Siding with Larry in s1 is pointless

I was trying to be nice to Larry but he’s still and at me no matter what if you side with him on everything it makes no sense I might as wel not side with him


  • Siding with him is a point of good will to Lilly, hell always treat you like shit haha.

  • True the only thing I can see is to give Larry food that’s the only thing lily will care about

    Craixite posted: »

    Siding with him is a point of good will to Lilly, hell always treat you like shit haha.

  • It makes no sense he still punches u smh

    True the only thing I can see is to give Larry food that’s the only thing lily will care about

  • The idea of Larry was to test you if you would help someone even if you hate them i.e. the saltlick situation.

    True the only thing I can see is to give Larry food that’s the only thing lily will care about

  • He has a select few lines/animations where he may acknowledge, but for the most, he's meant to be the crotchety old man stuck in his ways who considers you a potential danger.

  • Aside from my pro-Kenny bias, siding with Kenny in Episode 1 is the right thing to do, because it's the most rational, moral, and respectful, and also makes Kenny treat you better for longer (the whole season rather than two episodes). I try to be nice to Larry at other points, like giving him food and the axe, but here, in the drug store, Kenny really is the best option.

  • What about when you have to save Larry or help kenny kill Larry?

    Aside from my pro-Kenny bias, siding with Kenny in Episode 1 is the right thing to do, because it's the most rational, moral, and respectful

  • I always try to save Larry, because to me that's what Lee would do. It's the moral thing. Yes, I think Larry was dead, and there was really no hope for him, but Lilly was a grieving woman. Plus, I like how it twists Lilly's character and makes the tensions with Kenny more palpable. At the end of the game Kenny will side with my Lee, it's just not a perfect fit.

    What about when you have to save Larry or help kenny kill Larry?

  • Its pointless to side with Lilly or Larry since Larry dies in EP2 and no matter how good you are to Lily, she kills Carley/Doug and leaves the group if you keep her.

  • Larry will remember that.

  • so might Lilly...

    Jayroen posted: »

    Larry will remember that.

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