Contractual obligations, if fulfilled, could allow funds to complete TWD -Mike Futter, CEO contact
This guy is a reporter who has been in direct communication with the CEO. Potential reason we have not heard word on the status of the final season is because the Telltale is working hard to finish the Netflix contract. Once complete, Telltale will be paid for the contract. It's possible (although not guaranteed) that the money could be used to fund the completion of The Final Season of The Walking Dead. This appears to be speculation on Futter's part, but strictly based on the direct information he has from the CEO. That is why we have heard nothing from Telltale most likely.
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but everyones been fired,the skeleton crew cant bring out 2 episodes,and too many bridges burned to hire the ex staff back,the best they could do is try and put 3 and 4 together and use whatever is left from the voice casting to try and give an end.
At this point, I don’t care how much time I’m gonna wait, I want my full game.. even if that took a year to do so.
well the assumption would be that they take the money they gained from the contract to hire the developers necessary to complete the season. The script is written already. They would need animators, programmers, and cinematic designers. It does not necessarily need to be the same ex staff, but I am certain some would be contacted if they have not already moved on.
that would work for me
what's that term called for outside help? like freelancers come in , do a job, get the eps out, leave
If it's true, this would be an incredible relief to me, I can even wait for years just to see the ending of this amazing series.
Also I hope this forum won't shut down.
either way there is gonna be a long wait for the final Eps...
This gives me a little more hope.
Yesterday was nothing but bad news, today has been nothing but good news... let me guess... more bad news tomorrow?
Some small glimmer of hope at last.
Everyone says Minecraft killed TWD.
Plottwist: Minecraft could actually save TWD.
I'd like that.
Considering Friday was all bad news, first half of Saturday was bad news and then the second half was good news, then bad news and now good news again. There’s a pattern. I’m fully confident that the season will be finished. We just gotta help in any way we can and support as much as possible
You guys, I'm feeling like I'm on a rollercoaster and seems like today we are on a high spot, but tomorrow... who knows?
Meh, I hate people giving out false hope. The best thing this guy could do right now is to just shut up.
Its just many former staff are positive its over.
Whatever happens, if Eps 3 and 4 are made, the quality will 100% dip.
We're making "big leaps that don't make any sense" exactly BECAUSE we don't have "the full picture," and we're only doing what we can to keep ourselves from going completely apeshit-crazy. We're just the little people here. Please be patient with us, while we try to be patient with Telltale.
Nah, they’ll use the same script so we’ll still get some great scenes... however we could get a crap load of bugs... worse than ANF, but I doubt that. At least we don’t have to worry about the quality of the story dipping though, and that’s all that matters.
This ^^
I recently heard that Tales From the Borderlands Ep5 was produced by a team of 15 workers. Not only was it a 2 hour episode, but it was also pretty high quality.
Though there's no doubt that a complete change of team in the middle of the season, besides being disrespectful to the team that made the first half of this season so great in the first place, would definitely affect the season's writing, maybe even the whole direction.
On another note, thanks to the ex staff redditor, we also know that a lot of the Ep3 assets were done and that the whole Ep4 script was finished. It would be a matter of sticking to it or not.
But I wouldn't get my hopes up. This guy comes off as knowing as much as we do, the whole "being in direct contact with the CEO" thing isn't really being reflected on the way he's writing about this. Seems like he's just giving his professional (and rather optimistic) view on the situation.
Hope vs. No Hope is the most polarized choice Telltale has given us since Kenny vs Jane
Ugh, thanks for reminding me of that CGI abomination
I cant remember but Im pretty sure a Telltale employee said episode 4 wasnt worked on at all yet. I hope that means the script is made atleast.
Sad part is not only would there be bugs, but story stuff can easily dip. Less money and less people means cut content, so even though they could have a fire script already done, they may cut out a ton for their new low budget ;(
Yeah, they said that it hadn’t been started yet, but it was also confirmed somewhere (can’t remember where, someone posted a tweet here if they can read this and want to help out by posting ?) that the script was fully completed, and I couldn’t see the new crew taking the effort to make their own.
