Episode 3 Predictions
So I thought I'd leave this thread here. Of course we don't know if episode 3 is going to happen or not, but it seems like everyone's talking about that and not about that the actual game. It's just... grim... So, let's put that from our minds and talk about some theories for episode 3.
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The only thing I can guess at this point is Abel getting interrogated and Clem meeting up with James again.
As for made up theories, James helps by sending a herd towards the raiders while clem and the rest set up a rescue.
Don't you get it! There ain't going to be a episode 3.
Yeah but let's pretend like there will be for a while. We don't know that anyway.
We'll be making masks. Fun fun. I think I'll make a Mitch mask
Bury mitch, meet james, rescue everyone. I don't think Omar is gonna make it though
I hope we get at least a couple determinant deaths by the end.
Orange is the New black shower scene but with Clementine
I don't know what was going through my head when I done dis wrote this
Stop with the teasing:
It's going to be a rescue mission
I think we're gonna see a brutal side of Clem in this episode. Abel is going to be tough to interrogate so Clem might even become violent or something.
Probably not blood, that was going through something else.
Eps 5 predition:

Clem's death
Every time i play an episode, my anxiety levels go through the roof, and i think its going to get worse each episode. If 4 comes out im gunna be a wreck.
one thing s for sure: if the next episode does get Released Ruby s dead due to the doctor episode 3 curse.
But on to what i think will happen:
i think we ll end up on a situation where you can redeem Lily and doing that or not will cause one of the characters who was kidnapped to live thought the episode ((Im thinking Aasim s gonna be the determinant one out of them.)) and Omar is definitely dead the only way he s gonna live thought episode 3 is if telltale decides to keep him just to have a more simple character that isnt as interesting as the others to still be around.
((Also we re definitely torturing Abel althought i think Violet will be in charge of that if she gets saved while if Louis got saved you re in charge of it and also we re definitely going on a rescue mission after he cracks.))
I think our louis or Violet, who live and who dies, choice will happen in this episode. If not, then the one after.
And AJ is bloodthirsty, if Abel can survive to the end of E3 I’ll eat my shoe.
Episode three will include the following of my predictions
-Probably a trade off just like in Michonne, that's of course they have Abel to trade for the captured school kids.
-More Romance... I think??
-Lilly being more bitter?
-Louis (Or Violet) More serious and the group.
Lol Ep3 first objective "Find Abel a wheelchair"
Or probably find him a new arm.
My Abel still has 2 arms, but I regret the decision to let him leave after what I saw in the last episode.
He won't be Abel to do much after we're done with him.
My rest of the season prediction/headcanon if they don't get released:
Clem finds the other group the Delta is fighting a war against and teams up with them to destroy the Delta. They together save the prisoners and crush the Delta. Clem and AJ join the other community and live happily ever after. The End.
It’s for the best, he would never Aasim-ilate into the new world order that Clem will build or join.
Hopefully, more James.
I have a strange feeling that Ep3 will be the weakest one of TFS.
My lilly was actually pretty nice and cool tbh but I need a redemption arc in episode 3 or just plain character development.
I think Louis is gonna undergo huge character developments! He already kind has considerinng the line where he admits he should be less stupid sometimes.
Does anyone else see similarities between Abel & Randall? From the Michonne game.
Randall was a lot crazier than Abel, but I can see the similarities.
Something tells me that the group Delta was fighting were The Whisperers. I don't know when this season was taking place, but I'm predicting that Delta is not aware that The Whisperers are no longer active.
Okay, idea. This is going off of the brutal Clementine prediction.
What if we have to choose between James and Lily's ways of thinking?
James is extremely peaceful and doesn't even want to hurt walkers. Lily is fucking brutal and is willing to murder and kidnap to get what she wants.
Maybe it'll be a choice?
I've always tried diplomacy before having to get violent so i'd have to go with James point of view in that situation.
That choice would more appropriately be suited against Louis or Violet. They want to kill walkers, and use violence against those that killed/kidnapped their friends. James, as you pointed out, is opposite to that.
I looked up the achievements again for Ep3 and Ep4, this should help.
Episode 3 achievements:
Act 1: Whispers
Act 2: Shoreline
Act 3: Leader
Episode 4 achievements:
Act 1: Red Water
Act 2: Final Lesson
Act 3: Savior