I don't think Lilly will return (Spoilers)

It's my suspicion that she was included in the story builder because if Lee allowed her back into the RV after Carley's untimely death, it would set an example for Clem to be understanding of AJ murdering Marlon. I already expect people to disagree with me about this, but I'm not going to continue to get my hopes up expecting to see Lilly until we officially meet the raiders.
Overall, episode one was great, but like others pointed out, it did seem to get rushed near the climax. I think it could've been made to be a LITTLE longer. More foreshadowing about Marlon could've been done. After they returned with spoils from the train station, there should've been another hub exploration instead of just decorating the room & going to bed. We should've had the opportunity to speak with Violet and Lou again after they left dinner (maybe let us see their rooms?). I can't imagine what's been left on the cutting room floor for EP1. Seriously Telltale, c'mon. QuanticDream & DontNod is able to do more with far less employees, so can you!
As for Marlon, way to drop the ball, guys! I know the forum is split on this character being redeemable or not, but I really liked how they wrote him. I thought he was like a Daryl-esque Kenny post-Carver. They didn't have to go with the overdone shock value head shot, AGAIN.
Carley, Mariana, & John Fairbanks was enough. I would've preferred if Marlon's fate was determinate & given the Conrad treatment.
@mostlypoptarts stay on Telltale to make the remaining episodes longer & with more to do in the game. As interesting as the episode was, it still feels like a cash grab.
So people think the Old Ghost achievement confirms Lilly? For all we know it's Captain Hook Javi.
I agree. Idk where people are getting the Lilly idea from? Did they say a S1 character would be returning or something?
I just think we'd be more likely to meet Christa than Lilly. Depends how far they've all split up I guess.
She will probably return, thats why on the intro in TWD Final you must choose if Lee leaves her alone on the streets or she's coming with them. I dont like Lily anyway so i dont care. We must see Christa.
They said and Stauffer confirmed that, there will be some returning charaters from Season 1.
She’s 100% returning. I mean.... the leaks dude.
Oh fuck, there are leaks for future episodes?
(This is a yes or no question, btw.)
Sadly yes. Be careful, I never look for leaks but they seem to always find me.
Returning characters have already been confirmed and I really doubt Clementine will have that big of an issue with AJ shooting Marlon to the point of disowning him
Can someone link me these leaks?
Lily doesn't return but Arvo does along with Mike..
I sure hope you're bullshittin
For more reasons than one
We can get revenge for Arvo shooting us.
I was about to comment that without any proof the old ghost could be anyone - for example Duck, in a dream. But now you're all throwing leaks like they're ninja stars and I'm gonna try my best dodging this. Also I choose not to believe that Mike and Arvo are coming back, because they're from S2.
Where are these leaks?
I've only seen one person post a leaked picture of the possibly 2nd episode but that post no longer exists, no link or anything so I'm not sure where you can find these leaks.
I saw a leak of her... I can try to send it if you want? It looked exactly like her in season one but with shorter hair and season 4 graphics..
Honestly I wish I didn’t see the leak sooooo
Speaking of returning characters and leaks:
Someone found a leak of test animation footage featuring Arvo and Rosie.
It'd be interesting to see
You want me to send it? It’s very spoiling but honestly I already knew she was coming back
Could you send it to me pls

Can you send it to me too
Appreciate it
"Weh can ge wevenj 4 Arvo shoe ting u--," clearly, you didn't get my reaction.

They shouldn't be here. Not at this point, not in the way people seem to think Lily is either.
...Why the fuck did I hit one of those spoiler tags?
If you're going to be a dick why not use the SpongeBob meme?
Can you send to me pls?
Oh, the one where's he's being a chicken?
Thank you, Capn, that is a nautically nice idea!
Can I have some leaks too?
ok since everyone is askin for that s++t can i see it too?
Well honestly why would they bring her back? I sure dont give a s++t about her how about they tell us what tf happened to Christa instead?
Wasn't Clint/Joan suppose to return depending on your choice in ANF.
Well nobody cares about ANF and since its not in the story builder it doesnt count
Can you send it to me too please?
You can hear Christa screaming "NO" and falling down. Afterwards there is several gunshots. Christa had no gun at the time so I'm pretty sure she was murdered. But I could be wrong. Just look at what happened to Kenny at the end of season 1 before he returns in season 2.
Arvo can go to hell... Little douche shot Clementine regardless of how she treats him!
Send it to me please