As much as I have enjoyed episode 1 of TFS, TellTale disappointed me by
falling into the same "zombies are as strong as we need them to be in any given moment" trap.
Lee tries to smash a truck window, can't do it. Rotten zombies smash through like the windows are made of paper.
Zombies are clumsy and easy to knock off balance, except when Clem rams them with her car, then they're like hitting trees and they can stop a 2 ton muscle car moving at 15-20 mph.
I just wish zombie stories didn't rely so heavily on zombies being strong or weak depending on what the writers need at the time. Consistency. Either zombies are strong and can smash car windows or they're weak and can't. Make them consistent and write around it.
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...seems kinda petty to pick that out
How do you mean? This is an issue that always bugs me in zombie fiction because it always crops up. Not just TellTale, all writers seem to have issues with this. They want to show the characters being badass so inevitably the zombies end up being weak (because they have to be or they'd overpower our heroes) but then the writers need to add danger so suddenly the zombies are able to bench press bears and flip cars (exaggeration, but you get the point).
To add to that, go smash your hand against car windows trying to break them bear fisted. See how much luck you have. When you're done, have someone reply here to describe how badly you failed because you won't be able to type with your broken and bloody stumps.
One of these days Dave...I am going to set you aside and teach you about the differences between real life and works of fiction. Though I think they could break the windows as they do not feel pain...they just want to eat you.
Just because it's fiction is no excuse for throwing all realism and immersion out the window, especially when certain parts of the fiction contradict other parts. That's what separates crap fiction from ok fiction from great fiction. Crap fiction has no basis in reality and mcguffins in every solution it needs. Ok fiction has some basis in reality but it's not consistent. Great fiction has a strong basis in reality (even if part of it is fantasy) and has solid consistency in its own mechanics.
But to your point about them not feeling pain, you're right. That would contribute to them doing things we normal people would be unlikely to be able to do because pain would stop us, but car windows are extremely strong. You'd have to break your hand at one for a while to finally get through it but you certainly couldn't get through in a single strike unless you were crazy strong. But to illustrate my point about lack of pain not making a huge difference if the human body simply isn't capable of something, imagine a zombie or a group of zombies pounding away on a concrete wall. Their arms will be worn down to nubs way before they can do any noticeable damage to a concrete wall. Auto glass isn't a concrete wall, for sure, but it's A LOT stronger than the glass in your house. Most zombies, pain or no, won't have the strength to get through it.
As far as I know the martial art user can break bricks by their hand this days.
The walkers can't feel the pain if their hand get broken or badly hurt so they will keep hitting till there is no arms they can hit with.
I have seen few people who were able to flip a truck, but the truck wasn't running so I can't compare it to a running car.
Well she was driving backwards and uphill.
... it was the tree that stopped the muscle car???
I want to make a thread about teleporting AJ that discusses his apparent hidden powers that Clem will have to harness.
Not when she was going in reverse and hit the 3 walkers
Dude... the whole idea of TWD is unrealistic. I’m suprised ur not complaining about the fact that Clem fit a whole deer skull in her bag. If your a freak about minor plot holes and inconsistencies then TWD simply isn’t for you.
Or in TWD s1 episode 3 when Lee and Clem were in the train station and the blowtorch magically disappeared in Lee's pocket.
Or Molly putting a Car battery in her backpack and then climbing on rooftops with seemingly no issue.
Yeah, cos they’re bodies, they’re obviously going to decrease the speed of the car, no doubt. Even one body could do that, not to mention 3 of them.
Well TT aren't the only ones who do that...the walking dead's show did that too at its first season then they made em like they were in the comics.This shit is hard to perfect so Im afraid this problem ur facing rn will never be solved.
That's how writing works. Things are changed for the convenience of plot. Not every walker is gonna act the same throughout every season. If a walker needs to be stronger to create tension that's what's gonna happen. A majority of people are not going to care; unless they need something to complain about. Like yourself for example. Next thread I'm expecting is "How come Clem can fit a deer skull in her backpack. That's bad writing"
I forgot about that
I think you underestimate how much damage that'd do. I was actually thinking "Why the fuck would you purposefully drive into those walkers?" because it was obvious they'd do some serious damage/Clem wouldn't be able to just bull them over and there was no reason to drive into them. Even if she was driving normally at 20-30 mph and ran them right over, she'd have probably totalled the car.
