn is also very sympathetic. Louis is cool and funny and I like his character. (Even tho I regret appealing to him in the end instead of Violet) Marlon was always my least favorite even before the final moments.
I enjoy the emphasis of AJ being a Post-Apocolyptic child. (Not knowing about swings nor policemen nor firefighters) How he doesn't really know how to act around other people except the only person he loves: Clementine. All his life it has been about survival and his actions reflect that. We have some talking to do, AJ...
S4 Clementine is probably already my favorite. I love the mother-figure Clem. Also her character module is fantastic.
I liked the amount of callbacks to previous seasons, I hope they keep it up!
The ending really got me off guard. I didn't see that coming! I mean, I suspected that Brody knew something more after she freaked out after sabotaged traps and seeing Abel. But I didn't expect it to include the twins!
Relates to previous bulletpoint: Basement scene
Can't wait for the next episode! I'll post my thought on the ending in another post.
No, I would have a problem with people cheering if he was an Adult too. Murder is murder. It's not something to cheer on, no matter how bad their actions. But I know I'm in the minority here. People are so quick to vilify people without ever giving them a second chance. I guess Marlon will never get his.
Yes, murder is a murder and personally I wanted to keep him around. In some way maybe give him a chance for redemption or at least to make sure no one catches him outside to lead them to the camp. Tbf, people here are so quick to vilify him because basically what he did was unforgivable. You've to admit that what he did was probably even worse than death to Tenn's sisters. To put it simply, I don't condone the people that are glad he's dead but I also understand them. In the end what matters I think that as a character he was one of the best in the recent history of Telltale. I really didn't see that coming at the end with that twist.
No, I would have a problem with people cheering if he was an Adult too. Murder is murder. It's not something to cheer on, no matter how bad … moretheir actions. But I know I'm in the minority here. People are so quick to vilify people without ever giving them a second chance. I guess Marlon will never get his.
Yes, murder is a murder and personally I wanted to keep him around. In some way maybe give him a chance for redemption or at least to make s… moreure no one catches him outside to lead them to the camp. Tbf, people here are so quick to vilify him because basically what he did was unforgivable. You've to admit that what he did was probably even worse than death to Tenn's sisters. To put it simply, I don't condone the people that are glad he's dead but I also understand them. In the end what matters I think that as a character he was one of the best in the recent history of Telltale. I really didn't see that coming at the end with that twist.
no actually i didn't, because they are children in a survival focused world and i am an adult and it'd be incredibly fucked up to ship children with each other when the main focus of the game is the survival of human kind and how cruel human nature becomes when met with no rules and no safety.
EDIT: btw i'm not like shitting on you or trying to make you feel bad or insinuate that you're like a weirdo or something. i actually have no gripes with you. i just find the whole shipping business to be a lil weird in the walking dead universe, especially when clem is by all rights still a minor.
My thoughts on the ending: I liked it alot though it would've been cool if Marlon had been determinant. I don't feel like the end was rushed, I thought it was quite logical.
It all starts from Brody: She clearly is regretful what happened to the twins and she naturally freaks out after signs of the Raider group start to appear in fear of having to trade more people with Marlon. She doesn't want to betray her friends again. Her freaking out added to the argument with Marlon about trading people also freaked Marlon out and Marlon definetly didn't want Clem to know about their secret. Marlon showed signs of aggressive behaviour before but wasn't violent yet this subject is so serious that hitting Brody was probably the only way to shut her up. In the heat of the moment the hit is way too fucking hard and Brody ultimately dies and to top it all off Clem finds out about his and Brody's secret anyway. Marlon now has 2 problems. Pinning the murder on Clem was his only option at that point after Clem escaped the basement. The group turning on Marlon is also logical when Clem spills the beans because when she reveals everything Marlon is like "Shut up! Stop talking!" which doesn't help his case.
As for what AJ did: I think it was totally wrong to shoot Marlon in that situation. He shouldn't have taken matters into his own hands. I would've locked him in the basement. But later on most likely would've executed him. Definetly couldn't have let him stay and very risky to just let him leave. Even tho what AJ was wrong, Marlon did deserve that after all that he did.
