Bricks vs log? What did you choose?
I chose bricks but I'm curious how the log works out if anyone chose that. I was under the impression there'd be several bags of bricks but there seemed to be only one, which contradicts Aasim's argument that the bricks would get multiple raiders and the log would only get 1 raider at best.
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I chose bricks because I expected more than one guy to die. I’d lmao if the log killed everyone but Lilly and Abel
I chose bricks because Aasim is smarter than Willy so I trusted his plan more
Both are fucked up.
Bricks sounds more reasonable, but the log is just downright wacked out--and Willy still gets it setup.
Again, really makes you wonder why Tenn, Sophie, Omar, and recently Ruby are there.
Bricks because I thought it'd take out more than 1 person, otherwise I would've chose the Log
Did you choose log? If so, how did it work out?
Oh, as it happens I found a video that has both ways in it. Same result either way, the one guy dies and no one else does.
What's wrong with him having a crush on Ruby? She's a cute little fat girl lol. I understand it. I too have a thing for red heads lol.
I really messed with Aasim during the game, told him to ask Ruby for a kiss and also said Id "flip" him lmao. That plus Louis non stop teasing. RIP Aasim, always being bullied :kennysad:
lol I did the same thing, though I was genuinely trying to get him to get over his shyness about Ruby and actually get somewhere with her.
@Hillbilly_Dave you found another problem! First the buckshot, and now this! Keep going lel
Remember people--the second(?) youngest student of the school and a preteen at best is the one who suggested and partially set that up.
Surprised Yonatan didn't get fuckin skewed and/or impaled on the damn thing.
Cause that's AJ territory.
No matter what you choose, it's the same ending. I hate it.
In true TellTale fashion. We really shouldn't be surprised lol.
bricks obviously. willy's kinda stupid
I had the same rational.
I chose bricks because I thought it was more practical. Didn’t like hurting Willy’s feelings though.
Well, that's true. But I really hope they could put more effort into the option. Make the option really matters, not just making the dialog different but real difference. Maybe two or three completely different outcome. It will make the game more interesting.
If they had rigged the log to swing width ways instead of on its end it really could have taken out two or three raiders at once. Those kids are all dumb lol.
Log. Log booby traps are bad ass.
I picked the log because
I chose Willy's log plan to gain some trust from him.
i chose bricks for the reasons ppl stated above but also bc i've been grinding hard trying to smash aasim. this was before ruby the cockblocker came into the picture tho rip
I chose the bricks because Assim promised me it would take out multiple raiders. He was wrong as shit. I don't think the brick trap was set up as good as it could be. Shoulda been a more giant back or a bunch of bags to just drop raining bricks on all the raiders.
Build a fuckin wall on them.
Bricks, more practical. ALOTTTA DAMAGEEE
Chose a log because that's what we were using on zombies in the woods. Worked like a charm.
I can't fuckin believe they not only got those to begin with, but then near perfectly replicated it indoors.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think the developers just reused the assets lol
Bricks but I kinda wanna know what happens if you choose the Log (in terms of Willy and Aasims relationship / end stats)
I linked a video above, it might have that. idk, I only cared about the actual function and efficacy of it so I didn't watch all the video.
Appreciated but it only shows function/efficacy though apperently Willy still gets mad and punches Aasim either way so doesn't make much difference.
Because Aasim still ends up belittling him.
Bricks just to piss off Willy.
These kids need lessons from Home Alone

Though you can see Abel is the only one durable like those jerks.
Specifically 3:36 when dealing with a log trap.
Chose the Log trap , since Aasim was insulting Willy and i wanted him to feel better and i kinda knew it won`t matter that much