You grossly overestimate how much the human body would slow down a 2 ton vehicle. I'm going to put in spoilers a link to a news segment covering a car (smaller and lighter than Clem's) in Russia jumping the side walk and plowing through a dozen pedestrians so just know that going into it. There's no blood or anything that I saw but still, be aware. It wasn't going that fast and it bowled them all over like they were cardboard cutouts. 3 walkers could have just been rolled under Clem's car or bounced up onto the trunk as if they weren't there at all.
Ok, maybe my estimate with the car being totalled was wrong. It would still be damaged. But there's no way that the car was going to bulldoze over three walkers while going uphill, in reverse, in the woods. Just not happening. Even if it managed to knock them down, it'd get caught on the bodies and get stuck.
It really would. With it's mass and momentum it'd have just plowed right through those three walkers like they weren't there. Hell, she had her foot on the gas the entire time.
Suspend disbelief. Do this while playing fictional games or watching blockbuster films. The rest will come naturally.
That can only go so far before it ruins the movie or game or whatever other story medium you're dealing with.
"Lee tries to smash a truck window, can't do it. Rotten zombies smash through like the windows are made of paper."
Wowie, a lot of defensive people in this thread. This is a solid (if minor) complaint and I agree with you.
I agree. When Clem backed up and hit those zombies, I was like, Huh? They're not built like trees. They should've exploded in half or got run over.
Dude, the hammerspace is applicable to all types of media & not exclusively to just TWD.
@DabigRG @Thebatman377 @Dat1Wizard246
Examples of the Hammerspace:

What the fuck
Honestly it's a shame that zombies aren't in like world war Z, fast as bonkers, honestly it would make zombie genre so much interesting and scary and TWD a lot more interesting. Seriously walkers are so hard to avoid and there are so many stupid and avoidable deaths.
That's just an established thing in games that include a player inventory. I've never seen a game deal with inventory space in a realistic way. I've seen a few handle it in ways that get closer to realism than most games, but none that handle it truly realistically. When it comes to game mechanics, a lot of times the fun factor is more important than realism. It's why getting shot in the face is usually not instant death in a shooter game. Complete realism there would kill all the fun.
Conversely, in your setting, your lore, you need to maintain a standard. Establish rules that are universal in your game world and then follow them. Don't fudge them for the sake of creating tension or advancing the plot. Consistency is key. If you want your zombies to be herculean supermen and women, fine, but make them all that way. Don't have most of them be so clumsy and weak that a strong breeze will knock them over then randomly throw in a few supermen walkers when you need to create tension and want a car to be destroyed.
Why does Kill La Kill clip look so fluid?
What is is up with Ururu's face and why do Don Kanoji's(?) legs look like a woman's?
Also, why did you summon me?
It exceeds your threshold of fake, regarding fiction. Got it.
lol I think you're intentionally being obtuse.
It's like if you're watching an episode of.. idk, let's say Big Bang Theory, and Leonard is having to deal with a big muscular bully type of guy that's literally twice his size and so Leonard is suddenly super strong and body slams the giant dude, with one hand. It goes against everything previously established about Leonard.
But again, I think you're intentionally being obtuse.
Or when you find the beans while exploring the walker-couple place and Clem simply places it behind her and its disappeared but presumably stashed? lol, like how is this being talked about and not that?
Hey! ....There's nothing unrealistic about any of that, alright?! Don't underestimate the crevices of us women and what we can hide in them!
That's also true. Aside from the cars themselves breaking down, parts failing and no replacements being available, gas itself would deteriorate and be no good. Hell, gas you keep from one mowing season to the next has already begun degrading and makes your mower run like shit, and that's only 6 months of storage. After 9 years, yeah none of it will be good enough to run a car. It'd be like trying to drive a car with rubbing alcohol and whisky in the gas tank, yeah, it's flammable, but it's nowhere near volatile enough to power a car engine.
Well it's not unfeasible that there are oil refineries in operation since people would want to keep their gas engines running, but I don't think there are any refineries in Virginia and Clem certainly isn't carrying one in her back pocket lol.
Plot convenience, most definitely.