What can I say? After playing the tech demo, I had high expectations and boy did it deliver.
The new game mechanics, the art style and the added elements from previous Telltale games (the relationship system) were top notch.
To top it all off, we got one of the most enjoyable episodes that I can remember in recent times and one hell of a cliffhanger (Seriously AJ wtf?!)
I can honestly say without a doubt, that Telltale have got something great here. The fact that I'm excited with the wait between episodes again says everything. I look forward to the next episode and the rest of the season.
Why do people keep saying that louise is thirsty i honestly think you guys are just misinterping that for actually genuine interest he has for clementine.
Marlon's a disgusting, horrible, and inhumane monster. After what he did and finding out what he did I hope no one likes him, I hope no will… more defend him or try to, and I hope they don't ship him and clem. It wouldn't make any sense if they do. Louise is just thirsty. I like violet, tenn, and a couple other characters who's names I can't remember at the moment. I ship clem and violet. I'm proud of aj for what he did. Marlon deserved way worse but he also deserved what happened to him.
AJ was a little shit all episode,he was being a little shit when Clem wasn't even there,he was mean to everyone,elbowed Marlon in the balls,… morebad manners at dinner,mean to Ten over the policeman toy, definitely has Carver's and Rebeccas reactions and genes, definitely not Alvins temperament, ofc AJ stands for A.Jerk xD
I hope Abel isn’t the main baddy this season. He seems like an interesting character, but he doesn’t give me that mysterious and dangerous vibe that Carver gave me back in A House Divided. He gives me The Stranger vibes with his creepiness and calm voice.
This is a weird theory: but I think Minerva might be one of the main villains. When they find her (if she’s alive), she’ll blame them for not coming to look for her and trusting Marlon all that time. She’ll be even more livid that Violet moved on and found a partner in Clem (if you romance her).
I hope Abel isn’t the main baddy this season. He seems like an interesting character, but he doesn’t give me that mysterious and dangerous v… moreibe that Carver gave me back in A House Divided. He gives me The Stranger vibes with his creepiness and calm voice.
This is a weird theory: but I think Minerva might be one of the main villains. When they find her (if she’s alive), she’ll blame them for not coming to look for her and trusting Marlon all that time. She’ll be even more livid that Violet moved on and found a partner in Clem (if you romance her).
I don’t think he died if you attacked him. I saw no blood and saw no walker bite him. Not to mention I heard 2 gunshots before you left, meaning he must’ve killed them.
Besides, we didn’t actually see him get torn apart, same as Kenny’s “death” in S1.
I'll try and get down my initial thoughts while they're still relatively fresh in my mind.
I'm still getting used to the combat and camera system, and I died quite a few times.
During the card game, when Louis asked if Clem had ever had a boyfriend before, I picked "Never".
When Marlon asked who took care of me before coming to the school, I honestly answered "Lots of people", because I thought Clem would say that she had more than one group. Because, let's face it, even in the first group, it wasn't just Lee who looked after Clem - Kenny, Katjaa, Lilly, Carley/Doug, Ben.
When Violet asked who I thought was going to die first, I didn't answer. Because honestly, how the hell do you answer that kind of question? But, of the three choices given, and based on what I knew at the time, I guessed it would have been Louis. "Good people are the first ones to die." That mindset, and what Marlon said in his office, also made me choose to go with Louis and Aasim on the hunting trip.
Surprisingly, I liked pretty much all the kids, especially Violet and Aasim, though I hope Mitch, Willy, Omar and Ruby get more of a chance to shine and/or fight later on. I like Louis' personality, but I also think Aasim's criticisms of him are valid, especially in this environment. Like with the snared walker. Just make the pinata joke and smash its' head in. Every second it's still moving is a greater chance of it either biting or scratching someone.
Before the ending, I thought Marlon was okay, but that his policy of making the safe zone smaller and not upkeeping the greenhouse were long-term detriments.