And true, content can be cut, but it’ll likely be the worse parts of the episode, rather than the best (although look at what happened to the slaughterhouse) but, then again, this isn’t a new frontier so we’ll have to wait to find out I guess.
Former lead dev confirmed that the script for episode 4 is finished 100% but only the script. They haven't even started with anything else so basically ep 4 exsists only on paper. No footage, no VA, no animations, no sound etc.
And as with Batman Episode 4 as the final episode is the kind of place you expect to be able to go in numerous ways, maybe as much as two or three entirely different scenarios and situations for the whole episode. So I can imagine the script is hella complex. Butchering that would be heartbreaking.
That's what crowd funding is for. Heaven knows there's enough fans out in the world willing to contribute what they can to see Clem's story not only finished, but polished to the best possible quality.
If you guys think about it, this is the best source we can get since Pete Hawley already had some tweets with Mike Futter, and if you remember what Hawley said in that announcement, there is a small group left that is working to fulfill the company obligations and partners (Minecraft for Netfix), and then he also stated that in the upcoming weeks he will issue further comments regarding the company portfolio.
He also said to Mike Futter through twitter (I think) that company is still alive, despite the circumstances, and that TellTale still havent filed for bankruptcy.
Also considering that Walking Dead is still on sale without any official statement that this series is going to be cancelled (hence the statement that he will issues further comments regarding the company portfolio), I think there's still hope we can see the other 2 episodes.
I mean why he didn't say in that announcement that Walking Dead was going to be cancelled? If it was the case, he could have said that in that announcement, but instead he said that he will issue further comments about company portfolio in the coming weeks.
Dunno if I managed to explain myself, my english is pretty bad.
If Teltale closes but TWD is finished, then so be it. I'd say 100 devs is all we need, and 3 months more of passionate work. If we use 30,000 as a yearly average, divide by 4 to get 3 months = $7500 x 100 employees = $750,000. Which is honestly not a lot. You can do it Telltale, make those deals and get those funds, even if you were supposed to do that before sacking 250 employees ya idiots
I'm worried not all of them will work to the best of their ability because of burnout and lost bother to do it. I'm also worried not all of them will even come back if that does happen.
Oh, and if I had to relocate to another country a week ago to join Telltale but then I'm laid off but were told to come back temporarily to finish TFS, excuse my language, but I'd tell them to fuck themselves. This is truly inexcuasable behavior and until we get a convincing statement regarding Hawley and his board of idiots' crappy handling of the situation, I may never be able to forgive Telltale for it. You don't hire people when you're low on money.
This is a fair point. I doubt most of those fired would be willing to return unless they were promised significant raises and greater control over work hours. Though given how many are at risk of losing their homes with the high prices and with no severance, I suspect a number would just bury their grievances if it meant stable work, if only for a while.
Alright, guess I’m gonna be watching fucking Minecraft on Netflix. If it supports them I’ll do it.
It's easy to say "fuck you, I'll never work here again" when you have options. But when you are adult, have a family, children and all... Isn't that easy.
They could still be binded to some unknown contract or something.
A skeleton crew of 10 people worked on tales from the borderlands and that was a masterpiece but that skeleton crew had funding we will just have to wait and see
I don’t think it would especially matter unless viewing numbers were huge, and I don’t believe Netflix ever reveals them anyway. But given that it might mean that Netflix buys more games for adaptation it could pay off, so no harm to! Minecraft Story Mode S1 is actually pretty good anyway for the most part...
I hope it is true too. I deserve to see Clem's story finished. Btw? I want to see Violetine happen
Possibly, though it might well have been nullified when they were fired. I have wondered if the apparent three hour window that developer mentioned that the former staff had to collect their stuff from the building might be a cover for a meeting for some of them to return under a new (and hopefully fairer) contract.
"Maybe we'll see Telltale rise from it's hospital bed for one last hurrah after a-
The dev team is history, there is no getting around that. Like a staff alumni said on twitter, creative teams aren't interchangeable cogs. The vision will be diluted no matter how much hope you have left.