No lie, that would have been funny. I like that the don't you dare option is there like people been singing that to her all her life and the games just never showed it.
Funnily enough I remember a haunting version of the song being used in the Vine teaser for No Going Back, still, I am really glad someone finally sang the damn song or mentioned it lol
Yup from season 1 I think people wanted to hear that. I mean why name your main character that and not take advantage until now?
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Funnily enough I remember a haunting version of the song being used in the Vine teaser for No Going Back, still, I am really glad someone finally sang the damn song or mentioned it lol
Well we did have the Vine for promoting the season finale of S2 which featured the tune of Oh My Darling Clementine. But yeah, I can't believe it took 4 seasons for this song to finally be referenced in the game.
Well we did have the Vine for promoting the season finale of S2 which featured the tune of Oh My Darling Clementine. But yeah, I can't believe it took 4 seasons for this song to finally be referenced in the game.
There may not be one. I just feel as though Louis may go quickly. Maybe it's just because telltale has a way of killing off characters who are generally liked by most people.
There may not be one. I just feel as though Louis may go quickly. Maybe it's just because telltale has a way of killing off characters who are generally liked by most people.
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God bless you.
To be fair the lyrics are pretty dark if you think about it, and at this point i'm so fucking scared this is some kind of sick foreshadowing… more.
I'm afraid this song could be brought back but in much, much heavier and darker tone in a not so happy context...
We all knew that this song was going to show up someday, really didn't think it'd be in a comical scene like this though. Always thought it'd be something like an end credits theme or something!
We all knew that this song was going to show up someday, really didn't think it'd be in a comical scene like this though. Always thought it'd be something like an end credits theme or something!
Louis is the hero we needed
Agreed someone who still after all this time just takes things easy.
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Yeah truly, I would have thought Duck would have sung it multiple times to annoy Clem.
No lie, that would have been funny. I like that the don't you dare option is there like people been singing that to her all her life and the games just never showed it.
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God bless you.
I appreciate how nice you are, thank god there's still people like you
I fucking hate that song irl but I still loved this scene. Lou is too good for us.
Thank u2.
No lie, Louis is too cool for the outbreak.
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For the Neil Young cover
Not bad, but I kind of like the original tune better.
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Ming li is that you?
Yeah I was shocked at how long it took for this to come up in universe.

Now all we need is a remix with Louis featuring Disco Broccoli spitting hot bars.
Funnily enough I remember a haunting version of the song being used in the Vine teaser for No Going Back, still, I am really glad someone finally sang the damn song or mentioned it lol
That moment made me fall in love a bit with him haha. But slowly fell a bit out of love over the episode.
Yup from season 1 I think people wanted to hear that. I mean why name your main character that and not take advantage until now?
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Lol, yes.
Yeah definitely I think in the song Clementine drowns actually, so you could put a darker spin on it.
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God bless you.
I think he was pretty through out the episode. He does put it on a little thick though.
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God bless you.
Well we did have the Vine for promoting the season finale of S2 which featured the tune of Oh My Darling Clementine. But yeah, I can't believe it took 4 seasons for this song to finally be referenced in the game.
It was a cute scene and I liked Luis up until zombie pinata. But its still adorbs.
I found this to be sooo adorable, immediately fell in love with Louis. Can't wait for that emotional romantic scene of Louistine in next episode
Yup from game one someone should have sang it.
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Yeah the zombie pinata was dumb but it just shows how easy he takes things.
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There may not be one. I just feel as though Louis may go quickly. Maybe it's just because telltale has a way of killing off characters who are generally liked by most people.
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God bless you.
Who's that?
well, it reminds me that...
Lol, no lie.
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God bless you.
To be fair the lyrics are pretty dark if you think about it, and at this point i'm so fucking scared this is some kind of sick foreshadowing.
I'm afraid this song could be brought back but in much, much heavier and darker tone in a not so happy context...
Yeah I think in the song Clementine drowned.
Thank you for the comment.
God bless you.
We all knew that this song was going to show up someday, really didn't think it'd be in a comical scene like this though. Always thought it'd be something like an end credits theme or something!
Yeah, as I've pointed out before I believe Clementine drowns in the song, so perhaps this was meant to be lighthearted foreshadowing.
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Yeah, that leaped out at me the second time.
Yeah until I heard the remix of the song I didn't realize how sad the song really was.