Brody's panicking, from the start at the fishing shack, made me think she knew more than she was letting on. Her reaction after the encounter at the train station made me think she was the mole.
That ending. When Clem and AJ were woken up, at first I thought that some of Abel's group had broken in and taken Brody or Violet or Ruby hostage. When Brody confessed and Marlon injured her, I just wanted to help her, even though it would be impossible under the circumstances. I flinched at her injury and the loss of her sight and memory.
As for AJ killing Marlon... before that, I didn't pick any of the options - locking him in the basement or exiling him. At that very moment, despite everything Marlon had done, I just saw a beaten, broken, cringing boy. To me, he was was worse than scummy - he was nothing.
After playing the episode, I gave his death some thought, and I thought it was similar to the thief at the truck stop in Shel's Story - "We can't keep him here and we can't let him go. If there's even a chance of him coming back, or telling folks who might try to hurt us, we can't take it.".
Situations like that also remind me of a quote by Mr Fantastic from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, paraphrasing a bit: "There's morality and then there's practicality. I may have issues with the Act... but going down a path we know leads to more death and destruction is downright irresponsible of us"
Well, that's it. Note to self: No Walking Dead-related content just before bedtime.
Asking if clem had a bf and he hasn't even known clem for a week. I didn't like how he gave violet a score than gave clem a better score either. Instead of just doing what clem did when deciding who to complement between violet and himself which was giving one of them a complement and then just leaving it at that or saying they both did good he made it into a competition, while at the same time annoying violet and playing favorites. Also louis attempts at flirting are just cringe to me.
Why do people keep saying that louise is thirsty i honestly think you guys are just misinterping that for actually genuine interest he has for clementine.
I just finished the first episode and oh my goodness am I infinitely more invested in this season than ANF. TTG just proved that there really is life after death! First off, more Clem-time, and not the cringe-worthy growing-up-discussions she had with Javier (Javi handled the discussion pretty well if I'm being honest. The conversation just seemed very inappropriate given the situation). Second, AJ reflects how I believe Clem would raise him; capable, resourceful, and over-guarded given their history in the franchise. This is why the school provides an exciting new angle in my opinion - Clem teaching AJ how to properly interact with people. Third, each character seemed to be developed to the point where they have their own personality. Sure, we had little time with them, but the time we had with each was almost always building.
Also, was I the only one nervous halfway through the episode that it was going to end at any second? Maybe I'm just suffering from ANFS (A New Frontier Syndrome).
I'm seeing a lot of hate on Marlon and I can empathize. He has done several bad things and does not seem to be a capable leader as reflected in the greenhouse being left waste away while the food in their safe zone dwindles. I get all of that. But, I had Clementine take the path of rebuking Marlon but provide him a path towards redemption for several reasons. The entire episode showed me a kid who wanted to protect those around him but didn't know how. He had no one to look up to, no one to show him the ropes. Their own headmaster left the school. Yet he stood up to try and run the camp for the sake of everyone else around him. Yes, he betrayed the lives of a few to try and save many. Yes, he should be punished for what he did. But let him make up for the crimes he committed. He did the wrong thing for the right reason. Give him a chance to work his way back into the community instead of perpetuating the bloodshed. Oh wait, he just committed accidental manslaughter and locked Clem in with a walker to kill her and remove any evidence of his crimes Get'em AJ!
I get what your saying, but are you guys just going to ignore how hard violet tries to edgy.
I mean that question she asks clementine on who she thinks is going to die who asks something like that? That was way more cringy to me than anything louis did in the episode . Also the whole playing hard to get but slowing opening herself up and hinting at her homosexuialty felt very igneous to me like she wants to get with clementine but is more sneaky about it.
Asking if clem had a bf and he hasn't even known clem for a week. I didn't like how he gave violet a score than gave clem a better score eit… moreher. Instead of just doing what clem did when deciding who to complement between violet and himself which was giving one of them a complement and then just leaving it at that or saying they both did good he made it into a competition, while at the same time annoying violet and playing favorites. Also louis attempts at flirting are just cringe to me.
Hey, that was a really solid episode. Colour me surprised.
Aside from the Marlon getting killed by AJ thing (although I didn't mind it, i… moret made sense narrative-wise and neither side is fully in the right or in the wrong), I really liked that ending, especially everything in that basement. I just hope that even though I appealed to Violet, I'll be able to romance Louis, as I'm completely certain I will pick him in the inevitable romance option that will appear in the next episodes.
Absolutely loved episode 1! THIS is the season 3 I wanted!
All the characters are really likeable. (Well the main ones anyway. Haven't formed a proper opinion on the others yet) So here are my thoughts on them Louis. I love Louis! He was so kind and friendly to Clem and Aj and his goofy optimism kinda reminds me of Omid - Trying to maintain a sense of humor and not take things too seriously even in an apocalypse! Also like his more creative methods and it was so sweet of him to give AJ his food. Violet - She's great! A little cold at the beginning, but as you get to know her better she really warms to you and us to her and as you learn what she's been through, it's soon relatable why she is the way she is. I can definetly see a BFF here. Tenn is precious. Such a sweet kid. I definetly see a brotherly friendship forming between him and AJ. Yes, AJ is young and has a lot to learn but I feel Tenn will be able to help Clem with that and I look forward to finding out more about him, his burn and his sisters. Marlon was my least favourite of the 4 (maybe it's the mullet? XD) but I liked that he was friendly to us and helped us with Rosie (Rosie is ours now yes? ) but he certainly didn't do himself any favours in the end. It may sound harsh but I'm kinda glad he was the first one to die because.... I just love the other 3 too much. AJ - I'm adding AJ because I wasn't his biggest fan whilst he was a baby but now he's older, I'm really starting to like him. I get he doesn't always do the right thing and sometimes makes rash decisions but he's 5? years old. He's still learning. For a kid of that age thats been born into an apoclypse and has never known anything else, it makes perfect sense for him to be that way to me.
I dont think its being ignored, but the results will apearem later, our choices will mold AJ personality in the end of the game, and maybe resulting in different outcomes during the game.
I agree. Mostly the last part about AJ. I'm getting real annoyed with him budding into adult business and he's truly off the walls. I guess… more it's the plot to thicken of trying to parent him and i'm sure the group is going to put tons of pressure and mistrust in you. I spent a good portion of the game parenting him. I didn't let him take the toy, I didn't let him keep reading the dude's diary, I told him not to shoot the bandit and not all fights are worth fighting if you can avoid violence, I even didn't kill the walker couple in the rocking chairs, I told him to apologize for biting the lady. I made him apologize to Marlon, Made him pay his respects to the grave and now he pulls this b.s. Who taught him to be like that at the ranch?
Also nobody has a "I'll bite you if you tap my shoulder" tweak. It's called being a violent brat trying to attack people he's uncomfortable with. I wish their was the option for Clem to give him a go… [view original content]
I was legit scared in the basement, telltale choose to not jumpscare, it was probably one of the best first episode for telltale. Oh and the twins are definetly alive, maybe just one...
I’m curious to know if the other group is full evil or not. I hope telltale go all out. The girls were probably taken for reproduction.
I don't think violet's trying to be anything. I think that's just how she is just like how louis is just flirtatious. It's apart of their character. I don't mind her being edgy. It's not overbearing to me. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea though. It's all about preferences. I prefer subtleness and characters who are deep, mysterious, cold, and quiet but are talkative once they warm up to you and I'm drawn to the lone wolf types. Louis is the goofy, comedic, flirty type and characters like him just aren't for me. To each their own though.
I get what your saying, but are you guys just going to ignore how hard violet tries to edgy.
I mean that question she asks clementine o… moren who she thinks is going to die who asks something like that? That was way more cringy to me than anything louis did in the episode . Also the whole playing hard to get but slowing opening herself up and hinting at her homosexuialty felt very igneous to me like she wants to get with clementine but is more sneaky about it.
This is already miles ahead of season 2 and A New Frontier in pretty much every way. I like the new gameplay style, and I'm glad they introduced another dog (hopefully Rosie doesn't die). Louis is adorable and reminds me of Lucio from Overwatch. So yeah, solid episode for the most part.
And while I understand why other people do, I personally don't hate Marlon or AJ for what they did. I liked the former and felt bad for him, and AJ is still learning how the world works. But that's just my two cents.
Yay someone who isn't one way or the other. Regarding Marlon and AJ. I've read really compelling passages involving Marlon but usually end with "AJ was a little shit tho what the fuck!" and vice versa for AJ. Its nice to not be so one sided.
This is already miles ahead of season 2 and A New Frontier in pretty much every way. I like the new gameplay style, and I'm glad they introd… moreuced another dog (hopefully Rosie doesn't die). Louis is adorable and reminds me of Lucio from Overwatch. So yeah, solid episode for the most part.
And while I understand why other people do, I personally don't hate Marlon or AJ for what they did. I liked the former and felt bad for him, and AJ is still learning how the world works. But that's just my two cents.
Deer skull goes above the door. Cat skull goes on the book shelf
You lot are as crazy as Marlon, lmao.
But crazy in a good way, yes?
Just finished it. Actually genuinely fucking impressed. This is easily on par with Starved for Help in Season 1, maybe even better in some ways. There were some bad acting chops and awkward animation but overall it's one of my favorite episodes of any telltale game. I'm shocked and amazed honestly. Hoping Episodes 2-4 keep the same level of quality.
Also I just wanna add that every walker encounter felt justified and not forced, and Marlon actually had understandable motives as he was just mentally fucked and trying his best. Season 2 was absolutely appalling with the random walkers and the piss poor antagonists. Really glad the writers stepped it up.
EDIT: Oh hey I just remembered ANOTHER thing I liked about it. They really spent a lot of time building and developing most of these characters instead of just developing 2, killing off the least important ones and forgetting the rest exist for the rest of the season. Super similar to how season 1 did it with the pharmacy in Macon. Loved that.
Guys, can we discuss the actual real MVP of the episode?

Sure I get why people are mad. Marlon is crazy, even more so than Kenny & David. But I don't agree with the people who are cheering the death of a kid.
Realistically speaking, AJ shooting him saved your ass. You can't exile people in this world. It's too dangerous. Even if they accept it initially, they could decide later to come back for revenge. Either lead a bunch of walkers to you or lead a group of hostile people to you so they can get revenge for their perceived betrayal. Hell, come to think of it that actually happened on Fear The Walking Dead (dude got banished and he lead a giant herd back to the place that banished him, where dozens of people lived, killed all but like 1 person).
Of course, we basically know the group Abel was with will track them down anyway, because that's the way these games go, but realistically speaking, killing Marlon was the the best move. He couldn't be exiled and he couldn't be kept around. Having him running around the school like anyone else would be too problematic since he had just been outed for trading away the twins and killing Brody. The other kids might be looking for justice. Can't imprison him because they're low on food and can't afford to have a mouth to feed that can't contribute to finding food. Can't exile him for the reasons I already said. That really only leaves killing him, which wasn't even an option for Clem. I chose the he could stay but not as leader option, because of the available options it was the best, if Tenn or someone else killed him, so be it.
So it's simply disturbing because of the fact he is a kid? I guess for some it'd be a normal reaction if Marlon was an adult.
I really loved this episode, amazing start to the season!
Can't wait for the next episode! I'll post my thought on the ending in another post.
No, I would have a problem with people cheering if he was an Adult too. Murder is murder. It's not something to cheer on, no matter how bad their actions. But I know I'm in the minority here. People are so quick to vilify people without ever giving them a second chance. I guess Marlon will never get his.
Yes, murder is a murder and personally I wanted to keep him around. In some way maybe give him a chance for redemption or at least to make sure no one catches him outside to lead them to the camp. Tbf, people here are so quick to vilify him because basically what he did was unforgivable. You've to admit that what he did was probably even worse than death to Tenn's sisters. To put it simply, I don't condone the people that are glad he's dead but I also understand them. In the end what matters I think that as a character he was one of the best in the recent history of Telltale. I really didn't see that coming at the end with that twist.
Exactly! I agree with everything you just said.
no actually i didn't, because they are children in a survival focused world and i am an adult and it'd be incredibly fucked up to ship children with each other when the main focus of the game is the survival of human kind and how cruel human nature becomes when met with no rules and no safety.
EDIT: btw i'm not like shitting on you or trying to make you feel bad or insinuate that you're like a weirdo or something. i actually have no gripes with you. i just find the whole shipping business to be a lil weird in the walking dead universe, especially when clem is by all rights still a minor.
My thoughts on the ending: I liked it alot though it would've been cool if Marlon had been determinant. I don't feel like the end was rushed, I thought it was quite logical.
It all starts from Brody: She clearly is regretful what happened to the twins and she naturally freaks out after signs of the Raider group start to appear in fear of having to trade more people with Marlon. She doesn't want to betray her friends again. Her freaking out added to the argument with Marlon about trading people also freaked Marlon out and Marlon definetly didn't want Clem to know about their secret. Marlon showed signs of aggressive behaviour before but wasn't violent yet this subject is so serious that hitting Brody was probably the only way to shut her up. In the heat of the moment the hit is way too fucking hard and Brody ultimately dies and to top it all off Clem finds out about his and Brody's secret anyway. Marlon now has 2 problems. Pinning the murder on Clem was his only option at that point after Clem escaped the basement. The group turning on Marlon is also logical when Clem spills the beans because when she reveals everything Marlon is like "Shut up! Stop talking!" which doesn't help his case.
As for what AJ did: I think it was totally wrong to shoot Marlon in that situation. He shouldn't have taken matters into his own hands. I would've locked him in the basement. But later on most likely would've executed him. Definetly couldn't have let him stay and very risky to just let him leave. Even tho what AJ was wrong, Marlon did deserve that after all that he did.
What can I say? After playing the tech demo, I had high expectations and boy did it deliver.
The new game mechanics, the art style and the added elements from previous Telltale games (the relationship system) were top notch.
To top it all off, we got one of the most enjoyable episodes that I can remember in recent times and one hell of a cliffhanger (Seriously AJ wtf?!)
I can honestly say without a doubt, that Telltale have got something great here. The fact that I'm excited with the wait between episodes again says everything. I look forward to the next episode and the rest of the season.
Hats off to to you Telltale!
I kinda caught on that there was going to more to Minnie and Sophie than dying to walkers, with how they were being built up across the episode.
I'd also like to say this one episode was better than all of ANF put together
Why do people keep saying that louise is thirsty i honestly think you guys are just misinterping that for actually genuine interest he has for clementine.
In defense of Aj he hasn't had much social interaction with people besides clem, so I can kinda see why his behavior is like that.
I hope Abel isn’t the main baddy this season. He seems like an interesting character, but he doesn’t give me that mysterious and dangerous vibe that Carver gave me back in A House Divided. He gives me The Stranger vibes with his creepiness and calm voice.
This is a weird theory: but I think Minerva might be one of the main villains. When they find her (if she’s alive), she’ll blame them for not coming to look for her and trusting Marlon all that time. She’ll be even more livid that Violet moved on and found a partner in Clem (if you romance her).
I'm sure tenn's sisters were sacred too. Marlon was the leader and he failed at protecting them. He failed as a human and he failed at being a man.
I really liked Brody
I could've worded it or said it better or just should've not said it at all. Though I'll say this I hope no one would ship clem with a corpse.
Abel is determinant. He is no way the main antagonist.
I don’t think he died if you attacked him. I saw no blood and saw no walker bite him. Not to mention I heard 2 gunshots before you left, meaning he must’ve killed them.
Besides, we didn’t actually see him get torn apart, same as Kenny’s “death” in S1.
I'll try and get down my initial thoughts while they're still relatively fresh in my mind.
I'm still getting used to the combat and camera system, and I died quite a few times.
During the card game, when Louis asked if Clem had ever had a boyfriend before, I picked "Never".
When Marlon asked who took care of me before coming to the school, I honestly answered "Lots of people", because I thought Clem would say that she had more than one group. Because, let's face it, even in the first group, it wasn't just Lee who looked after Clem - Kenny, Katjaa, Lilly, Carley/Doug, Ben.
When Violet asked who I thought was going to die first, I didn't answer. Because honestly, how the hell do you answer that kind of question? But, of the three choices given, and based on what I knew at the time, I guessed it would have been Louis. "Good people are the first ones to die." That mindset, and what Marlon said in his office, also made me choose to go with Louis and Aasim on the hunting trip.
Surprisingly, I liked pretty much all the kids, especially Violet and Aasim, though I hope Mitch, Willy, Omar and Ruby get more of a chance to shine and/or fight later on. I like Louis' personality, but I also think Aasim's criticisms of him are valid, especially in this environment. Like with the snared walker. Just make the pinata joke and smash its' head in. Every second it's still moving is a greater chance of it either biting or scratching someone.
Before the ending, I thought Marlon was okay, but that his policy of making the safe zone smaller and not upkeeping the greenhouse were long-term detriments.
Brody's panicking, from the start at the fishing shack, made me think she knew more than she was letting on. Her reaction after the encounter at the train station made me think she was the mole.
That ending. When Clem and AJ were woken up, at first I thought that some of Abel's group had broken in and taken Brody or Violet or Ruby hostage. When Brody confessed and Marlon injured her, I just wanted to help her, even though it would be impossible under the circumstances. I flinched at her injury and the loss of her sight and memory.
As for AJ killing Marlon... before that, I didn't pick any of the options - locking him in the basement or exiling him. At that very moment, despite everything Marlon had done, I just saw a beaten, broken, cringing boy. To me, he was was worse than scummy - he was nothing.
After playing the episode, I gave his death some thought, and I thought it was similar to the thief at the truck stop in Shel's Story - "We can't keep him here and we can't let him go. If there's even a chance of him coming back, or telling folks who might try to hurt us, we can't take it.".
Situations like that also remind me of a quote by Mr Fantastic from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, paraphrasing a bit: "There's morality and then there's practicality. I may have issues with the Act... but going down a path we know leads to more death and destruction is downright irresponsible of us"
Well, that's it. Note to self: No Walking Dead-related content just before bedtime.
Asking if clem had a bf and he hasn't even known clem for a week. I didn't like how he gave violet a score than gave clem a better score either. Instead of just doing what clem did when deciding who to complement between violet and himself which was giving one of them a complement and then just leaving it at that or saying they both did good he made it into a competition, while at the same time annoying violet and playing favorites. Also louis attempts at flirting are just cringe to me.
I just finished the first episode and oh my goodness am I infinitely more invested in this season than ANF. TTG just proved that there really is life after death! First off, more Clem-time, and not the cringe-worthy growing-up-discussions she had with Javier (Javi handled the discussion pretty well if I'm being honest. The conversation just seemed very inappropriate given the situation). Second, AJ reflects how I believe Clem would raise him; capable, resourceful, and over-guarded given their history in the franchise. This is why the school provides an exciting new angle in my opinion - Clem teaching AJ how to properly interact with people. Third, each character seemed to be developed to the point where they have their own personality. Sure, we had little time with them, but the time we had with each was almost always building.
Also, was I the only one nervous halfway through the episode that it was going to end at any second? Maybe I'm just suffering from ANFS (A New Frontier Syndrome).
I'm seeing a lot of hate on Marlon and I can empathize. He has done several bad things and does not seem to be a capable leader as reflected in the greenhouse being left waste away while the food in their safe zone dwindles. I get all of that. But, I had Clementine take the path of rebuking Marlon but provide him a path towards redemption for several reasons. The entire episode showed me a kid who wanted to protect those around him but didn't know how. He had no one to look up to, no one to show him the ropes. Their own headmaster left the school. Yet he stood up to try and run the camp for the sake of everyone else around him. Yes, he betrayed the lives of a few to try and save many. Yes, he should be punished for what he did. But let him make up for the crimes he committed. He did the wrong thing for the right reason. Give him a chance to work his way back into the community instead of perpetuating the bloodshed. Oh wait, he just committed accidental manslaughter and locked Clem in with a walker to kill her and remove any evidence of his crimes Get'em AJ!
I get what your saying, but are you guys just going to ignore how hard violet tries to edgy.
I mean that question she asks clementine on who she thinks is going to die who asks something like that? That was way more cringy to me than anything louis did in the episode . Also the whole playing hard to get but slowing opening herself up and hinting at her homosexuialty felt very igneous to me like she wants to get with clementine but is more sneaky about it.
This. I honestly am not a big violet fan but I still appealed to her because Louis was Marlon’s best friend so I thought it wouldn’t work.
Absolutely loved episode 1! THIS is the season 3 I wanted!
All the characters are really likeable. (Well the main ones anyway. Haven't formed a proper opinion on the others yet) So here are my thoughts on them
) but he certainly didn't do himself any favours in the end. It may sound harsh but I'm kinda glad he was the first one to die because.... I just love the other 3 too much.
Louis. I love Louis! He was so kind and friendly to Clem and Aj and his goofy optimism kinda reminds me of Omid - Trying to maintain a sense of humor and not take things too seriously even in an apocalypse! Also like his more creative methods and it was so sweet of him to give AJ his food.
Violet - She's great! A little cold at the beginning, but as you get to know her better she really warms to you and us to her and as you learn what she's been through, it's soon relatable why she is the way she is. I can definetly see a BFF here.
Tenn is precious. Such a sweet kid. I definetly see a brotherly friendship forming between him and AJ. Yes, AJ is young and has a lot to learn but I feel Tenn will be able to help Clem with that and I look forward to finding out more about him, his burn and his sisters.
Marlon was my least favourite of the 4 (maybe it's the mullet? XD) but I liked that he was friendly to us and helped us with Rosie (Rosie is ours now yes?
AJ - I'm adding AJ because I wasn't his biggest fan whilst he was a baby but now he's older, I'm really starting to like him. I get he doesn't always do the right thing and sometimes makes rash decisions but he's 5? years old. He's still learning. For a kid of that age thats been born into an apoclypse and has never known anything else, it makes perfect sense for him to be that way to me.
I dont think its being ignored, but the results will apearem later, our choices will mold AJ personality in the end of the game, and maybe resulting in different outcomes during the game.
I was legit scared in the basement, telltale choose to not jumpscare, it was probably one of the best first episode for telltale. Oh and the twins are definetly alive, maybe just one...
I’m curious to know if the other group is full evil or not. I hope telltale go all out. The girls were probably taken for reproduction.
I don't think violet's trying to be anything. I think that's just how she is just like how louis is just flirtatious. It's apart of their character. I don't mind her being edgy. It's not overbearing to me. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea though. It's all about preferences. I prefer subtleness and characters who are deep, mysterious, cold, and quiet but are talkative once they warm up to you and I'm drawn to the lone wolf types. Louis is the goofy, comedic, flirty type and characters like him just aren't for me. To each their own though.
Me after EP1
So Marlon would have had to touch Clem's hat, that curse is no joke.
This is already miles ahead of season 2 and A New Frontier in pretty much every way. I like the new gameplay style, and I'm glad they introduced another dog (hopefully Rosie doesn't die). Louis is adorable and reminds me of Lucio from Overwatch. So yeah, solid episode for the most part.
And while I understand why other people do, I personally don't hate Marlon or AJ for what they did. I liked the former and felt bad for him, and AJ is still learning how the world works. But that's just my two cents.
AJ just had me screaming WHAT THE FUCK AJ!? Like 5 times. I did not raise him to be like that
Also,if this is going the route I think it is with clem,louis,and violet, I'm going with V. Louis annoys me. Trying way too hard
Yay someone who isn't one way or the other. Regarding Marlon and AJ. I've read really compelling passages involving Marlon but usually end with "AJ was a little shit tho what the fuck!" and vice versa for AJ. Its nice to not be so one sided.